Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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It would be tendentious to... certain things. I say that as a person trying to type text it would be especially hard because the symbiology and analogies would be extremely hard to keep pg13, even if nothing at all was happening.
Grail is about seduction, and pleasantness, and perhaps even love. It is NOT just carnality and desire. But certain ideas would have to conveyed, and you would have an extreme-Grail Mistress leading your cult, so...
Well, it would have been a challenge.
I'll be perfectly honest: I would enjoy a vm18 version of THAT story.

not that I'm not enjoying this one of course! It's just that the idea of a sex cult fighting to protect the world through the power of love (and sex, can't forget about the sex), if played straight, would be hilarious!

Also hot, but mostly hilarious!

Does anyone know how to create tags?
I was waiting for this update to include tags, but I could only put "Crossover".
My intention was "Hugs" "Ponies" "Eldritch Horror" and "Down we go.", but it said the last three were new and that I "could not create new tags". Which is a bit of a shame.

If I remember right "new" tags can only be made by paying subscribers. It's 5$ per months (new tags should remain), and it gives a few extra things

  • For 1 month, the following benefits are provided:
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you could try to ask a moderator to do it for you I suppose, or you could make a single month subscription.


eh, why not.

I bought you a one month subscription. YOu should be able to add the tags now :D

Also, so heartless! Not a single person is even moderately interested in giving Celestia a hug.
Which is fine by me. Luna is best pony (and it is an extremely bad idea to discuss against the QM on this), so Sunbutt can go wallow in her catatonic state, alone, all she wants.

Luna kinda needs it more. Also I don't think there's a single person foolish enough to say that Luna is NOT Best Princess!

now on to read the update...
The point of the villainous route here isn't cackling sadism or the kind of pointless self indulgence that villain quests often dissolve into, its that the lores and ideas that working with both promote and require a fundamentally inhuman mindset. Moth is not the worst but it still pushes its disciples away from ideas of empathy to the point where even Moth 2 cultists have descriptions like "Porter plies his razor and his scissors, to the great advantage of his friends.". The attraction is in that inhuman mindset and that idea is at the heart of what makes Cultist Simulator interesting and its something unique I would like to see in this quest
[X] You nod, a grim understanding coming to you: Equestria is in danger, and something must be done about it. You have not reached the point where you think a line has been crossed, not when considering what you have just seen. But you will keep that line close to your heart, for you know that you will lose something the day you cross it, and it is not something you wish to lose if you can avoid.

[X] You shake your head in denial. This, just now, was wrong: There are better ways to do this. YOU know better ways to do it. But it is undeniable that you do know no a lot, about almost everything else. Your cult has an established structure and is growing, and you have a position of power within in, but after tonight, you do not intent to stay forever.

Either of these two. Hurting people is... boring. It's just boring.
Full villain sucks though, because it will probably screw over most normal ponies.

The second choice leaves a bad taste in my mouth - it's personal loyalty, or even obsession with Cult Master, which, in my opinion, limits the possible options.

Refer to my first post why I don't want the middle choice.

I don't want to go betrayal, yet - we just saw how powerful is the Master, and I still don't see a real point of contention. Sure, Luna's nightmare sequence was horrifying, but it wasn't an intended, or even a theorized result for anyone (save QM, I guess).

Leaving now would just be boring, and I really like the Quest. I want to see the Quest continue, and, therefore, this option is unacceptable.

...from the start of this Cultist Simulator crossover quest, normal ponies were going to suffer and die, be sacrificed and driven insane. They still will, regardless of our choices.

While making sure the least amount of suffering is inflicted is possible, such is something we might not have the luxury of. We don't have a walkthrough, and might not have resources or time to act most ethically.


Nah, I'll stick with my choice.
[X] You realize that you had a smile on your face: Princess Luna is weak, but she still bears immense power. She is like a spoiled child, unaware of what she could do if she had the will to, so perhaps the term "Princess" really is fitting, after all. You will take her power, or you will take her, and then you will take what comes next. Everything between here and there will become means to those ends.
[X] You shake your head in denial. This, just now, was wrong: There are better ways to do this. YOU know better ways to do it. But it is undeniable that you do know no a lot, about almost everything else. Your cult has an established structure and is growing, and you have a position of power within in, but after tonight, you do not intent to stay forever.
[] You realize that you had a smile on your face: Princess Luna is weak, but she still bears immense power. She is like a spoiled child, unaware of what she could do if she had the will to, so perhaps the term "Princess" really is fitting, after all. You will take her power, or you will take her, and then you will take what comes next. Everything between here and there will become means to those ends.

-You will learn from the Opening Lessons.
-You will take note of the Deep Observations.
-You will accept the Terrible Revelation.
-You will receive an additional EDGE scrap of lore, for your ambition, as well as +1 Martial and +1 Intrigue, for they will be sorely needed.
-Any action will be permissible, and everything you did, up until now, has been an act. But you are really good at acting.
-This quest will receive the "Villain" tag.
-And there will be no love within you.

The bolded bits are why I do not want this option to win. Velvet has a daughter. A daughter! Do we really want Velvet to not care about her daughter?
[X] You realize just how right your Master is: Your Master is right, and it is a blessing that you have met Copper Secateur and, through her, been induced into the cult. You must defend Equestria, no matter the cost, and only by furthering your cult will that be possible.

Normally, I'd have gone with the fence sitting but I feel like too many questers do that as is but I also don't like the idea of fully embracing the alien mindset that the Smile option grants. I feel like Velvet Covers is much a more interesting character when she has mortal concerns to hold onto. When she still has a core of decency, of duty, that desire to make a safer world for her family.

Villain adjacent rather than full villain is an interesting place to be, narratively speaking.
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[X] You shake your head in denial. This, just now, was wrong: There are better ways to do this. YOU know better ways to do it. But it is undeniable that you do know no a lot, about almost everything else. Your cult has an established structure and is growing, and you have a position of power within in, but after tonight, you do not intent to stay forever.

[X] You realize just how right your Master is: Your Master is right, and it is a blessing that you have met Copper Secateur and, through her, been induced into the cult. You must defend Equestria, no matter the cost, and only by furthering your cult will that be possible.

[X] You nod, a grim understanding coming to you: Equestria is in danger, and something must be done about it. You have not reached the point where you think a line has been crossed, not when considering what you have just seen. But you will keep that line close to your heart, for you know that you will lose something the day you cross it, and it is not something you wish to lose if you can avoid.

I'm a little leery of going full villain, if only because I enjoy the sweet interactions Velvet has with her family. I don't want to choose betrayal yet, either, because I agree (more or less) with the Master's actions so far, and I think being a trusted student could yield interesting rewards. Choosing Moderate is kinda a cop out, honestly, but it's not a bad option, really. I might end up sticking with only one choice later, but for now these are my votes.
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[X] You nod, a grim understanding coming to you: Equestria is in danger, and something must be done about it. You have not reached the point where you think a line has been crossed, not when considering what you have just seen. But you will keep that line close to your heart, for you know that you will lose something the day you cross it, and it is not something you wish to lose if you can avoid.

Equestria must be protected for the Princesses are as blind as the rest of ponykind to the threat and Celestia would bury her head in the sands rather than do something. What was done was not righteous, but it was not intentional. We learned more of what we face and have brought Luna truly back, even if she must remember the horrific truth.

The Dark is vast, ancient and full of monsters. But we shall fight them, for no one else can.
[X] You realize just how right your Master is: Your Master is right, and it is a blessing that you have met Copper Secateur and, through her, been induced into the cult. You must defend Equestria, no matter the cost, and only by furthering your cult will that be possible.

I agree with the Master. Also, his focus on first figuring stuff out is admirable.
It almost feels like a darker Lantern route. Like a moth to a light.
[X] You nod, a grim understanding coming to you: Equestria is in danger, and something must be done about it. You have not reached the point where you think a line has been crossed, not when considering what you have just seen. But you will keep that line close to your heart, for you know that you will lose something the day you cross it, and it is not something you wish to lose if you can avoid.
[X] You nod, a grim understanding coming to you: Equestria is in danger, and something must be done about it. You have not reached the point where you think a line has been crossed, not when considering what you have just seen. But you will keep that line close to your heart, for you know that you will lose something the day you cross it, and it is not something you wish to lose if you can avoid.
[X] You realize that you had a smile on your face: Princess Luna is weak, but she still bears immense power. She is like a spoiled child, unaware of what she could do if she had the will to, so perhaps the term "Princess" really is fitting, after all. You will take her power, or you will take her, and then you will take what comes next. Everything between here and there will become means to those ends.
I choose this because I feel we truly understand the necessity of the actions taken because of the danger Equestria is in, but also because I feel the love we have shown for the people around us and the friendships we have established show a more caring attitude towards the world, also because I like this mix of fighting with understanding the lore while keeping us sane for the sake of our family. Its a good mixture of feel good and existential horror.

The later part is notably an argument for the "We have not crossed the line yet" choice.

[X] You shake your head in denial. This, just now, was wrong: There are better ways to do this. YOU know better ways to do it. But it is undeniable that you do know no a lot, about almost everything else. Your cult has an established structure and is growing, and you have a position of power within in, but after tonight, you do not intent to stay forever.

(Vote edited from "you shake your head in denial", to "your nod, a grim understanding", still with the idea that a line was crossed but also because I feel the cult is doing important work so I won't lock in a betrayal)

And changed my vote again.
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[X] You nod, a grim understanding coming to you: Equestria is in danger, and something must be done about it. You have not reached the point where you think a line has been crossed, not when considering what you have just seen. But you will keep that line close to your heart, for you know that you will lose something the day you cross it, and it is not something you wish to lose if you can avoid.

[X] You realize just how right your Master is: Your Master is right, and it is a blessing that you have met Copper Secateur and, through her, been induced into the cult. You must defend Equestria, no matter the cost, and only by furthering your cult will that be possible.

I'd like to stay in the cult and try to attempt being friend's with everyone rather than burn bridge's on both side's of the extreme.
After all Friendship is Magic!!
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[X] You nod, a grim understanding coming to you: Equestria is in danger, and something must be done about it. You have not reached the point where you think a line has been crossed, not when considering what you have just seen. But you will keep that line close to your heart, for you know that you will lose something the day you cross it, and it is not something you wish to lose if you can avoid.
Thinking about it @BirdBodhisattva I think what makes me lean towards this option more than the neutral on is the acknowledgement that the this was wrong, and I would probably vote for a more neutral option if that was included.

I just don't really know what the exact difference in effect wold be from: (For example)

You nod, a grim understanding coming to you: Equestria is in danger, and something must be done about it. You have reached and crossed the line, for the first and only time, but the cult must not fall, not when considering what you have just seen. You will keep that line close to your heart, for you know that you lost something today and cannot bear to what to see what continuing down that path will do to you, not if its something you can avoid. (Or whatever, I am not a writer)

In comparison to the neutral option.
[X] You nod, a grim understanding coming to you: Equestria is in danger, and something must be done about it. You have not reached the point where you think a line has been crossed, not when considering what you have just seen. But you will keep that line close to your heart, for you know that you will lose something the day you cross it, and it is not something you wish to lose if you can avoid.

I shall not vote for any vote that has no love in the characters heart, for her daughter is adorable. The slow path to leaving is also acceptable though, as is Lord Warlock's write in.
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"You… all of you, who are awake. You are the ones who made it to the end," your Master says, but there is something terribly wrong about its voice, something you had never heard in it before. "The others… would not have been strong enough. The revelation would have burned them, and Lantern or Winter would have claimed their minds from thereafter… I sent them to the Woods…"

You realize what is wrong about its voice. And although it should be normal, as your Master is surely great in Moth, it somehow feels strange. Maybe because it seems to be too real. Too honest.

You realize that you Master sounds... confused? Not shocked, not afraid, not surprised, but something maddening close to those three. Something that perhaps might see better justice if it is described as "in deep thought".
Knowledge is not kind. It just is.

And the Master seems like he has been taken by surprise. Did he learn something unexpected about the Worms, or about Luna herself?

maybe by dreams of an alliance with the princesses are not yet a lost cause!

"The worms could not take over, in that far past, they could not… become with the memories of those they claimed. But it seems that they can, now. That they have learned how to do it, somehow."
ah. Basically he's surprised that Nightmare Moon was possible.

Did he think it was just Luna going mad from knowledge she was not ready for?

"But there is something else to be learned in all of this, which the most attentive of you may have noticed," the Master seems to be regaining her balance now, its voice becoming sharper and harder, its tone returning to a guiding and teaching one, to the tone better suited to a leader of the faithful, "the alicorn Luna knew too little. She was witness and victim, and her crime was ignorance, both in the past and today. The fate that befell her long ago will be the same that shall befall Equestria if the alicorns keep to their work, but we know now that even the alicorns are young. They were invited into this world, they were borne here, and as it is proper for the law of birth they came without knowledge of wisdom. They are no better than foals when it comes to certain realizations."
ok, so a bit less hostility now. also the Master is a her? I probably shouldn't be surprised, Equestria has mostly female figures as beings of power.
"She will always be a detestable outsider, her arrival heralding that of other unwelcome guests, each greater and more abominable than the last, but… she was also made a pawn. She is a pawn of Harmony. She has made covenant with the very cause of Equestria's danger. However…" There is mischief in the voice, now, "pawns may change hoofs, and she has seen what the ultimate result of her actions will be, if she keeps to them. And as well as changing hoofs, pawns may even become other, greater pieces, if they advance sufficiently…"
...ok, forget I said anything. Less hostility is still hostility.

I wander what exactly Harmony is though. Maybe it's the name of an Hour here, or something similar?

"The alicorns arrived after the God of Chaos had wrought its destruction, after the world already was as it currently is, and as such are merely employed as guardians of the status-quo, as nurturers of this current and sickening order of things. We must seek older sources, reach for greater knowledge, and above all else we must understand what the fires of Harmony are in the first place, as an initiate might toil to understand the Glory as he ascends ever higher. Perhaps it knows not what it is attracting, or perhaps it does, and to be consumed is its very intention, but before we may know how to best protect Equestria, we must first understand what causes its danger."
you know, he's not exactly wrong. Discord and Harmony, no matter their intentions, are the cause of this danger as far as we can tell.

And yet, maybe Harmony has a plan to deal with the Worms once and for all. the Master here has not even considered such a possibility.

[] You realize that you had a smile on your face: Princess Luna is weak, but she still bears immense power. She is like a spoiled child, unaware of what she could do if she had the will to, so perhaps the term "Princess" really is fitting, after all. You will take her power, or you will take her, and then you will take what comes next. Everything between here and there will become means to those ends.

-You will learn from the Opening Lessons.
-You will take note of the Deep Observations.
-You will accept the Terrible Revelation.
-You will receive an additional EDGE scrap of lore, for your ambition, as well as +1 Martial and +1 Intrigue, for they will be sorely needed.
-Any action will be permissible, and everything you did, up until now, has been an act. But you are really good at acting.
-This quest will receive the "Villain" tag.
-And there will be no love within you.
no. Just no.

I mean it, NO!

By the way, if you choose this one silky stream will retraoctively be changed to this one

in case you don't know, she's Cozy Glow, the worst Villain Equestria has ever faced. and She's a pegasus child/filly.

No, I'm not kidding. She nearly removed all magic from existence

[] You realize just how right your Master is: Your Master is right, and it is a blessing that you have met Copper Secateur and, through her, been induced into the cult. You must defend Equestria, no matter the cost, and only by furthering your cult will that be possible.

-You will learn from the Opening Lessons.
-You will take note of the Deep Observations.
-You will accept the Terrible Revelation.
-You will be personally loyal to your Master. Thoughts of betrayal will be much harder to harbor, even if you are required to do more questionable things. The alternative if you fail is too horrible, after all.
-Your loyalty will make itself shown through every small act, and every small word. You will grow in the eyes of your Master more quickly and will be more rewarded for your efforts.
mh... I understand how Velvet could go for this. It's a trend as old as history, sacrificing freedom and ideals for security and stability, and the Master DOES have some good points.

But I don't agree with him completely. He's right that the Alicorns and Harmony are, at least apparently, acting in a reckless way, likely out of ignorance.

But the Alicorn Sisters are only trying to do their best, and we don't even know if Harmony, whatever it is, has a plan for the Worms or not.

[] You nod, a grim understanding coming to you: Equestria is in danger, and something must be done about it. You have not reached the point where you think a line has been crossed, not when considering what you have just seen. But you will keep that line close to your heart, for you know that you will lose something the day you cross it, and it is not something you wish to lose if you can avoid.

-You will learn from the Opening Lessons.
-You will take note of the Deep Observations.
-You will accept the Terrible Revelation.
-You will remain in your cult, but you will be attentive to your actions. The decision of whether what you are doing is correct, or not, will be made by you later.
-This is the "neutral" option. Call it noncommitment or call it wisdom, but the pony sitting on the fence can see further and clearer than those on the ground.

Possible. There is some wisdom in waiting to make a judgement, though other might call it cowardice.

[] You shake your head in denial. This, just now, was wrong: There are better ways to do this. YOU know better ways to do it. But it is undeniable that you do know no a lot, about almost everything else. Your cult has an established structure and is growing, and you have a position of power within in, but after tonight, you do not intent to stay forever.

-You will NOT learn from the Opening Lessons.
-You will take note of the Deep Observations.
-You will accept the Terrible Revelation.
-The seed of betrayal will be planted in your heart, and you will slowly allow it to grow. You will remain in your cult, but with a hidden agenda.
-This is the subtle option for betrayal, and you will play the long game. Whether if you will attempt to take over the cult slowly, turning those who are closer to you against your Master one at a time, or if you will aim at taking your Master down in one fell swoop will be up to you.

mh.. this is very interesting.

We could try to become a spy for the cult. We're already friends with Rarity and Twilight, we might be able to use Spike to send secret messages to princess Celestia if we wanted too. We could contact Luna in the dreamlands, and try to trick the Master with her as an ally. If he found her first we could reveal his exact role in her nightmare later on.

THere are interesting possibilities here.

[] You loudly decry your master. A moment too late, a second after his presence is gone, but you are heard by everypony else: What you did tonight was wrong, and your Master either knew of the consequences, or he is not wise enough to be worth following. But regardless of what he is, you will actively oppose him.

-You will NOT learn from the Opening Lessons.
-You will NOT take note of the Deep Observations.
-You will accept the Terrible Revelation.
-You will attempt create a splinter from your cult. It will not be easy, but surely there will be some who will follow. You will choose whether if you will do it immediately, while the fright of the ritual is recent in the minds of the ponies who saw to its conclusion, or if you will do it later, albeit soon. But your intentions will be clear from the start.
-This is the unsubtle and fast option for leaving your cult, while keeping in touch with the esoteric.
-You will make an enemy out of your Master, but your actions will decide just how much of his attention and wrath you will attract.

IF we do this I think we should seriously consider going to Twilight immediately, and use Spike to send a message to Celestia about everything we know.

This is basically the perfect option to start a cult/secret group under the Alicorn's aegis. If we manage to reach the Alicorns themselves, and IF Celestia doesn't lose control and kill us for what happened to Luna (unlikely, but she's gonna be PISSED).

By the way I think this is also the best plan to introduce Twlight to the occult. After all she'd certainly be able to help. We could even start to teach what Lore we know to all three princesses, and with access to their secret texts and libraries (if we managed to gain their trust) we could advance possibly even more quickly than with our master's teaching, at least up to a point.

mh.. @BirdBodhisattva , would this possibly change our focus from Moth to something else? I mean, if we OPENLY went to the princesses (assuming the Master doesn't manage to stop us first) wouldn't that go against the Teachings of Moth?

Maybe we could change focus to Lantern or Secret Histories for example.

[] You left. You broke. You galloped away, screaming, and you arrived home limping, your leg cramped with debilitating pain. No more of this. No more.: You do not want to have anything to do with this anymore. The ritual was too wrong, the memories of Princess Luna too vivid. The worms were too frightening.

-You will NOT learn from the Opening Lessons.
-You will NOT take note of the Deep Observations.
-You will DENY the Terrible Revelation.
-You will immediately break ties with your cult. A further option will be opened as to whether you wish too KEEP or FORGET your current Mansus Lore. There is no way to know how your Master, and the cult, will react.
-The quest will change very much indeed.
..nah. I imagine Velvet as being stronger than this.

She should act one way or the other, but inaction is not fine. I AM a bit curious about what would happen after this, but not enough to actually take it.

ok, as of right now I'm against the total loyalty and run away options, and REALLY tempted by the "immediate Betrayal", with a side of "go to the princesses".

I can be convinced to vote for tentative agreement and slow betrayal too though.
[X] You shake your head in denial. This, just now, was wrong: There are better ways to do this. YOU know better ways to do it. But it is undeniable that you do know no a lot, about almost everything else. Your cult has an established structure and is growing, and you have a position of power within in, but after tonight, you do not intent to stay forever.

I think at least I want this to eventually end in a happy ending. I'm sure with our new connections, with our friend Rarity and our acquaintance Twilight Sparkle and our family we can find a way to stop the world from ending in worms. No need to kidnap princesses!
Anti-World-Ending Crusaders, Yay!
also, the vote contains a typo, "know no a lot". I'm leaving it in since I don't want it to cause confusion when we tally, but I thought I'd bring it up.
[X] You nod, a grim understanding coming to you: Equestria is in danger, and something must be done about it. You have not reached the point where you think a line has been crossed, not when considering what you have just seen. But you will keep that line close to your heart, for you know that you will lose something the day you cross it, and it is not something you wish to lose if you can avoid.

I hate how crudely Luna's revelations were handled, but they were necessary. She cannot afford to be ignorant of the dangers to come, and neither can we. Hopefully, we get a chance to make it up to her at some point. Pawns should not be discarded, but utilized and promoted. And Luna is a Princess waiting to become a Queen.

Ponies have died because of this, and more will die by the times this ends. But I'll be damned if we don't do everything in our power to avert the coming apocalypse.

Going full villain seems shortsighted to me, immediate gratification instead of long term reward. Turning away is foolish, and leaving the cult is even more foolish.

And we love our daughter. I'll be damned if all that happiness we felt in relation to her was a lie.

And if we make a few friends along the way? That's just the way of Equestria.

So we'll stay. We will watch, and gather knowledge and power. When the time comes, we will make our decision. And we will change the world.

Either of these two. Hurting people is... boring. It's just boring.

And I almost completely agree with this. Hurting people in this blunt weapon trauma way is boring, and counterproductive. It's why I prefer the subversion route, or the conversion route. Not the "Traumatize the Princess by bombarding her with revelations route." It's just too crude for my tastes, too much chance of breaking the target.
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