I'd like to break through the barrier from Brine Formation into Nascent Writer, but the thought of writing dialogue for any character just makes me cringe with every iota of my existence.

i get tired of hearing my own voice; there's no way I can write multiple characters
I'm traveling the heterodox path of the Negaverse Writer, which seeks to embrace voting rather than sever it, so my advice might not be the most useful, but focusing on a situation that would involve little or no dialogue, and which instead highlights whatever part of writing you find most tolerable (or perhaps even enjoyable) might be something worthwhile to try, if you can figure such a set-up?
I'd like to break through the barrier from Brine Formation into Nascent Writer, but the thought of writing dialogue for any character just makes me cringe with every iota of my existence.

i get tired of hearing my own voice; there's no way I can write multiple characters
If even I made a Breakthrough into the Nascent Writer Realm, anyone can. Just write what you want to exist as something written! It worked for me at least.
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I'm also willing to offer my aid in breaking through, if you are willing to risk the chance of it introducing flaws in your Argumentation.
[X] Cut Through

Jeez, I've been staying away from the thread due to school, but I just have to step in here. I have voted for risky things before, but I will never, ever vote to spend Arete on something that makes like harder for us. This tower is an obvious trap - but everyone acknowledges that already, even the ones voting for it.

I swear, I've never before seen an option that I dislike so much, and worst of all it seems to be winning. Am I going to have to contribute omake power against this?
[ ] The Opalescent Tower [25 Arete] - That which is long united, must divide; that which is long divided, must unite. Fold the Opalescent Tower into the Cloak of Evening and return the Cloak of Sky to its uttermost glory, the Empyrean Mantle restored at last. Requires Sky Veil.
[ ] Sky Veil [7 Arete] - Just as the sky emblazons one's majesty, so too can it do the inverse, serving as a curtain drawn against the solar blaze of superhuman will. In addition to allowing the wearer to voluntarily decrease his Charisma +s in increments of 25% (without affecting associated Attributes like Protection from Vigor Itself! A rare trait), it also increases Protection by +++++ and AGI by ++. Allows the Evening Sky to disguise its appearance, taking on the semblance of the morning or noonday sky, or even of an ordinary cloak - much as it may despise such diminishment. Unlocks stealth- and disguise-based Advancements, including Conjunctional effects with Aeira.
If the Opalescent Tower required Sky Veil (and the Evening Sky itself), what would be the "prereqs" for the Tower of Earth? Do we have an incomplete fragment thereof? At an incredible stretch, the Azure Ring, but basically I'd say no.

So for step one, we should absorb part of the Earth. It can't be divided into parts like "Noontime Earth," that is nonsensical without the sky. Instead... layers?
stone to its air, depth to its void.
That fits with depth. Crust, Mantle, Core. Starting with the 2-Arete Crust version. There's no convenient pirate, though. We might be able to break the Tower to replicate how the Evening Sky was fragmented off. Or just start from the entire surface patiently before going deeper with the Abduction, more simply.

What would be the Skyveil equivalent, though? I think it's important, because the Earth Tower is mindbreaking everyone with it's awesomeness, just as the Sky would have. Clouds (alternatively, magnetism) dim the glory of the sky, standing between the sun and the observer. The veil between the Earth and me is... the Earth itself, honestly (Potentially the grass, but eh. Fits with Ring, though, so maybe?). The heat and vigor of the core is blunted by the sheer mass of the stone that created the pressure in the first place. It's a metaphor or something, fuck if I know. If that's the case, then the layer theory is enough to solve that problem with no extra steps.

And last, I'm not sure if mantle/mantle is meaningful or just something to chuckle about.

tl;dr planets are like ogres
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a situation that would involve little or no dialogue
I can't write a quest about Prolessarch, Catherine, and Gisena teaming up with a Cursebearer if none of them ever talk to each other!

(Thank you for the offer of help! I will 100% take you up on it once I have some words that you can read :) )
It seems the non-Absorb voters may need to consolidate around one of the other strategies... Absorb may itself not be the only trap Augustine has prepared, merely the most dangerous! Victory lies in having defeated your enemy before he ever attains the battlefield.
See, if I was actually happy with any of my quest drafts, this would be the ideal time to bust one out and shoot to the top of the cultivation stages. Alas, none of them are what I would consider battle-ready, except maybe Trouble in Paradise, which has some things that concern me, from a running-a-quest standpoint. The writing doesn't make me want to puke, at least, but it's not worth jumping into actually starting the thing, purely for the memes.

Maybe I'll try writing up that spirit-binder academy idea, I think that one has promise and I can space the background work out over a longer period of time with that premise. The OP for that one is hard as **** though, which is why it doesn't currently exist.
[X] Cut Through

When we took the tower, she took one of our companions. She has some kind of spell that gives her an extraordinary ability to kidnap enemy assets, but it only works when we steal something from her first.

If we take the tower, we lose an ally.
The OP for that one is hard as **** though, which is why it doesn't currently exist
im having the opposite problem. i am up to 6 quest "seeds" now, and figuring out which ones might actually get follow up content is pretty difficult
I'm quite speechless. It's like watching someone step on a rake again and again, thinking the outcome will be different because they did their squats.

Others have already outlined how this will likely allow Augustine to do an even more bullshit version of the Versch Exchange, since this time she would have prepared from the very beginning. Maybe she could become his pilot in truth, or she would devour him very efficiently? The possibilities are endless, but they're not of the kind we would like to see, I'm sure.

Let's... not swallow the obvious bait while screaming that we're invincible, please?

[X] Cut Through
[X] Cut Through

[X] Quick but Methodical

[X] Absorb the Tower of Earth

What's our name? Hunger

btw do we know what Bring to Heel does?
Are we literally trying to lose this? If we picked War, let's actually fight this war to the best of our abilities. I am not even sure Cut Through is the best, but it is certainly better than going into a trap prepared by a very competent archmage.

[X] Cut Through
Or, wait, this could actually be hilarious. What if eating the Tower teleported us straight to Shard and forced us to fight? Making her enemies deal with each other before finishing off the 'winner' is the kind of thing that I can see an archmage like her doing. After all, a competent one knows that it's not what you know, it's who.

We would die and she would probably write a pithy epitaph over our grave to remember us by, what an unexpected twist!
Adhoc vote count started by Projectile on Sep 16, 2020 at 1:54 AM, finished with 93 posts and 30 votes.
Votes like these are the type to force us cultivators to lose progress in our path unending.

Even if we have severed ourselves from voting or have created works unknown to Meows, the Salt incoming will bring us down regardless.

I'm trying to think of something witty to put in place of Meridians, but they're kinda blocked by unexpected impurities.
Honestly, I'm 50-50 on whether I'm supporting Absorb purely for meme and I'll swap off it if it looks like it might actually win, or if I actually want to go for the Dying Gang play here.
In the absence of formalAI how can any of us truly know what the Dying Gang or the Not Dying Gang should do?

(i hope he is ok)
Let's try and do some digging, yeah?

Little was known about the Opalescent Tower, save that it had been erected by the Royal House of Mirel about twenty centuries ago, and had been the subject of much magical experimentation under prior Kings.

We know little about the Towers, save that they can probably be experimented on?

At last they reached the border of Augustine's inner dominion, the simple command tent now elevated atop a foreboding pillar, column of earth upthrust from the swamp around and fissured with seams of azure and gold. The Cloak of Sky writhed and snapped, bristling before the form of its nemesis: stone to its air, depth to its void.

The senses swam before that impossible tower, its fell radiance swarming mind and spirit. Augustine's forces dwelt in the corners of the real, their might sufficient to rend soul and sanity; yet he was the envoy of a greater power still, before which even such terrors as this were less than motes in the breeze. He flared the Ring of Crimson, bright burning Blood which brought mere Passion to heel, and even fear itself could naught but yield before its fury.

The Cloak of Sky happens to dislike the Tower of Earth. We don't know if this means it would be more willing to eat it, or less. We also know that the Patron this tower represents is of a lower power-tier than Claumngor (who is apparently made up, anyway). What this indicates is that Augustine probably used her magic to tap into the primordial counterpart of the Sky (the Earth) and fashioned it into a deity-spirit for her to use. I suspect that this is a monument to Claumngor, in the same way that the Opalescent Tower was probably a monument to Arulothel.

They reached the foot of one enormous Temple, a trapezoidal slab of dusky stone rising mountainously above the bustling mundanity surrounding. Filthy smoke belched in endless torrents from serried rows of precisely-cut rectangular windows. The building facade was half in the midst of construction, old-fashioned murals and colorful glaze being steadily tiled over by steel-wrought iconography in sepulchral hue. Gray-robed magi manned the scaffolds, examining the newly-imparted cladding, summoning potent divinations with brusque, artless gestures.

A quote from an earlier update fills in some of the details of the themes of this Claumngor. Yes, Earth, but also iron. Industry, smoke, steel, sepulchre. Even the system itself reeks of industrialization, homogenous and uniform but lacking life. Honestly, this entire arc seems to heavily concern itself with Age of Wonder/Heroes -> Age of Steel/Machine, where hero-units are felled by the grinding efficiency of millions aligned for a single purpose. Similar concepts are found when Seram shacks up with the Joanians and Yong Liefang's Dao.

"Outsiders, are you? We don't get many who can afford to tour our city these days. Yes, this used to be a Hall of Arulothel, the Patron Spirit of House Mirel. But the Lord Protector's faith is of Claumgnor the Grey Shadow, an altogether more productive deity. The Lord of Smoke and Toil rewards his followers well, unlike the useless Patrons of yesteryear! When finished, this site will produce arms and armaments fit to equip ten full legions a year. You're welcome to take a look! All who labor assiduously are welcome in the Halls of Smoke."

More stuff about Claumngor. Sounds like Augustine is playing an RTS. Too bad, this is a JRPG and you got the genre wrong. (Well until we start nationbuilding seriously.)

You have awakened 3 Signs of the Empyrean Mantle, whose domain is all magics entire; sun and moon and stars and the unblinking void beneath.

These are the themes of the Opalescent Tower. Very ZK. Magic + Sky versus Mundanity + Earth...

They harbor artifacts that would work perfectly with your style of magic. The Tower itself is forged of the same material as your incomplete Cloak of Sky.

This clues us in as to why we were capable of absorbing the Tower. Now, I kind of expect us to not be able to absorb the Tower of Earth... Frustrating. However, I'm realizing now that we might eventually have to deal with a Contest of Primacy for the Sky, since we now know that it can be developed independently (and presumably there's a capstone benefit for being the Most Sky).

Sticking his hand out a window, the air was cold and harrowing, sharp contrast to the delightfully comfortable atmosphere within. Some invisible barrier truncated the two realms, despite their lack of physical separation; within and without as clearly divided as the sun and the moon by the sky.

Some interesting contrast to the Tower of Earth. Sky makes people comfy, Earth has a "fell radiance" that "swarms mind and spirit".

The Evening Sky trailed avidly behind him, swishing across the floor-stones like a calligrapher's brush. Sky-folded opalescence swept into its embrace as it moved, leaving a trail of bleak mundanity behind.

Without the magic, the Tower is just a tower.

At the end of this, I propose a few tactical ideas from my findings:

1. Look for ways to smooth over the inherent animosity between elements. Perhaps use Edeldross or Taffyamber to hold them together, or something.
2. The inherent risk of Abduction (The forceful seizing of another's armament, inconsistent in applicable and terribly risky, as aspects of the prior wielder may impose themselves upon you. The hero stole into the Tyrant's Catacomb and emerged bearing the sword of the Tyrant's progenitor. That blade now lies broken, and with it its wielder.) is that aspects of the wielder may impose themselves upon us. Resist mightily with our Will stat and also force it to compete with Sten's mental contamination and Forebear's thick musk.
3. The seams of azure and gold probably don't have a connection with Gisena's ring, but it's worth it to try.
4. Maybe we don't have to absorb it into our Cloak. Maybe we can absorb it into our Sword? (which is made of STEEL!)