Fear Itself
Fear Itself

Aobaru arrived, carrying Letrizia, as they made final deliberations for the attack. Hunger's glimpse had afforded only a brief examination of the Lord Protector's defenses, and they were at this moment hoping only that Gisena's ultimate would suffice to negate the majority of them, or for the raw power of Hunger's unleashed Pressure to carry the day.

"What happened?" Hunger asked, taking in the bedraggled appearance of his squire. Letrizia grumbled and shifted out of Aobaru's arms, gingerly leaning on one leg as she stood barely supported by his shoulder.

"We got attacked," she said. "The hospital staff told us you were busy summoning something, and the Lord Protector took the window to capture another one of us. It was pretty intense for a moment there."

"But," she conceded with a sigh. "Aobaru saved the day. What a freakishly powerful Element... even my Sharpbright apparently can't compete."

"I made a breakthrough," Aobaru conceded, "But it definitely wasn't my effort alone! Your Pressure did a lot of the work, Hunger, Letrizia, even if Hunger wasn't actively using it. With what I've learned, I should be able to augment you more extensively now. Anyway, how did the summoning go? Are we ready to stage an attack on the LP?"

"There's no need to downplay your achievements," Hunger clapped Aobaru on the free shoulder. "It sounds like you had it rough. I should have anticipated that Augustine would try something like this, especially given her actions against Verschlengorge."

"Augustine?" Aobaru asked.

"The Lord Protector is Adorie's half-sister," Gisena explained. "Concealed beneath a sorcerous shroud! Apparently she was the daughter of the previous King as well as a Foremost remnant. She wields a fragment of Foremost sorcery itself. I'm interested to see how my Nullity will fare against it..."

"I wouldn't bet against Miss Gisena," Aobaru said sheepishly. "That's pretty wild. What does Adorie think about all this?"

"We're still trying to decide on the best way to tell her," Gisena said. "Rank is so vulnerable to one's spirit and emotions, and if her resolve were to falter at this crucial juncture..."

"Nah," Aobaru shook his head. "That girl's strong. She wouldn't give up at a revelation like this."

"So certain!" Gisena raised an eyebrow. "What brought on such absolute conviction, Sir Vigorflame? Or are you perhaps simply speaking from the heart?"

"Um," Aobaru replied, a shade too calmly, "I just have a good eye for this sort of thing. End of the day, the LP's still a tyrant, isn't she? I think the Princess is an idealist at heart, and pretty level-headed. She'll be able to separate her feelings for her sister from the reality of the Lord Protector's policies. This war's already claimed so many lives, there's no other path but forward."

Gisena hummed contemplatively, a sly smile adorning her features, but deigned not to tug any further on that thread.

Hunger coughed.

"Loath as I am to leave you kids exposed again," he said, "We're still going to need you to hold the flanks while Gisena, Adorie and I strike at Augustine's redoubt. You should still be in range of my Pressure which will mitigate most of the risk, so fight aggressively unless you encounter an enemy of my level or greater. In that case, flee immediately."

"You got it, Lord Hunger!" Aobaru saluted. "We'll hold down the fort, unless we have to bravely run away."

"See that you do a better job than last time," Hunger deadpanned. "The hospital was a great feat. What preceded it, not quite. I hope to return once without our allied Legions in disarray."

Aobaru coughed. "I wouldn't count on that, Hunger. Keep the LP occupied and we'll see what we can do, otherwise these guys are pretty much screwed against her."

"Please bring Versch back," Letrizia asked, wincing as she stood forward, putting pressure on her injured leg. "He's... my family has given so much to defend our partnership with him. Every Artriez has returned him in good stead to the keeping of the House. If I fail now, I..."

"We'll save Versch." Hunger nodded. "That's priority number one."


Trudging through the despoiled waste of the Lord Protector's defenses was a thoroughly unpleasant affair, thundering waves and sickening pulses of spellfire raining down upon them. His Pressure sufficed to mitigate the damage, but not entirely, as both he and Gisena were conserving their energy in lead-up to her ultimate. What modest damage they took was quickly repaired thanks to his Ring, its supernal force sufficient to overwhelm the host of exotic conditions that accompanied Augustine's spells.

Adorie lent her Rank to his own, buttressing their aegis of spiritual will, but the spatially-warped mire was still a tedious slog, and terminally dangerous were it not for his overwhelming might.

It galled him that he had no recourse but simple strength against this opponent, whose finesse and treachery so comprehensively exceeded his own; but if brute force were the most efficient path to victory, he could hardly turn his back. It was almost enjoyable to be the stronger party for a change, conflict so much smoother than the desperate contests against Vanreir, Seralize or the wizened magus of the Outer Temple. All foes mightier than him, laid low by scheming and tactics. Hunger just had to take care not to assume their mantle against the underdog treachery of his opponent.

Cutting through the territory of their enemy's strength did lend one advantage, however: there was plenty of time for Adorie to come to terms with her half-sister's existence. Luckily the enemy Legions were no more than a strong distraction in the face of his strength, the Ring of Blood alone sufficing to bring them to their knees. Hearts palpitated uncontrollably as blood fluxed and congealed, reeling from the scorn of the Ring its ruler. At close range it was a mostly non-lethal means of dispatching the Legions, which allowed Hunger to fulfill Adorie's request for mercy without overmuch slowing their pace.

"My sister..." Adorie clutched her dress with almost archetypical concern, petite brow furrowed as she took in the news. It was at times still disconcerting to witness the storybook mannerisms of Nilfellian royalty, so graceful and proper that one questioned - whether the Realm of Myth was not the true reality, and the outside world merely its fallen reflection.

"I suppose it would be too much to ask that you spare her as well, Hunger? I cannot begin to understand the tortures she must have gone through to become what she now is. But, I understand if you consider her too dangerous to be left alive."

"I'll defer to our anti-magic specialist on that matter," Hunger said, "But the default stance is that she will be slain, yes."

Adorie's lip quivered, but she nodded slowly in resolution. "...All right. She is the last of my blood but me, but it was by her own hand that such came about. I wish there was more we could do for her..."

"The only way would be to exploit her vendetta against her mother," Gisena commented. "If she's sincere, then she should be willing to turn over power to us in exchange. We'd need some way to enforce the agreement. But, there's no reason to provoke an even stronger magus than Augustine, especially one that hasn't directly influenced the Realm at large. For all we know her mother is still sleeping even now."

"Augustine's thoughts mentioned strongly the resemblance between yourself and her mother," Hunger mused. "Perhaps the Foremost were connected somehow with the Maiden? If so, it bodes well for our chances. It's unlikely that your Nullity would be powerless against her magics in that event."

"But also possible that she's devised a countermeasure," Gisena pointed out. "Such interactions work both ways!"

"That would be disastrous," Hunger said. "If your Sea of Nullity strips me of the Cloak and much of my Rank, but leaves her unaffected, we might actually fall here."

Gisena summoned a ribbon of Nullity, tracing it gauzily with one finger about in the air. "Don't worry about that, silly. I'll just have to develop a countermeasure to her countermeasure! "

At last they reached the border of Augustine's inner dominion, the simple command tent now elevated atop a foreboding pillar, column of earth upthrust from the swamp around and fissured with seams of azure and gold. The Cloak of Sky writhed and snapped, bristling before the form of its nemesis: stone to its air, depth to its void.

The senses swam before that impossible tower, its fell radiance swarming mind and spirit. Augustine's forces dwelt in the corners of the real, their might sufficient to rend soul and sanity; yet he was the envoy of a greater power still, before which even such terrors as this were less than motes in the breeze. He flared the Ring of Crimson, bright burning Blood which brought mere Passion to heel, and even fear itself could naught but yield before its fury.


The winner was [X] War with [X] A Burning Spirit.

The time has come. Determine one strategy to face the Lord Protector. All tactical determinations are Hunger's own estimate; the actual capabilities of the Lord Protector may affect the viability of any given plan.

[ ] Cut Through - Penetrate as far as you can before Gisena detonates the Sea of Nullity; the closer to the epicenter the Lord Protector is, the more her effects will be caught by the Nullity. Risky, but has the best chances of an uncomplicated kill once it goes off. It's important to neutralize any spatial displacement effects that could allow Augustine to evade the reach of Hunger's blade or banish Versch to some unknown plane. The Refinement of Quickness would be an imperfect counter to such techniques.

[ ] Slow and Methodical - There's no need to risk things with a hasty assault. The Lord Protector has had subjective hours, possibly even days, to assemble her defenses; if she had decided to liquidate Versch the deed would already be done. Cut down the Tower of Earth with the Artful Thorn and work with Gisena to disassemble as many of the Lord Protector's effects as is practical before charging in. It should only be the work of a few minutes to tear down her preparations of hours. Would potentially leave you open to any sorceries that require your direct presence to enact and minutes, rather than seconds, to do so.

[ ] Quick but Methodical - As above, but use the Refinement of Quickness to substantially hasten the destruction of her preparations. Exhausting, but even a badly drained Hunger should be more than a match for an un-prepared Augustine. ...Right?

*A strategy that is unlocked by Adorie's presence
*Just because it's conditional, doesn't mean it's strictly better than the other options!
*That said, it would be pretty nice to deal with Augustine's defenses without knocking Gisena out or giving the Lord Protector yet more time (with which she might conjure up even more time) to do things.

[ ] Absorb the Tower of Earth [12 Arete, if successful] - Is this really the time for this? Not guaranteed to work.

*Just imagine what the Cloak could be, with earth and sky both bent to your dominion!
*Unlocks a mystery effect as well as one of the following: Immediately gain two Emypreal Signs, Triple the Protection offered by the Cloak, or strongly upgrade the Supreme Enclosure ability (Supreme Enclosure -> Bring To Heel). It is otherwise rarely practical to acquire upgraded versions of Empyreal Signs, which can in some respects match - or even exceed - the glories of the Royal Praxis in the field of magic.
*Tactics and/or omake power can somewhat strengthen your odds of successful assimilation
*You'd still need to deal with her other defenses afterwards, but maybe after such a show of force Augustine would consider giving up or offering reasonable terms!
*If you fail, who knows what could happen? Well, Augustine probably has some idea.
*Is this... bait?
*Still kinda tempting


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[X] Cut Through

[X] Slow and Methodical

[X] Quick but Methodical

[X] Absorb the Tower of Earth
[X] Absorb the Tower of Earth

Hunger consumes. Every strength of our foes shall only amount to a greater feast.
[X] Cut Through
[ ] Absorb the Tower of Earth

...this is bait. Augustine definitely trapped this.
Even if it's bait, I still want to go with it. Augustine is smart, really smart, but Hunger is just so bullshit. I genuinely think that we can swallow the bait and the fisher all in one metaphorical gulp.
[X] Quick but Methodical

Another Tower would certainly be nice but any greed I had has long been satiated. Also its an obvious trap. Let's do this the smart way.
What modest damage they took was quickly repaired thanks to his Ring, its supernal force sufficient to overwhelm the host of exotic conditions that accompanied Augustine's spells.

Eyy, Blood Rank comes through

Gisena summoned a ribbon of Nullity, tracing it gauzily with one finger about in the air. "Don't worry about that, silly. I'll just have to develop a countermeasure to her countermeasure! "

Typical genius foolishness. Simply Cut Through without caring about the countermeasure in the first place; that is the way to act.

[X] Absorb the Tower of Earth

He who wields the Blade of the Forebear, Truenamed Hunger of the Ring of Power, who carries the Mantle of the World Entire upon his back
[X] Absorb the Tower of Earth

Augustine definitely trapped this, but I don't care. We'll absorb the trap as well! It's just too thematic not to, especially if this reopens diplomacy as an option.
That is clearly bait, I despair because I have little faith we can resist it. But it's just so exciting! Kay, prelim Earth Tower tactics. Why is it a tower, that made sense for Sky but most of it is probably underground. Sky surrounds Earth. Cloak does not like- do not absorb with cloak? But still surround? How integrate Tower without cloak? integrate, earth... C O N S U M E

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

The best tactic, however, is to not take the bait.

[X] Slow and Methodical
For real though. Hunger's original special power, before being a Cursebearer, was Abduction. His victory over the Tyrant, available because of the stolen Forebear's Blade. Stealing his enemies artifacts to make himself stronger is Hunger's thing.

Furthermore, if we pull it off, there are a number of benefits. We can upgrade Supreme Enclosure, already one of our most powerful and versatile abilities, to something that matches or exceeds Royal Praxis. Or we can pull in two new Empyrean Signs, and activate a fifth sign to auto-win against Augustine.

And another thing: Augustine can't precog us. She may suspect we are capable of this (because we did it to the Opalescent Tower), but she does not know the exact details, which makes it hard to plan a trap around us eating the tower. Furthermore, depending on how the Abduction works, it may be based on our Accretion, which is a Cursebearer Remittance. Whatever shenanigans she has planned may run into trouble in the face of that.

We should definitely try to come up with tactics if we go this route though.
[ ] Absorb the Tower of Earth
A mystery option with the added effect of either hastening the 4th and 5th Sign, tripling the Protection of the Cloak (one-time or a multiplier?) or upgrading the Supreme Enclosure to Bring to Heel so that we don't have to pay our summon. Its... really tempting. We've seen how much bullshit the example 5th sign, Armor of Midnight, is and while pathetic compared to that, the triple Prot is permanent and always on and will probably start reaching the level of an Armament level stat. No longer needing to pay the services of our dudes gives us more freedom and flexibility in choosing what esoteric effect we want for the day. Its really mouth watering good.
My Doom of the Pendant compels me to clarify that Accretion was the art of the Isekai realm. we had it before making the Simple Transaction!

Yes, but King's Scepter was our primary remittance and applied to Accretion. IIRC Accretion got modified to it'd work in a much wider variety of worlds, which may mean there's other mods in it as well.

OTOH, Seram lost his Primary Remittance to Nullity, so I guess we can't count on remittances being inviolate.
[ ] 2 Arete: Sword That Was Stolen - King of Thieves - It is the prerogative of the hero true to take the implements of his enemy and turn them against him. For what righteous weapon could deny the verity of his cause, or the valor with which he pursued it?

[++Agility, +Stealth, +Theft], and combat experience now yields some degree of thieving skills. Increases ease and power of the Abduction Forbidden Art.

I don't suppose getting this would be possible if we choose to go for the tower? It would probably raise the chances of success by a significant amount.
Remember well the weaknesses of Hunger-outlined in Who Dares Wins! And the shrewdness of Augustine who bent all Nilfel to her will...
I hope no one who is following me on the Eating path has any illusions about this. The tower is all but certainly trapped, and while I'm willing to bet that Hunger can fight through the trap, damage, real damage like a Soul Puncture or possibly something worse is on the table.

If the fact that these outcomes are possible is offputing, eating the Tower may not be your pick.
Yeah... Supreme Enclosure without having to pay would be just, utterly disgusting. Just keep summoning boss-tier Astrals one after another. Combat? Utility? Whatever we King Solomon now, here are our 72 infinite pillars.

def a trap tho