Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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It depends on whether we've made changes before he gets free or not. The latter two options occur in time periods I know... nothing about, in MLP, so we could try for Luna, or just assume there's a friendly (to our enemies) god running around. He might not be an instant loss condition, but it still sounds... hairy.
how far did you get? If you tell me what's the latest big thing you remember happening, I can give a very short summary of the main events from the following seasons (mostly villains, power-ups, redemptions and similar things)

[X] Plan Rigged From The Start, Learning Version
how far did you get? If you tell me what's the latest big thing you remember happening, I can give a very short summary of the main events from the following seasons (mostly villains, power-ups, redemptions and similar things)

[X] Plan Rigged From The Start, Learning Version
(I know it pretty well roughly up to the point that Twilight ascended. There are a few memories spottily for a little bit beyond that (Tirek was a thing and he blew up her tree house, but she got a new crystal tree-castle-house, the tree of harmony needed the elements back and there were vines everywhere, something about an equality village and the person who did it becoming Twilight's apprentice?), but the ascension is where I'd request a summary from.

I'm sorry if that sounds really presumptuous, coming into a quest and not knowing the material, but it's never been enough of a problem that I straight up didn't recognize a character. )
[X] Plan Rigged From The Start, Learning Version

The thought of other people being aware that Luna was returning, and trying to take advantage is fascinating. No Twilight, you were not the only one who knew, and that might be for the worst.
(I know it pretty well roughly up to the point that Twilight ascended. There are a few memories spottily for a little bit beyond that (Tirek was a thing and he blew up her tree house, but she got a new crystal tree-castle-house, the tree of harmony needed the elements back and there were vines everywhere, something about an equality village and the person who did it becoming Twilight's apprentice?), but the ascension is where I'd request a summary from.

I'm sorry if that sounds really presumptuous, coming into a quest and not knowing the material, but it's never been enough of a problem that I straight up didn't recognize a character. )
don't worry about it.

so, I'll only mention the biggest things

Season 3 ends with the ascension.

Season 4:

Discord had planted some seeds of evil tentacle plants right before getting petrified a thousand years ago. They sprout, and are invading Ponyville. They also apparently kidnapped the Alicorn Sisters. Twilight is shortly in charge, goes into the Everfree, discovers the Tree of Harmony (from which the elements came) being currently strangled by the vines. They give the elements back to the tree, the tree is powered up and the vines are destroyed. The tree conjures a magical box with six keyholes, the Main 6 get a key every time they teach someone a lesson about their element (they get an object gifted, that object becomes a key when brought to the box). Discord admit the vines were his fault, but that he wanted Twilight to learn a lesson.

Tirek, a centaur that can steal magic, is weak but free. the sisters send Discord to capture him, but he convinces him to join him so that he could get both Friendship and freedom. Discord falls for it, helps him, after a bit is betrayed and Tirek get his magic too. Twilight with the power of all 4 alicorns fights him to a draw (pretty epic fight, kind of dbz-like really), then gives up her magic in exchange of him freeing her friends... including Discord.
Discord learns his lesson, give her a pendant Tirek gave to him, that's the sixth key, they go to the box, they open it, super rainbow power, Tirek is defeated, magic is given back to those it was stolen from, and DIscord is sorry and (mostly) forgiven.

Season 5:

The castle comes with a real-time map of Equestria, that can send the Main 6 on "friendship quests" to solve "friendship problems". Usually only 2 at a time are sent, but the first one is for all 6.
Starlight Glimmer (unicorn) is leading the strangest mix of a communist city and a cult. people there are deprived of their cutie marks (voluntarily) through an "ancient artifact" so that they could be all the same, with no special talent to make them different. Main 6 investigates, their cutie marks are stolenand the main 6 imprisoned, Fluttershy fakes being convinced of their ideology to investigate and discovers that the artifact is fake, Starlight Glimmer is using her OWN magic to remove the cutie marks, and that means she never gave up hers. Truth revealed, she escapes, and everyone gets their cutie marks back.

Cutie Mark Crusaders get their cutie marks. Their special talent is helping other with their cutie mark problems (usually to get them in the first place). They become friends with Diamond Tiara.

Also Luna is all emo. She tortures herself with nightmare because she feels guilty, until the thing she created for the torture escapes and starts giving nightmares to other. THe problem is solved in one episode, but now the main 6 knows she was all emo. She sort of forgives herself in the end.

in the season finale Starlight Glimmer tries to take her revenge: She has perfect Starswirl's time travel spell, she goes back in time to stop Rainbow Dash's first sonic rainboom so that the main 6 won't get their cutie marks at the same time, which would in the end lead them to meet and become friends. Twilight goes back in time with her and tries to stop her, failing multiple time. Each time she goes back to the present the world is worse, and a villain has won. In order: Nightmare Moon (eternal night, she rules Equestria); Changelings have capture anyone except a few rebels; Equestria is at war with Sombra; Tirek is rampaging around at full power. Discord is having fun, with Celestia and Luna dressed as clown while he chases them on a unicycle, the world chaotic; THE FLIM FLAM BROTHER ARE TEARING DOWN FORESTS WITH GIANT MACHINERY (yes, really).

in the end Twilight (and Spike... he was with her. nearly forgot about him) manage to bring Starlight with them to the present. This time everything a wasteland. Starlight denies this being her fault, that one friendship can't possibly be this important. She then reveals why she believes cutie marks to be evil: her one and only childhood friend got his cutie mark, left for Celestia's school, and she never saw him again. yes, it's that dumb.

Get back to the present, she's forgiven, she becomes Twilight's student.

Season 6:

Shining Armor and Cadance have a baby alicorn daughter. Starlight's friend now lives in the crystal empire. his name is Sunburst. they meet each other and help solve the local crysis (the baby alicorn, Flurry Heart, accidentally breaks the Crystal Heart. They have to repair it before everything freezes over).

A good changeling is found in the Crystal Empire. He (name is Thorax) becomes Spike's friend. Spike helps him to get a chance against racism.

Also Spike takes part in a competition, the winner becomes Dragon Lord. He wins, but gives the magical scepters symbol of leadership to the daughter of the former dragon lord. SHe's alright (name is Ember).

Season Finale: the changelings have kidnapped everyone important and taken their place. A group of unlikely heroes goes to the changeling hive to rescue them: Thorax the "good" changeling, Trixie, Starlight Glimmer, Discord. Close to the hive not-changeling magic doesn't work because of Crysalis throne.

In the end Thorax convinces the changeling to share love instead of stealing it. THey... transform, and become good (the big one on the left is Thorax, new changeling King. The big one on the right is a fan-version of reformed Chrysalis, ignore her). Chrysalis refuses reformation and escapes, swearing vengeance on Starlight Glimmer.

ah, I forgot, Rainbow Dash is now a Wonderbolt, and Fluttershy has a brother. Nobody likes him.

Season 7: Starlight "graduates" from being Twilight's student. She still remains living in her castle.

Ah, I forgot: Trixie is her new best friend since season 6.

The Pillars of Equestria, six ancient pony heroes, are freed from "Limbo" (out of time and space), they had sealed themselves with the Pony of SHadow to stop him. Their leader is Starswirl the Bearded. Yes, he's now alive in the present. He's also a bit of an ass in the beginning, all "once a villain always a villain". The Pony of Shadow was once their friend, who tried to use forbidden magic to become as good as the Pillars because he wanted to help them and to not feel useless. He was basically the tactician/moral support of the group. He's purified and redeemed.

Ah, It's revealed the Tree of Harmony was born from a seed planted by the Pillars, which means they are, indirectly, the reason the Elements of Harmony exist.

Season 8: Twilight opens a school of friendship for all races. She has some trouble getting it approved by the organization approving schools. Their leader, chancellor neighsay, is kind of a racist.

We get a new group of important characters, the STUDENT 6!

Sandbar: Male Earth Pony
Gallus: Male Gryphon (orphan)
Smolder: female dragon
Yona: Female Yak
Ocellus: female Changeling
Silverstream: female Hippogryph.

They're fun.

season finale: a pegasus child (Cozy Glow) uses some ancient artifacts in a ritual to remove magic from the world. She uses the chaos to basically convince everyone to obey her.

She's crazy and a sociopath, but very smart. They barely stop her.

Season 9: Grogar, ancient ram called "the father of monster" resurrects Sombra (sorry, brings him back from the aether he was banished to or something like that), summons Tirek, Cozy Glow and Chrysalis. he wants them all to work together to win for once. SOmbra refuses, has a go at it alone. He obviously fails, but he DOES manage to destroy the tree of harmony (and the elements). Discord fakes being defeated so that Twilight can take the win on her own.

The student 6 repair the tree of harmony. Also I forgot, the tree can manifest a "twilight" hologram. IT seems it's alive and can think (and talk) now. He doesn't appear that often.

The trio of villain remaining kinda sorta become friends for a bit. They get an ancient magical bell that can steal magical powers. They use it on Grogar. Surprise, it's not Grogar, It's Discord! He wanted to have them attack and fail to build up Twilight's confidence.


short version: in the end the good guys, with the help of basically everyone including the other races, win. Cozy Glow, Tirek and Chrysalis get petrified. Twilight becomes the ruling princess, Celestia and Luna retire and go to live on a beach.

Timeskip. Twilight now looks kinda like Celestia, Spike is BUFF, Pinkie Pie is married with another party pony named Cheese Sandwich (dubbed by Weird Al) and has a kid, Fluttershy is kind of implied to be married with Discord, Applejack and Rainbow Dash are HEAVILY implied to be married to each other, Twilight has a student and sends her to Ponyville to learn about friendship. The end. (except now there's a comic going beyond here, and a new cartoon series that's pretty bad from what little I've seen (Pony Life i think it's called).

Ah, there was also a movie with a boring villain called the Storm King (kind of a yety?), and a not-boring pony as his liutenent called Tempest Shadow, which has a broken horn. SHe's STILL badass. She gets redeemed, the Storm King dies. Her real name is Fizzlepop Berrytwist.


Ah, SPike got wings a few seasons ago. I forgot that.

questions? :V

p.s. I might have gone overbord a little
I'm not sure about the dark mirror plan, canon has 2 evil Twilights already that I can remember.

so I think

[X] Plan Rigged From The Start, Learning Version

Sounds pretty fun.

I really don't intend to go after any of the secondary objectives. They're awful dark, and I can't imagine enjoying it that much; even as a cultist, I'd prefer to be an Equestrian cultist, and all. Maybe Luna can take over the cult after she joins?

Yeah, the secondary objectives aren't really in character for a regular pony until they've built up a dark and tragic backstory. Plus the Main objectives sound much more fun.

Now I wonder how Former Evil Students of Celestia will play into the game like Starlight and Sunset, maybe theres a few more that could be recruited.
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Thank you for the summary. I've not often felt that I wished I could rate posts twice, but I'm also in a bit of a state of shock that the ascension was season three out of nine.
it mostly get better season by season. characters mature, become more complex and more interesting, New secondary characters get bigger roles, and so on.

I mostly limited my summary to the season premieres and finale, with just a couple important events I could remember, but there's obviously quite a bit more, and I likely missed a few details. Just to pick a random trivia bit, There's an episode about how Applejack's parents fell in love (her mother is... A PEAR. BLASPHEMY!), or a dragon pretends to be spike's father to get free food and lodgings, Or how Discord starts playing d&d with Big Mac and Spike... or even how Big Mac gets married!

Lots of things happen. I usually tend to think of mlp like a fantasy sitcom, like a less romantically inclined "How I met Your Mother" or "Friends" (which I actually haven't watched now that I think about it), except sometimes there's episodes dealing with Villains.

Now I wonder how Former Evil Students of Celestia will play into the game like Starlight and Sunset, maybe theres a few more that could be recruited.
mh... Sunset comes with a whole new world to explore too. and who knows, normal magic doesn't seem to work there (at least in the beginning), but the cult is not only using normal magic...

24 hours up. And lets try this auto tallying system...

Adhoc vote count started by chocolote12 on Aug 25, 2020 at 11:43 AM, finished with 30 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan Rigged From The Start, Learning Version
    -[X] The Path Through Nightmares: Princes Luna has just been released from her thousand years banishment. We know that she was the sovereign of dreams as well as guardian of the night, but we also know the path through dreams and other secret places. She is weak and confused from her magical isolation, scars formed from millennia with the beast that possessed her that will not easily heal, and because of that she is the ideal target.
    -[X] Learning - keeping the lore. There is so much you do not yet understand, and so many fragments of truth spread around the Equestria, but that makes putting the jigsaw together all the more exciting.
    -[X] Ponyville – You have a rather isolated estate, being the only member of nobility in town, so you need not care much for subtlety when doing things in person. You administer large swathes of land, used for farming, that are owned by your family. The prodigious Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's protege, lives here, but apart from her the town is mostly populated by simple ponies. (High anonymity, low opportunity for interesting contacts, Twilight Sparkle and her friends)
    [X] Plan Crystal Lore
    -[X] To Steal the Seed
    -[X] Learning
    -[X] Manehattan
    [X] Plan Rigged From The Start, Magic Version
    -[X] The Path Through Nightmares: Princes Luna has just been released from her thousand years banishment. We know that she was the sovereign of dreams as well as guardian of the night, but we also know the path through dreams and other secret places. She is weak and confused from her magical isolation, scars formed from millennia with the beast that possessed her that will not easily heal, and because of that she is the ideal target.
    -[X] Magic – ensuring your knowledge is properly applied. Somepony has to make sure the circles are properly written, and that the ceremonial knife hits the proper place.
    -[X] Ponyville – You have a rather isolated estate, being the only member of nobility in town, so you need not care much for subtlety when doing things in person. You administer large swathes of land, used for farming, that are owned by your family. The prodigious Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's protege, lives here, but apart from her the town is mostly populated by simple ponies. (High anonymity, low opportunity for interesting contacts, Twilight Sparkle and her friends)
    [X] Plan True Dark Mirror
    -[X] To Hunt the Ascended:
    -[X] Learning
    -[X] Manehattan

Lorekeeper it is. A noblewoman currently living in Ponyville.
The Mansus / Turn 1
[X] Plan Rigged From The Start, Learning Version
-[X] The Path Through Nightmares: Princes Luna has just been released from her thousand years banishment. We know that she was the sovereign of dreams as well as guardian of the night, but we also know the path through dreams and other secret places. She is weak and confused from her magical isolation, scars formed from millennia with the beast that possessed her that will not easily heal, and because of that she is the ideal target.
-[X] Learning - keeping the lore. There is so much you do not yet understand, and so many fragments of truth spread around the Equestria, but that makes putting the jigsaw together all the more exciting.
-[X] Ponyville – You have a rather isolated estate, being the only member of nobility in town, so you need not care much for subtlety when doing things in person. You administer large swathes of land, used for farming, that are owned by your family. The prodigious Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's protege, lives here, but apart from her the town is mostly populated by simple ponies. (High anonymity, low opportunity for interesting contacts, Twilight Sparkle and her friends)

- - -

The gates are closed behind you, the maid who had been waiting for you trotting lightly to catch up to your side as you walk through the garden. The parade of trees that form a path towards the large estate is always a fond sight to behold, and you can spy an earth pony gardener tending to a few overgrown bushes in one of the far corners of the green scenario. The path itself, paved with cleanly cut stones, leads towards the mansion itself, the wide two-storied edifice that gives a clear view to the large swathes of farmlands that your family owns.

But for all the luxury that exists within the mansion, all the servants, and influence, and everything else, you are honestly glad that when you look at it you can think of it simply as "home".

Of course, you could never forget that you are a noble. Your family might not hail from a powerful lineage, but they go to lengths to compensate in everything else, be it political clout or economic might, your position administrating the farmlands east of Ponyville is a proof of that. The mansion you live in is easily larger than the town hall of the city (although not taller, by a slight margin) and several of the simple houses that dot Ponyville could easily fit inside your garden.

But you are thankful that you have never let any of that go up your head. Having lived in Ponyville for several years now, you must admit that a good part of its warmth and kindness has gotten into you. And right now you wouldn't have it any other way.

You walk past the carriage that is always left at your disposal, and that you only ever use grudgingly and at Stormchaser's insistence, and finally arrive at the front door.

"Thank you Ponpon, but I think it's better if I open it", you say, giving a quick wink to your personal maid, "oh, but would you please take this? I'd hate to drop it like that other time…"

Ponpon lets out a short laugh as the bag you had been carrying gently floats towards her, "no problem at all ma'am," she says, taking the handle in her mouth.

Your horn starts glowing once again, the doorknob of the front door answering to your magic at the same time, and you take one last deep breath before opening it.

"Silky Streeeeeam," you let your voice be carried into the main hall, "I'm hooo-!"

"Mommy!" before you can even finish, a blurred dart of brown fur comes zipping down the stairs, flying through the hall and colliding against you in a tight hug. You're nearly thrown back by her speed, and your hindleg makes you wince at the sudden effort with a sharp pain.

"Mommy! You're back!" but all of that mellows out and disappears as soon as you hug your daughter back, "I was waiting for you so we could have breakfast together, but Soft Sweeps wouldn't tell me where you went!" she continues talking, with all that energy that shouldn't even be able to fit in such a small body.

You ruffle her mane, purple like her father's, and gently let go, "well I was going to wake you up to come with me," you say as you walk into the house, your daughter trailing after you in a mix of prancing and flight bursts, "but you just wouldn't wake up! I shook you and shook you, but you were sleeping like a stone, so I had to leave without you" you make up the story as you go, saying it with as much of a dramatic voice as you could without grinning too much.

"What? No I wasn't! I promise I didn't stay up after bedtime," she says, her prance stopping, eyes wide in a sudden panic.

Of course you immediately know she did, with a reaction like that.

"Of course you didn't," you ruffle her mane again and conveniently turn your head away, hearing a clumsily hidden sigh of relief shortly after, "and that's why I brought us a little something". You turn to Ponpon, who was still dutifully accompanying you, and gently float the bag that she was holding towards Silky Stream. And whatever sort of dread she was feeling from being caught doing something was immediately replaced with glee when you dangled the bagged boxes of ice cream in front of her.

You're sure Windy Flakes wouldn't mind a few less boxes of it, and you did leave payment in the counter.

"Yay! Can we have it for breakfast? Can we? Can we?!"

You laugh at the beaming filly, thinking you can almost see light coming out of her hopeful eyes.

And you almost consider saying yes to her request.

- - -

It was a long day, a long holiday that is. Stormchaser will still be away for a few more days, so it had been up to you to chaperone a hyperactive pegasus filly, and once again you were reminded of how thankful you are for your husband having wings. Soft Sweeps in also a pegasus, having been picked as Silky Stream's caretaker mostly for that reason, but you made sure to dismiss the servants for the day after a while. Most of them were from Ponyville after all, and it wouldn't do to have them work on a festive day.

On a side note, you did wonder how much more of a handful your daughter would be if Stormchaser was an earth pony or a unicorn…

Still, you think while you try to get onto the bed with a completely stiff leg, at least you do know that you will fall asleep almost instantly. In the end you manage to compromise between awkwardly pushing yourself with magic and hoping that the covers you're pulling won't just give out on your exhausted self, although you have the dreadful impression that they will, until you manage to get most of your body onto the comfort of your bed.

Why the hell do expensive mattresses need to be so damn tall…?

But true to your word, you quickly fall asleep.

Until you realize you didn't. Or rather, you did, but you are still awake.

You rub your eyes and look around, immediately recognizing where you are. You have visited this place, before, but always under certain special circumstances, only after you have made some prior preparations.

Never like this, unannounced, unprepared.


You find yourself in the middle of a crossroad, under the pale light of the moon. The crossroad itself is made of some dark-blue stone, paved unevenly in a way that could be footsteps of some many-legged creature. You can see well enough, and although you can't see too far you can make out shapes in the horizon.

A great chain of mountains seems to be in the far, far distance. You can see their silhouettes but no path that leads to them, for although it looks like you are in a plane that stretches on forever, you still feel like the world somehow curves before it actually reaches the mountains.

You look up and see no stars, only the moon. And when you look behind you, another familiar sight greets you.

A great dark wood stretches on and on before you, and more than a few of the dark-blue stone paths lead to it. The forest seems dark and uninviting, almost oppressive, but you feel no sort of fear when facing it. Almost as if its oppressiveness is a part of its nature, and the forest itself could not exist in any other way. Besides, you have already walked those woods a few times and you know that its darkness can sometimes even be welcoming. If not to you, then to some deeper part of yourself.

And above and within the Woods you see the place that you know to be the Mansus.

A great structure floats above the dark forest. The only way you can describe it is as floating, for you see no pillars sustaining it, only a maddening criss-cross of stairs that seem to connect odd platforms and entire floors, or that sometimes lead nowhere at all. There are no walls to speak of, and yet you can see doors that led into closed-off rooms. There is no real shape that gives order to it, and yet your mind can see that it has the form of something like a house, or maybe a pyramid.

And at the very top of that great structure, or perhaps at its center, it's hard to know, there is a great brilliant… Thing, which is neither a star nor a lamp, but still shares kinship with them. It shines at every single floor of the Mansus, its light reaches every single room and platform, although you swear that some of those rooms and floors should block the light and stop it from reaching the ones beneath them.

You are far away from that light, and it can't truly reach you from where you are, but you know that the light is utterly magnificent, and that its name is Glory.

The sound of rustling bushes comes from somewhere near you,
though you can't see any and the Woods are still somewhat far. Shaking your head a bit, you decide not to look at the Glory anymore.

Besides, the rustling bushes definitely sounded impatient, you think to yourself as you start walking down the path.

Soon enough there is no path to follow any more, the dark-blue stones being covered by overgrown roots. But that is fine, because you know that paths are completely useless inside this place. The sound of insect wings keep growing louder and louder as you walk, and is soon joined by the noise of scissors shearing at leaves, and the sensation of branches reaching for your mane, and the pointed impression that your tail is in the wrong place, and the sheer freedom that comes from being lost and-

The sound of rustling bushes once again make you snap into attention.

You shake your head once more and head towards the source of the sound, before you forget the direction it came from and the Woods start to pull at your attention again.

The Woods have no defined path, but you somehow know where to go once you set your mind on it. And you set your mind on arriving where you were summoned.

A small clearing opens before you, the light of the moon coming almost as a glare after you spent so much time seeing it as nothing but soft whispers blocked by the leaves of dark trees. You think you are alone in the clearing, until five more figures emerge from the trees almost at the same time as you do, Copper Sicateur and Windy Flakes being two of them. Each of you came from a different direction, and you realize that the six of you have inadvertently formed a circle. A quick look at the five other ponies reveal that you all know each other, and that you all know what this meeting means.


You hear the sound of a twig breaking, and the buzzing from the forest seems to grow just a bit louder. But all of that is drowned out by the voice that comes from every direction.

"It is beautiful, isn't it?"

You look at the five other ponies, who seem just as unsure on what to do as you, and you wordlessly sit around in a circle, all of you facing outwards. A few more silent moments pass before your cult's Master's voice comes again.

"Eternity exists in here. Eternal change… eternal darkness, bathed in moonlight… And this eternity was far more common, in fact, a long, long time ago…" you almost involuntarily raise your eyebrows. Is the Master's voice almost sounding like he is… saddened?

"A long time ago the Woods could stretch much farther than it does today… It could stretch out of dreams and into the Wake, and reach far away from the holy places like the one where we gather… But that is no longer possible in this age, not in such great scale..." the voice seems to take a harder tone as it continues, an angrier tone, "not while the fires burn, not while the world blazes with light."

A twig snaps, and you nearly jump at the suddenness of it. Not because it frightened you, but because the sound came exactly from the middle of the circle. And although you know that there will be nothing there if you turn around, you can still hear the Master's voice coming from right behind you.

"We will change that, my followers. It is still possible to expand the Woods into the Wake, and to make Equestria safe once again, hidden away by its shadows. But for that to happen… there is much to be done."

At that, a shadow appears in the corner of your vision, and you know that you will see the Master if you just look a bit more to your side. But you don't, shutting your eyes tightly instead.

You can hear the Master whisper into your ears, and for some reason you can also hear the whispers to everypony else's ears.

"Comet Feet," the whispers went to the large and gruff pegasus to which you have rarely spoken to, "our followers need to be made ready, for they will sure be needed. Share your knowledge of Edge with our most loyal, and see to it that they have the required tools."

"Starry Dancer," the whispers went to the pink pegasus mare that was sitting opposite to you, "we must ensure that we are in the good graces of our current hosts. Gain the ears of the rulers of Ponyville, so that we might more easily sway them in the future."

"Copper Secateur," the whispers went to the dark red mare that you know well, "gather more followers among the simple minded, and bolster our numbers. But do not yet tread in the way of Starry Dancer's efforts."

"Windy Flakes," the whisper went to the light maned unicorn, who always seemed to have a smirk on his face, "the Wake has its rules, and we must master them. Expand out holdings, build a place where we may more easily gather, and plant the seeds that we may later reap as riches, for we will surely need them."

"Jade Whistle," the whispers went to the aloof-looking earth pony that you have only ever seen in passing, "prepare our cadre and study what components and instruments might be of use, for we will soon need to call upon greater powers."

"And Velvet Covers…" the whispers caressed your ears in an almost tickling manner, "the one we aim for is indeed very great, but like any grand castle there are many avenues to reach it. Look for a way that we might strike at her, search for a path that leads to her. Lead the way and draw the plan, so that our followers might follow your hoofsteps and enact them. But be mindful that you prepare yourself first, armed with knowledge and lore, lest you are not sufficiently prepared and become lost to us."

All of the whispers happened simultaneously and lasted the same amount of time. When they finish, however, you wonder if they were all as equally detailed as yours, or if perhaps it was an idea that was whispered to you, and you simply overheard the diminished echoes of the ideas that he gave to the others.

But as you wonder that, you realize that the presence behind you is gone, and you stand up together with your fellow ponies.

The six of you look into each other's eyes, and for some reason you simply know that you will all reconvene in two months' time, though you have no idea how you shared in that knowledge.

And with that same wordless agreement, you turn around and head back into the forest, hearing the crunching of leaves and the rustling of wood that indicates the other ponies did the same.

- - -

You have a Moth Master. What did you expect, precise instructions?

Perhaps it was intentional, perhaps it was true reminiscing, but you feel that you heard something important from your cult's Master as he spoke about (or perhaps from?) the past. Gained 1 scrap of Secret Histories Lore.

Secret Histories Lore has reached Level 1, Character Sheet updated.


You will have FOUR personal actions you can take, with an ADITIONAL action that can be performed by your servants (five picks total). One turn refers to a single month, and one action is (roughly) your actions during a weekend, the accumulated efforts during your nights after work or other equivalents. Try not to think too much into it.

This also means that there will be TWO turns (two sets of 4+1 actions, equivalent to two months) before you reconvene with your cult's Master. This is both so you don't have to shotgun a large amount of choices in a small period of time, and so you can check your progress and consolidate/abort an effort if you feel it's not going the way you think it should.

Some actions will be tagged with a suspicion level. These are the actions that can be carried out by your ponyservants, and the suspicion level refers to how well they would (or would not) take to your task. Tasks that involve high suspicion might be outright refused, carried out with the inevitable gossiping, or even sabotaged if your servants believe that what you asked them to do is wrong.
Keep in mind that suspicion level refers to what a servant would think if asked to perform such task, regardless of them performing them, being caught or not. If you choose to perform the task yourself, you will take the necessary steps to be as subtle as you can, but the task itself will still raise suspicion if you are caught.

Specify which action will be carried out by your ponyservants. They will apply ONLY your status bonus, as they will follow instructions or carry your name and influence, but they will not apply personal bonus (bonus given by Lore, personal items, personal Characteristics or of any other nature).

Current bits: 120

Monthly revenue: 120 bits/month

Your actual work is to administrate your family's holdings in Ponyville, but that being a "family business" means that all that's made is sent to the family head. And despite being a grown and mature mare, you must sadly conclude that your income is basically an allowance.

Just for comparison's sake, any other background would give a salary based on days worked, and a daily discount for living expenses, and your monthly "profit" would be somewhere around 60 bits. Due to your noble status, your gains are totally yours, and you do not have to worry about daily expenses. Small luxury expenses will still apply as scenarios demand.

[ ] On what must be done (finding a way to reach Princess Luna)
-[ ] The Dreamlands, the realm of pony dreams, is not a part of the Mansus, and yet you can see it from the Woods, far in the horizon. Search if there is a path that leads there.
-[ ] Perhaps the least subtle of options is the answer, and your target being royalty means that she is not hard to track. Get in touch with your contacts in Canterlot and try to get a hold of an invitation to some event. You surely won't get to her immediately, but it will be a first hoof into the city where she lives. Not suspicious.

[ ] On furthering the cause
-[ ] There are books that could be of use. You should start looking for them. (Will involve random expenditure of bits). All sub-choices are not suspicious.
--[ ] In Ponyville, and its… great assortments of libraries? (no extra cost)
--[ ] In the great libraries of Canterlot… the ones that are open to public access, that is (20 bits in transportation)
--[ ] In the many small bookshops that dot the side streets of Manehattan (35 bits in transportation)
-[ ] In all honesty, the Cult lacks an appropriate place for gatherings, at least when it comes to lesser meetings to discuss small matters, or to simply stash certain things. Scout for a suitable place, or other buildings that might be for sale. Not suspicious.
-[ ] Although you are personally judicious about such habits, you are still a noble. Searching for "peculiar items" to "add to your collection" is certainly not out of place... right? Suspicion depends on how strange the item scouted is.
-[ ] Copper Secateur may be in charge of finding suitable candidates, she even was the pony who first introduced you into the Wildhoof Club, but you could use followers of your own.
-[ ] You are the highest authority from your family in Ponyville, and have countless earth pony farmers working under you. The next logical step it to scout for those who would be loyal to you and your cult. (Scout out for cult candidates within your own employees). Highly suspicious.
-[ ] There is somepony in charge of the "heavy lifting" within your cult, of course, but you could do with a few strong hoofs at your personal disposal. Go looking for such contacts. Moderately suspicious.
-[ ] There are bound to be, among all of those large, strong earth ponies, some who wouldn't mind a way to make some extra bits on the side. Reach out to them. (Scout out for ponies willing to get their hoofes dirty among your own employees). Highly suspicious.
-[ ] You really shouldn't, but needs must. Every single ledger from the farms east of Ponyville pass through you, it would be a simple matter to have some "administrative mistakes" make some bits disappear from the coffers and appear in your pockets. Highly suspicious
-[ ] You cannot expect to succeed working alone, that's why you are in a cult. Take some time to help one of your colleagues. Who knows, you might even learn something from them.
--[ ] Help Comet Feet, the pegasus in charge of the "dirty business".
--[ ] Help Starry Dancer, the pink mare who seems to be in charge of the talking.
--[ ] Help Copper Secateur, your cult's eyes and ears in the dark.
--[ ] Help Windy Flakes, the unicorn seems to be in charge of most of the cult's physical possessions.
--[ ] Help Jade Whistle, the earth pony who, apparently, will be doing a lot of the "occult" for the cult.

[ ] There is too much you do not yet know. You must further your knowledge.
-[ ] The matters of [SPECIFY LORE] intrigues you, petition your cult's Master for a lesson (currently willing to teach all Lores up to level 2)
-[ ] No other sources of knowledge are currently available
Your Lore evolution happens by collecting "scraps of Lore", and the required number of scraps is the Lore level that you are aiming for. As all your Lores are Level 0, you need only a single scrap to progress. But, for example, your Moth Lore which is Level 1 requires two scraps. Scraps may be gained by performing certain acts or through study under a source of knowledge, but using an action to study will also involve a dice roll, which might fail.

[ ] The Mansus is a place of contradictions. It exists, and yet it doesn't. It is frightening, and yet it calls to you. Only through exploring it will you learn its secrets.
Exploring a known part of the Mansus will yield the most varied of rewards, through a hidden roll of a dice. But beware that most rewards will be temporary, such as a one-time buff for "specific kind of roll" that applies only until the end of the next turn. It is possible, however, to learn scraps of Lore as well, though that might be unlikely, or to be rewarded nothing at all. Proceed at your own risk.
-[ ] Explore the Woods, and its many whispers
-[ ] You have studied the Lores, and are now more knowledgeable than before. It is time to find the paths to somewhere else, or to climb even higher into the Mansus.

[ ] Your personal life, or at least the non cult-y part
-[ ] Of course you love your family very much, but you could always spend a bit more time with them.
-[ ] Go into town and try to meet somepony interesting, there are at least six very interesting ones who just exorcised a demigoddess.
-[ ] Bits are the engine of Equestria! You have been working your hooves off for years now and should write to your parents and request an increase of your share of the family's grants.
-[ ] You do know "your place" in the family, but bits are still important. A letter asking for a one-time gift will surely be better received than one asking for a permanent "raise", right?

[ ] Others WRITE IN (anything, but i will have to consider it, and it might make the voting period a bit longer)

- - -

There will be a minimum of 24 hours for voting, and keep in mind that its two turns before you have to report to your cult's Master.
Also, for the time being you are being very cautious about keeping appearances, as well as you have your family that you don't want to suspect anything. There will be no shenanigans of "working less days a week to gain more actions".
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So we should probably spend an action with family, and our bonus from Secret Lore means we've a +5 to finding things. We can use that bonus for exploring the manse. We can also spend some time hunting for books, and helping Starry Dancer.

edit: Nvm, the bonus is +5.
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My thoughts currently are to spend time with our family and and meet with the new exorcists.
Sending a servant to acquire something for our 'collection'. This sounds like our 'eccentric noble thing' that would be established as far as our servants and the town are concerned, nothing to out there to begin with though. We can ramp it up much later.

For the last two actions I am leaning towards looking into the Dreamlands to reach Luna and getting to know the Woods. If they used to connect to the Wake then perhaps there is path tot he dream?
[] On what must be done (finding a way to reach Princess Luna)
-[] The Dreamlands, the realm of pony dreams, is not a part of the Mansus, and yet you can see it from the Woods, far in the horizon. Search if there is a path that leads there.

My choice because the dreamlands are cool.

[ ] On furthering the cause
-[ ] There are books that could be of use. You should start looking for them. (Will involve random expenditure of bits). All sub-choices are not suspicious.
--[ ] In Ponyville, and its… great assortments of libraries? (no extra cost)

Cost isn't necessarily indicative of quality. Let's start locally before expanding our net; it's not like the bits will be going anywhere if we don't spend them, and there's something to be said for local socialization with the other unicorn book worms.

-[ ] Although you are personally judicious about such habits, you are still a noble. Searching for "peculiar items" to "add to your collection" is certainly not out of place... right? Suspicion depends on how strange the item scouted is.
--[ ] [Ask your servants to carry out this task.]

I think this might just be to build up a reputation for searching for odd things; I don't want anything particularly suspicious (and in fact do not know what we'd want to acquire, so if this needs a subvote somebody else might need to chime in). This is what I'd want to put our servants on.

[ ] Your personal life, or at least the non cult-y part
-[ ] Of course you love your family very much, but you could always spend a bit more time with them.
-[ ] Go into town and try to meet somepony interesting, there are at least six very interesting ones who just exorcised a demigoddess.

Speaking of socialization, these are both good. Requisite family mare action, and maybe reaching out to make personal friends outside of the spooky Moth Cult. We might or might not end up meeting the bearers, but it sounds healthy to maybe have somebody in our social circle who doesn't thirst for the taste of moonlight or whatever.

[X] Friendly Neighborhood Librarymare
-[X] On what must be done (finding a way to reach Princess Luna)
--[X] The Dreamlands, the realm of pony dreams, is not a part of the Mansus, and yet you can see it from the Woods, far in the horizon. Search if there is a path that leads there.
-[X] On furthering the cause
--[X] There are books that could be of use. You should start looking for them. (Will involve random expenditure of bits). All sub-choices are not suspicious.
---[X] In Ponyville, and its… great assortments of libraries? (no extra cost)
--[X] Although you are personally judicious about such habits, you are still a noble. Searching for "peculiar items" to "add to your collection" is certainly not out of place... right? Suspicion depends on how strange the item scouted is.
---[X] [Ask your servants to carry out this task.]
-[X] Your personal life, or at least the non cult-y part
--[X] Of course you love your family very much, but you could always spend a bit more time with them.
--[X] Go into town and try to meet somepony interesting, there are at least six very interesting ones who just exorcised a demigoddess.

That seems to come out to 4+1; Dream walking, Library stalking, Family Time clocking, Friendship talking, and servants dealing with Artifact hawking.
I'm surprised no one else noticed. It was THE fanfic after Cupcakes and FOE and it received several updates after completion to increase the quality of the editing or bring it in line with new seasons.
the Nyx one, right? never read it, but it's kinda famous in the community. What would FOE be? Fallout Equestria?

(You have a Moth Master. What did you expect, precise instructions?)
expect is a bit too strong of a word. I hoped though.

--[ ] In the Crystal Empire, provided their books aren't in ancient pony-script, if that's a thing (50 bits in transportation)
wait, I though the Crystal Empire was not back yet!
wait, I though the Crystal Empire was not back yet!
That's a good point; if we're freaking out about the demigoddess and not the all out god then Discord hasn't come back (and also the vote option said that Luna only came back a few days ago), so Sombra certainly couldn't have made his return yet.
[X] Plan Making Connections and Deals
-[X] On what must be done (finding a way to reach Princess Luna)
--[X] Perhaps the least subtle of options is the answer, and your target being royalty means that she is not hard to track. Get in touch with your contacts in Canterlot and try to get a hold of an invitation to some event. You surely won't get to her immediately, but it will be a first hoof into the city where she lives.
---[X] [Ask your servants to carry out this task.]
-[X] On furthering the cause
--[X] In all honesty, the Cult lacks an appropriate place for gatherings, at least when it comes to lesser meetings to discuss small matters, or to simply stash certain things. Scout for a suitable place, or other buildings that might be for sale.
--[X] Although you are personally judicious about such habits, you are still a noble. Searching for "peculiar items" to "add to your collection" is certainly not out of place... right?
--[X] You cannot expect to succeed working alone, that's why you are in a cult. Take some time to help one of your colleagues. Who knows, you might even learn something from them.
--[X] Help Windy Flakes, the unicorn seems to be in charge of most of the cult's physical possessions.
-[X] Your personal life, or at least the non cult-y part
--[X] Of course you love your family very much, but you could always spend a bit more time with them.

no one is going to question if we send our servants to ask some questions of the new Princess, many will be doing the same, and if we send our servants we can focus on the important matters, such as property, Artifact hunting and getting to know our fellow cult members, besides miss Windy Flakes might help us look for good Artifacts to collect for the cult, it's her job to manage the money and other such things, and it's our job to find a way to make the goal happen, so i think we can work well together, or at least we should.
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