An Understanding of Choice
With the data retrieved by Iris, the more expected complexities of infiltration proved far less so. Access to files on the facility below were relatively sparse, but the purpose for which it had been built was made very clear. Protocol and etiquette for visitors, though pilgrims might be a better translation, were laid out quite clearly. The site was freely accessible to any with the right codes, and your access to the security system provided those. Of course, there was the possibility that all of them were false, but that struck you as slightly more paranoia than might be healthy.

That was not to say that you didn't have a plan in the event that that was the case, of course. Although the Adamant was effectively toothless by the standards of capital ships, the craft here were distinctly civilian. If needed, Jane could disable the ships in orbit, and Iris would bring up a systemwide jamming field to prevent messages being sent to the interstellar relay built into the system shell's access points. It wouldn't be perfect, but it would give you time to escape.

For now, though, that plan was far away from your focus. The Ministry of Security had studied what data Insight had been able to acquire on Shiplord culture heavily when designing the Masques. Although the species maintained a unified evolutionary template and physical structure, every member of the species was protected by a nanobiological shell that could be modified into almost anything the wearer desired.

Sixth Secret technology on its own couldn't match it; the nanoshells were breathtakingly more advanced than even your daughter's avatar. But with the aid of Practice, and a total disregard for resourcing limits, Trailblazer's R&D specialists had gotten very close. They only cost about as much as a heavy cruiser. Each.

"How are we doing?" You asked, trying in vain to distract yourself from those thoughts for a moment, watching the featureless silver plains of the world below grow larger in the shuttle's view-panes.

"All clear," Vega replied from beside you, her dark hair cloaked beneath the rippled cowl of her Masque. If she was exasperated with your constant repeating of the question, none could have said. "There's not a great deal down there, Mandy, and what they do have doesn't feel military grade at all."

"For them it isn't," Elil said from the helm station, his bright eyes flicking between various readouts as he guided your shuttle down towards the world below. With the internal sensor coverage of the system fully suborned, keeping him aboard the Adamant had been seen as less vital than ensuring that your own insertion went as smoothly as possible. The Adamant's standard stealth systems, in combination with the Accord of Harmonials aboard the vessel to keep its drive field hidden, would suffice against the civilian vessels in orbit.

"These, they're traffic control systems," he continued, dark face intent despite the slow, steady angle of the shuttle's descent. "No major functionality beyond keeping track of drive signatures, and we don't have one they can see. Wouldn't call this easy, but it's not hard. Of course, we go drilling holes in the planet, well," he trailed off, and you laughed good-naturedly.

"I know, I know," you said accommodatingly. He understood that it might end up being required, but for now you could joke. "Just a little bit more complicated."

"Just a touch," he agreed, his attention flicking back to the sensor readouts, and you turned your own back to the rest of your team. It was a small team, and you'd had the space and Masques for more. But given your uncertainty as to the truth of the place, you'd refused to take anyone who didn't have Unisonbound or close-to-it reaction time and manoeuvring capacity. And that had cut the pool down quite sharply.

Who have you brought with you? The core of your Landing Party is Amanda, Vega and Elil. You may select up to three (3) of the following candidates:

[] Iris – Your daughter, and the only non-Unisonbound on the list. As an AI, she is more capable in the infospace than any other member of your crew, and her avatar is fully capable of interfacing with a Masque. She can think even faster than you can, but her physical capabilities still lag behind a Unisonbound. But then, so long as she has lagless signal she's never in any real danger.
[] Kalilah Mishra – A risky choice, you believe, but she also wishes to see what the Shiplords have made of this place. Kalilah has and continues to change since the Third Battle of Sol, and her request to join you in this endeavour speaks volumes. If you are discovered, or this is a trap, there will be no greater ally in returning you all safely home.
[] Lea Halwood – A Mender like you, though through a different lens, Lea tends to act as a sounding board for you, and the younger woman is very good at it. Easily capable of keeping up, and would provide a backup medic in the event of combat.
[] Mir Hayes – Apart from you and Vega, the only Speaker on the mission. Mir also possesses a truly rare Focus of Peace, and believes that he may be able to turn this to your advantage in seeking undisturbed access to the Shiplord memorial site.

They were the team you'd chosen, however, and whatever awaited you it would be enough. That had stood you in good stead through countless trials, you needed only to trust it would here, once again. The moments of consideration passed quickly, but then, so too did your descent.

"Coming in on final approach now," Elil's voice intruded on the last of your contemplations. "Iris has gotten us a good spot, and will keep it clear of locals." His own Masque was up now, too, sealing him in beneath layers of angles so finely intermeshed that they almost looked smooth. Your own was more similar to Vega's, but with more solidity. Or perhaps it was more similar to Kagiso's, now that you considered it. The Masques were being run by your Unison Intelligences, and though their preferences were similar, that didn't mean the same.

:Ours, I think,: Sidra told you a moment later, and you smiled below the nanites that hid your face. :And a good thing, too. This will take all of us together, I think.:

:And even more if it is truly what they say it is,:
you sent back, and a moment later you felt their presence bleeding away your concerns. :You shouldn't,: you began, only for them to interrupt.

:But I want to,: they said. :You need your mind clear, Amanda. It won't be, of course,: you felt the rueful chuckle, :but I can help you be better than you are right now. And I will, too.:

Their presence flooded through you, washing through the anxiety and concerns that had grown to a fever pitch during your descent. You'd kept them controlled, but you were just you, and with the burden shared you found your world expanded. Just in time for the soft hum of the ship's drive to fade, and a wave of it to try and come crashing in again. The first humans to visit a Shiplord planet, as far as you knew – but you'd keep the mark in the history books clear until you were back on the Adamant.

"Ready?" You asked, flowing up into a standing position, the Masque shifting to support you completely without revealing the presence of your subtly extended Aegis. It was another reason you'd refused to take non-Unisonbound or close enough, actually. An Aegis allowed you the Masque to far more effectively mimic the fluid movements that Insight had reported.

"I'm always ready to make history with you," Vega replied in the Shiplord language, the intonation one of acceptant joy. A third reason: the Unison Intelligences were far more efficient interface points for the Masque. Getting the language right would matter as much as looking right. Elil hit the hatch switch, and a vista that no non-Shiplord had seen in scores of millennia stretched out before you.

The world's surface was as smooth as your sensors had told you it would be, yet here that perfect marble had been marred by a small…settlement was the wrong word. Even as you thought it, it felt wrong, and you let yourself trust that. You weren't a match for Vega, but you had your own skill in connecting with what was felt, not seen. The arching spires, ancient by the standards of humanity, stood as if bearing an endless weight, and your first step into that well of utter and ancient sorrow almost staggered you.

Despite whatever the truth might be, the Shiplords who had come here for millennia believed that this had been a failing of their people. They believed it still, and in that moment you recognised that your pause wouldn't be noticed. Not with so many others around you, upon that field of dead silver, reacting exactly the same way. Feedback rippled down your arm as Vega gently grasped it with one of her manipulators. Looking at her was to see through the Masque, and the nod that confirmed your own feelings. And with that confirmed, your mission priorities had abruptly simplified.

:Find out how this was their failure,: you flicked out to the network between you. :Anything you can find, once we're inside. Observation is now secondary.:

there was a mess of emotion and subtle meaning below those responses, but they came without pause.

"This way, I believe," Elil said verbally, keeping to the language of the place as he motioned towards a gate built between the landing field and the mournful structures that awaited you. The flow in and out was unsecured, yet as you approached, one of a small group of more uniform figures moved out from the gate.

Curious, your nascent link to the web told you, though also dutiful, and moving to discharge the dictates of such. An…attendant? Was that even the right word?

"Greetings, travellers," they said as they reached a more personable speaking distance. "Be welcome beneath the spires." The phrase was pure ritual, but there was a depth to it that defied that classification. "My grant-name is Yhelir, and I would ask only one thing to you new travellers here." There was a feeling of…something between pity and pride in their voice, something in response to the reaction they'd seen in you.

"Of course," Vega gave a small dip of their presence, their own voice solemn, and not one shred of it an act.

"There are two paths to understand all that transpired here, all that we did," Yhelir explained. "Both are open to you, but only one may be experienced first, and none of the Hearthguard will speak of either without first knowing your choice. Would you remember first, or would you witness?"

There was a complexity to that question that defied your understanding. Something deep, almost primal, and the translation matrix couldn't make sense of it. The way it was said made clear, there was no right answer, but also no wrong one. Yet beneath that… Pings flashed between your internal network, but it was too opaque. Both answers were equally valid, both led to understanding, but the difference? Nothing any of you could find. To witness implied what the word meant, to see. But you could see memories, too. And there was no time, even at accelerated speeds, for you knew Shiplords could think at such speeds too. There was no advantage there, only what would be expected.

What, then, would you choose?
[] Witness
[] Remember

Please vote by plan, to allow for votes that involve taking fewer than six team members. Your options for the team vote are listed again below, you may select up to three of them:

[] Iris – Your daughter, and the only non-Unisonbound on the list. As an AI, she is more capable in the infospace than any other member of your crew, and her avatar is fully capable of interfacing with a Masque. She can think even faster than you can, but her physical capabilities still lag behind a Unisonbound. But then, so long as she has lagless signal she's never in any real danger.
[] Kalilah Mishra – A risky choice, you believe, but she also wishes to see what the Shiplords have made of this place. Kalilah has and continues to change since the Third Battle of Sol, and her request to join you in this endeavour speaks volumes. If you are discovered, or this is a trap, there will be no greater ally in returning you all safely home.
[] Lea Halwood – A Mender like you, though through a different lens, Lea tends to act as a sounding board for you, and the younger woman is very good at it. Easily capable of keeping up, and would provide a backup medic in the event of combat.
[] Mir Hayes – Apart from you and Vega, the only Speaker on the mission. Mir also possesses a truly rare Focus of Peace, and believes that he may be able to turn this to your advantage in seeking undisturbed access to the Shiplord memorial site.

I have provided a more in-depth Pros/Cons list below. Be aware when voting that this is as much a vote to balance emotions as it is a vote to provide a spread of abilities. In fact, it's probably more the former than the latter.

  • Iris
    • Pros: Incredible infospace skill, even beyond the capabilities of Unison Intelligences. Can think 'faster' than even you or the Shiplords.
    • Cons: Has just had to deal with a major personal trauma and intensely desires answers. Despite everything, she can still be impulsive with her capabilities.
  • Kalilah
    • Pros: The most deadly human combat asset in existence. Heartcircle member.
    • Cons: Still not settled after the Third Battle of Sol, and intrigue has never been her strong suit. Wants answers, but may not wish to wait in line for them. As a member of the First Awoken, also has a very personal stake in those.
  • Lea
    • Pros: Often an excellent practical and emotional counterpoint to Amanda and Amanda's methods of working with others. Highly skilled Mender, though through a different lens.
    • Cons: A Mender who still bears some scars from her interaction with the Medicament-class destroyed during the Second Battle of Sol. Likely to be less focused on answers and more on keeping everyone safe.
  • Mir
    • Pros: His entire Focus is built around the ideal of avoiding conflict.
    • Cons: His entire Focus is built around the ideal of avoiding conflict.
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So I made a post in the PW Discord earlier today about how I'd finally gotten done planning this post. This then happened. Praise planning! Many thanks to my betas as usual, and specifically to @Coda for building the piece of code that allows me to work with Word, gdocs and SV without breaking my formatting somewhere. This update should directly answer some questions, and the one to come will answer more. I would have gotten us to that part this update, but the story just wouldn't let me write it that way. I guess the truth of what happened is this. Do be careful on the team vote. Whilst taking as many as possible comes with its share of advantages, it also does have downsides. You're dealing with people here, not just trait lists.

Hope you're all doing well, as always. Questions to the usual address.
OK, as I see it, additional reasons to take people vs. not take people. I may not have pros/cons for everyone.

Against: "Not dying when killed" may tip the Shiplords off to the presence of a human AI. According to Discord, it may be possible to use directional lagless comms with modest risk of interception, which should help her contribute her infospace skills remotely if need be. Experience in remote work will also be useful material for writing an essay in history class on the Great Pandemic of 2020.

@Snowfire : Can you confirm the interceptability and bandwidth of lagless comms?

For: Character development. Ideally, she would be able to find peace with herself and some ability to respect peace with the Shiplords.

For: Also character development. It'll expose her directly to what motivates the Shiplords. She may find things which resonate with her Focus.
Against: Modest redundancy with Amanda. She may find things which resonate with her Focus in the same way that the Mendicament resonated with her Focus.

For: If stuff goes hot, speaking "Peace" or "Truce" may give us the opportunity to slip out without killing Shiplord civilians or damaging the monument. This is supposed to be a stealth mission anyways.
Against: Not very effective if it doesn't wind up being a stealth mission.

The witness/remember thing has awful little to go on, but... I'm inclined to go with the one more directly relevant to our mission of uncovering the past.

As such, my vote:

[X] Plan Remote Work
-[X] Remember
-[X] Kalilah Mishra – A risky choice, you believe, but she also wishes to see what the Shiplords have made of this place. Kalilah has and continues to change since the Third Battle of Sol, and her request to join you in this endeavour speaks volumes. If you are discovered, or this is a trap, there will be no greater ally in returning you all safely home.
-[X] Lea Halwood – A Mender like you, though through a different lens, Lea tends to act as a sounding board for you, and the younger woman is very good at it. Easily capable of keeping up, and would provide a backup medic in the event of combat.
-[X] Mir Hayes – Apart from you and Vega, the only Speaker on the mission. Mir also possesses a truly rare Focus of Peace, and believes that he may be able to turn this to your advantage in seeking undisturbed access to the Shiplord memorial site.

On a side note: I may have goofed on formatting the plan. Let me know if I need to edit it.
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Good night Snow!

On a side note: if we can remain undetected until the last site, it would be incredibly illuminating to come as pilgrims without the Masques and go for maximum chutzpah: "We come as pilgrims, to learn what we may about what has transpired, and how we may forge a peaceful future. Without repeated xenocides."
Mir is, I think, a good choice. He won't probe deeper if he can help it, but he's also good for staying hidden. That, I think, is fine.
We can wait until we're back on our ship to RAGE AGAINST THE NIGHT as we likely will be doing after seeing the Shiplord's so-called 'failure'.
Kaliah has no business going down there. Between her impatience, not being fully settled, and bad at sneaky to begin with? Hahaha no.
Iris...I would say she needs to wait. She's gotten bloodied, she can say that, but this doesn't feel like a great place for her to lose her cool.
Lea? Probably could smooth over either Kaliah or Iris if she goes. I WAS going to say take her, but I think she really needs to be with Kaliah and Iris to help them heal. And she sounds...Less interested, I think?

[X] Plan: Peaceful WItness
-[X] No Iris
-[X] No Kaliah
-[X]No Lea
-[X] Mir
-[X] Witness

See it, but form your own conclusions. To Remember is to hear the story as the Shiplords would hear it, to draw the morals they would draw from it. It is to dip ourselves in their point of view. Good for understanding them...But not so much for bridging the gap between us, I think? Because their voice drowns ours out while we're dipping. And if we spend too long...
Trauma like all the others. Silenced, like all the others. A bridge needs to connect two lands together, not build out from one alone.
[X] Plan I Don't Need A Fight, I Need Answers!
-[X] Witness
-[X] Iris – Your daughter, and the only non-Unisonbound on the list. As an AI, she is more capable in the infospace than any other member of your crew, and her avatar is fully capable of interfacing with a Masque. She can think even faster than you can, but her physical capabilities still lag behind a Unisonbound. But then, so long as she has lagless signal she's never in any real danger.
-[X] Kalilah Mishra – A risky choice, you believe, but she also wishes to see what the Shiplords have made of this place. Kalilah has and continues to change since the Third Battle of Sol, and her request to join you in this endeavour speaks volumes. If you are discovered, or this is a trap, there will be no greater ally in returning you all safely home.
-[X] Mir Hayes – Apart from you and Vega, the only Speaker on the mission. Mir also possesses a truly rare Focus of Peace, and believes that he may be able to turn this to your advantage in seeking undisturbed access to the Shiplord memorial site.

Iris and Kalilah are highly invested in getting answers, and are extremely useful in dealing with infospace or hostilies. Mir and his peacefulness is along to help prevent hostilities breaking out in general and to keep the emotional investment of the other two picks from getting the better of their judgement and causing problems.

Witness was picked over Remember because it seems like the more direct way to get the answers the party is filled with a burning need for. Also the worry that remember might call on information pilgrims would be expected to have that the party doesn't.

Edit: I understand the argument for grouping up the entire Heartcircle. I kinda prefer Iris purely on emotional investment (and also due to personal familiarity with her character over Lea), but looking at things more from Amanda's perspective filling out the Heartcircle is probably just about as objectively useful as boosting infospace abilities.

As such, I'll be approval voting for

[ ] Plan Heartcircle

Edit 2: NVM, apparently my plan is winning now. I'll go back to approval voting if that changes.
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I need to think about if I'm even voting on this one or if I should just wait for the next post.
[X] Plan: Peaceful WItness
I'd like to have a very competent rescue team on our ship in case a rescue is needed. For example, network interaction with Iris having the ship's resources sounds better than Iris down on the planet, on her own.
[X] Plan: Peaceful Remembrance
-[X] Remember
-[X] Team:
--[X] Mir Hayes – Apart from you and Vega, the only Speaker on the mission. Mir also possesses a truly rare Focus of Peace, and believes that he may be able to turn this to your advantage in seeking undisturbed access to the Shiplord memorial site.
@Snowfire : Can you confirm the interceptability and bandwidth of lagless comms?

Lagless comms are highly directable, so it's mostly a matter of making sure your transmission doesn't cross paths with a hostile receiving platform. In terms of bandwidth, it's fully capable of supplying full spectrum imagery of your own senses to the Adamant. The main limiting factor on any return is that you - Unisonbound - think faster than even implant enhanced humans. Iris leaves even Unisonbound in the dust, however. The primary (potential) downside to the remote observation route is that there are ways to block lagless transmissions.

I need to think about if I'm even voting on this one or if I should just wait for the next post.

Given your interest sweep, I would advise voting in this. Although I know that Witness and Remember aren't much to go on, the words have a meaning that goes beyond their sounds. @Zaealix and have done some very good analysis of what they could mean, though, and I'd read their sections on that before you vote if I was you. This is not actually my trying to be deliberately mysterious, no human has the context required to make sense of this fully. You have some advantages from being 'outside' their perspective, however.

On a side note: if we can remain undetected until the last site, it would be incredibly illuminating to come as pilgrims without the Masques and go for maximum chutzpah: "We come as pilgrims, to learn what we may about what has transpired, and how we may forge a peaceful future. Without repeated xenocides."

I mean, I'll let you try anything :p
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First of all, from what Yhelir tells us, we can experience both paths. It's just that the first one we take will have a more significant impact and possibly color the second. (that is assuming that we don't screw up somewhere and have to shoot our way out mid-session, of course). So we should assume that whichever one we choose, we will later take the other

The difference between Witness something and Remember something is usually a temporal one. When you witness you are in the thick of things and you don't know what will happen next. When you remember you have the advantage of hindsight since you already know what will happen and can understand how every single choice in the chain of events affected the inevitable result.

I see two issues here, practical and emotional.

On the practical side, Remember implies already having knowledge of what happened here, and while normal pilgrims may already have it we certainly don't. That might trip us. Unless Remember works by some kind of telepathic mind-transfer infodump that we are supposed to receive and process, which woud definitely trip us since we (let alone Iris) are unlikely to be physically cabable of handling it. But if it was that, then Witness could use similar technologies and we would be in the same boat. It's not too farfetched to assume that all things being equal, the Witness experience would be easier for us to receive without technical issues.

On the emotional side, I worry that Witness would have a greater impact upon our participants than Remember. Remember implies recollection and distance from the events, and the emotial impact of them would be somewhat muted. Especially since emotions are probably included in the experience, and they will be whatever the Ship Lords feel about it (presumably, sadness and determination to do better?). While with Witness we will have the raw, first hand, live experience of the Ship Lords genociding a planet in front of our helpless eyes. I worry that some of our teammates will not be able to endure it without doing something we will regret.

Overall, I feel our best choice is Witness, with our team chosen primarily for equanimity in order to keep us as safe as possible.

[X] Plan Cool Heads will Prevail
-[X] Witness
-[X] Lea Halwood – A Mender like you, though through a different lens, Lea tends to act as a sounding board for you, and the younger woman is very good at it. Easily capable of keeping up, and would provide a backup medic in the event of combat.
-[X] Mir Hayes – Apart from you and Vega, the only Speaker on the mission. Mir also possesses a truly rare Focus of Peace, and believes that he may be able to turn this to your advantage in seeking undisturbed access to the Shiplord memorial site.

Iris might have issues passing as organic, and it was stated the she can be impulsive. And for Mishra witnessing a genocide would be like pushing all her triggers at the same time,
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Hmm... Kalilah seems like a high-risk, high-reward option. It might be very healthy for her to be here.

I feel like Mir is unquestionably "must bring."

There is... an argument for bringing the entire Heartcircle? Lea would possibly be an important person to have around if Kalilah does have trouble...

[x] Plan Heartcircle
-[x] Witness
-[] Iris
-[x] Lea
-[x] Mir
-[x] Kalilah
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Side note: I could be convinced to switch my plan to Remote Work. I'm really on the fence about the witness/remember vote... especially as it pertains to Kalilah. Just by the terms, "witness" sounds more immediate and "remember" sounds more reflective, so... if I'm right about that, it could mean that "witness" would be more likely to push buttons... but on the other hand, perhaps reflection could include details that Kalilah would Rather Not Know? And of course I could be wrong about my guesses about the contents of either... So at the moment I'm leaning towards having the Heartcircle together as a defensive approach and just following my gut on which presentation will have the bigger impact.

A stray thought: since we'll be seeing both... one of witness -> remember is likely to give information and then put it in context, while the other is likely to prepare the viewer and then open up with something raw.

... huh. Putting it... that way... maybe I SHOULD switch.
[X] Plan I Don't Need A Fight, I Need Answers!
-[X] Witness
-[X] Iris – Your daughter, and the only non-Unisonbound on the list. As an AI, she is more capable in the infospace than any other member of your crew, and her avatar is fully capable of interfacing with a Masque. She can think even faster than you can, but her physical capabilities still lag behind a Unisonbound. But then, so long as she has lagless signal she's never in any real danger.
-[X] Kalilah Mishra – A risky choice, you believe, but she also wishes to see what the Shiplords have made of this place. Kalilah has and continues to change since the Third Battle of Sol, and her request to join you in this endeavour speaks volumes. If you are discovered, or this is a trap, there will be no greater ally in returning you all safely home.
-[X] Mir Hayes – Apart from you and Vega, the only Speaker on the mission. Mir also possesses a truly rare Focus of Peace, and believes that he may be able to turn this to your advantage in seeking undisturbed access to the Shiplord memorial site.

Alright this is the plan I'm voting for. I'll give my reasoning later as right now I'll just collapse into my bed. Good night.
A show of trust here should go a long way in the future, and frankly I do trust Kalilah. And I think she needs to understand what happened here. Oddly enough, I think bringing Lea is the greater risk. As a mender, this place will hit her hardest.

If this place is what I think it is then Mir's presence is very appropriate and it might make all the difference if we are discovered, because we really are here as pilgrims on a mission of Peace.

you new travellers here.
I think they know. If nothing else, new travellers should be rare let alone without an experienced escort. If so, then as long as we stay in character we should be fine, as cartoon-cliche as that is.

We can't truly remember what we haven't experienced yet.

There is something about bringing the full Heartcircle that appeals on a metaphysical level.
[x] Plan Heartcircle
So why am I going for Plan I Don't Need A Fight, I Need Answers! ? Because:

[] Iris – Your daughter, and the only non-Unisonbound on the list. As an AI, she is more capable in the infospace than any other member of your crew, and her avatar is fully capable of interfacing with a Masque. She can think even faster than you can, but her physical capabilities still lag behind a Unisonbound. But then, so long as she has lagless signal she's never in any real danger.

  • Pros: Incredible infospace skill, even beyond the capabilities of Unison Intelligences. Can think 'faster' than even you or the Shiplords.
  • Cons: Has just had to deal with a major personal trauma and intensely desires answers. Despite everything, she can still be impulsive with her capabilities.

So with Iris her impulsiveness is the thing that will get her into trouble. We are seen as newcomers so there is some leeway in impulsiveness. the problem there being that what Shiplords see as acceptable impulsiveness is probably not the same as what Humans see as acceptable impulsiveness. We bring Iris to show her that she is trusted to behave and trusted to be able to get her answers. Plus in case you missed it Mary is here as well so both of Iris' Moms are here to watch over her. Edit: So that's Vega not Mary. Disregard the part about Mary being there then. I did think about this new added risk and I think it is still worth it to go for this vote.

[] Kalilah Mishra – A risky choice, you believe, but she also wishes to see what the Shiplords have made of this place. Kalilah has and continues to change since the Third Battle of Sol, and her request to join you in this endeavour speaks volumes. If you are discovered, or this is a trap, there will be no greater ally in returning you all safely home.

  • Pros: The most deadly human combat asset in existence. Heartcircle member.
  • Cons: Still not settled after the Third Battle of Sol, and intrigue has never been her strong suit. Wants answers, but may not wish to wait in line for them. As a member of the First Awoken, also has a very personal stake in those.

Kalilah is also impatient for answers, but is invested in keeping Amanda safe and being a bodyguard first. Might go off on us, but Amanda's the one who can keep Kalilah's impulses in check so it is mostly safe to bring her.

[] Lea Halwood – A Mender like you, though through a different lens, Lea tends to act as a sounding board for you, and the younger woman is very good at it. Easily capable of keeping up, and would provide a backup medic in the event of combat.

  • Pros: Often an excellent practical and emotional counterpoint to Amanda and Amanda's methods of working with others. Highly skilled Mender, though through a different lens.
  • Cons: A Mender who still bears some scars from her interaction with the Medicament-class destroyed during the Second Battle of Sol. Likely to be less focused on answers and more on keeping everyone safe.

Lea's good, but when it comes down to it she's there only if we expect a fight to successfully break out. The Shiplords are not expecting this sort of infiltration action to be taken and this is mostly a civilian installation. So we don't have to take her.

[] Mir Hayes – Apart from you and Vega, the only Speaker on the mission. Mir also possesses a truly rare Focus of Peace, and believes that he may be able to turn this to your advantage in seeking undisturbed access to the Shiplord memorial site.

  • Pros: His entire Focus is built around the ideal of avoiding conflict.
  • Cons: His entire Focus is built around the ideal of avoiding conflict.

We are not here to start a fight at any point and Mir's powers may keep things from escalating into full on conflict. The bigger problem is that Mir might not find what is here in any way to his own nature so I would have left him on board if not for his Unisonbound nature making his Focus more flexible.

As for Witness instead of Remember? Witnessing is usually seeing with one's own eyes what happened, where as Remembering is about having someone else tell you a story about something they remember happening. So Witness first for a less edited story. It will still be a story though. Just one the Shiplords tell themselves and believe to be the truth.

So this is why I'm voting for this plan. It's higher risk and it could get us into more trouble, but at the same time it gets us more character development and gets us more varied perspectives on this Grand Reason for Shiplords asking to be called Shiplords.
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