Hunger is not the only one with curses to mitigate: there is also Verchengorge who is slowly killing Letritzia with Decimation. Other Armaments that we bring into our service later will probably also have curses. While A-DS can help with Hunger's own curses, Renaissance Woman will let Gisena help anyone (who serves us).
Did something happen in the Discord? I'm usually not a fan of those kind of chats, but maybe I should head over there if it looks like it's significantly altering the discussion?
Some people are selfish. Instead of posting the drama here as well, so we can watch judge generate Arete from salt, they try to hide it and sort it out themselves. Sheesh, some people have no forum manners.

(/s for anybody wondering)
Hunger is not the only one with curses to mitigate: there is also Verchengorge who is slowly killing Letritzia with Decimation. Other Armaments that we bring into our service later will probably also have curses. While A-DS can help with Hunger's own curses, Renaissance Woman will let Gisena help anyone (who serves us).

Not to mention other Graces she could develop to further help Mitigate Curses. If I remember correctly there were potential Graces that could be developed that would help mitigate the curses Seram had.
Also, if Gisena gets Total Eclipse then we're not going to. Which means the 1 Arete discount from Edeldross is completely wasted.
It wasn't meant to be aggressive! I put in the smilies to show that the line about tit-for-tat was meant as a joke. Like, I offered a 2k word post as a negotiation chip (feasible, proportional to other offers) and when outbid there would be a 200k word retribution (completely unfeasible, wildly over-reacting to the situation at hand).

The question about the ring was because I trust you to lead the way to the best Mage build we can get.

Huh, guess I'm bad at interpreting posts. And I guess I'll endeavor to be worthy of your trust? Usually the mage builds seem obvious to me...

Yes, he didn't want @Xalvitor to commit to Total Eclipse. I'll cover how many votes you think would compensate for him, within reason.

Not necessary, but I have to say your signature made me smile.

I'm giving you a marker. I'm deeply sorry for all involved.

I guess I'll take that, although I'm not sure we vote against each other very often anyways...

I'll bump my offer to three votes, no veto?

I appreciate the offer, but I don't want to change the side I'm on after accepting someone's deal. That seems like it could invite all kinds of chaos and hard feelings.
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Also, if Gisena gets Total Eclipse then we're not going to. Which means the 1 Arete discount from Edeldross is completely wasted.
On the contrary, there are some pretty large potential research benefit we could reap if both of us have True Quintessence. Picking up Total Eclipse would not be a waste at all.
we do not need to solve everything right this instant and take all the power and win everything, and honestly I am not sure that would be interesting
There's a quote where someone talks about operating at a solar-system level and Rihaku says something to the effect of "what kind of weak boss fights do you expect that will be safe with only Solar System level power"

I suspect that the power-level of the Voyaging Realms wildly outscales anything we've even considered in Hunger's first month of time spent as a Cursebearer. Recall that we're at 1e-29% completion of the Geas. The Accursed operates on a timescale that makes a month relatively much shorter than the blink of an eye.
Huh, guess I'm bad at interpreting posts. And I guess I'll endeavor to be worthy of your trust? Usually the mage builds seem obvious to me...

Not necessary, but I have to say you signature made me smile.

I guess I'll take that, although I'm not sure we vote against each other very often anyways...

I appreciate it, but I don't want to change the side I'm on after accepting someone's deal. That seems like it could invite all kinds of chaos and hard feelings.
It's more on the spirit of the thing.
Here it's probably just a dude who loves to fish. We're not even a king, do we qualify? I don't think those kinds of ruling elite powers are in our character as voters to develop, if Ennobling getting ignored for Vigor Itself was anything to judge by. Might and charisma are eminently trustworthy, and we tend to prefer waifus to brofus besides. That the Fisher King was about how a ruler cannot rely solely on being a great warrior is a sloppy segue, but nevertheless a point worth making.

Hardly the sloppiest we've ever seen!

I think if Ennobling had been equal cost to Vigor Spam, it would have done well. But some short-term bias is both understandable and possibly optimal considering how dangerously Hunger likes to live...

You'll always be the [Master Baiter] in my heart, Hunger. Using the ancient and terrible fishing arts on such a sweet and innocent young woman, all just so you can take a nap!

Her enemies would call her a mass murderer! Such is the life of a superweapon pilot.

That Doom dodge, so casual you'd think it was innate. Was he this much of a social heavyweight before the Accursed showed up? If his wife managed to keep up with this kind of attitude back when he was still Rank 6+, how much willpower did she have? Was she a Ranking elite too

Catherine was substantially Ranked, yeah. She was the heiress to the Tyrant's crown so she was naturally famous, plus to be worthy of being heir one must be exceptionally talented, diligent and perspicacious. By endgame she was probably in the mid-7s of Rank, only modestly below the Hero / Tyrant.
So far I only checked out updates and had a very occasional look at discussion when I happened to be a tad bored. But now stuff is apparently super close right when I happen to be here so I guess I will cast my first vote.

[X] Renaissance Woman

Hunger himself getting two and a half huge power-ups from a relaxed stay at a hot springs town is just way too ill-fitting.
Any higher entity paying attention to the group is going to move heaven and earth to prevent Hunger from ever reaching one again. Can we really be this cruel to this poor protagonist. :V
There's a quote where someone talks about operating at a solar-system level and Rihaku says something to the effect of "what kind of weak boss fights do you expect that will be safe with only Solar System level power"

I suspect that the power-level of the Voyaging Realms wildly outscales anything we've even considered in Hunger's first month of time spent as a Cursebearer. Recall that we're at 1e-29% completion of the Geas. The Accursed operates on a timescale that makes a month relatively much shorter than the blink of an eye.

I don't really expect to fight solar system scale fights until we have solar system scale power, I can't really see how sprinting that on a completely unprepared hunger and voter base would work.

Saying we need to take pure power right now because of some vague threat we have yet to encounter, when we have already outscaled the next hit of the apocryphal is pretty unconvincing. Especially when flare gives us a significant boost both before and after resuming the azure ring, that in total is pretty equivalent to all defeating.

Making an argument on the basis of threat that is not right in front of us fall pretty flat. Especially when all defeating a effects do not immediately bring us even to solar system level unless I am misinterpreting how strong we are and it's defensive effects are contingent of the strength of our power of ruin which yes it does enhance.
There's a quote where someone talks about operating at a solar-system level and Rihaku says something to the effect of "what kind of weak boss fights do you expect that will be safe with only Solar System level power"

I suspect that the power-level of the Voyaging Realms wildly outscales anything we've even considered in Hunger's first month of time spent as a Cursebearer. Recall that we're at 1e-29% completion of the Geas. The Accursed operates on a timescale that makes a month relatively much shorter than the blink of an eye.
that was planetary scale, not solar, for the record.
On the contrary, there are some pretty large potential research benefit we could reap if both of us have True Quintessence. Picking up Total Eclipse would not be a waste at all.

Oh yeah, the development of Graces depends on research and development. Gisena could develop a lot of things.

Furthermore, we have an example of two people with True Quintessence.

The Maiden and the Hero of the Manifest Realm.
We could even unlock the version of Graces that the Hero had.
The setting itself is pretty brutal; Rank 10 Versch is not even the strongest armament IIRC.

But the Voyaging realm? Rihaku gave a straight-up warning about us that powering up too much will make getting picks difficult unless we get Pillars.
Making an argument on the basis of threat that is not right in front of us fall pretty flat.
Your stated concern was
we do not need to solve everything right this instant and take all the power and win everything, and honestly I am not sure that would be interesting
I merely pointed out that we are not in danger of solving everything right this instant. Given the Apocryphal Curse, we are constantly in danger of catastrophe. Grabbing a powerful defensive measure that combines well with other attractive options (like Stranglethorn) makes it so that the thread can finally make votes about what looks interesting instead of trying to Not Die.

If you're unmoved by the fact that picking ten fights with 10% death chance gives us a 1 in 3 chance* of the quest ending then there's nothing else I can say that will reach you.

*It's actually worse than 1 in 3 because tough fights lead to a death-spiral of major complications.
That only works if the interesting times stay combat-based, which we know is not the case. A supernatural social operator who has True Quintessence covers much more problems that can be caused by Apocryphal than mere pure power!
Your stated concern was

I merely pointed out that we are not in danger of solving everything right this instant. Given the Apocryphal Curse, we are constantly in danger of catastrophe. Grabbing a powerful defensive measure that combines well with other attractive options (like Stranglethorn) makes it so that the thread can finally make votes about what looks interesting instead of trying to Not Die.

If you're unmoved by the fact that picking ten fights with 10% death chance gives us a 1 in 3 chance* of the quest ending then there's nothing else I can say that will reach you.

*It's actually worse than 1 in 3 because tough fights lead to a death-spiral of major complications.
On the other hand, securing Gisena's Curse Mitigation will make us face 10% death chance from the Apocryphal Curse less often.
A supernatural social operator who has True Quintessence also offers total 20% Apo mitigation before she starts powering it up; and she'll be powering it up, thanks to her own progression being really goddamn great.

Pick up a Magic-Defeating after that, a combat-relevant pick that does folds into a future EFB, and voila, 25% mitigation.
The setting itself is pretty brutal; Rank 10 Versch is not even the strongest armament IIRC.

But the Voyaging realm? Rihaku gave a straight-up warning about us that powering up too much will make getting picks difficult unless we get Pillars.
Flare build is pretty good for that tho; it has Pillars as next planned EFB, after which is explodes in power at pretty hilarious rate.

.. man, it's way too good.

[X] The Ring of Power: Crimson Flare
On the other hand, securing Gisena's Curse Mitigation will make us face 10% death chance from the Apocryphal Curse less often.
Tru, but Zfglx is a Crimson voter, which has a greater death chance than even the 2 stances from Maximum Safety.

Renaissance Woman is my second choice; I'll be jumping to RW if it becomes clear that ADS will be eliminated.
I merely pointed out that we are not in danger of solving everything right this instant. Given the Apocryphal Curse, we are constantly in danger of catastrophe. Grabbing a powerful defensive measure that combines well with other attractive options (like Stranglethorn) makes it so that the thread can finally make votes about what looks interesting instead of trying to Not Die.

In terms of solving everything I was referring to the temple, and I do not find it likely for us to die here so why vote not die? Though I suspect you disagree and that is fair. Unfortunately, good as your points are I don't really believe it we take this not dying option now we won't need to take things later particularly if the quest scales up as you suggest it will. It is likely even in light of our propensity for risk taking. Not to mention doing this locks us out of trinity which is very displeasing since that is currently the most interesting thing for me. Also I am not convinced that people won't just follow the synergy all the way down the sword rabbit hole.

I believe that we will be fine if we take flare now and ADS later, he'll we may be able to buy flare and then a stance which would be safer than last votes maximum safety option. All I am saying is ADS is not a necessity at this moment in time and thus we should lock in trinity with the still very good flare and get a stance ore something and were likely all good. I feel very much the same about this as I did about uttermost namely that as good as it is we can stand to wait on it till it will not actively hurt our other plans to take it and it will not co-op the effort we have put to other options.
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If we continue to aim for EFB we need ways to stockpile Arete to make the purchases. Apocryphal Curse means that we will regularly be facing foes that would provide a challenge for us and will inevitably require purchases of options that would require a great deal of Arete to keep up.

Having a stage 2 mitigation would be wonderful for such situations.