Let's compare the benefits mechanically!
Quickwater: Under spontaneous conditions, +++++++++++++++AGI, +.1 Rank or ++++Stealth; under ideal conditions, +30 AGI, +.25 Rank, enemies suffer -.25 Rank, plus you have either ++++Stealth or a super flashbang potion on top of that.
Inksky: +1.4 Protection and Charisma, Heal Evening Sky as an action, Evening Sky acts as an additional crude appendage in battle. 5 Arete Discount to the EBB-equivalent you're likely aiming for after Ruling Ring, a discount you will not benefit from for some time.
Edeldross: ++++++AGI, ++++++Might, +1.4 Willpower (and thus additional Agi/Might), +Int/Cha/Luck/Wis/Prot/ etc, +20% buff to allies with training. Flight, Nullity Shields, Intercepting Shields, No Collateral Damage Blasts / Less Lethal Tyrant Procs, +Relationships, 1 Arete Discount to Total Eclipse, Replicate Graces given time.
Not Dying gang, it's clear that Quickwater and Edeldross are your best bets. Not only do they improve your own parameters notably, they also let you buff your allies! Just imagine how much more effective Gisena would be with +50% Agi and +.1 Rank, or +20% All Stats!