We have about all of one long term goal right now - not dying to the upcoming event.
By the same standard that makes "sell Calypso a powerful trinket" a
short-term action, "don't die in the impending crisis" would also be a short-term action. It's avoiding the immediate problem in front of us.
You can say "ah, but since all future actions depend on not dying today, not dying today has long-term benefits." And you're right... but then I can equally well say that since selling Calypso that trinket probably saved Trompdoy's life, that had long-term benefits too.
The information is currently deliberately obfuscated, so we can say with certainty that it is impossible to plan for any period longer than a month at present, we know too little about the world, or heck, what we can do.
Okay, then don't go around busting people's chops over being short-term thinkers!
In the situation we currently face, many of our short-term actions have very real long-term benefits. With "some of our allies don't die" being a big one, and "we have a big group of magical girls who all know each other and can coordinate" being another. The fact that our long-term goals basically reduce to the vague "survive and build up infrastructure to anchor the fight against evil" isn't something that's worthy of censure.
It shouldn't, Chris started feeding everyone this turn and she feeds 24. Food expenses are already as high as they'll go for now.
She can't feed people with no groceries though. It doesn't matter how good the cook is, if the grocery bills go up.
So, if the Workshop costs as much as five Mundanes, then we'll have none left, that's true. We'll still have a lot of other Stuff, though, even if some emergency happens and we can't create and sell an item. ('We' includes Homer, who currently has two T5 Bombs to sell.)c
emergency options include "sell off other stuff," but that has explicitly been noted to be time-consuming and exhausting at a time when we may be having our time consumed and exhausted in other ways.
I... I don't think we should do workshop guys... I really don't.
This is buying a farm instead of swords when the barbarians are literally at the gate...
Ehhh, it's iffy. Depending on what the workshop upgrade
does, it could let us churn out a big pile of valuable kit for the boss battle against the barbarians. And we'll be glad we have it after the crisis. Given that magical crafting ability
is a major element of Medicine Boy's character and business model, enhancing his abilities along those lines isn't a bad idea as such. And since Medicine Boy is not a frontline combatant, having him upgrade the forge to make weapons for the warriors is a reasonable choice of action. Other options would be to expand our medical facilites or try to raise funds for the war effort...
and we're talking about those too. It's just that our options for "expand medical facilities" are blocked up right now by danger and lack of resources, and our options for "raise funds," well, appear to be winning the current vote.