Magical Girl Home Base Quest

Wanting to grind Wands for skill increases isn't bad (though as an exalted player I must warn the d10 is a harsh mistress, I've rolled zero successes on 12d10 before, let alone no tens).

The question is kind of what we think we can do to be best prepared. More firepower isn't bad. More tools aren't bad (and our Trinkets are better tools than our Wands are guns, but only as much as one Tier, and even Tier One stuff isn't bad tbh).

I'm worried that we're going to see not only death, but quite possibly Cutscene Death, or more precisely a type of death that more firepower alone won't suffice to stop. That's why I'm voting Kolobok on the hope of a healing item and possibly raising our medical skills. Also hoping something fsintoy radioactive is less dangerous than a literal cursed sword. Course I've been wrong about a bunch of stuff this week but... surely by odds I'll get something right? 😅

I'd also have more faith in "wait for workshop upgrades" if it didn't seem weirdly hard to push workshop upgrades through. I'd love to upgrade our workshop, but it's only happened once in thirteen weeks.
And if that doesn't convince anyone, I'm not above a little guilt tripping. A crit fail on the research roll might seriously hurt Medicine Boy. But meanwhile there are 12 year old children being pointlessly ripped from their homes and sent to their near-certain doom against a demon from hell. Should Medicine Boy take a risk to himself for the chance to keep many of them alive?
By that same logic, if the roll goes badly and Medicine Boy is laid up with radiation poisoning, then not only does that same little girl die, but so does perhaps five or six other kids that could've lived without the healing item, and would only have needed his ministrations.
As I understand it, a T3 costs 3 Stuff. A T2 costs 2 Stuff.

We currently have 65 Stuff.

Wrong. It has to be three different material types. Far as crafting go we have four things.
I'd also have more faith in "wait for workshop upgrades" if it didn't seem weirdly hard to push workshop upgrades through. I'd love to upgrade our workshop, but it's only happened once in thirteen weeks.
You literally just spelled it out. In thirteen weeks we've only worked on the workshop once. Everything else has gotten so much more attention, it is badly lagging behind. Give it some attention, make working there and researching there get more out of it. It's not fine as it is, it could be doing so much more if we just fucking worked on it for the second fucking time ever.
Ding ding ding, he gets it. What's even funnier is thinking that a level 2 shop will let you produce a level 2 item you don't have skills for. Don't know how that idea came around, but c'mon. This is not Capatalism Quest. Your material wealth is not the beginning and end of your leverage on the world.

Check it:

You have four real skills, which are not notorized in The Spreadsheet. These are your skills at making Wands, Trinkets, Costumes, and Bombs. Each skill is separately handled, and advances at it's own rate. While you do not need a skill level to build an item normally, if your workshop is not properly equipped for that item (see Tools on spreadsheet) then you do require Skill equal to the tier of item you're trying to create.

This section from the infopost indicates that there are two ways to build a higher tier item: A better equipped workshop or a high enough skill level. Logically the only way to build an item of a tier that we don't have the skill level for is if the workshop has the tools to do so, and we know that upgrading the workshop improves our tools. If you've decided that this is no longer the case then the infopost should be updated.
I think part of the reason people voted for wand is for mechanics? I thought Medicine Boy's maxed out his current trinket-making skills, so now people want to increase his wand-making skills.
I mean, I get the logic, but with so many "don't craft anything" voters, the "craft something" voters have reason to stick together (say, because they think we need the income stream).

Personally I don't want to make a T3 trinket because they're A) pretty expensive to make and B) tent to leave Medicine Boy completely wiped after making them, iirc. I figure a T2 wand is a better compromise between "we're broke" and "we want some of these to last a while".
I guess. The problem is that at this point it looks like we craft a T3 Trinket or we don't craft, because of how the vote split and how many people want to do something else entirely...
[X] [WORK] No, you want to research an item instead.
-[X] Kolobok
[x] [GIRLS]: Partner the junior girls up with the senior magical girls; it'll probably increase their odds of survival.
You literally just spelled it out. In thirteen weeks we've only worked on the workshop once. Everything else has gotten so much more attention, it is badly lagging behind. Give it some attention, make working there and researching there get more out of it. It's not fine as it is, it could be doing so much more if we just fucking worked on it for the second fucking time ever.
I will promise to put my vote towards the workshop next turn if that helps. Maybe it would help if you tried making a good argument for why doing the workshop now in the middle of the crisis is overall beneficial to us. Because I think a lot of people(not all) feel doing the workshop now is taking focus away from the more immediate problems and since the workshop is functioning fine and doing what we needed it to do,(even if it's not perfect)they don't feel it's an urgent necessity to do it now. And I don't think I've seen you make an argument that isn't just 'doing the workshop option because we've worked so little on it.' or if you have you might need to be more vocal about it.
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Yeah. If we hadn't done the 'work on building' action last turn, we'd have been forced to leave several magical girls out on the street. It's not impossible to make a case for a workshop upgrade (there could be some hellacious benefits locked behind it), but it needs to be made more actively than usual during a time of crisis, when the girls need weapons more than ever, and the hotel needs resources and expansion and fortification more than ever.
One issue is we really don't know how long the crisis will go for. Will next week be the finale, or the start of things going bad? If we, say, unlock something that lets us make a Level 1 Wand with every Wand crafting action, then putting it off turn after turn to craft Wands without that upgrade would be bad.
Yeah. If we hadn't done the 'work on building' action last turn, we'd have been forced to leave several magical girls out on the street. It's not impossible to make a case for a workshop upgrade (there could be some hellacious benefits locked behind it), but it needs to be made more actively than usual during a time of crisis, when the girls need weapons more than ever, and the hotel needs resources and expansion and fortification more than ever.
One issue is we really don't know how long the crisis will go for. Will next week be the finale, or the start of things going bad? If we, say, unlock something that lets us make a Level 1 Wand with every Wand crafting action, then putting it off turn after turn to craft Wands without that upgrade would be bad.
That's the thing, we're working with upgrade trees we cannot see, so every action we take is us taking a gamble if it will lead to an any kind of overall upgrade, or in case of upgrading building/workshop, what kind of upgrade. Will studying an artifact upgrade our crafting skills or lead to us developing some useful workshop gear, will building an item upgrade our crafting skill, will upgrading our workshop give us the upgrade we want/need, etc.
That's the thing, we're working with upgrade trees we cannot see, so every action we take is us taking a gamble if it will lead to an any kind of overall upgrade, or in case of upgrading building/workshop, what kind of upgrade. Will studying an artifact upgrade our crafting skills or lead to us developing some useful workshop gear, will building an item upgrade our crafting skill, will upgrading our workshop give us the upgrade we want/need, etc.

That the whims of the dice can decide what (or if) we get doesn't help either. 7734 mentioned somewhere that if we hadn't rolled abysmally on Jocelyn's healing, then she'd have had the option to either be a magical girl or an artificer, both of which are probably more generally useful than what we got (especially since that probably means she'd have a human body with all the advantages that come from that).
That the whims of the dice can decide what (or if) we get doesn't help either. 7734 mentioned somewhere that if we hadn't rolled abysmally on Jocelyn's healing, then she'd have had the option to either be a magical girl or an artificer, both of which are probably more generally useful than what we got (especially since that probably means she'd have a human body with all the advantages that come from that).
Yeah, also found the info for it. In the quote's spoiler box.
Yep. The best part is that depending on how someone gets their ability depends on how this kicks in, too. That reaches too close to my Core Concept folder to cover the how's and why's in detail, but I can say that there's an element of conceptual weight in it as well. If you were to be sacrificing your hair because it is beautiful, defining it as taking your hair wouldn't target the hairs in your eardrum since that isn't hair as how you defined the term. Rather, that would be part and parcel of your hearing, which would be how you perceive beauty. If you were to sacrifice your hair because "well I don't need it" then hair as a component will be targeted and removed from your entire body; including your eardrums. This would also fuck over your balance, leaving you in eternal vertigo.

You also have the reverse example of Melchior, who cast magic in battle against the Magical Girl team. While crafting versus fighting aren't exclusive traits nor gender-tied ones, they do strongly correlate with gender. I have to resist the urge to spoil the update here, but magic is inherently shaped by one's view of it and their conceptualization of it.

If the roll hadn't fucked Joselyn over, the next vote would have been the path to guide her magic on in recovery. While she started as someone who worked magic externally, through the work of literally having chunks of Tyrfang buried in her and being exposed to so much internalization of magic would give her the choice to accept her nature and become a Magical Girl; or she could choose your instruction and help to work on controlling the magic embedded in her externally, becoming an Artifacer like Medicine Boy.

If Joselyn became a Magical Girl, her theme would be [Evil] and her tags would be [Malchance] and [Blood] culminating in her final form gaining access to the clear Andvaranaut and the ability to curse wealth to become Rhinegold.

If Joselyn became an Artificer, her strength would be Bombs, and her tags would be [Tragedy] and [Deception] culminating in a Masterwork Bomb that would fortell the doom of whoever would drink it, telling the true future that pierces the veil of divination.
That's the thing, we're working with upgrade trees we cannot see, so every action we take is us taking a gamble if it will lead to an any kind of overall upgrade, or in case of upgrading building/workshop, what kind of upgrade. Will studying an artifact upgrade our crafting skills or lead to us developing some useful workshop gear, will building an item upgrade our crafting skill, will upgrading our workshop give us the upgrade we want/need, etc.
It also doesn't help that the QM is not very clear on some aspects of of how upgrading works. To use a recent example, because of the way QM worded things,people in the thread were mislead into thinking that upgrading the workshop also upgraded the actual Tier of our MG gear. But no,apparently upgrading the workshop has squat to do with raising the Tier of our products,but it does increase the power of some things like durability. And the only way we're getting skill upgrades on Costumes and Bomb on par with our Trinkets(aside from major research) is if we take the inefficient option and craft them. And most of the thread was under this misconception for a while and the QM just now decided to clarify.
Will next week be the finale,


It also doesn't help that the QM is not very clear on some aspects of of how upgrading works.

To be fair, a lot of this is deliberate since my opinion is that there should be no metaknowledge and equally importantly that there should be an element of uncertainty present in everything. Crafting items has dice-based uncertainty, creating rooms has GM-based uncertainty.

And most of the thread was under this misconception for a while and the QM just now decided to clarify.

To be more accurate, I ran the numbers, and decided I didn't like the option path y'all could take if the thread managed to collect it's spaghetti long enough to maximize a paperclip. Once you took the real danger of an expected... mmm, call it 20-40 dead magical girls out of the equation, you could just blitz workshop upgrades and shit out high tier gear, at which point this would go from 'crisis' to 'taco tuesday' rather quickly. Since I know SV can hit Maximized Paperclip without too much trouble at higher levels of quest activity. In exchange, I put more Item Duplication in the table (since MG fatalities for normal activities were far lower than planned) so that with the right upgrades you could get Derrivative Wands, which are a copy of what you build but one tier lower.
Since I know SV can hit Maximized Paperclip without too much trouble at higher levels of quest activity. In exchange, I put more Item Duplication in the table (since MG fatalities for normal activities were far lower than planned) so that with the right upgrades you could get Derrivative Wands, which are a copy of what you build but one tier lower.
So it sounds like there's some kind of option for increased output of low tier stuff like we have for bombs. The question then becomes how to get that. Maybe we can get it by either upgrading the workshop or by becoming able to make higher tier stuff?
creating rooms has GM-based uncertainty.

Is there any possibility we could decrease this uncertainty slightly? I'm not saying directly define our upgrades, but even the ability to distinguish between 'Upgrade Motel Capacity' and 'Upgrade Motel Amenities' would be a huge improvement - this last vote, I went for 'work on the building' in hopes of addressing how far our sanitation and culinary capacity is falling behind our population - instead we've made that ratio worse with a bunk room.
Since I know SV can hit Maximized Paperclip without too much trouble at higher levels of quest activity. In exchange, I put more Item Duplication in the table (since MG fatalities for normal activities were far lower than planned) so that with the right upgrades you could get Derrivative Wands, which are a copy of what you build but one tier lower.
Now there's something to aim towards.
Is there any possibility we could decrease this uncertainty slightly? I'm not saying directly define our upgrades, but even the ability to distinguish between 'Upgrade Motel Capacity' and 'Upgrade Motel Amenities' would be a huge improvement - this last vote, I went for 'work on the building' in hopes of addressing how far our sanitation and culinary capacity is falling behind our population - instead we've made that ratio worse with a bunk room.
Remember, we did get an upgrade to the canteen this week, whether it was simply from having Chris here, or her synchronizing with out building upgrade decision.
So it sounds like there's some kind of option for increased output of low tier stuff like we have for bombs. The question then becomes how to get that. Maybe we can get it by either upgrading the workshop or by becoming able to make higher tier stuff?
The quote is in the context of having changed how workshops worked (which explains why some of us were confused) so it seems likely to be from workshop upgrades.
Remember, we did get an upgrade to the canteen this week, whether it was simply from having Chris here, or her synchronizing with out building upgrade decision.
That was definitely how I read it. I'd been hoping for something like a stove.

It's entirely from Chris. While her magical power is somewhere around a dead battery's, that doesn't stop her from being amazingly useful for the Everything Else that tends to bite you.
I will admit, the revelation that
Jocelyn's potential plot arc with the Tyrfing shit apparently has gotten thrown out the window because she had a bad roll despite us throwing the book at salvaging her, and she's potentially now eternally stuck at hired help status
aggravates me a bit. But the characters and plot are good enough that I'm willing to ignore how virtually everything in this game is random to the point where it's not really distinguishable from a web serial.
You literally just spelled it out. In thirteen weeks we've only worked on the workshop once. Everything else has gotten so much more attention, it is badly lagging behind. Give it some attention, make working there and researching there get more out of it. It's not fine as it is, it could be doing so much more if we just fucking worked on it for the second fucking time ever.
I am honestly tired of trying for this, and I did try my hardest. Better luck to you in the future.
I am honestly tired of trying for this, and I did try my hardest. Better luck to you in the future.
Gave up already myself. We're now in the predicted situation of it being impossible to outfit all the girls effectively because we don't have the workshop and it being impossible to upgrade the workshop because we're stuck cranking out trash items and building upgrades.
Maybe we should start charging the magical girls in labor as was done with Calypso. Want trinket/wand/costume X? Pay it off in helping expand the motel.