Magical Girl Home Base Quest

[X] Keep her in a cleared-out room: she's not inherently a bad person, and the artifact shrapnel in her could lead to some interesting research possibilities.

[X] Trinket
-[X] Level 3
[X] Trinket
-[X] Level 3

Not sure why people are going for wands since those dont last as long. Also what did homer get up to this week? And spreadsheet does not show a third cleared room on the 2nd floor which Calypso is supposed to be doing
Keep her in a cleared-out room: she's not inherently a bad person, and the artifact shrapnel in her could lead to some interesting research possibilities.
Medicine Boy has many skills. Knowing whether someone is a 'bad person' is not one of them.

She was not forced to be an evil researcher.
She was not coerced into learning how to curse things.
She is a liar and an escape artist who we can never trust.
She is a recognised enemy of our customers.

[X] Throw her out: her work here is done, and quite frankly a lot of the girls here have a professional interest in killing her. Their respect for you only goes so far.

[X] Trinket
-[X] Level 3
Medicine Boy has many skills. Knowing whether someone is a 'bad person' is not one of them.

She was not forced to be an evil researcher.
She was not coerced into learning how to curse things.
She is a liar and an escape artist who we can never trust.
She is a recognised enemy of our customers.
Amoral and antagonistic yes, but eh, we're in a trade with an immensely high turnover and a genre tradition of recruiting from the other team.

Good enough for us, if we wanted to accept it.
Spiders probably just bodied her
They get everywhere
Not sure why people are going for wands since those dont last as long. Also what did homer get up to this week? And spreadsheet does not show a third cleared room on the 2nd floor which Calypso is supposed to be doing
Because at this point, it doesn't matter how long things last. I'd have to double check the math, but I'm pretty sure a T2 wand with our workshop will last three dozen turns at the least. By the time it needs replacing, they'll likely have already discarded it in favor of a new, higher teir wand. As wands are the primary offensive tool, and the best defense is a good offense, it has priority. The enemy can't hurt you if you kill them first. Trinkets are a grab bag of useful tricks, and they'll never not be useful, but they will be less useful in straight up killing something dead, which is what a wand does.
[X] Keep her in a cleared-out room: she's not inherently a bad person, and the artifact shrapnel in her could lead to some interesting research possibilities.

Also the cat is probably a magical girl. Elise the Shapeshifter?
I'd have to double check the math, but I'm pretty sure a T2 wand with our workshop will last three dozen turns at the least.
Durability = Tier x 1d10 x (Skill + Workshop)

With a Lvl1 Workshop, Skill 1 in Costumes and Bombs, Skill 2 in Wands, and Skill 3 in Trinkets the Durability for our various possible crafts are as follows:
Tier 1 Items:
Trinket = 4 x 1d10 (4-40 weeks, average 20)
Wand = 3 x 1d10 (3-30 weeks, average 15)
Bomb = 2 x 1d10 (2-20 weeks, average 10)
Costume = 2 x 1d10 (2-20 weeks, average 10)

Tier 2 Items:
Trinket = 8 x 1d10 (8-80 weeks, average 40)
Wand = 6 x 1d10 (6-60 weeks, average 30)

Tier 3 Items:
Trinket = 12 x 1d10 (12-120 weeks, average 60)
The minimum durability for a Tier 2 wand is 6 weeks (IE: turns) while the average is around 30 weeks. Definitely not the minimum 36 weeks you suggest. Still with the skill up and our first level of Workshop even a worst case scenario still gives us a better then average result compared to what we'd have gotten previously. Besides we have Eowyn and Calypso who have both explicitly requested Wands while only Trompdoy has requested a Trinket.

So while I personally voted for Trinket, and it is almost certainly more action efficient, it would be hard to argue that another Wand would be a bad investment.
[X] Keep her in a cleared-out room: she's not inherently a bad person, and the artifact shrapnel in her could lead to some interesting research possibilities.
There's a reason I'm not voting on Jocelyn's fate. To me,all of them are bad options.
We kill her,then there's a body we have to remove that we don't have the tools for(as explicitly mentioned in the update) and on top of that we have no idea how the shards will react upon doing that. I don't much care for the consequences of a cursed body on the premises.

If we kick her out,we have no way to guarantee she won't tattle about the base and us to other people which would bring attention we don't want. Also,she would be free to continue doing evil shit.

If we let her stay,we have deal with the problem that we really don't have a way to guarantee her loyalty and thus no way to make sure she doesn't fuck us over in the future. The MC's perspective on the situation can't be trusted here since being a good judge a character ain't one of his talents.
The question is,which of these is the least terrible option.
[X] Keep her in a cleared-out room: she's not inherently a bad person, and the artifact shrapnel in her could lead to some interesting research possibilities.
[X] Wand
-[X] Level 2
[X] Keep her in a cleared-out room: she's not inherently a bad person, and the artifact shrapnel in her could lead to some interesting research possibilities.

[X] Trinket
-[X] Level 3

I like keeping our MGs alive as much as possible, and I think high tier trinkets do that the best. You can say "The best defense is a good offense," but all the offense in the world doesn't help if a MG runs into a trap or gets an unlucky roll. See Trompdoy and the napalm trap.

As for our accidental lab assistant, I think keeping her around might be better. She seemed really excited to be helping us out, so I'm going to take a guess that as long as we keep being interesting she'll be firmly on our side. Not to mention that Alchemist apprentices are considered expendable, so if she's getting access to cool magic item crafting and isn't being treated as expendable, she might end up loyal to us enough to not double-cross.
As for our accidental lab assistant, I think keeping her around might be better. She seemed really excited to be helping us out, so I'm going to take a guess that as long as we keep being interesting she'll be firmly on our side. Not to mention that Alchemist apprentices are considered expendable, so if she's getting access to cool magic item crafting and isn't being treated as expendable, she might end up loyal to us enough to not double-cross.
A good possibility, we might even find out that there is a decent person underneath. We don't really know anything about her or what she did as an alchemist. Also, in here we can keep an eye on her, she won't have any materials without supervision and knows the building is filled with people who'd be more than happy to kill her if she takes one step out of line.

Also, what was that gun that Eowyn bought us, and what did Homer do this week?
[x] Kill her: the only good Alchemist is a dead Alchemist.

No one is ever inherently bad, but I'd put odds she crossed the moral event horizon some time ago. She's lost her right to mercy.
[X] Keep her in a cleared-out room: she's not inherently a bad person, and the artifact shrapnel in her could lead to some interesting research possibilities.

She seems more interested in acquiring knowledge than actually doing evil shit, and between us and Homer we have ample incentive to play nice and cooperate.
The minimum durability for a Tier 2 wand is 6 weeks (IE: turns) while the average is around 30 weeks. Definitely not the minimum 36 weeks you suggest. Still with the skill up and our first level of Workshop even a worst case scenario still gives us a better then average result compared to what we'd have gotten previously. Besides we have Eowyn and Calypso who have both explicitly requested Wands while only Trompdoy has requested a Trinket.
Ah, thanks. I didn't have much confidence in the guess because I couldn't find Seven-Finger Medice-Boy's skill level. Still, the OP says wands are the bread and butter of MG work, and we've just gotten better at making them and have a couple requests in. Trinket next turn is the way to go I think.
[X] Keep her in a cleared-out room: she's not inherently a bad person, and the artifact shrapnel in her could lead to some interesting research possibilities.
"No. Bad kitty." You explained, before taking Kaguya's hand. Those were delicate hands, yes, but the calluses in them felt earned and earned well.

"Eto… hanabi?" Kaguya muttered, before nodding to herself. "Thank you, Medicine Boy. I will treasure this."

Also noticed this bit on a reread. If my weeb recollection and quick google search are correct, Hanabi is the japanese word for fireworks. The first time we ever encountered magic was when we repaired a girl's soul gem while we were launching fireworks. If Kaguya can get that just from a handshake, she's definitely concealing at least some of her powers.
Also noticed this bit on a reread. If my weeb recollection and quick google search are correct, Hanabi is the japanese word for fireworks. The first time we ever encountered magic was when we repaired a girl's soul gem while we were launching fireworks. If Kaguya can get that just from a handshake, she's definitely concealing at least some of her powers.
You are correct, 'hanabi' does mean 'fireworks'.
Yeah, I'm not happy that the girls brought an alchemist home. Keeping her seems unwise, letting her out lets the baddies know our location and outright murdering her leaves a bad taste as we know basically nothing about her...

[X] Throw her out: her work here is done, and quite frankly a lot of the girls here have a professional interest in killing her. Their respect for you only goes so far.

[X] Trinket
-[X] Level 3
Also noticed this bit on a reread. If my weeb recollection and quick google search are correct, Hanabi is the japanese word for fireworks. The first time we ever encountered magic was when we repaired a girl's soul gem while we were launching fireworks. If Kaguya can get that just from a handshake, she's definitely concealing at least some of her powers.
She also could have said that because fireworks are how we got the name sevenfingers.

[X] Keep her in a cleared-out room: she's not inherently a bad person, and the artifact shrapnel in her could lead to some interesting research possibilities.
[X] Trinket
-[X] Level 3
She also could have said that because fireworks are how we got the name sevenfingers.

[X] Keep her in a cleared-out room: she's not inherently a bad person, and the artifact shrapnel in her could lead to some interesting research possibilities.
[X] Trinket
-[X] Level 3

That's not true, though. We lost our fingers messing around with magic and an explosion happened. It's possible fireworks were involved but they aren't specifically mentioned as far as I can tell. So it's more likely she's referring to the incident we know fireworks were involved with.
[X] Keep her in a cleared-out room: she's not inherently a bad person, and the artifact shrapnel in her could lead to some interesting research possibilities.
[X] Wand
-[X] Level 2

So, now that we've stumbled into a collaboration with an alchemist, what exactly is it that they do? What makes them 'evil'? Is it something inherently evil about their art, or are alchemist circles just run by immortal Nazi scientists who think Dr. Mengele had the right ideas? What separates what Medicine Boy does from Alchemy?
The middle paragraph of these quotes has a tense change away from the usual quest second person.

Also @7734 some things I noticed in the spreadsheet:
-Spooky Sword not included in shop inventory
-Wand skill listed at 1, yet people are apparently able to vote for T2 wands. I take it the skill spreadsheet is outdated.

Outside of error-catching, It's worth noting our magical girl equipment stock.
There are four girls whose supply statuses know. Of them, two are missing wands (Calypso and Sofia), three are missing trinkets (Eowyn, Trompdoy, and Sofia), and two are missing costumes (Eowyn and Calypso).

By next turn, however, both Eowyn and Sofia will be SoL for equipment, having none of any of the equipment types. Eowyn will lose her wand, and Sofia will lose her costume.

All but Trompdoy are missing two pieces of equipment, and the least available type is trinkets. I'd argue that as far as kit is concerned, our priorities should be on trinkets this turn. Since we're facing something of an equipment shortage, we should focus on what's most able to fill in for other equipment, and that's probably trinkets. They are, after all, basically fancy tools, and it's a lot easier to use a wrench as a bludgeon than it is to use a club to tighten bolts. The least critical item to me is costumes, since there's a demonstrated external source of those, in costume seeds. It's a shit solution, but for lack of good choices we must take the least bad one.

[X] Trinket
-[X] Level 3

As for Jocelyn, I feel we should probably at least have a go at reform. Throwing her out would only result in alchemists knowing more about us, and we can't afford that. We could just kill her, which isn't unviable, but is a dick move and a half.

[X] Keep her in a cleared-out room: she's not inherently a bad person, and the artifact shrapnel in her could lead to some interesting research

People are missing several pieces of equipment, but trinkets most of the time can win fights by themselves, neither can costumes. Only wands are, as said repeatedly and ignored repeatedly, the basic tool for MGs, their bread and butter. A good argument for the Calypso one, was that they were going into a big battle, and even if the trinket couldn't attack she would be useful in the battle with it. That's not anymore the case, most of the time MGs work alone, and having cool tricks but no attacks when alone mean death, not hurt, but direct death. So wands ARE more important.

[X] Trinket
-[X] Level 3

Not sure why people are going for wands since those dont last as long. Also what did homer get up to this week? And spreadsheet does not show a third cleared room on the 2nd floor which Calypso is supposed to be doing

People are going for wands because they're the basics and more important than trinkets, if you don't got anything. You can see what I just writted up there, but the fact is that it doesn't matter how long a trinket last, if a girl is caught alone without means to fight. There is a reason why our pair of MGs are known to work as a pair, most MGs don't, the work alone. So, weapon comes first, extras come later.