Magical Girl Home Base Quest

[X] Take in Homer (Male, magical talents strong but unknown, blind)
[X] Calypso (18 Witchy Stuff)
[X] No, you want to work on your building instead

Trompdoy is still healing and Eowyn's wand will last for the rest of the month, so sell it to Calypso. Take in Homer because we could use crafting assistance/more stuff crafted/just actual help and because it sounds like Mistletoe will still be here next week. Hopefully. Also clear out more rooms so we can take Mistletoe in next week. Hopefully with Homer we can get more actions/crafting done and still have time for other stuff, even if we have to pay him/he takes most of the profit on stuff he makes.
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If we want a diversity of stuff, either Calypso or Eowyn unlock a new type, but Calypso gives more in total.

[X] Calypso (18 Witchy Stuff)
[X] Take in Homer (Male, magical talents strong but unknown, blind)
[X] No, you want to work on your building instead
Tools are worth a lotta stuff. Surprised the MGs are bidding so much on it when it's probably going to fall apart really quickly.
Well, the phrase 'my Kingdom for a horse' exists for a reason.

[X] Take in Homer (Male, magical talents strong but unknown, blind)
[X] Calypso (18 Witchy Stuff)
[X] No, you want to work on your building instead
I want to take the cash from Trompdoy in hopes of a quicker upgrade to something, but Eowyn's assortment is also very tempting.

The tenant vote is also a conflict point. Having someone to pick us up when sevenfingers is on the verge of passing out could really help, but he's got the local witches out for his head and may be trouble to handle. Newb MG is probably going to be less helpful to us, as she'll get pulled into teamwork with the Magical Girls surrounding the place and won't be much good at it for a little while. If we help Mistletoe do well it provides reputation that may be priceless.

Wand Sale!
[X] Eowyn (6 Gubbins, 2 Demon Stuff, 6 Holy Stuff)

Take on a new boarder
[X] Take in Homer (Male, magical talents strong but unknown, blind)

Fingers crossed that Eowyn's stuff will help as 'in-kind' tools for workshop improvements and Homer can give some kind of bonus there.

[X] No, you want to improve your workshop instead.
[X] Trompdoy (20 Mundane)
[] Calypso (18 Witchy Stuff)
Calypso is running out on her wand and trompy is still sick another week.
She needs it the most.

[X] Take in Mistletoe (Female, magical girl with no equipment, experience, or training, but full of hope and power)

[X] Wand
-[X] Level 1
We do need one for trompy too.

[X] No, you want to improve your workshop instead.
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I'm really curious about the Magical Girl economy (or ecology?) here. That it's possible for a magical girl to spawn with no equipment raises all sorts of questions.

I'm guessing there are other sources of supplies out there, given how fast their stuff runs out. Or MGs just have a very short life expectancy.

I'm just going to reiterate that a workshop improvement will outright double the durability of everything we make, and will offer other benefits. We need to seriously consider that or we could get stuck grinding wands endlessly.

This is definitely a quest where it seems like all our options are good, which means they also all feel like they're giving something up. 😬
Physically, the rod was the 'meat' of a wand, and magically had to make a decent backbone as well. For this work, you had a fourteen-inch chunk of number 3 rebar, which you laid out on a clean sheet of butcher paper while you got to work doing the symbolism and arithmancy in the margins around it. The core of a wand needed to be something magically conductive, serving as- in a rough analogy- an antenna to a radio. For this wand, you were using cat5e cable as the core since as a signal medium, it had thaumaturgic transmission quality that might work well enough. After running through some arithmetic equations and determining a one-in-eight wrap would be sufficient, you grabbed a handful of the binder and got to work. Twist and pull, that was the name of it, twist and pull and soak. A slosh more of whiskey, that was the gimmick there, to keep it wet as you pulled and heaved.
This is the most mundane magical item creation scene I've seen, and I love it.
Once the first stage of the shower was done (and Eowyn slipped you a fifty to get real TP since newspaper wasn't getting the job done with Trompdoy's weakened hands)
Toilet paper is God's gift to humanity.
"Ten thousand dollars." Trompdoy said flatly, staring at the wand with unabashed lust. You couldn't blame her, it was excellent work.
That's a lot of money.
Eowyn's bid started off with a star sapphire the size of both your fists, and she anted up with a set of bottles marked with some very fancy labeling, and two bars of luminescent silver. Finally, her last item on the table was a vial that thrummed with power in the back of your mind. "One artificial star sapphire, perfect for focus use, six thousand carats. Uncut, obviously. Two bottles of Dom Perignon, circa 1936. Probably not fakes, like… eighty percent chance they're real. If the bottles have serials on 'em, don't be surprised if they're duplicates, alchemists do that all the time. One bottle of Papal Holy Water, circa Pius XII."

"Wait for me!" Calypso yelled, coming back while dragging a literal duffel bag full of stuff. "My bid! Ninety-five neurodes, sixty-three completed neuroptics, forty mutagenic masses, five shelf-stable detonite injectors, six jars of the black bile, five of yellow bile, nine jars of distilled red humor of blood, and twelve jars of phlegm. Good phlegm too!"
Hopefully cops never raid us, cause there's no way we can explain this shit.
"My name is not homer you half-bread ingrate-" the kid said, before Goodyear kicked him in the ass.
"God damnit." You grumbled. "Let me guess, new magical girl in the wings, horrible sob story, you have a spare room right?"

Now it was time for Goodyear to grumble at me. "Take the words out of my fucking mouth again I swear."

"I already have one clownshow in my commissary that won't shut up, don't want to make it two."

"Thanks." Both Homer and Goodyear said. The later continued his speech. "Anyway, new girl. Tentatively calling her Baldr's Bane, after how she came over to our dark side of life."

"Still think 'Mistletoe' is a perfectly fine epithet" Homer griped.

Another kick in the shins from Goodyear, and Homer shut up. Continuing, the magic hobo explained events a tad bit better. "Complete and total neophyte of a magical girl. We generally get about two a month, and I will bust my ass every time to get them here. No gear, no training, no hope- a poison to survival."
Oh no, that's bad.
Tools are worth a lotta stuff. Surprised the MGs are bidding so much on it when it's probably going to fall apart really quickly.
According to the crafting roll, it will last for four weeks.

[X] Take in Homer (Male, magical talents strong but unknown, blind)
[X] Calypso (18 Witchy Stuff)
[X] No, you want to work on your building instead

Since Mistletoe is going to be ok week or two, lets take in Homer first while we prep another room ready for Mistletoe. Hopefully Homer can help us with, well, anything. And Calypso needs that wand the most.

What wouldn't I give for more actions per week.
[X] Calypso (18 Witchy Stuff)
As much as I would love a fat stack of dosh to cleanup the place a bit, people have made very compelling arguments for Calypso here.

[X] Take in Homer (Male, magical talents strong but unknown, blind)
The QM has stated that the new MG, Mistletoe, is still living in her own home and that new MG's usually have a week or two before they 'snap' and wind up as drifters. Agreeing to house Homer now nets us another crafter (maybe) and we'll have time to clear out another room, hopefully before Mistletoe winds up face down in a ditch somewhere.

[X] No, you want to work on your building instead
As above, fixing up another room for when new girl eventually needs it. (of course, this is a never ending task. There's always gonna be a MG that needs a place to crash and I'm too much of a sucker to turn them away.)
:eyebrow: Do I want to know what warframe bits are doing floating around?

Hopefully with Homer we can get more actions/crafting done and still have time for other stuff, even if we have to pay him/he takes most of the profit on stuff he makes.

Homer's stance would be soundly as an employee, and it's not like most of this stuff is useful to him. Your big selling point for this sort of barter economics is you can, however slowly, work this material into a liquid resource by converting it to a high-value tool. If you start cranking out Level V gear, that's the sort of shit that gets national attention, since it will last, at minimum, one year- and will have an average chance of lasting nearly four (192.5 weeks to be exact)

Tools are worth a lotta stuff. Surprised the MGs are bidding so much on it when it's probably going to fall apart really quickly.

Considering MG life expectancies, a good tool now is better than a piece of junk you don't know the expiration date on.

Fingers crossed that Eowyn's stuff will help as 'in-kind' tools for workshop improvements and Homer can give some kind of bonus there.

Workshop upgrade cost is randomly assigned an available resource, don't worry. You need tools to make tools, after all.

I'm really curious about the Magical Girl economy (or ecology?) here. That it's possible for a magical girl to spawn with no equipment raises all sorts of questions.

I'm guessing there are other sources of supplies out there, given how fast their stuff runs out. Or MGs just have a very short life expectancy.

About 50% of Magical Girls come into this world with equipment, while the other 50% come into it with a preternatural skill. Mistletoe, as her name implies, was a Skill-type girl who has a hell of a trick up her sleeve that she's not sure what it is yet. Technically, what she does is align a material to hand to also possess a Type Advantage x5 over her target, which she can then cast as a Perfect Attack once per day. It's not guaranteed to be lethal, but there's nothing in your present AO that can eat that sort of hit and end up in larger pieces than 'chunky salsa' so.

That being said, yeah, a lot of Magical Girls are not the sort that last long. Most of their deaths aren't even combat-related; there's just no fucking support network. For every one gallant last Trio Finale, there's three that are dead in the gutter from dehydration, starvation, or illness and another two from completely preventable bullshit like hit-and-run drivers. Having a partner (like Eowyn and Trompdoy) triples their life expectancy, absent all other factors.

What wouldn't I give for more actions per week.
This is definitely a quest where it seems like all our options are good, which means they also all feel like they're giving something up. 😬

I'm writing it correctly then.

Hopefully cops never raid us, cause there's no way we can explain this shit.

You're in the hood. If cops are swinging by, so much other shit has gone wrong that it's legitimately worth asking Trompdoy to illusion the joint up or for Eowyn to create a distraction.
Do cops even have the necessary firepower to (attempt to) evict MGs? :p

That depends on how the cops roll out. This taking place in America, there's a non-zero chance that four officers in two cars could get a single MG to skeet, because there's a non-zero chance she'd loose the ensuring gunfight. Even shitty cops can hit the broad side of a barn when they get the Trunk Shotgun out, and hot lead is still gonna give a magical girl a hell of a bad day.

not pictured, weapons in locker. Generally these have officer's shotguns or AR-15s.
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Homer's stance would be soundly as an employee, and it's not like most of this stuff is useful to him. Your big selling point for this sort of barter economics is you can, however slowly, work this material into a liquid resource by converting it to a high-value tool. If you start cranking out Level V gear, that's the sort of shit that gets national attention, since it will last, at minimum, one year- and will have an average chance of lasting nearly four (192.5 weeks to be exact)
Honestly, while I hope he's going to end up at least economically neutral, as long as he helps with the action economy I'll be happy. Paying him to help us set up a proper workshop would likely be more then worth it alone, at least in my estimation, and that's in the unlikely assumption he can only do that kind of stuff with his magic instinct thing. Paying him to get some wards or something up wouldn't be bad either, longer term, because if we're going to get national attention we're going to need to be able to survive national attention, because that sounds like it is past the point where a Witch or Alchemist or one of the other enemies decides it's worth hunting down who's making their enemies that ded shiny wargear.
[X] Trompdoy (20 Mundane)

[X] Take in Homer (Male, magical talents strong but unknown, blind)

[X] No, you want to work on your building instead
"Your name is fucking Homer now unless you want every single god-damn witch who's plans you spoiled by tagging up that ritual circle to come barreling down on your head." Goodyear snapped. "Names, true names, have power. If you think losing your eyes was bad, those bitches will tear you down until you're nothing more than a brain in a jar that spends it's time screaming to lull the familiars to sleep."
Goddammit Tabac. I knew posting that was a bad idea.
Honestly, my favourite part about this quest is imagining some traditional arcane crafter losing his fucking mind over what MC does to craft wands for the local magical girls.

[X] Calypso (18 Witchy Stuff)
Calypso is running out on her wand and trompy is still sick another week.
She needs it the most.

[X] Take in Mistletoe (Female, magical girl with no equipment, experience, or training, but full of hope and power)

[X] No, you want to work on your building instead
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[X] Trompdoy (20 Mundane)
[X] Take in Homer (Male, magical talents strong but unknown, blind)
[X] No, you want to work on your building instead
[X] Take in Homer (Male, magical talents strong but unknown, blind)
[X] Calypso (18 Witchy Stuff)
[X] No, you want to work on your building instead

If Homer can allow us a crafting action and an upgrade he's worth whatever we're forced to pay him. The mere act of always having a free room and getting one more level to our workshop is game changing.
Honestly, my favourite part about this quest is imagining some traditional arcane crafter losing his fucking mind over what MC does to craft wands for the local magical girls.

Broke: "To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is the alchemy's first law of Equivalent Exchange."

Woke: "Have withstood Pain to create many Weapons, and yet these hands will never hold anything."

Bespoke: "i oNcE WaS lOsT bUt NoW aM FOunD, wAS bLiND bUt nOW i SeE" while dumping a fifth of Jim Beam on Costco tarmac
[x] Eowyn (6 Gubbins, 2 Demon Stuff, 6 Holy Stuff)
Spec is right, we need a variety of stuff much more than we need a lot of one kind of thing right now

[x] Take in Mistletoe (Female, magical girl with no equipment, experience, or training, but full of hope and power)
Just in terms of survivability, Homer's best chance is getting out of the city, and Mistletoe's best chance is hanging around veterans. This serves both purposes

[x] No, you want to work on your building instead
The less of a wreck we make our building, the better served we are in the long run
[X] Take in Mistletoe (Female, magical girl with no equipment, experience, or training, but full of hope and power)

[X] No, you want to work on your building instead
[X] Take in Homer (Male, magical talents strong but unknown, blind)
[X] Calypso (18 Witchy Stuff)
[X] No, you want to work on your building instead

What we need most right now is mostly cash actually, if we want to get the building into some kind of livable state. But we need MGs not dying because their tools are busted more.

Tools are worth a lotta stuff. Surprised the MGs are bidding so much on it when it's probably going to fall apart really quickly.
I'm getting a distinctly 'adventurer' read on Magical Girls, they got shitloads of loot basically all the time, and its pretty much sparkly trash to them because the hard part is getting someone who can flip it into something actually useful for their continued survival, theres no stable supply because its all looted off gribblies and criminals, so you can't establish any kind of regular rate, so if someone is willing to take twenty bear asses for a chainmail bikini they'd take the deal.

They can use the chainmail bikini.
Well no, she still lives at home. Most magical girls need at least a week or two before traumatic stress makes 'em snap and fly off the reservation.
Hmm, could make the offer after she runs away then, if we could get the room up soon enough.
A lot of that was supply and demand, but on the other hand, everyone needs everything.
Hmm...if I'm reading this right, currently our girls here are happy to overpay us because they have a shitload of loot thats useless to them, which theres nowhere else to spend, and their tools are all either broken or liable to break in the next battle or three.

So once we do the next housing upgrade so we have a little slack room, we should get right back on the gubbins and make another 2 wands and a trinket, at which point we'd probably have cleaned out their backlog of sparkly trash.

Technically speaking, a wand had four parts. The core, rod, focus, and binder. Alcohol, while physically solvent, was an excellent simulation of duct tape in more esoteric rituals like this. Pouring a fifth of Captain Morgan into a mixing bowl with some salt and flour quickly got you a heavy paste, which you shelved for now as you worked on the core and rod.
Alcohol makes a good conceptual binder because it makes all the concepts fuzzy huh?
Salt is purifying, and probably usable as either a Water element or an Anti Water element.
Flour is between grains and bread, so makes a classic offering thingy.
Physically, the rod was the 'meat' of a wand, and magically had to make a decent backbone as well.
Inner 13 year old: "Hard Meat rod, haha"
For this work, you had a fourteen-inch chunk of number 3 rebar, which you laid out on a clean sheet of butcher paper while you got to work doing the symbolism and arithmancy in the margins around it. The core of a wand needed to be something magically conductive, serving as- in a rough analogy- an antenna to a radio. For this wand, you were using cat5e cable as the core since as a signal medium, it had thaumaturgic transmission quality that might work well enough. After running through some arithmetic equations and determining a one-in-eight wrap would be sufficient, you grabbed a handful of the binder and got to work.
So its acting as Communication, transmitting the message of the rest of the wand.
A slosh more of whiskey, that was the gimmick there, to keep it wet as you pulled and heaved.

Fate guided your hands to the focus for this wand- a broken cross, ill-treated by time and tread into four pieces. Symbolism was a powerful tool, still, and as you took the rendition of Jesus aside, the rest of the pieces fell together in the orientation of their once-whole symbol.
And the message is "God Bless"