[X] Take in Homer (Male, magical talents strong but unknown, blind)
[X] Calypso (18 Witchy Stuff)
[X] No, you want to work on your building instead
we need most right now is mostly cash actually, if we want to get the building into some kind of livable state. But we need MGs not dying because their tools are busted more.
Tools are worth a lotta stuff. Surprised the MGs are bidding so much on it when it's probably going to fall apart really quickly.
I'm getting a distinctly 'adventurer' read on Magical Girls, they got shitloads of loot basically all the time, and its pretty much sparkly trash to them because the hard part is getting someone who can flip it into something actually useful for their continued survival, theres no stable supply because its all looted off gribblies and criminals, so you can't establish any kind of regular rate, so if someone is willing to take twenty bear asses for a chainmail bikini they'd take the deal.
They can use the chainmail bikini.
Well no, she still lives at home. Most magical girls need at least a week or two before traumatic stress makes 'em snap and fly off the reservation.
Hmm, could make the offer after she runs away then, if we could get the room up soon enough.
A lot of that was supply and demand, but on the other hand, everyone needs everything.
Hmm...if I'm reading this right, currently our girls here are happy to overpay us because they have a shitload of loot thats useless to them, which theres nowhere else to spend, and their tools are all either broken or liable to break in the next battle or three.
So once we do the next housing upgrade so we have a little slack room, we should get right back on the gubbins and make another 2 wands and a trinket, at which point we'd probably have cleaned out their backlog of sparkly trash.
Technically speaking, a wand had four parts. The core, rod, focus, and binder. Alcohol, while physically solvent, was an excellent simulation of duct tape in more esoteric rituals like this. Pouring a fifth of Captain Morgan into a mixing bowl with some salt and flour quickly got you a heavy paste, which you shelved for now as you worked on the core and rod.
Alcohol makes a good conceptual binder because it makes all the concepts fuzzy huh?
Salt is purifying, and probably usable as either a Water element or an Anti Water element.
Flour is between grains and bread, so makes a classic offering thingy.
Physically, the rod was the 'meat' of a wand, and magically had to make a decent backbone as well.
Inner 13 year old: "Hard Meat rod, haha"
For this work, you had a fourteen-inch chunk of number 3 rebar, which you laid out on a clean sheet of butcher paper while you got to work doing the symbolism and arithmancy in the margins around it. The core of a wand needed to be something magically conductive, serving as- in a rough analogy- an antenna to a radio. For this wand, you were using cat5e cable as the core since as a signal medium, it had thaumaturgic transmission quality that might work well enough. After running through some arithmetic equations and determining a one-in-eight wrap would be sufficient, you grabbed a handful of the binder and got to work.
So its acting as Communication, transmitting the message of the rest of the wand.
A slosh more of whiskey, that was the gimmick there, to keep it wet as you pulled and heaved.
Fate guided your hands to the focus for this wand- a broken cross, ill-treated by time and tread into four pieces. Symbolism was a powerful tool, still, and as you took the rendition of Jesus aside, the rest of the pieces fell together in the orientation of their once-whole symbol.
And the message is "God Bless"