Magical Girl Home Base Quest

Well, my question doesn't substantially change - does this mean we can't develop the other one later without special events?

Correct. The special events are basically the same, but this determines whether you can get flags for one or the other. The one you don't pick isn't permanently locked out, but it is pushed behind two or three other special rooms.
@7734 would workshop upgrades at some point let us construct more than one device a turn or is that a permanent cap?

Workshop upgrades for multiple devices per turn are a decent way up the upgrade tree, but enhanced production should come in sooner if you get the right rolls. I'll say now that a lot of the rotating stock concerns are going to be handled once y'all actually see how long your items have for a service life, though.
[X] Yes (Unlocks room: Mission Control, requires 20 Magical Girl contacts, ???, and ??? for construction)

[X] Wand
-[X] Level 1
[X] Yes (Unlocks room: Mission Control, requires 20 Magical Girl contacts, ???, and ??? for construction)

[X] Wand
-[X] Level 1

I want to do the L3 Trinket, but we've already got a customer lined up for the wand whereas a trinket that good seems likely to be hard to sell.
Good to see that Trissa isn't mad at us.
Banging away in one of the side rooms, you glared at the pile of mold-ridden carpet you had to bag up and take to the mall later. Getting a room ready for habitation was hard, since even a half-assed remediation wasn't something to do casually. Strip out the carpet, then throw down a layer of Tyvek as a temporary buffer flooring first, then go in with shaker paint and coat the walls in a double of primer and a top-coat of whatever you could scavenge- today, a burnt orange that sort of looked pumpkin-y. Once that was done, you could put in the tarp walls for the 'bath' consisting of a well-apointed five gallon bucket, a plastic bag, and a box of baking powder mixed with sand as a deodorizer. In-room drinking water was provided by a large drink cooler you scrapped out of the flea market with full of water, and every morning you'd come through with your big old pushcart and swap empty jugs with freshly chlorinated ones that were safe to drink.
At his point, we should just be happy that the place is structurally intact, aside from the windows, and that there is no mold or water damage in the structure itself.
"Woman, you were born with at least a foot more intestine than you have at this present moment and I will find some bonesaw to pull you open and check."
Missing comma.
"Had to bail Trissa out." Eowyn said, spitting fire angrily. "The fucking alchemists are setting up a base in the old rail depot, and the kid stumbled into it with both feet. We scrambled, but one of 'em had a machine gun set up and they must have found some old hazardous waste."

"Fucking radium bullets." Trompdoy muttered from her stretcher. "How do I look, doc?"
That's nasty.
"Just keep all the blood and bits in her and it normally works out." One of the girls you didn't know said. "Provided you don't, say, cut us in half we can generally grow back without too much trouble."
That's good thing to have and useful to know.
"Hell yeah it's magic! Fucking thing is cursed to heal wounds it's caused."
That's... a really weird curse for a nazi knife.
"Means it's working." You grunted. The superglue would seal up the wound, and while it wouldn't sterilize anything, that was what nominally expired antibiotics were for anyway.
Medicine still works after expiration date. It just starts slowly to lose its effectiveness.
"I got a shitty idea." You replied. "Hold my superglue."

Putting the knife in Trompdoy's hand, you wrapped your left hand around hers and pulled up your right sleeve with your teeth. "This knife heals sympathetically, so if I try and draw blood with it…"

"You're fucking nuts." The other girl said in amazement as you slowly ran the ritual dagger over the veins of your wrist.

"Across the street to the hospital, down the street to the morgue." You replied, the knife seeming to draw in the blood it loosed, a pale glow coming over Trompdoy's cheeks. "Another two should do it."

"You fucking dumbass." Trompdoy muttered.

"It's what I do best."
This guy has balls of steel.
Two more knife-strokes and your vision was going gray at the edges, but you managed to glue your wrist shut and bandaged it in tape without too much issue. Going over to the wreck of an armchair in the corner, you flopped down into it.

"I'm gonna need some water." You muttered. "Also, someone owes me breakfast tomorrow."

"You're gonna get it in spades, good buddy." Eowyn said, coming over to you. "You saved my partner. Thank you."

"Just buy my shit later, ok?" you asked, groggy. Laughing, the magical girl bent down to fix your robe, and kissed you on the forehead.

"Of course."
We did good. 😊
When you woke up to the smell of pancakes, you were in awe of the spread in front of you. Someone had pulled up a card table from your workshop, and covered it in IHOP catering, with pancakes and omelets and coffee for days.
"And I'm Ouroboros." The other said. "Do you take euros?"
Good thing, those are worth more than dollars. Still doesn't answer why they get such weird currencies in States. Do these evil alchemists just walk around with nothing but foreign currencies in their pockets?

Also, how do we get to exchange all that to USD? 13-year-old kid constantly walking into a bank to exchange foreign currencies is going to start raise eyebrows.

[X] Yes (Unlocks room: Mission Control, requires 20 Magical Girl contacts, ???, and ??? for construction)

[X] Wand
-[X] Level 1
[X] No (Unlocks room: Medical Center, requires 20 Magical Girl contacts, ???, and ??? for construction)

[X] Wand
-[X] Level 1
That's... a really weird curse for a nazi knife.

Not really that weird if you consider its application as a torture device.

Also, how do we get to exchange all that to USD? 13-year-old kid constantly walking into a bank to exchange foreign currencies is going to start raise eyebrows.

I assume that there's some kind of unscrupulous money exchanger who does this kinda stuff for the meguca and the mob.

"I got a shitty idea." You replied. "Hold my superglue."

... This is totally going to be his equivalent of 'hold my beer' isn't it. This is going to be his future catchphrase, of which meguca will song praises of for generations to come, isn't it.
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[X] Wand
-[X] Level 1

[X] Yes (Unlocks room: Mission Control, requires 20 Magical Girl contacts, ???, and ??? for construction)

The Wand is obvious. The other is so far down the line that we can't really make a guess right now
I'm sorry, I don't quite follow. Do you mean that we have to pay for staff, or for the lodgers?
You only have to pay for staff. The canteen funds itself mostly since your non-USD cash only makes up about a quarter of your revenue and you're serving a lot of poverty recipes backed up by some skilled dumpster diving. If you're willing to cut meat down to half a portion per day, I know at least a dozen dishes you can feed people at with an average menu price of $2/person/meal. Times four people times two meals a day, and things start looking pretty good.

Also, how do we get to exchange all that to USD? 13-year-old kid constantly walking into a bank to exchange foreign currencies is going to start raise eyebrows.

As per the chapter title, you have an old coffee can in your room full of non-USD currency in it. Also as per the chapter title, you have ten thalers and a clipped dubloon in it.

The real reason you have this is because the magical girls automatically keep the dollars for themselves, and foist the international currencies off on you because you take them instead of forcing them to use a money-changer. For the important stuff like rent or buying goods, the girls use barter with you or each other.
and foist the international currencies off on you because you take them instead of forcing them to use a money-changer
I assume we're going to have to figure out some way to get money-changing services ourselves then? You know, so we can more effectively make use of the Weird Currency Tin. I mean, for things like Thalers a pawn shop may be our best bet - that and other similar services - but euros & the like we'll have to handle via a bank, which may be hard considering we're a 14 year old who may or may not have as many screws loose as fingers missing (and who's been living in an abandoned motel for I'd bet months).
[X] Yes (Unlocks room: Mission Control, requires 20 Magical Girl contacts, ???, and ??? for construction)

[X] Wand
-[X] Level 1
[X] Yes (Unlocks room: Mission Control, requires 20 Magical Girl contacts, ???, and ??? for construction)

This is a pretty basic function of being a support base/hub. Let's get started. Having this will also attract more MGs who will boost our revenue and supplies.

[X] Wand
-[X] Level 1

This is what our first customer wants and needs, so lets supply it to her.
... This is totally going to be his equivalent of 'hold my beer' isn't it. This is going to be his future catchphrase, of which meguca will song praises for for generations to come, isn't it.
Would also make a cool tag for the quest.
As per the chapter title, you have an old coffee can in your room full of non-USD currency in it. Also as per the chapter title, you have ten thalers and a clipped dubloon in it.

The real reason you have this is because the magical girls automatically keep the dollars for themselves, and foist the international currencies off on you because you take them instead of forcing them to use a money-changer. For the important stuff like rent or buying goods, the girls use barter with you or each other.
But why do these evil doers and monsters carry so much foreign and not-in-use-currency with them?
I assume we're going to have to figure out some way to get money-changing services ourselves then? You know, so we can more effectively make use of the Weird Currency Tin. I mean, for things like Thalers a pawn shop may be our best bet - that and other similar services - but euros & the like we'll have to handle via a bank, which may be hard considering we're a 14 year old who may or may not have as many screws loose as fingers missing (and who's been living in an abandoned motel for I'd bet months).
There are also shops and coin dealers that specifically buy and sell old coins and currencies. And if we manage to find a rare coin, that would be worth a lot of cash.
You only have to pay for staff. The canteen funds itself mostly since your non-USD cash only makes up about a quarter of your revenue and you're serving a lot of poverty recipes backed up by some skilled dumpster diving. If you're willing to cut meat down to half a portion per day, I know at least a dozen dishes you can feed people at with an average menu price of $2/person/meal. Times four people times two meals a day, and things start looking pretty good.
Also a lot of food get dramatically cheaper in bulk. Feeding five people in one pot is cheaper than feeding one person five times. And that goes up till around 20, where the cost jumps due to needing more people to physically do the work.
[X] Yes (Unlocks room: Mission Control, requires 20 Magical Girl contacts, ???, and ??? for construction)

[X] Wand
-[X] Level 1

So, on a scale from No to Controls' Oldest House, how magical can we theoretically make our run-down little motel in the long run? I certainly wouldn't rest until it is completely invisible to anyone but magical girls, can freely rearrange its internals, exists in all the worlds cities at once and has a finnish sea god as a janitor!
So, on a scale from No to Controls' Oldest House, how magical can we theoretically make our run-down little motel in the long run? I certainly wouldn't rest until it is completely invisible to anyone but magical girls, can freely rearrange its internals, exists in all the worlds cities at once and has a finnish sea god as a janitor!
First thing I'd want to get for our motel is a glamour that makes it look like a rundown building from the outside, and make non-magical people who try to go there to realize they have something else to do. Like Hogwarts.

Otherwise, someone is going to take note of it being fixed and having lot of squatters, or some hooligans decide to come and trash it again.
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I'd put a hold on even thinking about crap like that until this place has more going for it then four livable rooms. Right now it's still just a nasty building. Get some basic utilities going, electricity, actual running water, maybe gas if it's set up for that. Probably does, it's pretty old. Then get a the magic girl equivalent of a contracter in, or maybe just a regular contracter to make sure the damn thing's not going to fall over and which parts aren't infested with mold. Then maybe see if anyone owns the building at all.

Like, magicking this place up is a nice idea, but that's so far down the priority list right now it's not worth thinking about. If you want ideas to give you a warm feeling about the future of this place, dream about getting the heater running.
After we get running water, one of the most important things to get is a laundry machine.
[X] Yes (Unlocks room: Mission Control, requires 20 Magical Girl contacts, ???, and ??? for construction)

Really torn between making sure MGs know what to do/where to go/what they'll face and making sure they actually live another day to fight again, but knowing is half the battle and you don't need meds if you don't get hurt badly enough to warrant them. Seeing as MGs can survive gut shots and rudimentary surgery without sterilized tools/anesthesia, the infirmary can wait until later.

[X] Wand
-[X] Level 1

One wand, coming right up.
[X] Yes (Unlocks room: Mission Control, requires 20 Magical Girl contacts, ???, and ??? for construction)

[X] Wand
-[X] Level 1

No discussion for the wand, and although I DO feel the Mission Control will help us more, my reason for voting for it is simply because that's what I want, and reading the idea I was already like "We're gonna be a fucking adventurer guild, babe!"

When you don't have anything else, it works well enough for normal people.

[X] No (Unlocks room: Medical Center, requires 20 Magical Girl contacts, ???, and ??? for construction)

I'm of the opinion that things always go wrong at some point, and it's best to be prepared for that.

No feelings for what to make. Everyone needs everything, it's a dice roll what will be most useful at any given point.

I mean, things are already going pretty wrong, but they can heal by themselves even without our help, this would only make things better, not go from zero to one ;)

Alternative explanation: someone was fighting a nazi and didn't want to die. So they cursed the weapon the nazi was attacking them with so it couldn't kill them.

A cursed knife might be a knife that applies a curse or it might be a knife that has been cursed.

Reading your idea I had another one on the curse: what if curses can be made by failed enchantments? This not only gives a reason for this curse, but also means a failure in item creation could be worse than just loosing the materials...