The Morrsley Village Experiment

Agreed. I will say that I'm fairly certain Shadell is not town for a number of reasons. Including but not limited to what Hobo is thinking, and the fact that Shadell was super on the null being meaningful train, but weirdly blase about the ice cream, as well as the fact that last game she was an E-Imp and played super aggressively at least at the start, just like today. That last one may just be how she plays, but something about her has pinged from really early on for me.

FWIW I'm also getting a slight scum read off -Rosen, Nictis and Chopshop.
Hard town read on IH. Slight town on Tykan.
Everyone else pretty null right now.

Anyone else have any reads?

Now what has you suspecting me of being scum if I may ask?
@ondine And with these scum reads you have it may be possible that you're trying to keep attention off of you as much as possible.
That's understandable ondine; it's just a philosophy of mine that we shouldn't be trying to rush information we already have in front of us too much (it's a different story when I'm trying to create information, which I haven't really seen the need to do thus far, but in situations like that I can be a lot more aggressive). Three days is a lot of time to get as much as possible, so I don't want to go all in on one possibility right away and potentially end up wasting the latter part of the Day entirely
That's understandable ondine; it's just a philosophy of mine that we shouldn't be trying to rush information we already have in front of us too much (it's a different story when I'm trying to create information, which I haven't really seen the need to do thus far, but in situations like that I can be a lot more aggressive). Three days is a lot of time to get as much as possible, so I don't want to go all in on one possibility right away and potentially end up wasting the latter part of the Day entirely
Also fair. I was told last game that I was too passive, as you know :p so I'm trying to be more assertive. I'm sure I'll find a happy medium at some point.
Who the fuck is this "he?"

Okay, let's summarize:

1. I raised a bullet point suggesting that ice-cream flavor colors might shift factions in some kind of cultish way or the like AND saying that this wouldn't be possible if everyone's ice-cream color matched their alignment.
2. Nictis said this bullet point was wrong (vaguely)
3. I (later also Biggerfish I assume) took this to mean that Nictis had some information, presumably from a power that triggers ice-cream or a win-con related to it, that this isn't how this works.
4. What Nictis claims to have meant is that Nictis' flavor color and alignment don't match. Nictis also expressed confusion over how they'd know any of the other bits were definitively wrong.
5. I explained what we thought Nictis would know.

Does that help clear things up?
Nictis, you're jumping on me because you claimed something horribly poorly/vaguely and I was confused by it.

Additionally, I haven't actually voted you.
Er, whooops, missed three entire pages worth of posts...
Kinda fading in and out at the moment, will probably be going to sleep soon dood.

I doubt that there is only a single faction dood, and I'd rather not run with the assumption that is true in case it isn't dood.

Easier to correct for that later than to try to recover from giving them the advantage anyways dood, I say we treat the game as usual until we see reason that it isn't dood.

Speaking of which, I never changed my vote dood.

[x] Unvote ondine
[x] Lynch TheBiggerFish

I don't like how he jumped onto me, it felt more like he was trying to force a reveal or remove a known threat than actually suspecting me dood.

I have another suspicion, but I'm going to hold off on that for a bit dood.
This is the post I was responding to.
...Something concerned me but I can't remember what now that I'm trying to write it down...Give me a moment.


Ondine being suspicious of Shadell for no really articulable reason seems a bit odd to me.

@-Rosen : What do you even mean by
That's understandable ondine; it's just a philosophy of mine that we shouldn't be trying to rush information we already have in front of us too much (it's a different story when I'm trying to create information, which I haven't really seen the need to do thus far, but in situations like that I can be a lot more aggressive). Three days is a lot of time to get as much as possible, so I don't want to go all in on one possibility right away and potentially end up wasting the latter part of the Day entirely
this post?
...yall are really talking a lot while not saying much.
[X]Lynch RaptorusMaximus

Pot, meet kettle. Why do you feel the need to post this?

@TheBiggerFish I'm mostly outlining my philosophy that if we have a candidate for any kind of major pressure, we should try to slow roll the lynch itself a bit, so that we can get as much discussion out of a Day phase as possible. This is in contrast to ondine's request for me to vote Shadell as soon as I said I was interested in what IH had done with his posts.
Why would multiple scum reads concern you? I'm assuming there are multiple scum given that it's my understanding that there usually are?

And as I said, repeatedly, these are slight reads on most people. I would like people to get talking so that I can get a better read.

...yall are really talking a lot while not saying much.
Better than talking little and saying less. We have to talk. That's the game. Just being quiet cause it's day 1 is a really un-fun way to play.

Also @TheBiggerFish I gave three reasons.
Ondine being suspicious of Shadell for no really articulable reason seems a bit odd to me.
Actually, ondine's suspicion of Shadell in relation to IH's question about factions present makes perfect sense, though I don't particularly agree with him wanting to stay vague about it. At the moment I'm compromising a bit and letting Shadell respond to this suspicion first before I consider showing the reasoning behind the suspicion in a more definitive fashion myself.
It just feels that by doing so you're trying to keep any potential heat off of you.
Personally I don't find having multiple scum-reads particularly NAI, since you want to be able to keep your options open if you're incorrect on one of them. What's more important is the accuracy of these reads, as there's generally at least some kind of correlation between the accuracy of reads and the alignment of the person making them.
Personally I don't find having multiple scum-reads particularly AI, since you want to be able to keep your options open if you're incorrect on one of them. What's more important is the accuracy of these reads, as there's generally at least some kind of correlation between the accuracy of reads and the alignment of the person making them.
EBWOP: Meant AI, not NAI. Getting rid of the double-negative here.
Personally I don't find having multiple scum-reads particularly NAI, since you want to be able to keep your options open if you're incorrect on one of them. What's more important is the accuracy of these reads, as there's generally at least some kind of correlation between the accuracy of reads and the alignment of the person making them.

Fair enough. Like I said I'm not Batman when it comes to reading people.
@RaptorusMaximus And while we're on the subject are there any reads you've made on any of the other players so far?

No, not really. No one has, from my observation, done anything overly suspicious.

But then I've never been called exceptionally observant or good at 'reading' people in the first place.

Pot, meet kettle. Why do you feel the need to post this?

I would argue that I talk very little while not saying much, but fair enough.

As for why...honestly, it was mostly impulsive. Yall have been trying to phsychoanalyze each other's psychoanalysis of each other all day and I find it mildly amusing and mildly annoying.
I would argue that I talk very little while not saying much, but fair enough.

As for why...honestly, it was mostly impulsive. Yall have been trying to phsychoanalyze each other's psychoanalysis of each other all day and I find it mildly amusing and mildly annoying.
If it yields information, then why would you find it annoying? It feels like you're trying to say "people trying to gather information early is bad" here and I'm not really a fan of it.