The Morrsley Village Experiment

Vote, build suspicion, act outraged. Ask questions, act like a spotlight, ask hypotheticals. Things like that dood.

Mafia is remarkably friendly... until it's not dood.

Right now we're in the random votes stage dood, that means that votes are going to have flimsy reasoning until we find better reasoning dood.

Or maybe not flimsy reasoning, maybe no reasoning. Maybe even good reasoning, just not much that's solid dood.

Okay, who infected Nictis with the Prinny virus?
And since it's the first day I suggest we hold off on the finger pointing until something happens.
We almost always are going to want to lynch people. It's how we get information and pressure people into taking stances. I have a good sized post on that here, and while it doesn't say to always lynch Day 1, it does say that it's something you don't want to be trying to argue for at the start of the Day.

. . .
[X] Lynch Nobody

1) Considering the game is as small as it is, just how important do you believe the lynch to be here (i.e, do you think it's primary tool, or do you believe there could be something else at play in relation to team balancing)?
2) What do you think the "null" cutscene mentioned in the first post is?
3) Judging by the early accusations that have gone on in the thread so far, would you say that certain accusation patterns thus far can be attributed to team play (I'm mainly looking at the suspicion cast on Hybrid, and the votes placed on Nictis here)?

1) Lynch is the primary tool to town, town might have a way to kill but relying on the unknown is dangerous, thus the lynch is still the primary tool.
2) I'm Morbidly curious
3) Naah dood.

Okay, who infected Nictis with the Prinny virus?

Sorry dood!
@Shadell Assuming you are correct that voting null will fundamentally change (or end) the game, what do you think are the plausible outcomes?

I'm not sure. The most obvious possibilities to me are:

1. Someone has a win con requiring a null.
2. It's just flavor text, though I'd be disappointed.
3. It interacts with ice-cream flavors in some regard
4. Someone has a win-con requiring no nulls.
5. Actually, there are no scum if we lynch null! Everyone wins, everyone gets ice-cream. (Oh wait, that last one already happened.)

Ultimately, it's something of a question of the GM's psychology. What kind of mechanic would IJW introduce after commentary and revision. I don't know well enough to make any strong guesses, particularly as this is only my second game.

What I would like to see is to use these mechanics as levers, in contrast to other set-ups where they're not useful tools. As I understand it, a lot of @Nictis's opposition to voting null D1 is that it's not really a productive argument, particularly early in the day. By contrast, here the mechanics do invoke lynching null. It is something that might generate a response beyond just an (apparently) rehashed argument. Making the unknowns a topic of conversation is the only easy way to see if they're less unknown to anyone else. Even if no one has the picture themselves, it's only by discussion that we can really figure out what it might look like.
I'm not sure. The most obvious possibilities to me are:

1. Someone has a win con requiring a null.
2. It's just flavor text, though I'd be disappointed.
3. It interacts with ice-cream flavors in some regard
4. Someone has a win-con requiring no nulls.
5. Actually, there are no scum if we lynch null! Everyone wins, everyone gets ice-cream. (Oh wait, that last one already happened.)

Ultimately, it's something of a question of the GM's psychology. What kind of mechanic would IJW introduce after commentary and revision. I don't know well enough to make any strong guesses, particularly as this is only my second game.

What I would like to see is to use these mechanics as levers, in contrast to other set-ups where they're not useful tools. As I understand it, a lot of @Nictis's opposition to voting null D1 is that it's not really a productive argument, particularly early in the day. By contrast, here the mechanics do invoke lynching null. It is something that might generate a response beyond just an (apparently) rehashed argument. Making the unknowns a topic of conversation is the only easy way to see if they're less unknown to anyone else. Even if no one has the picture themselves, it's only by discussion that we can really figure out what it might look like.
Hmm. 1,2,4 are self explanatory. 3 probably can't be pressed without leaking the potentially important ice cream flavor information.
For 5- you're thinking everyone is town and it's basically 'The Rumor mk. 2, extra trite edition?'
What I would like to see is to use these mechanics as levers, in contrast to other set-ups where they're not useful tools. As I understand it, a lot of @Nictis's opposition to voting null D1 is that it's not really a productive argument, particularly early in the day. By contrast, here the mechanics do invoke lynching null. It is something that might generate a response beyond just an (apparently) rehashed argument. Making the unknowns a topic of conversation is the only easy way to see if they're less unknown to anyone else. Even if no one has the picture themselves, it's only by discussion that we can really figure out what it might look like.
I'm going to take quotes out of my Day 1 Lynch post for you dood.
Whether it's by Lynch or by Night Kill, the first death is the first concrete connection. Before then you might have had a few piles of similarly coloured pieces but nothing to really extend off of yet. A kill by ynch is a lot more likely to be a connection in one of those piles, and you can then sort out whether they go to the same shape or if they belong elsewhere. A night kill however could be entirely removed from the discussion.
-Any investigatives will know what they know, but they aren't very likely to share that information unless it's worth their life, meaning that aside from a select few people everyone will be walking into Town with the same info they had going into Day 1. Mafia are also often capable of gathering information at night, and by virtue of being a mafia, sharing it with each other out of the thread. They don't need to gather info to win, Town does.
It's pressure. The point of the lynch is to pressure people into taking stands, making cases (regardless of how good they are) and sharing their thoughts, because whoever we find the least satisfying or useful will die. The problem with not lynching is that people are selfish.

Without a reason to speak up, a lot of players won't.
More importantly however are the other players who were getting wagoned, because the biggest reason why Town is what is normally lynched Day 1 is that most mafia have support. So look for people who defend others, who intercept inquiries, or people who don't seem to have a lot of reason for leaving their previous vote to raise a wagon higher.
A few things I want to suggest for you if you really think the Day should end on a No Lynch.

1: Don't make a big deal of it early on. Saying "I don't think we should kill anyone today" or something similar like that at the start of the day is only going to detract from it.
5: Most importantly, don't decide right away. The question of 'To lynch, or not to lynch' is not one that should be decided at the start of the Day. I'd suggest to start considering it about two thirds of the way through the Day, and bring up the option then if you don't see anyone that is worth lynching. Remember to follow 4 and 2 for this.
Sorry for the quote wall dood.

Raising the option of No Lynching takes away from the threat of the lynch dood. If there's no teeth in it, you can't expect people to care enough to slip from the pressure dood.

Instead of focusing on what is said to be memes, focus on what's actually known to be a tool for the Town to use dood.

Or if you need a different reason... Town is only going to kill Scum by trying to kill Scum dood.
I think 1 is the most likely. And 2 the next most likely. Why would there be a 4 without also a 1?I think that seems less likely than the reverse. And Nictis mentioned that 5 was a thing in the past. I suppose that 3 is possible too, but I don't think it seems likely.

In light of this, and our history with imps and the like, I think it's a very poor idea to do a null vote D1 until we have a better idea of what kind of game we are actually playing and what kind of different types of roles there might be. Also as town we need to get some information and as far as I know we can only kill scum by lynching them. So obviously the lynch is the best way to do this.
Oh man, I'm reading all of these posts and I just don't know what I can contribute right now.
Sorry about that dood, these are mostly unrelated to the actual game dood!

You can probably just ignore the no lynch debate, it's a common argument dood!

In the meantime, maybe ask some questions? I've got one of my own dood!

What's everyone's favorite flavor of ice cream, dood?
Sorry about that dood, these are mostly unrelated to the actual game dood!

You can probably just ignore the no lynch debate, it's a common argument dood!

In the meantime, maybe ask some questions? I've got one of my own dood!

What's everyone's favorite flavor of ice cream, dood?

My favorite flavor is strawberry cheesecake with mint being a close second.
I feel that this ice cream has more to it than just being items in our inventory. Perhaps one prevents someone from getting killed during the night phase or another allows you to view someone to see who they are.
Were you told something about your ice cream?