A Game of Crowns (Mafia)

Rosen: To preface, there were two early plays that caught my attention from him. One was the attempt at shifting the game into RQS instead of the usual RVS, which doesn't mean much on its own but had me looking for what they would be trying to get from people with it. The other is private, but was the reason for the initial suspicion and much closer observation.

I've already well established that I don't like some of the contradictions in their posting and claimed intentions. Some of it is acknowledged as such (Random has reasons, but Rosen was a hypocrite), and some of it is said to not be contradictions (Two different types of reads). I disagree with that, it just reads as bad backtracking to me, but on review a part of me feels like scum Rosen would have been more consistent. I don't listen to that part anymore, because I refuse to assume that something is too dumb for scum to do or say anymore.

On that note, we have one-to-two soft scum claims. These honestly don't matter much, but Rosen's repeated defense of "I'm not that dumb" and "You'll just have to take my word for it" in response to being accused of something does not help make him look Town to me. The rest of his defenses aren't much better to me. The repeated justifications don't read like Town, they read like someone who cares more about personal survival than results. I don't buy the 'two different kinds of reads' argument, so it just feels like he was folding in the face of pressure rather than being legitimate.

The discrepancies between what Rosen says he's doing, what he claims it will do, and what he says he expects from it don't line up for me. This will help find scum/You don't seriously think that people will use it to find scum. This can help us find teams/Scum are going to use random numbers to throw us off. Random isn't Random/Claims to be using Random. Random isn't Random/Town will use random because they don't care. Random isn't Random/Scum will use Random. (In case you hadn't noticed, the fact that Rosen acknowledged that Random isn't Random and then tried to defend his point by saying that basically everyone would use Random irks me)

Rosen's claimed normal playstyle is not what has been seen, and reeks of Scum from anyone else. It is also their defense of why their defense against accusations is scummy. Meso is suspicious because his arguments (literally) hold no water. I obviously disagree with that, but whatever. The rhetoric is dickish and an OMGUS. Their response to me is the same kind of condescending tone that Scum give when they're pinned for something they were trying to do and want deniability. "No, I'm not so stupid to set up mislynches because scum said some peoples' names at the beginning of the game. Sorry to disappoint you there"

The Meta Argument is... Bad. Rosen is dismissing a large portion of playing Mafia because it's unfavorable. I can't call Meta because I've only seen Rosen in two, oh sorry, one game and my calls are distinctions on how Rosen plays... Which Rosen acknowledges twice as accurate. Meanwhile everyone who was saying that they would be suspicious but decided it was NAI because of the same game are just going off of that game and so it's fine. That's not a good sign, that's just dismissing suspicion. Rosen can get as angry about it as he wants, you can't pick and choose when it applies to you.
You're right: I'm generally a very confrontational player at heart. What you haven't seen yet is that I am also very picky with the things I do push on, which is why I have yet to do so right now (generally I'm not around so early in the game that I can usually find something to jump on when I start up every game, but this isn't the case here).
All the comments of mine that you pointed out about my own playstyle are distinctions of what my usual play style looks like. Yeah some of that bled through into my other game here but that's not really the point. The comments about me that other people made are almost entirely based on DB Mafia and don't have any other drawn out meta to go off of, so that much is moot.

Without Meta, Rosen is suspicious and not acting like Town. I'm going to point at Meso for this one, since they're suspecting Rosen for pretty much the same reason (But not 'Reasons') I was just without the Meta context saying that it wasn't normal either. With Meta, Rosen is not acting like Town!Rosen.

... Yeah, pretty sure I'm still going to be voting Rosen on review. This could be a difference of views... Technically, could be. I doubt it. I'm pretty sure that Rosen is Scum. I'll place Rosen right above Nani on the Trustable scale, but Rosen is scum.

@Evenstar If we ignore the Turtleducks interactions, what do you think of Absum?
Hmm. Probably should have posted that question before finishing the review, it might have gotten an answer before she went to bed.

Alright, so currently my main choices for the lynch are between Absum and Rosen. Going to do a quick private review of Absum before I decide.
That feeling when you make your post that people were asking for and the only ones still awake are observers. :V
Alright, finished checking the thing. Absum remains at the same point on the scale, but he seems Town so far.

[x] Lynch -Rosen

That feeling when you make your post that people were asking for and the only ones still awake are observers. :V
Well, I'm still awake. But, it's basically the same arguments you were making before, and I at least just can't see any of the evidence you're citing as important.

I feel like it's important to vote according to expressed beliefs, to give concrete backing to stated motivations.
But, fundamentally, there's nobody I think has even a fifty fifty of being scum.
I do think
[X] Evenstar
has been too cagy about their motivations. I still think it's more likely the early lynches were shoddy pressure tactics, and this recent silence is definitely the call of IRL, but... I believe it's better odds than anyone else.
I'll rethink this in the morning if I wake up in time, and possibly regret it in the morning if I don't, but at the moment
It's not too unusual for me, as while it's been a while Archdemon had 96
That was just... Not understanding that someone might be confused they're town when we all thought the Merovin people were gonna be maf insurgent cell or w/e rang wrong to me, but well.
My confusion was about QT suddenly knowing for sure, because it did not seem like the kind of thing the GM would confirm to me.

Wait, no, I'll be around for end of daay. Okay. Yeah, no need to hold off on my account then. Okay, makes me feel better aout changing vote.

[X] Lynch Est
If you're gonna try and start a new lynch at the end of that Day you should probably at least provide some reasons. As it stands you might as well have nulled.

Well, I'm still awake. But, it's basically the same arguments you were making before, and I at least just can't see any of the evidence you're citing as important.

I feel like it's important to vote according to expressed beliefs, to give concrete backing to stated motivations.
But, fundamentally, there's nobody I think has even a fifty fifty of being scum.
I do think
[X] Evenstar
has been too cagy about their motivations. I still think it's more likely the early lynches were shoddy pressure tactics, and this recent silence is definitely the call of IRL, but... I believe it's better odds than anyone else.
I'll rethink this in the morning if I wake up in time, and possibly regret it in the morning if I don't, but at the moment
You forgot the "lynch" part, which on default tally settings means you're voting for the same thing as her.
lol that first sentence I really need to check the field is empty first (it was something from last night about the long Day/Night cycle)
Well, I'm still awake. But, it's basically the same arguments you were making before, and I at least just can't see any of the evidence you're citing as important.
I mean, yeah. It was a review. It was me making sure that I wasn't being too biased by stuff that I was keeping out of the thread, there wasn't exactly going to be a new selection of stuff for me to point at as scum. I'm kinda curious on what you would consider important if none of that was though.
@InterstellarHobo You probably won't see this before Day ends, but you did your lynch vote incorrectly. You need to put the word "Lynch" in front of the name of the person you wish to lynch. It is otherwise invalid.

@TurtleDucks @BanTheFairyKing You two last voted 2+ days ago, with not really saying anything much since. Do you guys happen to have anything new to say after seeing the discussions going on? Furthermore, TurtleDucks, you really should say more in your defense here. It really isn't the best look to drop off the face of the Earth without a good explanation, and "don't lynch newbies" will only carry you so far.
Tempted to try and get some more sleep, but who knows what'll happen if I do that. Blegh.
It's not too unusual for me, as while it's been a while Archdemon had 96
My confusion was about QT suddenly knowing for sure, because it did not seem like the kind of thing the GM would confirm to me.
The GM wouldn't confirm what faction you were on? Come off it, mate.
If you're gonna try and start a new lynch at the end of that Day you should probably at least provide some reasons. As it stands you might as well have nulled.
Ah, my apologies.
Est is one of the top posters, yet has left no impression on me. It feels like they've stayed out of this, which holds to the reason for not voting Rosen being "Well, there isn't really enough voting/seriously arguing in a manner that'd result in them staying, indicating maf doesn't care"
The GM wouldn't confirm what faction you were on? Come off it, mate.
Uh yeah? Remember that I wasn't sure if this was regular Town v Maf or more like two competing factions? Like at first I thought QT might be one of the barbarians trying to get Merovin people to out themselves. In such a situation, i.e. factions but most people (or at least I) don't have a quicktopic, the GM could hardly confirm or deny whether or not someone is "regular" town (on account of there wouldn't be any).
I don't think I really want an Evenstar lynch here. Pushing for it now seems like a recipe for disaster for town even if I did. At the same time, I still don't agree with the -Rosen wagon. I'm having trouble with deciding between a wide array of unpalatable options.
Rating list of trustable peeps.

-1KBestK: Not as high as before, but still a solid choice. Also feels Town.
-Mesonoxian: Has been feeling very good, particularly from a new player. Their pushes against Rosen feel good and natural to me.
-Interstellar Hobo: Is learning, but also feels good.
-QTesseract: Part of me is still suspicious of the whole "Ah, I thought I was scum :( " charade, but it does feel like a natural progression and I've liked most of his interactions so far, if only there was more there for me to look at.
-Nictis: I still don't like rating myself, place me whenever /:
-Est: I should probably rate higher, but I can't seem to ever remember much of them? Don't know why, but unless if I'm looking for their posts I just don't seem to see them while reading through the thread.
-EmperrorPyrros: Feels good, well centered, but doesn't have enough posts or active views to really cement things. They're more like a momentum killer at this point, mainly providing counterpoints to lynches.
-Cyricubed: Low, for the moment. Gonna need to figure out the background stuff between Cyri/Absum before I place him any higher or lower than this.
-Ban: Variable slot depending on Rosen's review, but I'm still pinging him as the most likely Rosen ally if Rosen is scum.
-Rosen: Pretty sure is scum.
-Nani: Not enough content to be trusted.
-DimensionalGuy: Not enough content, doesn't seem very good at info sec.
-Look To The Left: No content, do not trust.
-TurtleDucks: Constant hinting at Survivor, then claiming Town with a strong Townread of Absum does not fill me with confidence. Is either a very specific Town Role for the setup, or is scum. (EDIT: Is most likely not that role)
-Absum: Has seemed like a contender for a position that I already know is filled.
Updated list.
I don't think I really want an Evenstar lynch here. Pushing for it now seems like a recipe for disaster for town even if I did. At the same time, I still don't agree with the -Rosen wagon. I'm having trouble with deciding between a wide array of unpalatable options.
We've got an hour and a half, I personally think that Rosen is scum but there are other options. Turtleducks I know has been facing some criticism, Absum would have Cyri supporting you even if I wouldn't be, you could do a quick read on Est to either see Nani's side or make a case for their innocence, and if there's absolutely nobody that you feel is worth lynching there are the less active people. Dimensional and Look to The Left come to mind, and I wouldn't mind a Left lynch if I thought anyone would take the time to confirm Rosen as scum or shoot him. (Preview Edit) I do remember you making a point to agree with Rosen on Interstellar being suspicious, I personally don't see it with how Rosen was quoting Interstellar acknowledging the error and unvoting, but that's another option.

So yeah, I'm probably sticking to my vote, but there's been a lot of people who seem rather lukewarm to each option. You could try providing a different case on one of them or a new wagon entirely.
What was your theory about me?
It's irrelevant now.
I'm going home now, will write a reads post when I am in case I die.
What's the empty for Evenstar and Happerry mean? As you generally mention being unsure or low content for others.
Just didn't really have a comment for those two. All the low people need to be justified, and some have additions to the process. You'll note for example that I mention QT's lack of diversity, which could be a narrow kind of focus that helps them seem more trustable than they are. You are there at the bottom of the list despite me being willing to give you a slight Town read, and the person I'm trying to lynch is higher than inactives. 1K was going to go without a note originally, but now there's the caveat that she wasn't quite what I had thought but is still solid.
We've got an hour and a half, I personally think that Rosen is scum but there are other options. Turtleducks I know has been facing some criticism, Absum would have Cyri supporting you even if I wouldn't be, you could do a quick read on Est to either see Nani's side or make a case for their innocence, and if there's absolutely nobody that you feel is worth lynching there are the less active people. Dimensional and Look to The Left come to mind, and I wouldn't mind a Left lynch if I thought anyone would take the time to confirm Rosen as scum or shoot him. (Preview Edit) I do remember you making a point to agree with Rosen on Interstellar being suspicious, I personally don't see it with how Rosen was quoting Interstellar acknowledging the error and unvoting, but that's another option.

So yeah, I'm probably sticking to my vote, but there's been a lot of people who seem rather lukewarm to each option. You could try providing a different case on one of them or a new wagon entirely.

It's irrelevant now.

I think Rosen's pretty clearly gonna die, so beyond not bringing anything up to three votes so scum can't tie it last second I don't think my vote's really gonna matter. Uh...

[x] Lynch DimensionalGuy

Because they need to post more (and change their avatar).
Ugh. On one hand, yeah, I'm not sold on the lynch. On the other hand, I do see Nictis' arguments and I do think he's more likely town than not - and he makes a very perceptive town. Furthermore, general strategy or not Rosen has gone out of their way to make a lot of noise and seem scummy. Courtesy ping to @-Rosen , I'll be on for another half an hour if you are going to try and convince me to switch.

[X] Lynch -Rosen