Heroic Desires (My Hero Academia Quest)

Can i just say to the people trying to diplomacy out of this again, you do realise that violence has already caused her to get what she wants right? She's stabbed us already, your not gonna get the 'break down' you seem to be hoping for.
Can i just say to the people trying to diplomacy out of this again, you do realise that violence has already caused her to get what she wants right? She's stabbed us already, your not gonna get the 'break down' you seem to be hoping for.

I've never voted diplo so she'd "break down". More like the opposite, she's kind of blood crazy right now and if we somehow get her calm then we could actually communicate. Long enough that we can get some help, at least.

Whether that's because we say something that throws her off, or we genuinely offer some understanding. (which we can actually do because we've gotten a taste of what she's feeling right now and it's messing with our head a lot even at a fraction of the potency)
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If we're gonna talk we should probably either use Mind's Eye or Suggestion for even the slightest boost to our chances in talking her down.
If we're gonna talk we should probably either use Mind's Eye or Suggestion for even the slightest boost to our chances in talking her down.
Only gripe is that they're too potent, and Toga might know that we're using a quirk. The suggestion doesn't work if the person being suggested thinks the suggestion is a foreign thought.
(Also also, for some reason Toga's name is listed as Toga Hagakure here. Is that a mistake, or is that just her real name in this continuity?)

That was just me being really dumb. For some reason my brain keeps trying to give Toga that family name and I had to edit stuff like that in my notes more than once.

I don't get why some people are surprised Toga resists MIND. After all, wouldn't her crazy help her in that regard?

I actually wanted to give her Body resistance at first for the same reasons others pointed out (Crazy reflexes and flexibility), but decided not to. I already have many characters with Body resistance so I went with the infiltrator approach. She is SMART. Her MIND stat is 2 and not 3 but she IS smart. She managed to get in contact with Japan criminal organizations and become an infiltrator that people hire for jobs... All while only being a highschooler that left her home.

You can see this by how she deals with the TK. It takes her only a second to find and execute a solution to getting rid of the TK hold, faster than Daiki can think of a following action.

...do you not understand how our Quirk works? Or are you just trolling at this point?

Daiki actually got no power from the bond. Not for now. Also calm down.

And about the power... Some people got close to the answer.

What the quirk is actually doing is trying to reach a balance. It acts like a spring, the more you strech it the stronger it tries to return to a stable position. When Daiki raises his relationship with someone, Daiki also gets that "relationship point". That means that all of Daiki's relationships are balanced with him liking others as much as they like him.

Then Toga suddenly forms the strongest bond that Daiki has while he is at 0 or probably -1 because stab wounds hurt relationships. Daiki's quirk is trying to recover some balance to keep working properly and because it can't make Toga like him less, it's trying to raise Daiki's relationship level with her by force. It, of course, has a couple bad side effects. Daiki only wants her blood because it's the only way he thinks he can get closer to her as quickly as possible because that's how she seems to work.

It's not like the quirk has its own mind, it's just how its mechanics work.

When you think about this, it has some heavy implications about how Daiki's mind and relationships work.
Only gripe is that they're too potent, and Toga might know that we're using a quirk. The suggestion doesn't work if the person being suggested thinks the suggestion is a foreign thought.
Good point, throw in her MIND resistance and Suggestion is far too weak to fully slow or stop her.
Mind's Eye on the other hand can't be resisted because Toga has yet to know about it in any way shape or form.
When you think about this, it has some heavy implications about how Daiki's mind and relationships work.

Mutual dependence? That seems to be his usual arrangement. Not that there's anything wrong with that, that's what most relationships should be.

Not that he needs everyone he's bonded with, but there's a reciprocity there.

Daiki likes the Old Man, the Old man likes company.
Shirohime and Daiki are actually pretty reliant on each other for most/a lot of their emotional needs.
Family is an obvious one.
The Entrance Exam bonds aren't exactly vital to Daiki or to the other students, but Daiki was inspiring enough in those moments that he changed how they thought and on Daiki's end that means he's been vindicated.

Everyone puts a little something/or a lot of something into the relationship.

Except Toga, who's actively sabotaging the relationship on Daiki's end, with the attempted murdering. But still loves him just as much.
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Y'all hesitated and decided to not turn into the skid. Middle ground there wasn't a smart place for compromise.

As much as the date vote was playing a meme, I did take into account her character when making it.

She's weak to social, wants to be loved, and was specifically hoping this could be a scene straight out of a shojo manga with us as the prince to her female lead.

That was the perfect chance to change this encounter from a fight.

Now we're kinda stuck fighting her, unless y'all want to lean into her blue and orange morality hard.

[X] Plan somewhat controlled crash
-[X] She's fucking crazy, but you're feeling pretty crazy right now
-[X] Ask Toga if she can bleed a bit for you too
--[X] Make sure to give her your best smile

We need to take a mental roll to do anything that doesn't end with us drinking her blood, so let's fix that.

A modified version would be to kiss Toga somewhere in this to really mess with her head, but I don't have a good judgement of how close they are right now beyond "knife range". And besides, while a kiss could make it more effective, considering that asking her on a date was beyond the pale for a lot of you I don't even want to know what a kiss would be considered.


Toga isn't even my favorite waifu in show and Daiki's quirk is gonna seriously complicate things for him with her. I like all of the girls in 1-A and Pony from 1-B better.
I'm not going to ask why Pony specifically. I don't want to know, but I feel like I already do.
I'm not going to ask why Pony specifically. I don't want to know, but I feel like I already do.

Read some good fanfiction where she's well characterized. Liked her in those, so it bled over to the Canon character.

I've also read some stuff that has good Toga, but she's so OOC that it doesn't bleed over to the Canon character.
[X] Plan Out of our league.
-[X] We have just been ambushed by someone we know next to nothing about, and who has prepared for this battle, though she apparently doesn't know everything about our power. She's also batshit crazy. Aren't we also exhausted from training? This is out of our league.

-[X] Yell "Help, Help, Psycho!", the Japanese superhero equivalent of 911, and finally send our location to our friends, then continue yelling out "Psycho" while fighting defensively until a Pro Hero arrives.
-[X] Once she's taken down we can sneak some of her blood, especially if someone cut her while defending us. The Bloodlust effect only goes into effect if the action doesn't try to get us her blood, so this is fine.
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What the quirk is actually doing is trying to reach a balance. It acts like a spring, the more you strech it the stronger it tries to return to a stable position. When Daiki raises his relationship with someone, Daiki also gets that "relationship point". That means that all of Daiki's relationships are balanced with him liking others as much as they like him.
This means Daiki will almost certainly be polyamorous as long as more than one person love him romantically, because he can't not reciprocate. Truly, he is a Harem Genre Protagonist.

In a broader sense, Daiki defines himself by his bonds to others. The fact that what other people feel about him can genuinely change who he is gives him a very mallable personality.

I can see how this would be a function of the Quirk, because this allows him to form bonds with almost anybody, and shapes him into being the person they want him to be, helping increase the bond. This means two things, that bond loss can cause identity crisis, and that we need to be veeery careful of who we expose Daiki to.
Okay, our first priority when we're done fighting Toga is ending our Quirk's control over our feelings.
If need be we can take that Quirk-erasing drug; I'd rather be Quirkless than be forced to fall in love with people.
Seriously, its quite possible that we can't technically be raped because our powers will force us to reciprocate any feelings a rapist may have towards us.
This quest probably won't have rape, but that doesn't mean it's an acceptable state of events to have our Quirk control us like this.
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[X] Plan somewhat controlled crash

What the quirk is actually doing is trying to reach a balance. It acts like a spring, the more you strech it the stronger it tries to return to a stable position. When Daiki raises his relationship with someone, Daiki also gets that "relationship point". That means that all of Daiki's relationships are balanced with him liking others as much as they like him.

Then Toga suddenly forms the strongest bond that Daiki has while he is at 0 or probably -1 because stab wounds hurt relationships. Daiki's quirk is trying to recover some balance to keep working properly and because it can't make Toga like him less, it's trying to raise Daiki's relationship level with her by force. It, of course, has a couple bad side effects. Daiki only wants her blood because it's the only way he thinks he can get closer to her as quickly as possible because that's how she seems to work.

It's not like the quirk has its own mind, it's just how its mechanics work.

When you think about this, it has some heavy implications about how Daiki's mind and relationships work.

Man, that brings up some rally heavy stuff about how Daiki and co works. Like, if Daiki suddenly meets someone who he dislikes, and they try to befriend him, either Daiki's getting forcibly befriended or the person ends up disliking Daiki as much as he doesn't like them and they have no idea why. Or if Daiki tries to befriend someone who'd rather be left alone. Either they're mind warped into becoming his friend or Daiki grows to hate them as much as they hate him.

I can kinda see why whoever hacked into the Quirk Database wanted Daiki's file: He's got a Quirk that lets him us multiple Quirks (Hello AfO), and he's also unconsciously brainwashing everyone he comes in contact with, including himself.

I guess the question is, what the heck is up with Daiki's Dad? Like, what the heck even is the magnitude of HATE that results in Daiki's Quirk breaking entirely rather than just trying to reach equilibrium?
Its possible the mindbending power only works at a certain range, so people that are at a literal distance from Daiki can grow literally distant and thus break the bond.

Edit: Wait a second, I'm confused, I confused something about Shinsou with something about Daiki's father. When was Daiki's father's bond breaking mentioned?

You will start with relationship bonds with four people. Your Father, your two sisters and your childhood friend.
Edit2:See, this part from the OP said we have a bond with our Father. Where is it said that it broke? With a search of "dad" and "father" in Reader Mode, I can't find anything in-story about Daiki's dad.

Did we experience something similar in regards to our Dad after the incident?
What incident? What am I missing? I've only read Reader Mode, but it doesn't seem to mention anything called "incident"?
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Its possible the mindbending power only works at a certain range, so people that are at a literal distance from Daiki can grow literally distant and thus break the bond.

Edit: Wait a second, I'm confused, I confused something about Shinsou with something about Daiki's father. When was Daiki's father's bond breaking mentioned?

Edit2:See, this part from the OP said we have a bond with our Father. Where is it said that it broke? With a search of "dad" and "father" in Reader Mode, I can't find anything in-story about Daiki's dad.

I'm a wee bit sleep deprived, so I might be thinking about something that didn't happen in the story. Lemme check.

Edit: Yeah, I was wrong. Bond didn't break, Daiki's Pops just managed to drag it into the negatives despite Daiki not hating him (I don't think).
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Ya'll do know that only Daiki can feel the bond right, WTF is all this brainwashing bullshit?
Did you miss the part where Daiki is being forced to like Toga? Or at least made incredibly uncomfortable by not having the same relationship value, uncomfortable enough that he has literal bloodlust?
And about the power... Some people got close to the answer.

What the quirk is actually doing is trying to reach a balance. It acts like a spring, the more you strech it the stronger it tries to return to a stable position. When Daiki raises his relationship with someone, Daiki also gets that "relationship point". That means that all of Daiki's relationships are balanced with him liking others as much as they like him.

Then Toga suddenly forms the strongest bond that Daiki has while he is at 0 or probably -1 because stab wounds hurt relationships. Daiki's quirk is trying to recover some balance to keep working properly and because it can't make Toga like him less, it's trying to raise Daiki's relationship level with her by force. It, of course, has a couple bad side effects. Daiki only wants her blood because it's the only way he thinks he can get closer to her as quickly as possible because that's how she seems to work.

It's not like the quirk has its own mind, it's just how its mechanics work.

When you think about this, it has some heavy implications about how Daiki's mind and relationships work.
See the phrase "it's trying to raise Daiki's relationship level with her by force."? That's the brainwashing.
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