Shisui would have likely brushed off your warning and there would be no Eternal Mangekyo for Rin.
Beyond that, it might have gone very similarly to Canon, with Itachi and Tobito slaughtering the clan and such, and the Root would only take eyes, not participate. Danzo would be far enough to not be blamed.
Rin would survive unless you guys/girls made serious blunders, but she and Sasuke would be the only ones.
Cue Rin's quest to find out exactly what went on - she is smart enough to tell that Itachi wasn't alone when he killed the clan.
There would be no upgrade to the 'Tohsaka Rin' trait yet.
Rin would also likely retreat into herself for a while, with only Naruto and Sasuke as her company. No revenge obsession for her unless you players chose that path - she isn't Sasuke.
Shisui would have likely brushed off your warning and there would be no Eternal Mangekyo for Rin.
Beyond that, it might have gone very similarly to Canon, with Itachi and Tobito slaughtering the clan and such, and the Root would only take eyes, not participate. Danzo would be far enough to not be blamed.
Rin would survive unless you guys/girls made serious blunders, but she and Sasuke would be the only ones.
Cue Rin's quest to find out exactly what went on - she is smart enough to tell that Itachi wasn't alone when he killed the clan.
There would be no upgrade to the 'Tohsaka Rin' trait yet.
Rin would also likely retreat into herself for a while, with only Naruto and Sasuke as her company. No revenge obsession for her unless you players chose that path - she isn't Sasuke.
Geez, Rin's team is just going to be her and her cousins isn't it? You got Naruto, Sasuke, and now Karin for potential teammates + Itatchi as their team leader/instructor. Granted, maybe putting together all the freakishly accomplished young prodigies isn't great control-wise...
Geez, Rin's team is just going to be her and her cousins isn't it? You got Naruto, Sasuke, and now Karin for potential teammates + Itatchi as their team leader/instructor. Granted, maybe putting together all the freakishly accomplished young prodigies isn't great control-wise...
[W]You look a lot like my mother, Uzumaki Korin; are you my close relative?
[W]Are you all right?
[W]Would you like to come with us?
Meanwhile, in Konoha (Interlude Yukio, Haru); Encounter with a snake in (near the) Grass
"So, Yukio, what was that with Rin a few days ago?" Korin-san says casually.
You stiffen, not sure how to answer. You've hoped she's forgotten about that, but no – the moment Rin and Naruto are away, she pounces.
Korin-san shrugs a few seconds later, and you let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding.
She says, "I know you're normally a good kid, Yukio. I won't hold it against you, but you know I'll be there if you want to talk, right?"
You take a moment to scoff – you, a 'good kid'? Everyone else says you're a troublemaker! Korin-san looks into your eyes, and you can't look at her for long, so you turn away.
She says, "yes, you are a good kid, Yukio. I don't care what trouble you've gotten into – I know you didn't start most of that!" Smiling at you.
It's your turn to shrug – people can believe what they like, it's not like it changes anything. You'd be lying if you said that you weren't affected by what she said, though – and you don't like lying to yourself.
You jog to the closest weapons shop – the closest one away from the Uchiha district, that is; you don't want to stay there for now.
After you get in, the –rather tall, but not very pretty– woman there looks at you for a few seconds, then says, "you're an Uchiha, aren't you? Out! Backstabbers, the lot of you!"
You decide to spit at the door of the shop, then you leave immediately. You go to the next closest shop, 'Quality Supplies Fer Ninjas'. When you enter, the man there (a true bear of a man, and not exactly good looking, either) greets you politely.
You ask if he has any Chakra paper, and he says, "yer lucky, young man – I got a shipment of that just yest'rday. Say, ya wouldn't happen ta be an Uchiha, would ya?"
You hesitate, and he thumps you on the back, making you bend at the waist – ouch!
He says, "bad business, what happened – tell ya what, I'll give the paper –an' anything else ya wanna buy today– at half price," looking down at you.
Hell, he could look down at you while seated!
"Tha name's Rubius*, kid. What's yours?" He then says when you don't say anything.
You shake yourself off and say, "I'm Uchiha Yukio. It's nice to meet you, Rubius-san; I'll be in your care. You look strong – are you a shinobi?"
"Nah," the man says, waving you off. "I could nevah stomach violence, even if I'm built like a bear. 'Sides, I don't got a head fer the a-ca-de-mic side of ninja life neither – except basic math – arit'metic an' such," he says afterwards.
You can't say you can empathize with the latter, since academia always came easily to you, but you aren't exactly a violent person either. Of course, if those bullies come at you again, you'll make sure they regret it – okay, maybe you're a little bit violent.
You shake yourself off again and decide to get some sharpened, ninja-grade weapons for the first time, because you are going to take the graduation test next year. You get lots of shuriken and senbon, and a few kunai.
Rubius-san brings the Chakra paper, then rings you up; the prices are way lower than normal – you've carefully researched what the price of Chakra paper is supposed to be, and it should have wiped out most of your savings. He really is charging you half price.
You put your purchases into your bag and go back to Korin-san's- no, you've got to get used to calling it home.
You remember the comment Korin-san made which convinced you that you need Chakra paper; when you told her about your troubles with the Great Fireball, she said that sometimes, a ninja's primary element interferes with elemental jutsu that that ninja uses. That you need to learn how to use your primary element first in order to keep it back when using another element.
By now, it's obvious that your Affinity isn't Fire. It's time to see what exactly your Affinity is – you can feel yourself sweating in nervousness, but you grit your teeth and put Chakra into one of the papers (Chakra paper comes in packets of thirty (like yours) and a hundred, which is why it's so expensive).
The Chakra paper... is cut into two wet, perfectly identical pieces.
Wind and Water. It explains why it took you over two months for the Great Fireball; you haven't learned to separate your Water Release Chakra from your normal Chakra, so Fire jutsu are weakened. It might have been even worse, had you not had a Wind element too, which can strengthen Fire.
Chakra theory is one of your stronger points. Which is why you know that most people who have two affinities have an elemental Bloodline. Your mother only told you a bit about her clan- you shudder a bit when you remember the last time you saw her-
Shit. You must have zoned out, because Korin-san is back. She shouts 'I'm home' to which you reply 'welcome home' reflexively.
"Ooh!" Korin-san says, wheeling herself close to you, "you finally found your element? Well, what is it?"
"Wind and Water," you tell her, "those are your main elements too, right?"
She says, "yeah, I'm a Wind type and my second element is Water. So, wanna learn?"
You hesitate for a moment, then say yes.
"That's great, Yukio! Wanna start immediately?" She says, smiling.
"Really? Right now?" You say, a bit surprised.
"Why not?" She says.
"Okay," you say, "can we start with Water?"
"Not that I mind, but why Water?" She says.
"Because I want to keep it from weakening my Fire Release," you tell her.
By the way she grimaces, you can tell she doesn't like what you've said. She says, "are you still hung up about that?"
You say, "is it that bad, that I want to be doing well in the clan's specialties? It's bad enough that I'm half an Uchiha-"
"If you're letting those bullies get to you, it's like they have scored a victory against you," Korin-san says, frowning, "besides, my childre- my daughter is 'half an Uchiha' too. Please don't say that in front of me- wait, is that the problem you have with Rin?"
You tense. "What do you mean, Korin-san?" You say.
"You envy Rin because she has been recognized by the clan, while you were mocked by the children your age for being 'half an Uchiha', and bad at Katon," she says….
And hits the nail on the head! You let out a strange sound that resembles a growl, and Korin-san backs off. "Let's just train," you say.
You try for over an hour to get the water out of the leaf, but Korin-san stops you, saying, "that's enough, Yukio; you are close to Chakra exhaustion."
You sigh, frustrated with your complete lack of progress. You know it normally takes months, but you hoped… well, that a miracle would happen. Foolish, in hindsight.
Korin-san puts a hand on you; she can't reach your shoulders and head, so she pats your back.
Daikoku, your sensei at the Academy, claps his hands and has you and your class follow him to the Academy's training ground.
You are average at taijutsu, your strength is relatively low and you bruise easily, so you sigh in relief when your sensei says that instead of sparring, your class will be having a weapons throwing contest.
You can hear someone coming up behind you, and you have a feeling that you know who it is. Sure enough, you feel an elbow on your back and a feminine voice say, "hey, girly boy. Ready to lose?" Making you relax when you hear the voice.
You turn around, keeping from wincing at the hit, and say, "Tenten. I clearly remember you losing the last time we had a throwing contest," smirking.
Tenten hisses and says, "that was a fluke, Yukio!"
"Oh, so you remember my name now?" You tease her.
"You will always be a girly boy to me," Tenten says, a teasing smirk of her own on her face.
"What about Neji. Isn't he pretty girly, too?" You ask her a bit too loudly, making Neji turn and glare at you.
"Who gives a damn about Neji…?" Tenten says, and you can tell she's telling the truth.
Well, it's good that there's no chance Tenten will ever become a fangirl.
Daikoku shouts Tenten's name along with yours, and the two of you have to aim at the targets at the same time.
After a great barrage of weapons, Daikoku declares your contest a tie for first place.
Most of Konoha supports the Uchiha, especially the ninja clans; the civilians are split. That's what Korin-san says, but you don't need to hear that to know how many different opinions there are of the Uchiha in Konoha.
Lately, by Itachi-san's decision and with Haru-san and Teyaki-san's approval, the gates to the Uchiha district are always open during the day so that the Uchiha are always open to Konoha- no, to the rest of Konoha.
You've been hard at work for the past months; you don't want to disappoint Rin-sama, so you've been studying so that you can best serve her, and more recently, govern the clan well in her place. You also have asked Shigaru-san for tips on leading a clan; he is the Sarutobi clan's head, was Rin-sama's father's best friend and supported the Uchiha publicly in the funeral, so you are going to trust in his words.
You have also rectified your lazy training as much as you can in these months; you are actually relatively good at the Fire element now, and have improved your primary, Water, a lot!
You are alone at this moment; sometimes, keeping up your smile and perkiness to reassure others gets really hard, so you are in a tea house outside the Uchiha district, smelling the aroma of the freshly-made tea in your cup.
You used to truly be that perky and cheerful... then, the attack on your clan happened- no, Danzo, Arkidi and the Masked Uchiha attacked your clan! You raged on the inside; fortunately, your father, Teyaki, sat you down for a talk. He was furious too, but he knows that turning into a hate-filled person is harmful to one's own self.
After that talk with your father, you gave up on tracking down Danzo and the Masked Uchiha and executing them yourself - even if part of the reason is so that you can serve Rin-sama better. You were worried when Rin-sama revealed those things at the funeral, but it was all for the best - now, you and the rest of the clan can tell immediately who is your enemy in Konoha.
...Wait, is that Rin-sama's mother and Fugaku-san?
You now look at the redhead's eyes through her spectacles, then say, "no, we aren't here for that. I am Rin, by the way."
You notice the color of her eyes, and it's the exact same shade as your mother's; that realization throws you off further.
"I'm Karin," the girl says, introducing herself.
The name... can't be a coincidence. You force a smile and say-
"You look a lot like my mother; her name is Uzumaki Korin; are you my close relative?"
Karin looks a bit confused. She says, "is that why your Chakra feels familiar? Wait, how did you know that I was an Uzumaki before seeing me?"
"I'm a sensor too," you say, "shouldn't you able to tell that I am one? Every time I've met another sensor, I could tell. Are you all right? You seem out of sorts, not to mention scared."
Karin shakes her head and says, "n-no. The village I hid in was destroyed by bandits, the Grass are after me to take me back - I'm pretty much their slave... everything is terrible!"
You see a baby fox drink milk from its mother's breast and get an idea for Jiraiya's Chakra manipulation exercise; you are getting a bad feeling after seeing foxes around - you had better hurry.
You look at Kakashi, and he nods. So, you say, "would you like to come with us, Karin? Leave those backstabbing Grass bastards?"
Karin says, "yes, please! I don't care which village you are from; just save me from being used to death!"
'Used to death'? The phrasing makes you shiver-
No, wait - that was something else. The animals that were around have scurried away, and yet you haven't detected anything else - which means that someone is deliberately letting you know that they are here, indirectly.
This is starting to seriously creep you out - you activate your perception jutsu along with your Sharingan and active sensory. Unfortunately, while you now can directly tell that someone is around, you can't tell much about them, their position and their Chakra.
From what you can tell, Kakashi in also seriously on guard; he has removed his Hitai-ate from his eye, the Sharingan scanning the surroundings.
"Hahaha! Kuhuhuhuhu!"
A long-haired man walks out from behind a tree, and he is laughing. His appearance gives you shivers: he has black, well cared for hair (which is normal), but from the glimpse you got of his eyes, they are yellowish and shaped like a snake's.
What's worse, you still can't tell much about him, though your perception is slowly improving. It could be that he is relaxing his stealth jutsu, though.
Omni-Science: E- -> E rank
From what you can feel and see in Kakashi's Chakra and on his body, you can tell he is terrified and that you three are in deep shit. Karin, also terrified, is cowering between you and Kakashi.
The creepy man says, "what an eclectic bunch; the young new clan head of the Uchiha, who is also an Uzumaki clan descendant; a pure Uzumaki... oh, the copy-ninja too, I suppose. Or should I call you cold-blooded Kakashi...?" Talking in a deep but oddly hissing voice.
"Orochimaru," says Kakashi, Sharingan spinning and prepared to go all out.
You recognize that name - the Snake Sannin, a Kage-level missing-nin - you stiffen up. Danzo was a fool; you can tell that this guy is even more dangerous, far smarter and a bit less arrogant than the old fossil to boot.
"Tell me, girls. What are your dreams? What motivates you in life? Is it revenge?" Orochimaru says, looking you and Karin up and down, disgusting you.
He is looking at you and Karin like you are specimens in a lab, not in a sexual way, but this is still very creepy. It makes you shiver.
Kakashi shouts, "run! I'll hold him off!"
[]Attack Orochimaru immediately
[]Humor him and reply truthfully
[]Lie about your motivations
[]Run away
-[]Take Karin with you
-[]Take Kakashi with you
-[]You don't abandon comrades or family. Take both
If it comes to a fight, regardless of who starts it, the plan is-
(You need to plan for possible scenarios; make sure to specify if you are going to switch off the Sharingan or Omni-Science or take a soldier pill if you run low on Chakra. Don't forget that Rin is smart (a genius) in her own right, so don't make it overly specific.) (Vote by plan in this chapter.)
*Yes, he's pretty much Hagrid from Harry Potter. Not sure if I got the accent right.
As for Orochimaru appearing undetected, that's what Presence Concealment that rivals the Second Tsuchikage is for. Yes, I planned his appearance from the moment I planned Karin's.
He has probably already started leaving because you can't sense him. However, at this point, he is more likely to have left on foot and walking pace (not the trees), so not too far.
Your range of sensing is ~9 Km, by the way. Oh, you should also check Orochimaru's entry in the Character Sheet.
Can I dispute Orochimadork genjutsu stat? He's basically been always beat up by Uchihas wielding genjutsu. I mean in the anime he does stupid crazy stuff like a 'genjutsu pill' but he's known for ninjutsu and sealing and swordmanship and that contortionist taijutsu technique and stupid corpse techniques and not genjutsu. Even to control the Edo Tensei, he used a seal. The most genjutsu like thing i remember him using is 'killer intent'.
Can I dispute Orochimadork genjutsu stat? He's basically been always beat up by Uchihas wielding genjutsu. I mean in the anime he does stupid crazy stuff like a 'genjutsu pill' but he's known for ninjutsu and sealing and swordmanship and that contortionist taijutsu technique.
By Uchihas? Wasn't it only Itachi (who is a genjutsu god, here he is only surpassed by Shisui in this era)? Don't forget, Itachi managed to turn Kurenai's genjutsu against her without using the Mangekyo.
Well, Sasuke 'absorbed' him and kept him contained, so i'm counting that a genjutsu battle, considering it was a technique initiated by Orodork that allows him to take over bodies of sufficiently weak willed victims, a grown up middle age man got beat up by a unstable teen he brainwashed on a battle of wills, not very complimentary.
Then again by then Orodork was much more insane and reminded of his mortality.
Well, Sasuke 'absorbed' him and kept him contained, so i'm counting that a genjutsu battle, considering it was a technique initiated by Orodork that allows him to take over bodies of sufficiently weak willed victims, a grown up middle age man got beat up by a unstable teen he brainwashed on a battle of wills, not very complimentary.
Then again by then Orodork was much more insane and reminded of his mortality.
[X]Humor him and reply truthfully
-[X]Run away
--[X]Take Karin with you
i think something like this is our best shot.
Talking to keep Orochimaru from getting serious from lack of response or offended that we lied. So long as things seem to play along his wishes Orochimaru isn't going to kill anyone that could be a potential test subject. Besides it's not like we'd be giving valuable information...
And we use the saved time from that to look for an exit with (at best, genin level) Karin. Kakashi is the one with the best chance to last a little while in combat against a S rank, but if he has to protect two people on top of his own fight ? it might end up like with A Rank Zabuza's fight were he barely erked a win against someone he should have been able to easily dominate.
10 km is absolutely nothing to a ninja. I'd prefer to fight with maximum flashiness and hope arrogant as fuck Orochimaru uses something idiotic like Manda or the Gates of Rashoumon just because he's a idiot showboat.
Then Tsunade and Jiraiya have a good chance of appearing.
S+++ rank diplomacy used to nettle a egomaniac. Might work. And don't forget Naruto is there, you know, the 'sense negative energy' boy.
Better yet combine the approaches. Make him super mad and then run way. So he doesn't concentrate on putting down Kakashi but instead in chasing the cheeky kid.
Then have a bad Saninn reunion, plus a true magic enhanced sharingan genjutsu party plus chidori.