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Nobody is hurt yet it's just an image to say "never". Except if you want a Silmaril that is. Which is possible.
Even mentioning it in any kind of promise seems to be bad luck.Nobody is hurt yet it's just an image to say "never". Except if you want a Silmaril that is. Which is possible.
You do realise that at one point Gondor descended into civil war simply because the heir aparent was the son of a woman that didn't have numenorian blood right? Like, thats Tolkien written canon.And here we see the most blatant derailment of Tolkien's actual depictions. Because god forbid the main bulwark against the Shadow be the shining, morally strong jewel that Tolkien made it. God forbid you let good men be good men and powerful men be self-mastered and strong-willed enough to stay true to the Good and Noble ways. God forbid you let Gondor be Gondor where even mere stewards can get even results against Sauron through the fricking palantir.
You basically turned Gondor into Umbar. My suspension of disbelief is gone. Unless Morianor suddenly became the most unreliable narrator on the face of Tolkien fanfiction, which is almost as bad.
Hollywood taught you well indeed. You are a true follower of the Peter Jackson school, bleeding the nobility and courage and truth and honor out of the few in this universe that managed to hang onto the noble virtues through blood, sweat and tears. Just like Jackson made Frodo turn on Sam because drama. Just like he turned Merry from the best-read and wise hobbit alive into a kid. Just like he turned Pippin from a brave hero capable of singlehandedly seeing himself and Merry out of their kidnapping into comic relief. Just like he turned Aragorn from a determined war hero too old for self-deprecation into a poor, unconfident love-struck vagrant in need of a strong woman to decide his life's choices. Just like he made Gandalf into a contrary old man that doesn't know basic strategy and advises Theoden to do everything opposite from what he does in the books. Just like he turned Faramir into Boromir's even more weak-willed charicature instead of someone who deduced the ring's existence and shrugged off any temptation for it from the moment he laid eyes on the hobbits.
Gondor is the inheritor of the best of humanity. Because yes, Numenor was the best of humanity even before the Valar uplifted them on account of it being literally the best they could do after the shitshow that had just happened in Middle Earth. Numenor was a net benefit to Arda before Sauron undermined it, and even afterwards if you weigh all the scales. Not this charicature of the fake British colonialism lie being peddled by fake news media today. Numenor was Atlantis and the world was no lesser for the few trees they chopped down. I don't see you going after the ship-happy elves who chopped up so many more trees than the men did and continue to do so to this day.
I could go on about this for ages, but I hope I made my point.
No I am not overreacting. Even near the literal end of LOTR Book 3 barely anyone had anything truly bad to say about Denethor or the stewards lineage, not because of muh intrigue or muh tyranny but because they literally had nothing bad to say. You bring up a civil war as argument for 'muh long history' and then undercut your own argument by not realising that the civil war you mentioned was won by the non-racialists and there was no tyranny in the aftermath. The bullet was dodged and the Umbar path avoided.You do realise that at one point Gondor descended into civil war simply because the heir aparent married a woman that didn't have numenorian blood right? Like, thats tolkien written canon.
Gondors history is a long one, it has both it's bright moments of heroism and righteosness and it's dark moments of bigotry and elitism among much else.
Just because ganonso decided to shine a light upon the later doesn't sudenly make this into an insult of all things Tolkien wrote.
Honestly, you're really overreacting.
Also, "Numenor was a net benefit to Arda"? I'm going to asume you haven't read much of the canonical text about late second age Numenor, because that mess started long before Sauron managed to get the ear of the king. He only exacerbated an already bad situation.
So, apparently all good guys must be flawless paragons of virtue, and if they have even the slightest flaw it's a sign that the author is writting them like villains, good to know.No I am not overreacting. Even near the literal end of LOTR Book 3 barely anyone had anything truly bad to say about Denethor or the stewards lineage, not because of muh intrigue or muh tyranny but because they literally had nothing bad to say. You bring up a civil war as argument for 'muh long history' and then undercut your own argument by not realising that the civil war you mentioned was won by the non-racialists and there was no tyranny in the aftermath. The bullet was dodged and the Umbar path avoided.
The entire point of Gondor is that it has NOT 'fallen under the Shadow.' There is NO decadent court and there is NO seedy underbelly in Gondor, making Morianor's whole inner monologue invalid along with even one of the voting options at least.
What next, will we find out that Umbar refugees are only allowed as part of a plot to shatter or even genocide the south somehow? Why, Gondor might just be aiming to get their hands on a ring of power of their own. Or oh! Maybe Dol Amroth plans to murder everyone in the Steward lineage and possibly Arnor as well in order to usurp the Kingdom of Gondor because Elvish blood is superior and deserves all the things, that would be a riot.
Ganonso is NOT "shining a light" and I am not overreacting.
Nope it's a typo even if an interesting one compared to the issues we're talking about
They do have flaws. They are insufficiently mighty to handle Sauron without divine help, they had a fair few leaders more honorable or foolish than with good sense, and they can lust for power with the best of them.So, apparently all good guys must be flawless paragons of virtue, and if they have even the slightest flaw it's a sign that the author is writting them like villains, good to know.
There's flaws and then there's corruption and degeneracy. Since you don't seem to see the difference between them and have decided to change Middle Earth into some strange fanfiction about Gondor being watered down Westeros (Instead of something like The Acceptable Sacrifice by Larner, if you really can't help yourself and MUST swap Tolkien's own work for watered down fanfic because being the underdog and weak to power lust are not already flaws enough), I shall recuse myself from this topic and the quest entirely.Nope it's a typo even if an interesting one compared to the issues we're talking about.
I'm not going to convince anyone who doesn't want to be convinced but even in the LOTR , Gondor is not a shining beacon of morality. Denethor, while not as stupidly antagonistic as in the movies, remains someone who misses the bigger picture of the war against Sauron.
Faramir is nice but he is the guy who introduces Frodo to the whole 'Men of the West, Middle Men, Men of Darkness" nonsense who when you consider the Dunlendings are Edain is not even followed coherently by Gondor.
There is totally an undercurrent of bigotry in Gondor and you see it in its ruling family. And it's coherent when you look at the division of the northen kingdom. Gondor is not an heroic untarnished faction because in Tolkien nobody is. If you look at the First Age all Elves Kingdoms are critized by the text for one thing or another, generally because they turn their siege mentality against those they were meant to help.
As for Numenor. The troubles began well before Sauron. IMHO I would put the beginnng of the Shadow with the tale of Aldarion and Enrendis. Yes it's just normal people failing a normal marriage but that's the point I think. Aldarion is already as petty and vain as any normal guy (don't get me wrong Erendis has her share of issues with the situation too). Then Ancalimë outright renunces sending aid to Gil-Galad proving a tendency to isolationism who degenerated into full blown colonialism. (Tollkien was at this point pumping the Plato Atlantis for the main narrative arc).
I mean if we look at the protagonist factions of the Legendarium
- Doriath refuses to participate in many of the battles against Angband because Thingol refuses to hel the Sons of Féanor
- The Sons of Féanor are the Sons of Féanor and alternate between passive-agressive and outright villainous behaviour
- Gondolin and Nargothrond decides at different moments to close their borders even to those pursueud by Morgoth' hatred. Then their leaders decide to ignore divine commands and trust in the invicibility of their forces
- Numenor is the Downfallen in many ways and Sauron does not enter the picture before Ar-Pharazon. They already descended into blasphemy at this stage.
- Gondor has the Kin-Strife, retakes a colonial empire with the Ship-Kings. Denethor is thinking only of his kingdom as evidenced by Gandalf discussion with him at the beginning of Return of the King (the bit where Gandalf basicallys says he is also a Steward but for the entire world )
- Arnor divided well before there was a rumor of the Witch King in the region.
That doesn't mean they are not heroic. That doesn't mean these are not forces of good in the world. Yet they are not perfect and I think it's Tolkien's point just as martial victory against Morgoth and Sauron was never to be possible without divine intervention. Arda is a fallen world where perfection by nature cannot exist so no one is innocent.
Also I find funny to hear I'm influenced by Hollywood when the big blockbuster way of doing things is to up the moral manicheism to max. I've read way more fanfics where the Kin Strife or Numenor Fall are outright commanded by Sauron than the reverse.
Again, this falls a bit flat when I can simply open my copies of Lotr and the Silmarillion and read how you're wrong. Anyway, I can see that you're not going to listen to any argument, no matter how well researched or what evidence I provide you, that Gondor wasn't the perfect kingdom you seem to believe it was, so goodbye.Have fun with Westeros 2.0. Out of respect for Tolkien, who was man enough to let Good be Good and write a human kingdom that WAS the paragon of virtue you and @Shador seem to think isn't already humanised and flawed enough to exist, I shall no longer participate in this quest.
Again, this falls a bit flat when I can simply open my copies of Lotr and the Silmarillion and read how you're wrong. Anyway, I can see that you're not going to listen to any argument, no matter how well researched or what evidence I provide you that Gondor wasn't the perfect kingdom you seem to believe it was, so goodbye.
@ganonso , I dearly hope that this incident hasn't robbed you of your motivation because this is one of my favorite quests on this site.