My apologies this is late.
She had magical brain surgery and a body transplant. And she had a religious experience.
I didn't have any trouble following along. Maybe that's just me.
But the story is meant to be entertainment, not work, and you're not obliged to attempt to labor through it if it doesn't catch your fancy.
Have a nice week.
There's some early installment weirdness, and not all the decisions made in-thread, or the reasons for it, make their way into the story, sometimes intentionally.
But in my estimation, no, Taylor's not dead. She underwent magical brain surgery and a body transplant.
Nothing more drastic than what an Infernal goes through when it enters a chrysalis.
And much less drastic than what happens to an Autochtonian drone.
The lady doth protest too much. Wonder if he's noticed how strong she is, or if it's something that won't occur to him until later.
I wonder if Grasp is giving Ciara commentary
Could be a Loom bud, or Tattletale. Unlikely to be Slash, because he was more a social Thinker.
Or could be entirely original.
Saki has someone to teach martial arts! If he doesn't die.
Apparently Asian kids have had a poor record of survival in recent weeks
Girl, you're, in the vernacular, tripping.
Totally deniable as well. Martin must be quite proud of himself.
His being flustered is entirely hilarious, speaking as someone who remembers how a girl standing too close could shut down rational thought, and the ability for speech.
Wonder if Dennis and Ernest will give him the shovel talk.
There is.*I* do understand soft power. Canon Taylor doesn't and shouldn't suddenly gain such understanding without some in-story explanation. The Taylor from early Worm wouldn't know soft power from a mountain range. Much, MUCH later in the story she gets hit by a clue-bat, but between her trigger event and her first Endbringer fight she didn't even get that such a thing existed. This Taylor does, which is fine, but how and why she's so different is the stumbling point that prompted this entire discussion.
She had magical brain surgery and a body transplant. And she had a religious experience.
I started this quest with only passing acquaintance of Exalted, and no knowledge of Alchemicals.So I won't bother you guys any further. This isn't for me. I was misinformed (probably by accident) about how much Exalted understanding was needed prior to reading, and that lack of background plus some missing cues in the story itself led to a very OOC feeling character. Add to that the generally hostile reception to anyone who dares question the above, and I'm so out.
I didn't have any trouble following along. Maybe that's just me.
But the story is meant to be entertainment, not work, and you're not obliged to attempt to labor through it if it doesn't catch your fancy.
Have a nice week.
That mightHe's already said that if it was to gain influence he's fine with it. His issue is that he doesn't think the text makes it clear she's trying to gather soft power, as opposed to doing it by accident. I don't have time at the moment to go back to the chapters in question to see if his points have merit, but if you actually want to refute his points pull up some quotes that show she's deliberately developing connections and influence for the purpose of completing her mission, as opposed to being a wuss who's taking the soft power options without realizing it.
There's some early installment weirdness, and not all the decisions made in-thread, or the reasons for it, make their way into the story, sometimes intentionally.
This is a philosophical question that the GM deliberately left ambiguous.Also. Something I think most people here are actually mistaken on.
But in my estimation, no, Taylor's not dead. She underwent magical brain surgery and a body transplant.
Nothing more drastic than what an Infernal goes through when it enters a chrysalis.
And much less drastic than what happens to an Autochtonian drone.
The Saga of Saki Continues!
Yeah.So, as long as you make sure you don't bump into anyone hard enough to leave a lasting impression or make a scene, you're able to easily drag the not-cute-anymore boy out of the cafeteria without anyone really noticing.
The lady doth protest too much. Wonder if he's noticed how strong she is, or if it's something that won't occur to him until later.
*waggles eyebrows*You're not going to make it look like the two of you are making out, even though you easily could. Not yet, anyway.
Still eyeing him up are we, Saki?The not-too-tall boy only gulps nervously as you finish off your quick group email to Director Uriel, Chevalier, and the rest of the Wards about what's happened and where you are now, then send it and snap the phone closed.
I wonder if Grasp is giving Ciara commentary

Thought you weren't interested.Hmm. You… could just open with the Taylor Method, but that has the usual side-effect of traumatizing cute boys so much they'll never date you.
Thinker.You frown, remembering Inquisition voicing similar complaints when you adopted different mindsets in front of her. "You're a Thinker?"
Could be a Loom bud, or Tattletale. Unlikely to be Slash, because he was more a social Thinker.
Or could be entirely original.
Saki has someone to teach martial arts! If he doesn't die.
Apparently Asian kids have had a poor record of survival in recent weeks
And now he's cute again?The passion, embarrassment, and confusion in his voice… he's probably telling the truth. You don't have your Spike equipped right now, but you could up your Glare to level 8 or 9 with Rogue Cell Isolation Protocols… no. Bad Saki. No torturing the cute boy before the first date.
Girl, you're, in the vernacular, tripping.
Lol.But Director Uriel pretty clearly implied to you that with Philly such a mess right now that if you see any new capes you should try to talk them up. It's for their own good!
Totally deniable as well. Martin must be quite proud of himself.
And all up in his personal space too.You lean forward and bonk him in the chest with your forehead as you sigh. So much for going to the rest of your classes today.
His being flustered is entirely hilarious, speaking as someone who remembers how a girl standing too close could shut down rational thought, and the ability for speech.
Taylor, on vacation, suddenly sits up, with spider legs atwitch: " I am suddenly filled with a feeling of great satisfaction."Turning back to the two out-of-costume Wards, you point at them angrily before their smirks can start growing too big.
"You saw nothing!"
Wonder if Dennis and Ernest will give him the shovel talk.