Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 24: Xenial Xenos Xerox Xanthous Xiphos

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My apologies this is late.
*I* do understand soft power. Canon Taylor doesn't and shouldn't suddenly gain such understanding without some in-story explanation. The Taylor from early Worm wouldn't know soft power from a mountain range. Much, MUCH later in the story she gets hit by a clue-bat, but between her trigger event and her first Endbringer fight she didn't even get that such a thing existed. This Taylor does, which is fine, but how and why she's so different is the stumbling point that prompted this entire discussion.
There is.
She had magical brain surgery and a body transplant. And she had a religious experience.

So I won't bother you guys any further. This isn't for me. I was misinformed (probably by accident) about how much Exalted understanding was needed prior to reading, and that lack of background plus some missing cues in the story itself led to a very OOC feeling character. Add to that the generally hostile reception to anyone who dares question the above, and I'm so out.
I started this quest with only passing acquaintance of Exalted, and no knowledge of Alchemicals.
I didn't have any trouble following along. Maybe that's just me.
But the story is meant to be entertainment, not work, and you're not obliged to attempt to labor through it if it doesn't catch your fancy.

Have a nice week.
He's already said that if it was to gain influence he's fine with it. His issue is that he doesn't think the text makes it clear she's trying to gather soft power, as opposed to doing it by accident. I don't have time at the moment to go back to the chapters in question to see if his points have merit, but if you actually want to refute his points pull up some quotes that show she's deliberately developing connections and influence for the purpose of completing her mission, as opposed to being a wuss who's taking the soft power options without realizing it.
That might
There's some early installment weirdness, and not all the decisions made in-thread, or the reasons for it, make their way into the story, sometimes intentionally.

Also. Something I think most people here are actually mistaken on.
This is a philosophical question that the GM deliberately left ambiguous.
But in my estimation, no, Taylor's not dead. She underwent magical brain surgery and a body transplant.
Nothing more drastic than what an Infernal goes through when it enters a chrysalis.

And much less drastic than what happens to an Autochtonian drone.

Chapter 10.6
(Part 4)
The Saga of Saki Continues!
So, as long as you make sure you don't bump into anyone hard enough to leave a lasting impression or make a scene, you're able to easily drag the not-cute-anymore boy out of the cafeteria without anyone really noticing.
The lady doth protest too much. Wonder if he's noticed how strong she is, or if it's something that won't occur to him until later.

You're not going to make it look like the two of you are making out, even though you easily could. Not yet, anyway.
*waggles eyebrows*

The not-too-tall boy only gulps nervously as you finish off your quick group email to Director Uriel, Chevalier, and the rest of the Wards about what's happened and where you are now, then send it and snap the phone closed.
Still eyeing him up are we, Saki?
I wonder if Grasp is giving Ciara commentary:V

Hmm. You… could just open with the Taylor Method, but that has the usual side-effect of traumatizing cute boys so much they'll never date you.
Thought you weren't interested.

You frown, remembering Inquisition voicing similar complaints when you adopted different mindsets in front of her. "You're a Thinker?"
Could be a Loom bud, or Tattletale. Unlikely to be Slash, because he was more a social Thinker.
Or could be entirely original.

Saki has someone to teach martial arts! If he doesn't die.
Apparently Asian kids have had a poor record of survival in recent weeks:(
The passion, embarrassment, and confusion in his voice… he's probably telling the truth. You don't have your Spike equipped right now, but you could up your Glare to level 8 or 9 with Rogue Cell Isolation Protocols… no. Bad Saki. No torturing the cute boy before the first date.
And now he's cute again?
Girl, you're, in the vernacular, tripping.

But Director Uriel pretty clearly implied to you that with Philly such a mess right now that if you see any new capes you should try to talk them up. It's for their own good!
Totally deniable as well. Martin must be quite proud of himself.

You lean forward and bonk him in the chest with your forehead as you sigh. So much for going to the rest of your classes today.
And all up in his personal space too.
His being flustered is entirely hilarious, speaking as someone who remembers how a girl standing too close could shut down rational thought, and the ability for speech.

Turning back to the two out-of-costume Wards, you point at them angrily before their smirks can start growing too big.
"You saw nothing!"
Taylor, on vacation, suddenly sits up, with spider legs atwitch: " I am suddenly filled with a feeling of great satisfaction."
Wonder if Dennis and Ernest will give him the shovel talk.
Could be a Loom bud, or Tattletale. Unlikely to be Slash, because he was more a social Thinker.
Or could be entirely original.

Slash had three "powers", really:
- Being able to cut things at a distance was the power everyone knew about and got him a Blaster/Shaker rating.
- Being able to social-fu a group of psychopaths into working together really ought to have earned him a Master rating.
- Being able to anticipate how parahumans were going to use their shard was the Thinker power and what *actually* made him so unkillable in canon.

That said - Saki's shard shouldn't be leaking info that a Communications bud would need, right? Sounds more like it's using precog and then getting fritzed by Essence.
- Being able to anticipate how parahumans were going to use their shard was the Thinker power and what *actually* made him so unkillable in canon.
That wasn't quite how it worked.

Slash both had unconscious intuition about shard users, and influenced hostile parahuman's shards in order to stay alive.
If he could anticipate how the parahuman used their shard, then Armsmaster or another Tinker would have killed him in canon because they don't use their shard to fight.

And besides, shard buds tend to jump to people with a relationship
Unless Butt Boy here is literally a Jack Slash clone, a couple days presence should not have been enough to land a Broadcast bud in this city.
Especially since Vision of Vengeance did her best to lobotomize Broadcast-Shard.
That said - Saki's shard shouldn't be leaking info that a Communications bud would need, right? Sounds more like it's using precog and then getting fritzed by Essence.
No precog.
Just straight up modelling what it can see or perceive, the way TT's shard works.
Or the way Alexandria reads microexpressions, and can be misled if the person is putting out the wrong microexpressions.

So when Saki is modelling Taylor, she puts out Taylor micro-expressions.
When she's modelling someone else, the same. And the shard keeps seeing different people and hammering Butt Boy's curiosity button because new data is new.
Chapter 10.6 (Part 5)
Chapter 10.6
(Part 5)​


You step out of the swirling vortex several feet away from Director Uriel's secretary's desk, dragging Aisha through with you in order to ensure she doesn't immediately run off. Not that Aisha's likely to bolt - you've noted an increased willingness from her to at least follow the Director's direct requests since her upgrade - but you'd rather not chance having to waste time chasing after her if you're wrong.

Mister E silently pads through the portal behind you, allowing you to mentally shut the portal down... and causing Miriam's expression to go from 'mild surprise' to 'unamused glower' as her eyes drift from the two of you to the giant black cat. And now you're curious as to the story behind that, but you probably don't have the time for it right now.

You blatantly glance at the row of international clocks along the wall her desk is against, then look back to the Director's ever-ruffled secretary. At least she appears to have combed her wild red mop of hair slightly today.

"Good afternoon, Miss Miriam," you say politely, bowing your head just enough to be cordial. She's helped you enough these last few days to have earned at least that much. Beside you, Aisha grunts and nods her head, allowing you to continue. "Could you let Director Uriel know we've arrived?"

"A-ah?" she blinks, turning back to you before giving you a frazzled smile. "Y-yes, good afternoon, Tatsu! And… Who! Just-" she pauses after her greeting is accomplished, then glances to the four full-kit guards in the waiting room's corners and waves at them to put their raised rifles and shotguns away while making a distressed hissing noise. You somewhat follow her example and greet them as well, simply keeping your smile genuine as you give them each a light wave in turn.

… at least they didn't shoot you this time, though unlike before you did wait a few seconds between opening your portal and going through. Luckily Lord Grasp wasn't with you then (much to his own dismay, and why he's on your shoulder now), and all it took was a quick hop over to Prayer to get the bullet wounds healed up, so you weren't too put out about it; really, you counted it as a lesson learned for everyone.

Once the guards relax enough to point their weapons away from your group, Miriam sighs and looks back to you with her haggard smile. "The Director said for you to head in whenever you arrived," she admits, the hand not filled with papers tapping a button on her desk phone in a sequence that you suspect is cluing the Director into your approach. "Go on in!"

You thank the stressed secretary and tug Aisha along with you to the door, open it and- make a surprised squeak as the big, black form of Mister E smoothly glides under your and Aisha's joined hands in order to slip into the room ahead of the two of you. Aisha grumbles as she uses her off-hand to swat his tail before it flicks her in the face as he passes, and inside the Director's office you hear Chevalier clear his throat in surprise while Director Uriel sighs tiredly.

On your shoulder, Lord Grasp nods approvingly. You're… going to have to review what he's been teaching Mister E, aren't you? Ugh. More work.

Director Uriel's thick-carpeted, faux-wood-paneled office still looks like it was torn right out of the 1950's, complete with weird golf and bowling trophies on one side and a full bar on the other, despite all the 'security upgrades' that you heard Taylor helped install. Or maybe it still looks the same because he got her to help? That feels more likely.

Director Uriel glances away from the computer screen on his desk just long enough to meet your and Aisha's eyes, then grunts.

"Tatsu, Who. Sit."

Chevalier - still in his full silver-and-gold plate armor - turns from where he is sitting in one of the two 'big people' chairs in front of Uriel's massive mahogany desk and gives each of you a nod… then looks to Mister E as the horse-sized saber-toothed cat immediately claims the second reinforced chair and begins a staring contest with him. Rolling your eyes, you let go of Aisha's hand as the two of you take the two normal-sized leather chairs in front of the Director's desk.

Uriel himself looks… healthy, at least, but you're pretty sure that's only because he isn't like Director Piggot and actually lets Prayer heal him every morning to keep his crazy workload from making him sick. Still, the bags under his eyes are probably permanent by now. He's also back to wearing his PRT trooper armor (except the helmet, which is hanging on his chair behind him), so that's… probably not a good sign for why he called the two of you in immediately after school got out.

He stops typing just after Aisha snorts at something she finds funny, taking his hands away from the keyboard as he turns fully towards the four of you, though his eyes focus on you first.

"Of the four new capes you spotted and talked to, two are on the line right now with their parents, talking with Miss Militia and Erasmus. Good work."

You blink, but unlike Aisha you manage to control your frown. "I thought Erasmus was transferring to Las Vegas-"

"He returned this morning - they rejected his transfer request," Uriel waves away, glancing at Chevalier, causing the armored hero to shift in his seat and clear his throat awkwardly. "Can't imagine why."

A slow grin spreads on Aisha's face. "Hey. Lemme do a patrol with him. Welcome him back home, you know?"

"Aisha, no-!"/"Who, no-" both you and Chevalier sigh at the same time, the frown evident in his voice matching your own, only for the two of you to be cut off by Uriel raising his hand for silence. Your reactions halted, the Director raises an eyebrow as he slowly glances between an all-to-eager Aisha and Mister E - who has stopped staring at Chevalier and is now staring at himhungrily.

Closing his eyes, he leans back in his padded leather chair and sighs. "He's not slated for neighborhood patrols right now, he's too useful keeping things in the relief camps running smoothly. He was the one who helped recruit almost all the Wards that were here before you all transferred in, and I'm making sure he's going to at least be observing when these new four come in for the song and dance."

Cracking open one eye, he levels it at Aisha… and shrugs. "We're the good guys. Keep that in mind."

You cough lightly in your hand and glare at your fellow Alchemical, hammering in the point wordlessly that he means no stabbing unless you catch him in the act.

Aisha's gleeful expression shifts as she considers this, eventually settling on a more knowing grin as she shrugs in return. "Eh, sure. I've got better things to do, anyway."

The local Protectorate leader sighs and clasps his armored gauntlets in front of him while leaning forward, his voice growing serious - heavier than you think you've ever heard from him before.

"Unfortunately... you're not wrong," he pauses, waiting for Aisha's smile to dim before tilting his head to Uriel. "Director?"

The veteran PRT Director closes his eyes again for a few seconds, then draws in a long, tired breath before bringing his right hand up to his phone and tapping one of the buttons with the blinking lights next to it.

He lets out the breath in a weary sigh. "Rebecca, you want to do the honors?"

You control your reaction as a confident, familiar voice comes through the speaker.

"Very well, Martin," Alexandria's voice echoes out, her tone grim. "Tatsu, Who. And your… familiars. I am Chief-Director Costa-Brown. Normally I would say that what I am about to reveal to you would not leave this room, but I am fully aware that your… Assembly... keeps no secrets between each other. If Vajra and Weaver have not received this information by the time you speak with them next, ensure that they know they are not to disseminate this any further. Am I understood?"

You sit up a bit straighter in your chair, and note out of the corner of your eye that the room's atmosphere has even caused Aisha to still her light fidgeting.

"Yes, Chief-Director."

… you elbow Aisha in the shoulder.

"Uh-... right. Yeah, sure."

Both Uriel and Chevalier give Aisha unimpressed glares, and for once she actually looks a bit sheepish. You will cherish this memory forever.

The PRT's Chief-Director makes a brief grunt of acceptance through the phone. "Good enough. At 2:15 PM today, five of the seven most-recently-revised Endbringer attack modeling programs simultaneously began showing erratic predictions for Leviathan. The deep-sea monitoring net had not detected any movement from Leviathan since all three Endbringers went 'dormant' following Behemoth's attack on Brockton Bay, so a deep-sea drone was dispatched to secure visual confirmation of its current status."

Uriel leans forward, taps a few keys on his keyboard, then reaches up with his other hand and spins his monitor around to face the four of you.

Filling the screen is a single image, revealing the pitch-black abyss of the deep sea contrasted with the murky grey sea floor lit up by the camera drone's onboard strobe lights.

And a dark - almost black - stone replica of the second Endbringer, its hunched, reptilian form detailed well enough that you can almost feel it looking directly at you through the camera.

Beside you, Aisha opens her mouth but the Chief-Director continues before she can get a word out.

"Upon discovering Leviathan's disappearance, the few PRT Thinkers capable of even marginally piercing the Anti-Thinker effects surrounding the greater Philadelphia area were contacted. Through careful questioning, we have determined two things: that the weather patterns that have kept the low pressure systems in your area are unnatural, and that the amount of water falling from those pressure systems is more than what should be up there."

You swallow. Well… that explains why the rain's been so bad these last few days, at least.

When the Chief-Director doesn't immediately continue, Chevalier clears his throat.

"You said the modeling programs are giving different predictions for Leviathan? Do any of them show it attacking us?"

Alexandria gives a quick grunt that you interpret as her way of 'nodding' over a purely audio medium. "All of them do, but at wildly different times - some a week from now, some give us months. The new information given by our Thinkers will hopefully help to narrow this window down, but for the moment we are operating under the expectation that - given the obvious trends of the last few months - Leviathan will either attack upon Weaver's return to Philadelphia or whenever a new member of Weaver's Assembly is brought to the Brockton Bay Crater for… processing."

There a brief grinding from Chevalier's gauntlets tightening, but Aisha's loud snort of amusement drowns that out quickly.

"Right, so… basically what we were all expecting anyway? What's the problem, then?"

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all it took was a quick hop over to Prayer to get the bullet wounds healed up, so you weren't too put out about it
Saki has gotten awfully blase about severe injuries. It's like this one quote from an Iron Man fic I've forgotten the details of - "After you've had open-heart surgery without anesthetic, everything else is kind of small potatoes."

he isn't like Director Piggot and actually lets Prayer heal him every morning to keep his crazy workload from making him sick.
The implication being that Director Piggot is getting sicker due to her crazy workload. Poor Piggot - this fic's Piggot is one of the better ones.

the weather patterns that have kept the low pressure systems in your area are unnatural, and that the amount of water falling from those pressure systems is more than what should be up there.
Hah! I called it! ... Well, I questioned at least.
I hope it's just my paranoia talking, but the description of just how heavy the rain is makes me wonder if we're about to get a visit from Leviathan. He's still dormant, right?
"Right, so… basically what we were all expecting anyway? What's the problem, then?"

"Of the observations the drone was able to take, this stood out."

The screen flicked, showing an odd cheerily colored green binder sitting in a bubble of air. On it, scrawled in crayon and in a familiar handwriting, was just three words.

Aisha's Baby Pictures

"It would appear that having failed to neutralize your Assembly twice, this Endbringer is attempting a different method."
Apostrophes are never used to denote plurals. This is especially true for years (though it's true for everything else). So you wouldn't write "1950's", you'd just write "1950s". In cases where you're just doing plurals of single letters (like "R"), you'd just write it with an s ("Rs"), or, at most, you'd use single quote marks on both ends ('r's).

Apostrophes can be used for abbreviations, and for years, you'd put it at the start, to abbreviate the first two digits. Like so: '50s.
Eidolon is aware that he can control the Endbringers at this point.
Has he tried shutting them down in person (admittedly at present the only one that he could try this with is the Simurgh)?
Managed to beat the clock.
Happy birthday @Gromweld. In commemoration I offer you this rec

So, I'm a Spider. Flat, 'What?' [Worm/Kumo desu ga, nani ka?]

So, I'm a Spider. Flat, 'What?' /╲/\╭ºo_oº╮/\╱\ I've never had the most charmed of lives, but I...
Chapter 10.6
(Part 5)​
-Loling at Saki getting shot and calling . And that's barely weeks after she got stabbed by Armsmaster.
All the Alchemicals are getting very blase about physical injury.
Must make for one hell of a drinking story for every PRT trooper who has heard of it.

-Going to note that putting a suspected predator in a position of authority over the Philadelphia refugee camps, where there are plenty of desperate women and female teenagers who want or need stuff, is a recipe for disaster. Ethical, and PR.
Especially with how Erasmus got declined from Las Vegas, and is going to want to take it out on someone.

So Uriel leaving Erasmus there drops him in my eyes. A lot.

-A little surprised Rebecca chose to call Mister and Lord G familiars.
I would have expected something more neutral, like partners, or companions.
Seeing the word familiar in the magical sense of the term in a formal government document must be a fucking trip.

-Endbringer throwdown? I wonder if they're going to let Ned out to play next time.
"A-ah?" she blinks, turning back to you before giving you a frazzled smile. "Y-yes, good afternoon, Tatsu! And… Who! Just-"
The power of App 4+ and Charisma 7.
It must be like having to meet a rockstar every day, and never getting used to it.
Chevalier - still in his full silver-and-gold plate armor - turns from where he is sitting in one of the two 'big people' chairs in front of Uriel's massive mahogany desk and gives each of you a nod… then looks to Mister E as the horse-sized saber-toothed cat immediately claims the second reinforced chair and begins a staring contest with him. Rolling your eyes, you let go of Aisha's hand as the two of you take the two normal-sized leather chairs in front of the Director's desk.
The mental picture this scene evokes is straight up hilarious. And it is so fucking cat.

"He returned this morning - they rejected his transfer request," Uriel waves away, glancing at Chevalier, causing the armored hero to shift in his seat and clear his throat awkwardly. "Can't imagine why."
Heh. I'm genuinely curious about the story here.
Did Pretender call Chevy for the lowdown skinny on the dude, and Robert felt the need to be honest?

And a dark - almost black - stone replica of the second Endbringer, its hunched, reptilian form detailed well enough that you can almost feel it looking directly at you through the camera.
And active evidence of further Endbringer cooperation.
Because Leviathan does not have the ability to make something like this. Certainly not in the density that would fool a remote monitoring sensor.
But both Behemoth and Ziz do.

And nothing prevents the Simurgh from using her newly revealed dimensional travelling to deposit this here as a decoy.
"Right, so… basically what we were all expecting anyway? What's the problem, then?"
Never change Aisha. Never change.
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Though having Lord Grasp as a shoulder would be...interesting.
Whoops! Thanks, fixed!
Apostrophes are never used to denote plurals. This is especially true for years (though it's true for everything else). So you wouldn't write "1950's", you'd just write "1950s". In cases where you're just doing plurals of single letters (like "R"), you'd just write it with an s ("Rs"), or, at most, you'd use single quote marks on both ends ('r's).

Apostrophes can be used for abbreviations, and for years, you'd put it at the start, to abbreviate the first two digits. Like so: '50s.
While you're not wrong, I generally subscribe to the American rules for apostrophe use in these cases, which calls for it for dates and for individual letters for the sake of clarity. I... think I've been consistent in doing this throughout the story thus far?
Eidolon is aware that he can control the Endbringers at this point.
Has he tried shutting them down in person (admittedly at present the only one that he could try this with is the Simurgh)?
That is, ostensibly, why they all went into hibernation after the Behemoth attack on Brockton Bay. Why they (or at least the Simurgh) is active now in the face of that... is an open question that I'm not going to answer.
Managed to beat the clock.
Happy birthday @Gromweld. In commemoration I offer you this rec

So, I'm a Spider. Flat, 'What?' [Worm/Kumo desu ga, nani ka?]

So, I'm a Spider. Flat, 'What?' /╲/\╭ºo_oº╮/\╱\ I've never had the most charmed of lives, but I...
Heh, I recently added that to my list of stories to check out. Good to know that it's probably worth it - I'll give it a looksee soon.
-Going to note that putting a suspected predator in a position of authority over the Philadelphia refugee camps, where there are plenty of desperate women and female teenagers who want or need stuff, is a recipe for disaster. Ethical, and PR.
Especially with how Erasmus got declined from Las Vegas, and is going to want to take it out on someone.

So Uriel leaving Erasmus there drops him in my eyes. A lot.
Erasmus will always have a PRT Trooper squad backup when he's on duty, but... yeah, I guess I'll work in Uriel mentioning that in-story.
-A little surprised Rebecca chose to call Mister and Lord G familiars.
I would have expected something more neutral, like partners, or companions.
Seeing the word familiar in the magical sense of the term in a formal government document must be a fucking trip.
Cape Bullshit generally means having to accept silly names for things at face value. Calling them "familiars" does mean the PRT higher-ups accept the magical part of the equation (yet) but more along the lines of "that's what these crazy-powerful cyborg capes are calling them, and they're different enough from other types of projections/tinkertech companions we've seen before, so... whatever, just humor them."

Thank you for the Birthday well-wishes. I bought Monster Hunter World for myself, which is... probably a bad thing for my free time reserves going forward.
10.6 Voting: Lightning Round 02: Start
Double Post because it's my Birthday, so I can do what I want.

And what I want is MORE VOTING!


What's Next On Saki's Afternoon Schedule:
(Choose ONE, NO STUNT)
[ ] Continue Interrogating Valefor
[ ] Meet A New Ward With The Other Wards
[ ] Encounter New Gang
[ ] Talk With Accord
[ ] Talk With Elite

[X] Continue Interrogating Valefor

With the newest revelation regarding the situation with the Endbringers semi-confirmed activities, it would really not be good to have the Endbringer cultists still up and around when they make their appearance. We need to get what we can from him so that we can get them out of the greater Philly area before they just foul things up worse when Leviathan makes himself known.
While you're not wrong, I generally subscribe to the American rules for apostrophe use in these cases, which calls for it for dates and for individual letters for the sake of clarity. I... think I've been consistent in doing this throughout the story thus far?
That's actually wrong. Neither the AP Style Guide nor the Chicago Manual include an apostrophe in pluralizing dates to my recollection.
[X] Talk With Accord

OCD meet Ultimate Symmetry.
I know the practical, responsible thing is to continue interrogating Valefor, but we missed a perfectly good opportunity for Aisha and Accord to interact earlier in the chapter and I'd like to make up for lost time. Also, I want to see what's next for the Butcher plan that got Moebot-Interrupted along with everything else Taylor was working on.

[X] Talk With Accord