Chapter 10.6 (Part 2)
Learning By Mistake
Chapter 10.6
(Part 2)
(Part 2)
You used to like going to school. A fact that you will never reveal to Aisha or Dennis, of course.
But that was when school promised free periods and lunch breaks in the Library or the Computer Labs, giving Sakura and you time to search and post to all the best fic sites. Not that you couldn't do that at home - and you did - but… school didn't have your mother obsessively checking your browser history. Or scanning the computer for recently-created document files.
The two of you didn't want to come home to printed-out copies of your fics covered in red with corrections and suggestions, after all. Ka-san didn't get that the two of you were parodying all those terrible-...
… oh no. Have you… become the monsters?
No. No, that's a silly thought. That's like saying Post-Para art isn't actually art-
It's not, Warden, but if you aren't going to pay attention to your instructor, could have a moment of your time?
You blink at the sardonic drawl interrupting your train of thought, forcing your attention back to where you've slouched yourself behind the propped-up Algebra I book on your flimsy plastic-and-faux-wood desk. The teacher at the blackboard way in the front is still is talking about… binomials? Um. Right. Letters in math is probably never not going to be weird to you, even if you're having a much easier time somewhat understanding all these hard math problems after your upgrade.
After checking for a few seconds to make sure the prim old lady that's giving this crash-course Algebra review for a standing-room-only classroom isn't likely to look to your corner of the room any time soon, you dip your head down past the book again and close your eyes, focusing on your Safe Space and its sole conscious inhabitant.
Namely, Lord Grasp in all his splendor casually parked in front of the giant gate, which you've been letting him use as a way to keep an eye on your own surroundings for you. With Ciara asleep and Vincent back in New Camden, you needed some way to keep him busy.
And lugging him around in your backpack would just be asking for an awkward run-in in the school halls with someone, leading to him spilling out of your bag and… well, you've written, read, and watched enough high school cape dramas to know how that goes.
You sigh. Only if you help me with this part on the next test.
The gemstones arrayed above the entrance twist as he rolls his 'eyes' and waves one of his car-sized pincers dismissively. Most certainly not, young Warden. Your academic skills are appalling, and I will not facilitate the stymying of your education in such a manner.
Inwardly pouting, you open your eyes again - both to keep up the appearance of being attentive and because now he knows that you're not paying full attention to him, too.
As if depriving yourself of constant awareness of my magnificence is anything but a loss for you, he mentally huffs through your Familiar link. Regardless. The first, most important matter that deserves your consideration: that boy in the red vest three desks to your left has been checking you out all class.
It takes all your Maker-given skill and gifts to not react... out loud. And to not immediately look.
Th-that's… you finally retort after restarting your poor, confused brain, then swallow nervously. That's impossible, Lord Grasp. I'm the old me right now. And I didn't even put on that makeup you told me to! He's not-
Are you about to insinuate that I can't discern when a common, teenaged mortal is casting lustful gazes with all the subtlety of Mount Mostath, dear Warden?
… no, Lord Grasp.
Very good, he hums. And you misunderstand my previous evaluations, Warden: this form is not repugnant, nor even unsightly, but simply… plain, as it's clear you have taken no efforts to cultivate its finer points and downplay its… well, you understand, yes?
You are not pouting.
… yes, Lord Grasp.
And I find it most peculiar that all our hard work at strengthening your resolve against the lustful and adoring masses would come apart in the face a single, lone admirer. Do you know this young man?
… is he still looking?
An exasperated sigh fills your head. No, Warden. You are safe from a dreadful moment of fleeting awkwardness should you look now.
Your eyes dart to your left, looking past the ragged-looking goth girl, the still-wet hoodied boy, to see… some new boy who's dressed in a fairly nice white shirt with a clean red vest. He looks… Thai? That's surprising; there's more Asians attending this high school than where the some of the Wards have been sent, which is why you and Sakura were transferred here originally, but since this is one of the few schools that's still standing these days? You're back to being an anomaly percentage-wise rather than just a minority. He must be one of the new transfers, and you just missed him when everyone was taking their seats.
Still, turning back to your book you feel… relieved? Less confused, at least.
He's just looking at me because I'm Japanese, Lord Grasp. Not because I'm… because old me is cute.
Lord Grasp is mentally silent for a while, not even broadcasting any emotions... which means he's upset and is thinking of ways to convince you of how you're wrong. Good thing he's easily distracted.
What was the second thing you wanted to talk about?
Mmmnn… he mentally grumbles, knowing full well what you're doing but unable to resist anyway. But then you get a feeling of… eagerness? Well, I didn't want to interrupt your attention to detail at the time, but now would be a good opportunity to critique the fantasies you were conjuring of that young man that came in late to your English class, all wet and with his white shirt hugging those defined-
Outwardly, you are the picture of a bored, half-attentive student.
Inwardly, you start screaming.
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