Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 24: Xenial Xenos Xerox Xanthous Xiphos

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Alexandria gives a quick grunt that you interpret as her way of 'nodding' over a purely audio medium. "All of them do, but at wildly different times - some a week from now, some give us months. The new information given by our Thinkers will hopefully help to narrow this window down, but for the moment we are operating under the expectation that - given the obvious trends of the last few months - Leviathan will either attack upon Weaver's return to Philadelphia or whenever a new member of Weaver's Assembly is brought to the Brockton Bay Crater for… processing."
Taylor: ........I am never going on vacation again."

This entire thing is probably at least in part a Simurgh plot to condition Taylor to subconsciously associate vacations with shit going wrong.
Because you know Ziz would be petty like that after getting kicked in the face.
Double Post because it's my Birthday, so I can do what I want.
And what I want is MORE VOTING!


What's Next On Saki's Afternoon Schedule:
(Choose ONE, NO STUNT)
[ ] Continue Interrogating Valefor
[ ] Meet A New Ward With The Other Wards
[ ] Encounter New Gang
[ ] Talk With Accord
[ ] Talk With Elite


Mindscape fights with Mama Mather's dybbuk inside Valefor's head?
Cute Boy shenanigans with the squad?
Infatuating a new crew of miscreants into compliance?
Talks with one of two Orichalcum candidates?
Or stealing the Elite's operatives from under them?

Questions, questions.
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[X] Meet A New Ward With The Other Wards
This sounds fun.

That's actually wrong. Neither the AP Style Guide nor the Chicago Manual include an apostrophe in pluralizing dates to my recollection.
I can confirm that The Chicago Manual of Style still says not to use an apostrophe for pluralized years. As best I can tell, the only time CMoS says to use an apostrophe outside of possessives is when you have an individual lowercase letter that is plural. To use their example, compare "two as in llama" with "two a's in llama."

I don't have access to AP, so I can't comment on that one. Frankly, though, this is a very insignificant issue for a story that isn't being published (and if it were being published, you'd probably have an editor to fix stuff like this).
[X] Meet A New Ward With The Other Wards
This sounds fun.

I can confirm that The Chicago Manual of Style still says not to use an apostrophe for pluralized years. As best I can tell, the only time CMoS says to use an apostrophe outside of possessives is when you have an individual lowercase letter that is plural. To use their example, compare "two as in llama" with "two a's in llama."
I don't have access to AP, so I can't comment on that one. Frankly, though, this is a very insignificant issue for a story that isn't being published (and if it were being published, you'd probably have an editor to fix stuff like this).
I mean, yeah, it's not a big issue here. I'm more bothered that the University of Sussex article came to that conclusion. And that it referred to an American style at all, really.
[X] Talk With Elite

Because I really want to see our social exalt steamroll the opposition.
[X] Talk With Accord

This might be useful for the eventual vote on who to add to the group.
[X] Talk With Elite

I think Funky Entropy is right.
I want to see weaponized social-fu, and possibly some kung fu, used against hostiles.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Derpmind on Sep 14, 2019 at 7:38 AM, finished with 27 posts and 21 votes.
10.6 Voting: Lightning Round 02: Results

... and XenForo 2 upgrade by SV means my old Vote Tally program doesn't work anymore. Phooey. Ah well, looks like another has been created to fill the gap (and not being able to modify/edit the built-in Vote Tally feature means it's unusable in my eyes...).


What's Next On Saki's Afternoon Schedule:
(Choose ONE, NO STUNT)

[X] Continue Interrogating Valefor
No. of Votes: 10

[X] Talk With Accord
No. of Votes: 9

[X] Talk With Elite
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Meet A New Ward With The Other Wards
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 24
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