Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 23: We Wonder Where Who Wanders When Watchers Wane

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I never got the whole "turning into cities" thing. An Essence 10 Exalt is usually a super-duper-ridiculous person that can casually destroy cities yet is also a character who can talk to people and walk around and everything. But an Alchemical by contrast is practically crippled when reaching high Essence. They can't move around and they have to spend most of their efforts on the whole "being a city" thing. It's especially a bad comparison when you're in a setting where a super city of the future doesn't need an Exalt at the center powering all of it. (If this earth lasts long enough.)

I get the thematics they were going for, but on that note why not just allow other high Essence Exalts to turn themselves into cities too? It just makes Alchemicals seem deliberately weaker than everyone else that eventually all of them have to stop adventuring.
At E5 she unlocks her twenty foot tall giant crystal robot mode.
Which comes with roughly another 20 points of soak, an increase in Strength and x15 boost in land speed.

While we're on this subject, Saki's shard-charm caps out earlier than everyone else's at Essence 4 with Multi-Aperture Deployment. Which lets her deploy multiple portals, larger sized portals, and portals that allow her prison to directly throw stuff. Like guns. Or swords. Or copies of the Dragon armor she absorbed. Saki at E4 might be even more dangerous that the other assembly members, even before taking into account how she could possibly capture an Endbringer.
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While we're on this subject, Saki's shard-charm caps out earlier than everyone else's at Essence 4 with Multi-Aperture Deployment. Which lets her deploy multiple portals, larger sized portals, and portals that allow her prison to directly throw stuff. Like guns. Or swords. Or copies of the Dragon armor she absorbed. Saki at E4 might be even more dangerous that the other assembly members, even before taking into account how she could possibly capture an Endbringer.
So basically a gun with UBW as the magazine and Gate Of Babylon as the Barrel.

Also with Jade Caste Alchemicals, are individual members of the Caste made of specific colours of Jade or a mishmash of all of them? If it's the former I have terrible ideas.
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I never got the whole "turning into cities" thing. An Essence 10 Exalt is usually a super-duper-ridiculous person that can casually destroy cities yet is also a character who can talk to people and walk around and everything. But an Alchemical by contrast is practically crippled when reaching high Essence. They can't move around and they have to spend most of their efforts on the whole "being a city" thing. It's especially a bad comparison when you're in a setting where a super city of the future doesn't need an Exalt at the center powering all of it. (If this earth lasts long enough.)I get the thematics they were going for, but on that note why not just allow other high Essence Exalts to turn themselves into cities too? It just makes Alchemicals seem deliberately weaker than everyone else that eventually all of them have to stop adventuring.
-Cities are not crippled. Or immobile.
The city of Loran in the Pole of Oil is explicitly capable of moving around at need:
CoCD Autocthonia pg 97 said:
Two great, arching municipal Charms dominate the fourth and eighth cells of the Nautilus District, pressing against the roof of Loran's dome. These unique wonders were once Ancress's Fluidic Impeller Drive; in the centuries since the city's founding they have been massively expanded and retrofitted by the Prolific Scholars, and their maintenance and operation requires the constant labor of a force of 800 Populat.

After the Respiration Reclamation Systems of the city's second cell, the maintenance of the Fluidic Agita- tion Combines is considered most important to Loran's continued survival. When in operation, these miracles of industry stimulate the Essence flows of the oil around the city, allowing Loran to uproot herself and move through the Pole of Oil, later resettling in more resource-rich environments. Without the Fluidic Agitation Combines, the city could not steer during such migrations,and would be carried away at the whim of the Pole's.
Thing is, Autochtonia doesn't exactly have lots of spare space, and there's little need for mobility. Nor are you encouraged to go crawling around the guy's insides. If an Alchemical city was outside Autochtonia, it probably would have mobility charms installed.

-Thematics.Think of an Alchemical metropolis as basically a more limited Culture ship. Or an anime/scifi ship with an AI. It's basically designed to rely on and involve people in it's functions as a thematic point, instead of the self-contained nature of other Celestials.

It's tradeoff is that an Alchemical city is flatout immortal from natural causes.
All other Celestials die naturally after a couple thousand years, but there are Alchemical cities in Autochtonia who are old enough to remember the first century after Autobot brought humans to his body.

Plus, some charms have discounted installation costs at higher Essence.
For example, Prayer's Hydraulic Musculature Reinforcement charm becomes free to install at E5. And Subcutaneous/Exoskeletal Armor Plating stops costing motes to install at E6, and becomes even more effective armor.

-An E8+ Alchemical metropolis can use the charm Avatar-Launching Silo to deploy multiple E7 Colossus bodies in the field.
Each piloted by a fragment of the Alchemical's mind, each with it's own charms and motepool.
So a city can be it's own Assembly if it needs to be, while the city itself remains in one place and doing it's other business.

Remember that body that Om used to talk to Aisha? He could have deployed several of them, or the big, 15-30 feet versions.
They really are pretty horrifically dangerous. As befitting elder Exalts.

While we're on this subject, Saki's shard-charm caps out earlier than everyone else's at Essence 4 with Multi-Aperture Deployment. Which lets her deploy multiple portals, larger sized portals, and portals that allow her prison to directly throw stuff. Like guns. Or swords. Or copies of the Dragon armor she absorbed. Saki at E4 might be even more dangerous that the other assembly members, even before taking into account how she could possibly capture an Endbringer.
No it doesn't.
You're missing something. A couple somethings.
Eternal Interment Fail-Safes (Essence 3, Stamina 5)
A prison that does not ensure the wholeness of its prisoners will inevitably become a morgue. To counteract this potential waste, Prisoners in stasis are automatically healed of all wounds and ailments over the course of 25 hours, excluding Crippling effects, amputations, mutations, derangements, or any aggravated damage. Additionally, should a Prisoner or Visitor fall unconscious, be reduced to their first Incapacitated health level, or otherwise suffer an existential wound while within the sanctum, the Prison will reflexively place them in stasis, but will not move to imprison, heal, or compile a Prisoner Report on Visitors until the charm's user changes their classification from Visitor to Prisoner.
The charm's user may also mentally request to be placed in stasis while in the Prison; this does not strip them of their possessions or compile a Prisoner Report, but instead heals them over the course of 8 hours instead of 25, after which they are automatically ejected back to the surface. Should the charm's user fall unconscious or reach their first Incapacitated health level while inside the prison, they are automatically subjected to this accelerated treatment.
At Essence 4, one point of aggravated damage may be healed through this method per day. At Essence 5, one Crippling effect or amputation may instead be healed per day in lieu of all other healing. If the Alchemical makes use of these advanced healing abilities, they take the full 25 hours of treatment instead of the accelerated 8 hours.
Repurposed Armament Directives (Essence 3, Dexterity 5 OR Manipulation 5)
Prisons require armed guards, but as the saying goes: "build a better gremlin trap and they'll build a better gremlin." In order to keep its Destroyer-spirit guards equipped with the most up-to-date arms and armor, analytical protocols are brought online, fabrication matrices are updated with each new discovery, and swarms of microscopic machine spirits capable of reprogramming even the most loyal Artifact are awakened from their hibernation.
The charm's user may classify non-living objects as "Armaments" when transporting them into the sanctum, causing them to be immediately transported deep within the Prison's world-body where they are subjected to an Armament Report (a process mimicking Technomorphic Integration Machine's Endodiagnostic Analytical Routines). After reviewing the report (accessible just like a Prisoner Report), the user may tell the charm to repair the object - which restores it to optimal functioning condition and refills any ammunition reserves - or to co-opt it for use by either the user themselves or the charm-spirit itself and its attendants. This conversion process instantly and automatically resizes and recolors any equipment, and converts the loyalty and ownership of any Least Gods or Animating Intelligences (the user must immediately pay attunement costs, if such are needed to wield the new equipment).
At Essence 4, the user may also instruct the charm to make [Essence] copies a day of any mundane Armament currently held in stasis by the Prison, and recreate a copy of any Artifact held in stasis at a rate of 1 dot a day (an Artifact 1 would take one day, an Artifact 3 would take 3 days) up to a maximum Artifact level of [Essence-1]. These copied Armaments may only ever be fielded or attuned to by a member of the Prison-spirit hierarchy (the user, the Prison's attendant Destroyer spirits, etc.), as even copied mundane Armaments will fail spectacularly if wielded by anyone other than a member of the Transcendental Prison.
Finally, as long as the user possesses the Attributes to maintain this submodule, multiply their Strength by their Essence rating when calculating how much weight they can transport at a single time, and add [Essence] dice to the roll when attempting to transport unwilling targets (at Essence 5, this becomes [Essence] automatic successes).
Multi-Aperture Deployment (Essence 4, Wits 5)
With the Alchemical's essence capacitors performing at peak capacity, containment apertures can be deployed far more rapidly than before, as well as enabling multiple, simultaneous transportation fields. Transporting into the sanctum is now Instant, as is the check to pinpoint a new exit portal destination, enabling true point-to-point teleportation. The user may also have open [Essence] portals to the charm's sanctum at any time and may create portals up to [Willpower] yards away (line-of-sight required), though each is still one-way; multiple portals may be combined into a single, larger portal, linearly multiplying the portal's efficacy. In addition, contents of the Prison may be directly extruded from a portal, allowing for Armaments to be deployed directly from stasis onto the field or into the user's hands - armor, however, cannot be directly equipped in this fashion (unless it specifically allows for such deployment). At Essence 5, the difficulty of the exit-portal check is reduced by 1 point for each point of Intelligence the user possesses over 4.
A bunch of those submodules have enhanced effects at E5.This second bit is particularly important.

Saki is E3, Str 5, Athletics 1.
At Essence 3, she can currently teleport (Strength 5 * Essence 3) +1 = Feat of Strength 16 = 2500 Ibs
At Essence 5 with the same stats, she can teleport (Strength 5 * Essence 5)+1 = Feat of Strength 26 = 6 tons.

That's without other charms in play, or channeling WP, mind.
That is part of the idea, I think. Alchemicals are supposed to be weaker than (other) celestial exalts. Only DBs are weaker and they are kept from reaching very high Essence by dying of old age.
We don't really get any sort of detailed look at elder charms for Alchemicals.
So I don't think we can say how they compare to other Celestials at higher Essence.
We do know they're supposed to be weaker, or at least less flexible on the average below E5, though the gap shrinks markedly at E5.

So basically a gun with UBW as the magazine and Gate Of Babylon as the Barrel.

Also with Jade Caste Alchemicals, are individual members of the Caste made of specific colours of Jade or a mishmash of all of them? If it's the former I have terrible ideas.
2)Depends on the Alchemical.
Caste Markings:Jade Charms are simple and functional, usually blocky and almost always unadorned. The Hammers of Autochthon vary wildly in coloration, with some sporting a kaleidoscope of colors. Most are more restrained and conservative, displaying one or two complimentary hues of jade. The animas of this caste express the colors of the predominant types of jade used in their Charms and typically incorporate layers of intersecting polyhedrons in a geometric lattice.
Yes, that means that there probably are rainbow colored Jade Castes out there, in addition to the more conservative single or double color guys.
What I'm getting from this is that Saki may eventually become something resembling Tokyo-3...only none of the Municipal Charms are really "There". The ones on the outside are copies partially extended from portals made by her Shard Charm (Now an innocuous pyramid that gets completely hidden by the interlaced layers of Copied Municipal charms).

Her real Matropolis Body is contained within the Dimension accessed by her Shard Charm.

Also these portals can swap out the enormous Hive City like cone of Starmetal for MANY copies of Offensive Municipal Charms, including huge numbers of armed Avatar Launching Silos...or she can just throw Buildings at you...or just deploy the Offensive Municipal Charms on top of everything else.

Yes, that means that there probably are rainbow colored Jade Castes out there, in addition to the more conservative single or double color guys.

Excellent, this means that we CAN have a Huge Industrial Matropolis made of several Jades!
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-Thematics.Think of an Alchemical metropolis as basically a more limited Culture ship. Or an anime/scifi ship with an AI. It's basically designed to rely on and involve people in it's functions as a thematic point, instead of the self-contained nature of other Celestials.

I guess. Kinda hard to see them that way when they, again, don't move much or have anywhere to go. And it doesn't necessarily need to be that way. The shard-charms in this quest fit arbitrarily-large charms into a single man-portable piece, and there's nothing technically stopping that from extending to the high level charms that would normally be building-sized.
No it doesn't.
You're missing something. A couple somethings.

I was looking at the descriptions on page one of this thread. Looking at them again, the lines you quote for Repurposed Armament Directives and Multi-Aperture Deployment simply aren't there in the old version I was looking at. And I didn't consider the limb-healing of Eternal Interment Fail-Safes to be very relevant. Really though, those are side-bonuses compared to the functionality gained at E4.
I guess. Kinda hard to see them that way when they, again, don't move much or have anywhere to go. And it doesn't necessarily need to be that way. The shard-charms in this quest fit arbitrarily-large charms into a single man-portable piece, and there's nothing technically stopping that from extending to the high level charms that would normally be building-sized.
Municipal charms are generally designed and installed by humans.
Shard charms are the work of an E10 Primordial.
Also probably cheaper to construct Metropolis charms that way, which given Autochtonia's resource scarcity, is always an issue.
I was looking at the descriptions on page one of this thread. Looking at them again, the lines you quote for Repurposed Armament Directives and Multi-Aperture Deployment simply aren't there in the old version I was looking at. And I didn't consider the limb-healing of Eternal Interment Fail-Safes to be very relevant. Really though, those are side-bonuses compared to the functionality gained at E4.
Use the version in the threadmarks
Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 23: We Wonder Where Who Wanders When Watchers Wane | Page 289

And I will argue that you are underestimating the utility of this clause:
At Essence 5, the difficulty of the exit-portal check is reduced by 1 point for each point of Intelligence the user possesses over 4.
Especially when you consider that teleportation has a DC check.
I mean, give her a suit of Artifact 3 adamant superheavy plate as part of the charm TMAM, which adds +18L/15B soak, and +10/10 Hardness. Install the Exoskeletal Armor Plating charm, which adds +3L/4B soak and +2L/3B Hardness per installation. At E3, you install it 3x, for +9L/16B soak and +6L/9B Hardness.

Total: +27L/31B soak, +16L/19B Hardness

Now stack that with her Shard of Excised Imperfections at E3.
Jagged Armor: +17L/21B soak, +7L/14B Hardness. +3L/7B natural soak. Total is 47L/59B soak, 23L/33B Hardness.
Condensed Armor: +24L/28B soak, +14L/21B soak. +3L/7B natural soak. Total is 54L/66B soak, 30L/40B Hardness.
Uh, you don't stack Hardness. You take the highest hardness from a single source.
We don't really get any sort of detailed look at elder charms for Alchemicals.
So I don't think we can say how they compare to other Celestials at higher Essence.
We do know they're supposed to be weaker, or at least less flexible on the average below E5, though the gap shrinks markedly at E5.
Yes and no. They aren't equal to Solaroid, period. The issue with comparring to Sids and Lunars is more complicated, but essentially Alchemicals are dogged horribly by mote economy. Their mote economy is atrocious. Their pools are more limited, and if they want to make use of artifacts that eats at them even more. The lack the kind of dice-adder efficiency boosts of other splats. Their perfects cost more. Their buffs cost more, and are often harder to use maximally.

This is compounded by them lacking the kind of specialized skillsets Sids and Lunars can have. Alchemicals have no answer to Astrology. They have no answer to SMAs. They have no answer to Shapeshifting. CCS is arguably superior to GMP, simply due to breadth of effects available. Alchemicals tie up some of their limited personal pools forever for MAs, and face that initial experience tax as well. And their available number of charms is finite. Sidereals have a...similarish issue, but Lunars don't. All of this hurts as you scale up in power. Alchemicals have traded power for cheap, easy flexibility between roles, and it shows.
Uh, you don't stack Hardness. You take the highest hardness from a single source.
General rule, yes.
But Subcutaneous/Exoskeletal Armor explicitly stacks Hardness. So does Prayer's shard charm(I think).

Yes and no. They aren't equal to Solaroid, period. The issue with comparring to Sids and Lunars is more complicated, but essentially Alchemicals are dogged horribly by mote economy. Their mote economy is atrocious. Their pools are more limited, and if they want to make use of artifacts that eats at them even more. The lack the kind of dice-adder efficiency boosts of other splats. Their perfects cost more. Their buffs cost more, and are often harder to use maximally.

This is compounded by them lacking the kind of specialized skillsets Sids and Lunars can have. Alchemicals have no answer to Astrology. They have no answer to SMAs. They have no answer to Shapeshifting. CCS is arguably superior to GMP, simply due to breadth of effects available. Alchemicals tie up some of their limited personal pools forever for MAs, and face that initial experience tax as well. And their available number of charms is finite. Sidereals have a...similarish issue, but Lunars don't. All of this hurts as you scale up in power. Alchemicals have traded power for cheap, easy flexibility between roles, and it shows.
Couple nitpicks: As Alchemicals get older, they get a hold of effects that improve their mote efficiency in a given role. TIE has a submod that reduces attunement costs for artifacts the higher your Essence. There's a charm that drops armor attunement costs to a flat 5m even before that.

They don't challenge other Exalts in their areas of expertise. They don't have to.

Elder Alchemicals don't have SMAs; instead they design CMAs with siege weapons and install superweapons like the Magnanimous Disperser Array. They don't have shapeshifting, but they explicitly can install factory cathedrals and carry entire military units starting at E6. GMP is outright superior to CCS, given that we see Adamantine Circle Sorcery effects in it. It's just available later, at E5 instead of E4.

At higher Essence we see some of their low-Essence charms outright shed installation costs; as long as you build a slot to install it, for instance, Exoskeletal/Subcutaneous Armor Plating is free at E6. And at E8, a city can simultaneously deploy multiple E7 or lower avatars with their own independent charms and mote pools.

Alchemicals are supposed to be lowertier than Solaroids, and more specialised than other Celestials. We don't know how that works out in practice at the Elder Exalt level, and there are few feats. Only one that comes to mind is the metropolis of Jast outright no-selling the E9 Viator of Nullspace alone, and preserving it's population when that combat monster came knocking.
But Subcutaneous/Exoskeletal Armor explicitly stacks Hardness. So does Prayer's shard charm(I think).
They both appear to mean that they stack internally, in that each installation is not a separate source of hardness, but you add all the installations together. Not that they add to whatever other hardness you have. Note that the Shielding Block Elemental Core Later in the book explicitly states it grants stacking hardness, the charm does not have similar text.
Elder Alchemicals don't have SMAs; instead they design CMAs with siege weapons and install superweapons like the Magnanimous Disperser Array.
That's....not really the same though. Sure, they may be killy styles....but that's not the point of SMAs. They're setpieces that change the context of the fight, and just bringing a bigger gun doesn't essentially change the conflict, just escalates it.
Alchemicals are supposed to be lowertier than Solaroids, and more specialised than other Celestials. We don't know how that works out in practice at the Elder Exalt level, and there are few feats. Only one that comes to mind is the metropolis of Jast outright no-selling the E9 Viator of Nullspace alone, and preserving it's population when that combat monster came knocking.
That's not actually that unbelievable IMO, all it would take was a Shield in the style of those mounted on Directional Titans, which Alchemicals have weaker versions of in canon charmset. Add in emplaced weapons fed by an essence grid and you're in business. The issue with Elders is that we really don't know how any of them work in any coherent way. I have a nasty suspicion any E9 Celestial Exalt is Bad News for Viator head on. I was talking on a more grounded level, around E5 itself where we have a lot more actual info.
They both appear to mean that they stack internally, in that each installation is not a separate source of hardness, but you add all the installations together. Not that they add to whatever other hardness you have. Note that the Shielding Block Elemental Core Later in the book explicitly states it grants stacking hardness, the charm does not have similar text.
No, they explicitly stack.
If you look at the stat blocks for the Exalts Magnanimous Radiant Servitor and Voice of Authority, as detailed in CoCD Autochtonia pg 133-134, we see that their Hardness from the Exoskeletal/Subcutaneous Armor Plating charm stack with Hardness from armor.
Backgrounds: Artifact 2, Backing (Theomachracy) 2, Class 3
Charm Slots: Dedicated 16, General 4
CombatLoad-Out:1stDexterityAugmentation*,2ndStamina Augmentation*, 2nd Perception Augmentation*, Essence IrradiationCorona*(OptimizedTraumaUpgrade),Parabolic Leap Overcharger Device*, Personal Gravity Manipulation Apparatus*, Piston-Driven Megaton Hammer* (Optimized Demolition Vibration), PlasmaThruster Assembly* (Travel Efficiency Upgrade, Tactical Flight Upgrade), Shockwave Driver Barrage** (Collision Magnitude Upgrade x5, Gravi- tational Impact Hammer, Momentum Pulse Overcharger), AcceleratedResponseSystem*(Parry),Casualty-Minimizing Equation* (Aegis of the Populat, Parallel Defensive Geom- etry), Recursive Fractal Targeting Calculations*, Alloyed Reinforcement of Flesh (Tireless Pneumatic Musculature), Gear-Driven Reflex Automation*, Subcutaneous Armor Plating (x3), Transitory Invulnerability Engine* (Compas- sion Flaw), Aim-Calibrating Sensors* (Install 14m)

Labor Load-Out: 4th Perception Augmentation (x2), 4th Intelligence Augmentation, Hydraulic Musculature Re- inforcement, Dynamic Reaction Enhancement System (Thought as Action Node), Alloyed Reinforcement of Flesh(TirelessPneumaticMusculature),Synergy-Promoting Upgrade**(Communal Supremacy), ClarifiedData Assimi- lator**, Creator Fugue Construction Engines, Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade, Omnitool Implant (Install 9m)
Join Battle: 9

Smashfist Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 11, Damage 11B, Parry DV 7, Rate 3
Smashfist Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 11, Damage 10B, Parry DV –, Rate 2
Soak: 20L/22B (Combat 26L/31B) (Superheavy Plate 17L/17B)
Hardness: 11L/11B (Combat 14L/17B)
Backgrounds: Artifact 3, Contacts 4, Eidolon 3, Class 5
Charm Slots: Dedicated 12, General 4
CombatLoad-Out:1stDexterityAugmentation*,4thStamina Augmentation, 4th Perception Augmentation, Essence Irradiation Corona* (Optimized Trauma Upgrade, Field Stabilization Fins, Motonic Reactor Discharge), Paramag- netic Tether Beam, All-Inclusive Targeting Calculations*, Cortex Acceleration Module*, Exoskeletal Armor Plating (x3), Transitory Invulnerability Engine*, Aim-Calibrating Sensors* (Inward Focus Refractor, Void Hunter Reticule), Anticipatory Simulation Processor* (Syntax-Modeling Subroutine), Optical Enhancement (Cross-Phase Scanner, FlashShutters,Motion-TrackingTargetingGlance,Tactical Analysis Engrams, Thermal Vision, Ultraperipheral Aware- ness),TranscendentMultimodalArtifactMatrix(Crawlspace Creeping Unit, Essence Pulse Cannon) (Install 13m)

Social Load-Out: 2nd Charisma Augmentation**, 2nd
tion (x2), Patriotism-Provoking Display**, Unconditional
Imperative Programming** (Champion's Compelling As-
sertion), Rogue Cell Isolation Protocols** (Emotional
Irrelevance Systems), Pheromone Regulation Systems,
Unobtrusive Repartee Baffles, Thousandfold Courtesan
Calculations (Synthetic Bliss Engrams), Optical Enhance-
ment (As Above), (Install 10m)

Permanently Installed: Perfected Lotus Matrix (Install 2m)
Thousand Wounds Gear Style: Up to Form (including ap-
propriate Combos)

Join Battle: 7
Essence Pulse Cannon: Speed 6, Accuracy 15,
Damage 10L/15B, Rate 3, Range 100, Tags F, P
Gremlinslayer: Speed 5, Accuracy 13, Damage 5L, Rate 3,
Range 90
Soak: 16L/19B (Combat 25L/31B) (Soulsteel Articulated Plate +14L/16B)
Hardness: 9L/9B (Combat 15L/18B)
A canon E5 Alchemical Ori, with two charms installed(Stamina Aug + max installs of Exoskeletal Plating), 2m committed and 3 artifact dots of ori superheavy plate, can tool around in 20L/25B Hardness. And soak of 32L/37B, not counting stamina.
That's....not really the same though. Sure, they may be killy styles....but that's not the point of SMAs. They're setpieces that change the context of the fight, and just bringing a bigger gun doesn't essentially change the conflict, just escalates it.

But like I pointed out, if Alchemicals found it necessary to do things like that, they'd use technology. Invent a tool.
Build an equivalent artifact into a TMAM, or build it and stick it in TIE, then power it up. Or maybe use a God-Machine working.
It's the Autochtonian paradigm, like how they built the Palladium Worm.

SMA is the Sidereal schtick. Not the Alchemicals.
They have no need to match them at it, just to negate it's applicable effects.
That's not actually that unbelievable IMO, all it would take was a Shield in the style of those mounted on Directional Titans, which Alchemicals have weaker versions of in canon charmset. Add in emplaced weapons fed by an essence grid and you're in business. The issue with Elders is that we really don't know how any of them work in any coherent way. I have a nasty suspicion any E9 Celestial Exalt is Bad News for Viator head on. I was talking on a more grounded level, around E5 itself where we have a lot more actual info.
Going to note that the Viator saw off the Ebon Dragon, who while not the fightiest, is still a Yozi.
So getting denied by a single Alchemical is remarkable in it's own right.

My explicit point was that above E5, the balance of power between Elders seems much less fixed than one would think from the lower tiers. Solars are still Solars, and Deebs never live long enough to compete, but the balance of power between Lunars, Sids, and even GSPs and Abyssals are much more debatable.

At E5, I'd still probably back an Alchemical over a Sid though.
For one thing, E5 Alchemicals CAN call on 3CDs, which Sids and Lunars can't.
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If you look at the stat blocks for the Exalts Magnanimous Radiant Servitor and Voice of Authority, as detailed in CoCD Autochtonia pg 133-134, we see that their Hardness from the Exoskeletal/Subcutaneous Armor Plating charm stack with Hardness from armor.
Then that has hit Full Cancer territory. It breaks the entire point of Hardness, which is to let you ignore trivial attacks, which is why you generally don't see much more than a dozen or so points in most contexts, especially in armor or charms. Facetanking artillery with hardness is NOT OKAY.
Going to note that the Viator saw off the Ebon Dragon, who while not the fightiest, is still a Yozi.
TED is also the Ultimate Coward, you don't have to beat him, just make him run. And he runs easy, especially when OHSHITAUTOCHTHONESSENCE in a place where he'd never found anything before, and suddenly bits of his Sick, murderous brother show? Yeah, not fucking surprised he ran. Viator can also wreck TED via the simple expedient of Channeling Virtues. Which is hilarious.
My explicit point was that above E5, the balance of power between Elders seems much less fixed than one would think from the lower tiers. Solars are still Solars, and Deebs never live long enough to compete, but the balance of power between Lunars, Sids, and even GSPs and Abyssals are much more debatable.
Elders is kind of a situation game, yes. I will not though that Infernals and Abyssals are often better than Solars in a lot of ways though, especially combat. The Solaroids are their own tier with their own internal strengths, which I don't see as being comparable to Alchemicals in a favorable way.
Then that has hit Full Cancer territory. It breaks the entire point of Hardness, which is to let you ignore trivial attacks, which is why you generally don't see much more than a dozen or so points in most contexts, especially in armor or charms. Facetanking artillery with hardness is NOT OKAY.
E5 Alchemical facetank.
They have their own distinct strengths in a combat scenario to offset their smaller absolute mote pools. Specialization and efficiency, squeezing as much performance out of a given build.

They're not even rocking the Elemental Core that buffs hardness:V
More seriously, Bad Touch effects remain on the table.

As for your protest?
The Solar charm Unbroken Chain Resolve(E5, Resistance 5) raises your Hardness to the pre-soak damage of anything that hits you for three actions.
Unbroken Chain Resolve

Cost: 6m
Mins: Resistance 5, Essence 5
Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Three actions
Prerequisite Charms: Iron Kettle Body

The Solar's defense must hold at all costs. If the Solar falls, so does all that she holds dear. From this grim resolution a Solar draws the power to survive all onslaught. The character may use this Charm in response to an attack that incurs pre-soak damage. Upon activation, his hardness to rises to a level equal to the pre soak damage of the attack. This does not prevent damage dice from being rolled, but rather guarantees that all lesser attacks are turned harmlessly aside. The Solar's hardness remains at this level for three actions, or until he is struck by an attack that overcomes his hardness. Should the Solar suffer such an attack, he may reflexively pay six motes to drive his hardness up to match the attack's raw damage. This does not count as a Charm activation. This renewed defense will last for three actions or until it is dispelled by a greater attack, which.ever comes first. This Charm is ineffective against attacks the Solar permitted to be inflicted upon himself.
Not really that much of a concern, in my opinion.
Elders is kind of a situation game, yes. I will not though that Infernals and Abyssals are often better than Solars in a lot of ways though, especially combat. The Solaroids are their own tier with their own internal strengths, which I don't see as being comparable to Alchemicals in a favorable way.
Unlike Solars, though, Abyssals and GSPs have unique vulnerabilities.
Hence why I'm iffier about their relationship to the rest.
Last edited:
You know, I could see three people starting the Jade Recruitment Drive.

Colin, Dragon...and Defiant (He still uses pamphlets even as Adaptive Forceful Recruiter).
The Solar charm Unbroken Chain Resolve(E5, Resistance 5) raises your Hardness to the pre-soak damage of anything that hits you for three actions.
That charm is also one of the worst offenders in Lords of Creation. It ignores the point of Hardness, and starts to degrade combat to where it doesn't work anymore. It's another example of the same issue, not a justification for having piles of Hardness.
Unlike Solars, though, Abyssals and GSPs have unique vulnerabilities.
Hence why I'm iffier about their relationship to the rest.
Not really? In a straight up fight Infernals especially have so much excellent charmtech they are arguably better than Solars straight up, especially at high essence due to their scaling, and Shintais start coming online. The entire mindset of Infernals is different though, with each Yozi have a core feedback loop of play, and if you work that loop, it's often a stronger one than the Solar equivalent. Between their battery of interesting general charms, and the way Yozi charm applicability works, they can bring a lot of power to bear in their target context, it just requires a different playstyle.
I want to note that on Elder Exalted. Autochton very likely didn't want to deal with his Alchemicals having issues like he saw the Celestial Exalted having in the First Age before he buggered off...

...and he's not looking for a superhero. He's looking for a hostile environment colonization unit ala SMAC settlements. The Alchemical lifecycle fits that:
-Youth: Elite all-purpose troubleshooter for a city. Good for getting them to know the situation actual people deal in.
-Adult: Supercombatant for the city.
-Elder: Go anywhere, form a city.

Like, from the Autochtonian perspective, colonizing the Moon or Mars isn't difficult? Get an elementary habitation unit there, with a Colossus ready to transcend, then spawn a city which contains all the life support, food production, defense and mineral extraction, just need humans to work the buttons.
Like, from the Autochtonian perspective, colonizing the Moon or Mars isn't difficult? Get an elementary habitation unit there, with a Colossus ready to transcend, then spawn a city which contains all the life support, food production, defense and mineral extraction, just need humans to work the buttons.
Plus with Saki this would be stupidly easy.

Just have a send a Sub Assembly of Jade Colossi to the desired planet with her Shard Charm and unpack them.
More idle thoughts:
  • Enduring Order Administrator has very dark skin, pale hair, and a spider motif. Have there been any comparisons to Drow yet?
  • The nerds of the world shall unite to give aid to the greatest of their own kind: Otakuthon! I want to read an omake based on this silly premise, but have no ideas of my own how to write it...
  • Whoever we exalt as Orichalcum, we should tell them everything we know, suspect, or intend before shoving their gem into the cradle - folks on the other side get information from the memories of those we send, and now that we know this, we should take advantage of it.
  • I wonder if the eerie similarities between Earth Bet and Creation/Autochthonia aren't due to any kind of cross-reality leakage or cosmic resonance or anything but instead due to a sort of Autochthon-based Weak Anthropic Principle - there are an enormous number of Earths in the Worm multiverse, so if Auto ran a search for "inhabitants most similar to the humans I made Exaltation for", then it makes sense he'd get worlds with an enormous number of similarities that are actually pure coincidence. Nothing from either side caused those similarities in the other - rather, out of all the possible Earths, a small fraction would, by chance, happen to look a bit like Creation in places, and the more that held true for any given world, the more likely it would be for Auto to pick that world. There may be Earths that have even more similarities but had to be excluded for practical reasons, or Earth Bet may actually be the one with the most, or it might simply have been the first of countless worlds where Auto thought "Hey, that looks familiar - good enough!"
  • Idea of uncertain practicality: Aisha asks one of Accord's Ambassadors about how to act in the sorts of places where you wear a fancy suit, so she can do more Jane Bond things. When you think about it, the Ambassadors are kind of awesome - working for Accord forces them to be very classy and well-prepared henchpeople.
  • Taylor's shard charm comes with those legs attached to her temples - what are the others' shard charms like physically? I know they're internal, but even internal charms are still physical artifacts.
  • Assembly/Ally bonding activity and/or character assessment idea: Accord and Aisha work together against Saint. One's a Valor 4, Temperence 1 Moonsilver who acts like Jane Bond; the other's a neurotically Order-obsessed Thinker who acts like a Bond Villian ("Oh? Let me tell you about Coil..."); together, they fight crime anti-AI dickery! Even if that isn't how it's done, unchaining Dragon before the eventual trip to Autochthonia would be a good precaution against everything going to shit in the Assembly's absence, especially if Scion and the Endbringers haven't been destroyed by then.
  • Does a Like on social media count as a prayer (assuming everyone's been ensouled)? How many (ensouled) internet followers do you need for Cult 5?
  • When Alchemicals combine using Divine Synthesis of Affiliation, what happens to their soul gems? Do they combine into one big gem with color/shape in between the constituant gems, or does the composite being have multiple gems? If the latter, do they retain their color/shape while part of the combo, or do they shift their appearance a bit like in a Steven Universe fusion?
  • What in the world is Grom going to do for the next thread title? It's hard to write a sentence with all words starting with X.

I reread the story-only thread out of boredom (and writer's block), and tried to record notable thoughts along the way:
  • Rereading the first few chapters, there's this vibe of "the system is corrupt/broken/weak, you shall bring Order" that's fallen away under the onslaught of disasters, impending apocalypses, and no longer being failed by the system. Did the voters choosing to join the Wards retroactively make the system less broken, like the choice to exalt Marrow retroactively strengthened her reasons to accept and Bladedancer's and Weld's reasons to decline, or is Taylor losing sight of the corruption and failure that needs fixing? Accord is devoted to Order - whether or not we exalt him, I can imagine him reminding Taylor of that need to not merely survive all the incoming crises but fix things instead of settling for the current system.
  • In 2.6, there's this bit:
    For the sake of completeness, you do a run through the three costumes with Integrated Artifact Transmogrifier off. Missy flinches only once when you disable the charm but otherwise seems to finally be getting over the trauma inflicted by your initial scare, while you notice an abstracted look briefly flit across Hannah's face before she seems to puzzle something out and return to normal. Despite the fact that you have been warned not to be in your base form while in costume, it still appears as though you're uncannily attractive despite the costumes not being made specifically for your soulsteel coloration.
    What did Hannah figure out there? I haven't been able to figure it out.
  • When Taylor has her vision of the different castes, there are mentions of gremlins as warped mixtures of flesh and machine, but your own statements later say that gremlins aren't obvious like that in this continuity - are you going to change those bits in the earlier chapters, or are there some gremlins that do the bio-mech abomination thing?
  • Rereading, I noticed that when Taylor had to sit down and take a breather after realizing that English was no longer her native language, Iris hovered over to her lap and closed his eye-cover to take a breather with her. D'aww... I know Taylor (and everyone else) is a lot more nervous about him now, but is there any hope of further cuddles for Iris?
  • When Taylor discovered that deactivating her SoPA charm also cut off Iris's ability to move and hover, she noted that he was in the middle of writing a program:
    He floats away from the whiteboard and back to the computer to where he was in the middle of programming something, so you leave him to it in hopes that he'll calm down on his own again.
    What was he working on?
  • In chapter 1.5, Taylor's assembled timeline notes that one "Sally Heathers" erected a small memorial for her. In 3.2, Taylor tracks down Sally's MySpace page and sends her an email using the address "" (sidenote - if this is a Winslow-provided email address, shouldn't it be .edu?). In 4.7, Taylor gets Dragon's help identifying Sally's last name: "(Chambers, it turns out)". So which one is Sally's last name, Heathers, Jones, or Chambers?
  • I'd forgotten how funny some of Taylor's moments of social obliviousness were before she really leveled up her social skills (and in her first few days of high Clarity).
  • The twins' family name needs fixing here:
    The rest of the legalese is perfunctory, save two items near the end: recruitment bonuses for Sakura Yakamoto and Saki Yakamoto, each totalling $2,500 - which both go into your Trust Fund, as usual.
  • Honestly curious: would the last item here be its own craft specialty, or is it sufficiently covered by Craft (Wood)?
    you ultimately are able to fade into a meditative state after turning all of your consciousnesses towards reviewing several academic books contained within your Elsewhere storage: simple subjects, such as game theory, fluid dynamics, and underwater basket weaving.
  • Calling it now: at some point, Aisha will end up in a frilly pink dress as part of a mission, and it will be totally awesome.
    As your van begins to trundle up and out of the underground parking lot, Who removes her helmet and pins you with a glare. Under the blanket of her power, she issues a cold, final word on the most important point in the discussion.

    "No fucking way am I wearing a pink dress."
  • I didn't try to keep a running tally of Taylor's Clarity level in New York, so I could be wrong, but this:
    "Calculations. Sampled baked goods averaged thirteen percent over optimal heat treatment. Recommended four percent oven temperature reduction, heat treatment duration reduction by eight percent."
    ... should probably be in Clarity-font - that's what Taylor uses in the scenes before and after this one.
  • The feels when Legend's talk brings Taylor out of Clarity font. And the feels at Taylor not wanting so many feels...
  • I can't remember if you clarified this bit in the discussion thread:
    Breathing a mental sigh of relief that her backup restored free of corruption - an occurrence that had become more common since her experiment with Taylor's power
    Which is it that had become more common, corruption or being free of corruption?
  • The only "Yes" entries in the exaltation journal are Dragon and Marrow, with a question mark after Marrow. Was this always the case, or was Marrow retroactively made the only other "Yes" after the vote for her to be exalted?
  • I'd like to see Taylor's exaltation journal entries for the Orichalcum candidates that have become available since the journal chapter.
  • The more I read about Bladedancer the first time through, the more I thought: "Hey, it's Invincible Sword Princess: Parahuman edition!" Not that this is a bad thing in this fic - it's kind of funny, and she's gotten plenty of characterization since.
  • Minor plot hole:
    You'd simply toggle the disguise charm off-and-on to get rid of the itch of regrowing hairs - no way are you going to bother with shaving - but since Director Uriel awaits you at your next stop you decide not to push your luck so early in the morning.
    The update before this one, Taylor meditated in Kyushu - which meant turning all her charms off. That should have gotten rid of those regrowing hairs.
  • I hope this hadn't happened yet when Iris not-so-accidentally'd a significant portion of Rhode Island:
    It is barely more than a small room covered with pictures from your home town's colorful past, along with a towering, dark stone memorial that will be moved to where the PRT headquarters once stood when the city's ruins have finally been declared safe for visitors.
  • The first time through, I did not realize that Loom was literally gliding here:
    Despite her beatific smile, she continues to effortlessly glide through and past the wall of fourth estate agents, her silk trailing behind but never actually touching the ground.
    I thought she was just moving smoothly and steadily so that her costume never dragged behind her. I remember people being surprised at Loom hovering in Sirkalla's interlude, so I imagine I'm not alone.
  • What's up with this part?
    You should have suspected something amiss when you failed to detect any insects in the room, but as you stand in the doorway of the darkened boardroom you can't help but feel that you're missing something - like a vague impression from a forgotten dream.
    I get the part about missing insects - that's a sign that the PRT is starting to implement anti-Weaver measures - but I don't understand what the vague impression stuff is about.
  • Are we, the readers, ever going to see a routine patrol?
    Arc 7 will pick up a week after the end of 6.7 (7.1 will be shorter, doing the usual glossing over of a passed week), and the main point of the Arc will cover Marrow's reintegration into society as a (new and improved!) Bullshit Magical Robot, as well as our first official patrols in Philadelphia.
    The closest we ever got was that Enthusiastic Walk in chapter 10, and that wasn't exactly scheduled...
  • I didn't notice this the first time around:


    Hello there, Adamant caste attributes! Looking back at part 1.1, Taylor gets three lines that are sort of like this, but don't actually namedrop Stamina, Manipulation, and Perception. Saki's vision does namedrop Dexterity, Manipulation, and Intelligence, and Aisha didn't get a speech.
  • Rereading Sirkalla's interlude, I'm wondering if there'd be a market for a book of her tribe's myths and legends. I'm kind of curious myself...
  • Synthesis of Divine Affiliation foreshadowed!
    "Psh," Assault chimes in glibly, "Uriel's just worried that when you two meet up you'll combine into one mega-robot and start converting us all by force."
  • We never did see that conversation that Weaver and Myrrdin had off-screen in 7.4, only a line from it (about Living in one's Name, with significant capitalization) during Taylor's spirit journey in 8.6. Will we ever see, or at least get a description of, the rest of that conversation?
  • Reading Infernal's interlude - where did the gang he joined get containment foam? Is it more obtainable than people believe, or is the Brotherhood particularly unusual?
    "Why does everyone have fucking containment foam!?"
  • So there was this delightful moment of... I dunno, spontaneous ritual? It felt momentous and slightly alien. When Enduring Order Administrator welcomed First Prayer of Perfection to the assembly:
    Standing up from her seat on the edge of the bed, Administrator's skin begins to drain away into tiny pores on her skin while the dark shades of brown in her curly hair seem to seep upwards to reveal gleaming, straight platinum locks. This close, with the only other sounds in the room the slight droning of her various insects, you can just make out a sound that reminds you of the last traces of a bath vanishing down a drainpipe.

    As her disguise falls away to reveal smooth, graphite-like skin, you watch as a number of larger seams click open all along her body. The baggy t-shirt and sweatpants adorning her suddenly fall apart into dozens of strips of clothing, each quickly being rolled into the openings with mechanical whirring and clicking before the openings snap closed again - leaving only her bare, mannequin-like Alchemical form behind.

    With a slight twist of her expression, you note a number of metal filigrees, bolts, and seams begin to appear along the surface of her dark grey skin. You note that many of these details are similar to your own, though when all is said and done it is clear she lacks many of more overtly-massive augmentations that your own body displays. In addition, while your visible augmentations have a rugged, crystalline theme to them, Administrator's are much more sleek, wicked, and obviously designed for intimidation. Still, it is surprising to see; if this is truly her default form, then you are not surprised that the Brockton Bay Wards that came upon her that first night were terrified.

    Luminescent gold eyes snap open, the eight elongated spider legs protruding from her skull stilling for just a moment while the massive white diamond on her forehead glows slightly. The smile that spreads on her face, however, warms up the room as she holds her hands - now returned to her usual sharp-taloned digits - out towards you, palms up, in a welcoming gesture.

    "The Great Maker has gifted each of us with a new name, and a purpose," she begins in a voice that resonates with crystalline harmonics. "I am Enduring Order Administrator."

    Letting out the air in your lungs, you smoothly remove the grey costume robe covering your Alchemical form.

    "I am First Prayer of Perfection," you begin, stepping forward to place your large cerulean palms on top of the deep black ones laid before you. "I look forward to working with you, for the glory and salvation of the Great Maker."

    Each of you curls your fingers into the other's hands, and Administrator gives a light, careful squeeze while her smile's radiance climbs ever higher.

    "Welcome to the Assembly, First Prayer of Perfection."
    Are we going to have a naked all-charms-out formal greeting like this for Warden of Reflected Infinities and What Memory Serves? It was weird and wonderful.
  • Are we ever going to find out what's up with the Hoboken?
    A series of surprised, suspicious, and thoughtful expressions crosses her face when you mention the ship whose flag you took to cover yourself, though she waves off your own look of confusion with a promise of an explanation 'later.'
  • That touching moment where Taylor offers to preserve the option for test-tube babies for Sirkalla... :( And then Vision of Vengeance went and ate everything in Taylor's elsewhere pocket one chapter later. It might be for the best, in the end - it'd suck outliving your own children by thousands of years. I guess you could cope by loving their children, and their children's children, and so on, but that sort of personal connection might not be a good thing for Champions of Autochthon, especially the for-the-greater-good caste...
  • Did Jack Slash's hijacked Villian TV show actually get broadcast nationally? VTV seemed like a local thing - I thought it was just the Philadelphia area that saw it (and got mastered by Prayer's anima effect) before thread discussion started acting like it was a national broadcast. Was he streaming it on the internet or something before Shatterbird wrecked everyone's electronics?
  • What's the balance of opinion online between Autochthon as That Thing Jack Slash Was Raving About vs Radiant Hero Figure vs MasterEffectPodPeopleAAAHHH!!!
  • I have to wonder, reading Bezalel's interlude, how much of his human-level AIs going berserk was really on Bezalel's power being limited and how much was on whatever those AIs were used for. He doesn't show a lot of care for his creations as living(ish) things - he calls his first human-level AI a "somewhat-skeevy 'personal helper'" in his own mind and it's rather horrible to create a person to be little more than a sex toy. The ongoing realization that she was created to suffer this cannot have been good for that poor MaidBot's sanity, and other AIs realizing that they were made to be slaves had to be bad for beings based on human minds.
  • Bit of a plot hole here:
    For the next few minutes she appeared to wage a silent argument with her own Thinker power, eventually terminating when her Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade-aided minds collapsed under the weight of a massive Thinker-headache.
    I thought Inquisition turned down the boost, and they only communicated by notes?
  • The late Street Kings had a Castle that is now vacant and just needs a bit of cleanup - has anyone taken posession of it yet?
  • I remember the discussion somewhen around the vote to exalt the twins suggesting that Saki and Sakura might have an intimacy or a Connections background with the Jaunter community, like Sirkalla has with the Case 53 community. Long-range teleporters are few in number and frequently treated as little more than transportation. Like Strider said typed, "jaunters stick together" - any chance this will come up again? I thought it was a neat idea.
  • I don't want to go searching through all the discussion since Sirkalla told Taylor about the incident, but I swear I remember a post by Gromweld that mentioned the Butcher killing Marrow's boyfriend. How many of the hero Case 53's in that team were killed by the Teeth and their leader before the Ambassadors killed the rest of the combatants? Is the truth something that won't be set until a vote, likely the final vote on who to exalt as Orichalcum?
  • The twins' exaltation came with an explosion of essence that engulfed them, Taylor, the hover throne, and kept going. Immediately afterward, there's a pair of scene dividers around several blank lines and then this:
    You blink, feeling overwhelmed and panicked. The world around you starts to come into focus again, and all six of your minds are still reeling from what you felt, what you heard, what you saw. What were you-
    What did Taylor feel/hear/see that left her reeling? And why did the twins get fist-sized holes left in the foreheads of their old bodies instead of the usual soulgem-sized holes?
  • If Taylor's decision-making process while fighting the Simurgh is ever publicized, I forsee an explosion of What Would Who Do? merchandise.
  • The Simurgh added comments to the programming of Taylor's first armor and may have made other subtle changes - did Vision of Vengeance eating it a few hours later ruin any of her plots?
  • Artemis's power amuses me.
  • How many people have actually read Accord's plan to end world hunger? What did Taylor think about it after she got a copy?
  • In the discussion, Gromweld pointed out that, from Taylor's perspective, there was no proof that Lisa wasn't Coil, with the whole "help me I'm being forced to spy on you" thing being a con. Hearing about Coil's fate from Cauldron and Accord at least cleared that up - has Lisa picked up on Taylor no longer suspecting her of being Coil?
  • Another plot hole:
    Sanguine surreptitiously takes a quick photo of your cheerleader-esque 'normal' costume,
    Weaver went with the regal/elegant costume, not the cheerleader one or the casual-with-armor one.
  • In order to get Vajra into the attack on Bonesaw, someone else had to go keep Defiant company. Taylor asked to make a call, but didn't say who she was calling, and the scene changed before any more details came out. So apologies if I missed it, but who kept Ned company while the Assembly was capturing Bonesaw?
  • I know this almost certainly won't happen, but I've got this image in my head of Vista requesting a soul and knowledge of how to direct her prayers... to Vision of Vengeance, because that's who killed Jack. And this adorable little girl starts turning into a hardcore follower of the machine god of vengeance and wrath, a tiny dark paladin bent on the destruction of all who threaten the survival of the Great Maker (or who fail to properly care for tools and machinery). Everyone thinks it's just a phase - until the m͟͡i̶͡r͠à͘͏c̛ļ͟é͜͝s̕ start...
  • I was a bit confused by this part:
    His ears still ringing, pulse pounding through his head, and blood flowing liberally down his nose and face, he decided to ignore the tinny buzz of something resting behind his left ear.
    Was that a crystal fly? Is this how Mog (and possibly the other Divine Ministers) found out about the Maker's project in Nowhere? Way back when, someone brought up the point that Alchemicals were born speaking the accent/dialect of Autochthonian spoken in the city they're made in, but our Assembly gets Old Realm instead. Gromweld clarified that the Assembly was getting Primordial Old Realm, and that the Divine Ministers would be stunned at hearing any of them speaking it. Other statements implied that the Ministers were unaware of Autochthon exalting Taylor and the candidates we present. This obviously changed by the time Aisha woke up in her vat, though Domadamod and Debok Moom may have known earlier than Sakura's awakening in Lux given Lord Grasp's muttering about Debok Moom saying only he could be entrusted with his task and Torrek's remark to Aisha that they'd had to get Lord Grasp away from Domadamod.
  • I want to see Lord Grasp teaching lessons on history, etiquette, and so on, where the class is the Assembly plus Dragon and maybe a few other people who'd react in entertaining ways.
  • I remember discussion about using Saki's saucy writing and Lord Grasp's saucy memories to break into the entertainment industry - will anything ever come of that?
  • Lord Grasp is a wonderful character, and I am glad the voters chose the Familiar option way back when.
  • When Taylor explained what artificial intelligences are to Iris back in Brockton Bay, he wrote something about "possible essence propagation vectors" and asked to examine an AI. I assume Taylor informed him of Dragon's nature after his recovery, and he must have gotten a look at her when he froze her during that teleconference - can Dragon help the essence-forming project somehow? (My first thought was wordplay: electronic communication lines = Dragon lines!)
  • Rereading Saki's chapters of now is the time to panic and freak out, and keeping in mind Aisha's future chapters of heavy shit and impulsiveness, the contrast with Sirkalla's mature and stable responses just reinforces the advisability of filling the remaining Assembly slots with adults.
  • I really want to see what came of that stunt with Hannah talking to Sirkalla about visions. How's she taking all the revelations?
  • Those bits where Saki notes that the table is shaped for her kept making me remember that one horror manga with the people-shaped holes in a cliff that people somehow kept entering because "this hole was made for me" or whatever.
  • Saki can lewd even in Clarity. Gromweld's OCs are the best.
  • So is this because of the PRT's sieve-like data security, or does Myrddin secretly write cape fics?
    … which sounds like something you've read in one of those bad capefics about Taylor, actually. Weird. Maybe you should look that author up after all this.
  • Lisa's power gives her heavy industrial for Taylor, crystal chimes for Sirkalla, and a server farm for Saki. What does she get for Aisha now?
  • When Saki thinks of "... a billion babies, Kinzey!" I flash back to that one "Powerthirst" sports drink ad parody.
  • Has Lisa apologized to Taylor yet? She said she would, but if it happened it was off page...
  • Has Saki had a chance to read all those Communication, Management, and Guard entries from her charm? Were any of them not censored by the quarantine protocols? What did they say?
  • The Story during Arc 8: If you don't exalt them, these two friends of yours will suffer personality death! Also, all your unmutilated friends are here to witness it if you abandon them! Mua-hahahaha!!!
    Author's notes after Arc 9: To be frank, I didn't actually think we'd pick the Twins for Exaltation when they got turned into disposable backpacks...
    Me: ... :confused:
  • What does it take to develop a supernatural Martial Art? Now that Colin has a soul, could he push that custom martial art he developed into something... more?
  • Echoing the discussion thread from the time: the Colin/Kali interaction in Colin's interlude is really skeevy while flipping the usual gender roles for skeevy scenes of that nature. Good job!
  • What's been done with Aisha's old body?
  • I didn't notice that bit with Lung owing Alexandria a favor the first time I read his interlude. I wonder when that plot thread will get pulled...
  • I hope we see members of the Assembly taking enthusiastic walks more often.
  • I remember the non-combined version of the start of Aisha's experience in Autochthonia used tiny font that progressively got larger for the prompts to wake up. In the combined (and story-only) version, they're all standard size - was that intentional, or did the size formatting get lost somehow?
  • When Aisha tells Om about our favorite Happy Fun Ball, there's this bit: "you wince and rub the back of your bald head." Is Aisha still bald when not using Integrated Artifact Transmogrifier and/or Husk-Sculpting Apparatus?
  • Torrek warned Aisha not to mess around until her charms have all acclimated to Nowhere, even though the review the rest of the technicians did counted towards the charm meditation requirement. They've finished acclimating by the start of 10.5, right?
  • Torrek namedrops someone named "Pearl Wisdom" as someone with a good head for security but who could have messed with how he'd packed the things in the heavily-secured part of the armory - where that tainted artifact got swapped for the one Aisha was supposed to get. Are we going to hear about this "Pearl Wisdom" again at any point? Was she a traitor, an unknowing patsy, or a red herring?
  • Oh yeah, Aisha went joyriding at tripple-digit speeds while other drivers couldn't perceive her. Sure, it was funny, and Aisha was still the best choice for Moonsilver in spite of this kind of immaturity, but it was also really freaking terrifying - and there was no reason for it! Add that to the examples of "why I think we should exalt mature adults instead of children."
  • Is this a plot hole or is this Aisha misremembering somehow?
    and they sure as hell didn't know why I woke up there, too.
    Torrek and Om woke her up deliberately. It was the effects of her shard charm activating while she was still asleep that took the vat technicians by surprise.
  • Okay, reiterating an earlier point of confusion:
    She pats your robohair, like she's testing it for something.
    Aisha has hair in robomode now - is this a result of her using Husk-Sculpting Apparatus or has it simply grown out between her time in Autochthonia and her reunion with the Assembly?
  • Aisha called the original (tainted) one "Squiddie" - has she forgotten, or is this a plot hole?
    Damnit, 'Mr. Squiddy' is fuckin' perfect for a super-deadly wearable robo-octopus. Why didn't you think of that?
  • I wonder if Sirkalla could teach Aisha about hunting - that seems like a good bonding activity between both of them and Mister E.
  • The Voters: We choose [X] Taylor Takes A Break In A Few Days, because abruptly walking off without making arrangements is a bad idea!
    Torrek (accent filtered out): What Memory Serves, make sure you sit down with Enduring Order Administrator when you get back so she can go over everything and you don't run around half-blind and ignorant.
    The Story: MOE-BOT INTERRUPT! The cumulative effects of Saki's social-whammying pushes Taylor into abruptly walking off without making arrangements before she can sit down with Aisha and go over everything!
    Aisha: *Runs around half-blind and ignorant*
    Me: What was the point of giving the voters a choice if that choice was just going to get railroaded away? Did the winning when-to-take-a-break vote actually effect anything beyond the stunt specifying Taylor's destination? And how much is Aisha's incomplete information going to bite everyone in the ass?
  • Aside from finishing up Best Cat, what's Noi going to do?
    Autochthon's Geas held fast; he could not bring his brother Mog to task for such a disastrous waste of resources… directly.
    I am torn between looking forward to eventually finding out what indirect means of retaliation Noi comes up with and frustration that all that infighting and Thomas-Becket-ing is part of why Autochthon's in such desperate straits...
  • I hope Dragon/Colin/Riley get around to that medical nanite project eventually. I want to see Autochthonians freak out about Nowhere people coming back from the dead!
  • Aisha being glad she doesn't have to listen to dying animals at mealtimes gives me a thought: the only organic lifeforms in Autochthonia are roaches, rats, and humans, so unless they manage to farm really enormous rats, most Autochthonians will only ever have seen large pieces of flesh or bone come from other humans, either due to surgery or to fatalities, so things like porkchops or barbequed ribs are going to be extremely unsettling to them. It's going to be another one of those little details, like freaking out about no ceiling, that'll make it clear that living where they're from is very different from living on Earth Bet.
  • It's been a few days since we last saw them - how're the Orichalcum candidates doing? Did Saki get a good look at Accord's mind, and if so, what are her thoughts on him?
  • Has Saki's bonus point been allocated yet?
  • When is Aisha going to give her brother that never-ending bottle of instant-armor oil?
  • I wonder how learning about what shards do to their users might change the opinions Aisha expressed in her rant at Brian...
  • I hope it's just my paranoia talking, but the description of just how heavy the rain is makes me wonder if we're about to get a visit from Leviathan. He's still dormant, right?
  • I'm a bit confused here:
    "Unlawful use of Parahuman powers-!"
    Why is this cop upset? All that happened was rapid movement and a light show - Aisha didn't damage anything (herself). Is using powers in public at all without PRT permission really unlawful?
  • Aisha provokes her familiar into a race that causes unnecessary damage to a bridge and likely terrifies a bunch of civilians. Please, no more exalting children! Children are dumbasses, even the smart or mature-for-their-age ones. Aisha's funny enough that picking her was still worth it, but I really hope we stick to adults from now on...
  • Uriel can just tell, Aisha's immanent HALPING is going to cause no end of headaches.
Sorry for the silence, folks. Life's been up and down, but hoping to have a bit more stability in the near future to get back on this cart. I do pay attention to this thread, so feel free to keep chatting if you feel like discussing anything.

For now, some responses:

err? what's the joke?

I'm working under the assumption that's Gromweld's title for this update.
The title of this thread is based around this idea, yes.
Too late! I'm already home!
My brain was invaded by thoughts of Accord's power as a Shard Charm. I put those thoughts in words and sent them to Gromweld so they'd get out of my head, and his response was as follows:Oh well.

Here it is anyway, for XP and for everone else's entertainment.

Edit: See the revised version.
Brain? Wat r u doin? BRAIN! STAHP!

TLDR: Accord build assuming my initial Shard of Calculated Design write-up for 219xp - 367xp, depending on how many goodies get added. As with the charm write up, I don't actually know what I'm doing, so I don't know if this actually works or if I've gotten pleasantly lost playing around with numbers again.

Parts of this are made obsolete by other posters' injections of common sense destroying the munchkin potential for multiple applications of Overclocked Frame, but this stuff was crowding my mind long before I saw the replies. And the bits that require multiple levels are mostly submodules anyway.

Edit: See the revised version.
Charm rewrite TLDR:
  • Simplified the Mental Attribute boost - no more [Essence/3, rounding depends on whether the 1st submod is on] dots, just made the base charm and the 1st submod each duplicate the effects of one 4th Aug for every Mental Attribute while activated.
  • To reflect the planning focus and the scales-with-difficulty thing, active base charm now adds [Difficulty] bonus dice to all tasks involving planning, active 1st submod turns those dice into successes. I still don't know if there's a better way to represent this mechanically...
  • Nerfed and simplified the 2nd submod - required Clarity is now 5, cost is 2wp + [2*Essence]m, only boosts one level, boost only sustainable for 4 hours, cooldown is twice the time it was active, only one early reactivation allowed (costs an extra 2wp, inflicts 0B/1L/0A, cooldown time becomes 24 hours)
  • Got rid of the stuff about using the 2nd and 3rd submods together for Clarity 10 shenanigans with larger Alchemicals. They do enough already.
  • Rewrote the example to reflect the changes.


Okay brain, now shut up about Accord unless it's an actual omake.
Stacking these together to respond to them, because - as I said - I'm appreciative of the time and effort put in here, even if they're not exactly what I'm planning should we go with Accord for our Orichalcum. As I noted before, my current plan if we go with Accord is that his Shard-Charm would likely be the most straight-forward of the bunch (his base power is basically just a simple Auto-Success generator in Exalted terms), with a bit of spice added in via the submodules. Of course, this also depends on the order of Exaltations as the order of their Exaltation plays a major role in the design and scope of their Shard-Charms, so that's something to consider as Autochthon continues to run out of resources to throw our way; it's the final Exalt of our Assembly will NOT have a worse or degraded Shard-Charm, but rather be differently-focused than if they had been Exalted as our Fifth member (technically Sixth, I guess, because Sakura/Saki jank).

Regardless, thanks again for your creativity, time, and effort here. Even if I don't use it all, there's likely going to be parts of these that I use in the future (even if not for Accord)! +3 XP!
Ive been catching up and I gotta ask. When Taylor dels with the Teeth, is there a scene that Im missing or did that happen off screen?
Off-screen. They'll be on-screen soon enough, don't worry.
So, having finished Aisha, Just how much difficulty are we going to be facing when it comes to the Divine Ministers?
Divine Ministers are "Endbringer Not Holding Back"-level of Serious Business, but running on Essence means they have some upsides and downsides that Nowhereverse creations lack.
It's not about Accord this time. I said I'd write an omake for this!


OMAKE: Plumbing

An interesting idea for how all this Essence proliferation is going to pan out! I won't say if you're on the right track or not... because we're gonna have some votes later on to make some decisions about it! Either way, I like the idea of the Autochthonia-side of things almost being like the Technocracy mixed with Cauldron - though I guess Cauldron in Worm draws from the same tropes as the Technocracy in Mage, so I guess this makes sense they'd somewhat work together. Fun stuff! +1 XP!
This is more of a lore question I suppose. The shard-charms cannot be removed without either killing or mentally crippling their users. I am wondering if an experienced Alchemical in Auto-land could swap in a shard charm and what effects that would have. Would they have to keep it in them forever now?
My curiosity more comes from how useful Auto-land would find some of these abilities if they could be more widespread. The twins power comes to mind.
Charms cannot typically be recycled like this - each Alchemical Charm is a unique artifact tied directly to the Alchemical's soul, though Sodalites creating the Charms for the Alchemical typically start from a 'base' model and customize as needed. For our Shard-Charms, since the 'core' of the Shard-Charm is the Behemoth Shard-Spirit housed within the Elsewhere Sanctum that's that's tied to the Shard-Charm bits in the Alchemical's brain, that means there's potential for someone to harvest the remains of our Assembly members' Charm and design a new version that accesses and taps into the Shard-Spirit's power... or to potentially design multiple. The biggest problem here is that Autochthon himself black-boxed the most important bits (because 'Autochthon' and 'Trust Issues' are synonymous), so it's definitely not something a bunch of talented Sodalites could manage on their own without lots of help.
Now I'm just wondering what Saki and Aisha are gonna turn into.

If Endator facilitates multiversal commerce and Firstion is an immense beacon of inspiration for all. What roles will Wardities and Whaves have?
Aisha, as a city, would be obligated to uproot and scurry about randomly while under cover of her power, then plop down next to her new neighboring city and turn off the Shard-Charm.
Holy frijoles. Okay, uhhh... gonna take me a bit to unpack all of this and fix what you've pointed out in the Story-Only areas. Just gonna post these responses above now, then I'll post responses to this behemoth when I'm done with your corrections.
Question. How does an Alchemical matropolis/patropolis moving around work? The twins, as 2 different cities can teleport around, but do other cities uproot and walk around? Are they stuck where they plant themselves outside of the shifting geography of Auto-land?
Question. How does an Alchemical matropolis/patropolis moving around work? The twins, as 2 different cities can teleport around, but do other cities uproot and walk around? Are they stuck where they plant themselves outside of the shifting geography of Auto-land?
Charms providing (limited or expensive) mobility can exist; I think one of the earlier posts here mentioned one that used Oil-based hydraulics?