-Specialized Economy (Economy generating regions generate more economy, but stability sometimes drops due to bad transport conditions)
This primitive king rules absolutely, with the blessing of a popular and respected priestly caste. The kingdom has embraced the idea of local specialization of labor, and a large transport sector distributes food, manpower, and necessary goods between cities and regions that need them.
Hum, boats might have become necessary for maintaining stability. At least until we get domesticated animal tech up to where we have beasts of burden. Or until our Boat surplus blots out the sun.
The Plainsmen, or Alwethi as they called themselves, suffered extensively in it's wake, and had even come to the Mayep to petition trade in exotic goods for food. To deny them would be easy enough, as they had been badly weakened, but they possessed a great many previously-unseen wonders and baubles that a number of his advisors were incredibly interested in.
*Special Mission to Alwethi (-Economy, +++Wealth, -Stability, ???)
Technological Strain: Hieroglyphics, Accounting, Material Science (General), Shipbuilding, Philosophy (General), or Animal Domestication
And trading (low-reserves) food for shinies with the hungry landlockd tribe just happens to be an option at a time when Animal Domestication is a strained tech.
Economy: 0-1 [Shortages] (+++++Gadawa, -Maye, =Anye, +++Dalwa)
Next to no reserves but we should be generating ~7 Econ(minus whatever the plan costs) over the course of the turn. We should be fine but the system might be more forgiving of building walls(due to it being a slow project) than the special food->tech trade with the no-longer-nomads Alwethi.
On the other hand, not helping the Alwethi might cause them to raid us. They're the hungry grandchildren(ish) of Nomads after all...
[X] Plan Whatever Floats Your Boat.
-[X] [Genius] Master Administration - King Selja governs a large kingdom with absolute control, and improving his skill with numbers and letters can only help.
-[X] The fleets of the Mayep require a lot of upkeep, and regular replacements. Make plans for a grand harbor to house the fleet at Anye. (-Economy, -Wealth, counts as two projects, begins Grand Docks early wonder) [Genius]
-[X] *Construct a Temple in Dalwa (-Economy, +Stability)
-[X] Irrigate Dalwa (-Economy, -Martial, ++Economy Later)
-2 Econ, -1 Wealth. Increases Stability. Starts the thing for the trade fleet that is needed to maintain high levels of specialization(might lead to early Techne?).
This could probably do the Special Mission to the Alwethi. It has the resources to spare if I'm looking at the resource generation correctly.
...Irrigation. Irrigation for the food. And maybe we can expand the ditches into proper Canals later so we can have boats travel through them. Risky but meh.
[X] Plan Disregard Hillfolk. Construct Additional Pylons.
-[X] [Genius] Master Administration - King Selja governs a large kingdom with absolute control, and improving his skill with numbers and letters can only help.
-[X] *Build walls for [Maye] (--Economy, -Martial, slow project) [*Maye, Anye, Gadawa, Dalwa]
-[X] *Construct a Temple in Dalwa (-Economy, +Stability)
-[X] Quarry the stone at Anye (-Economy, ???) [Genius]
-[X] Artisan Workers (++Wealth) [Enhanced by Growing Stone Industry]
Cost: 4 Econ, 1 Martial. Gain: 1 Stability, 2 Wealth, ???(Quarry) and city wall(Early Motte-and-Bailey castle when combo'd with the Hill Fort?)
Basically gambits on the surplus in food production to tide us over for the up-front cost and tries for synergy(stone quarry, stonecarvers, stone construction projects to use the stone).
It all stems from the Quarry so I'm putting [Genius] there for now, though I'm willing to switch to something like Walls if that has more support.
[X] Plan Food for Shinies
-[X] [Genius] Master Diplomacy - King Selja has learned from the innovative spirit of the traders and artisans, and though no outsider could equal the King, he has found there is an art in barter he could make use of.
-[X] *Special Mission to Alwethi (-Economy, +++Wealth, -Stability, ???) [Genius]
-[X] *Construct a Temple in Dalwa (-Economy, +Stability)
-[X] Irrigate Dalwa (-Economy, -Martial, ++Economy Later)
Cost: 3 Econ, 1 Martial, 1 Stability. Gain: 2 Econ, 1 Stability and ???(former Nomads)
As above, gambits on the surplus in food production to tide us over for the up-front cost(though it's a fair bit cheaper). Also double Oracle approval and net-neutral on Stability, might cause some overflow given that this Oracle seems to be a good one.
If it works, Anye won't be our sole source of Wealth(due to us getting land trade) and Dalwa will match Gadawa in food production.
I'm tempted to either fortify Dalwa(protecc food) or throw in a stone industry(Artisan, Quarry) type thing in an attempt to strain Material science but that's for another plan.
Edit: Making it anyway:
[X] Plan Fort, Food and Shinies
-[X] [Genius] Master Diplomacy - King Selja has learned from the innovative spirit of the traders and artisans, and though no outsider could equal the King, he has found there is an art in barter he could make use of.
-[X] *Special Mission to Alwethi (-Economy, +++Wealth, -Stability, ???) [Genius]
-[X] *Construct a Temple in Dalwa (-Economy, +Stability)
-[X] Irrigate Dalwa (-Economy, -Martial, ++Economy Later)
-[X] Fortify [Dalwa] (-Economy, -Martial, +Martial later) [Anye, Dalwa]
Also added Irrigation to Whatever Floats Your Boat(since it's not catching any votes) and specified Genius since that's a thing apparently.