Mandat de l'impératrice des Cieux - Imperial Princess Troubleshooter Space Opera Quest

What he actually meant to type was:

She's a civ right?
Eh if she was Navy you wouldn't ask for my help la
like, you see the things on the holo and you just like, don't do it ok
like you don't just ask them if they're okay all the goddamn time, it's super annoying. Like, walau, don't have better things to do, is it?
Just be there for them and don't talk too much.
Give ice cream, it's good, lotsa ice cream.

Thank god he gave his phone to his adjutant, Captain Lady Amagi Ri-Sumeragi, to type out his text for him. This dude is hopeless without his adjutant. :V
What does "la" and "walau" mean?
What does "la" and "walau" mean?
La is the same class of word thimajiggy as "lah" and "bah". You tack it on at the end of the sentence la. What does it mean? Dunno lah. You just say it bah. "La/lah" you'll find more in West Malaysia/Singapore; "bah" you'll find in Sabah, where I grew up. I'm a Sabahan bah, that's why I say bah.

"walau" kinda means "argh" or a more general "what the-" or kinda sorta "omg". (Incidentally, the equivalent expression in Malay to walau is "mak engkau", which literally translates as "ur mom," and is also used interchangeably with "omg"/"argh"/"what the-!" e.g. Nearly get rammed by a car? "Mak engkau!")

I'm also not sure which is more cancer:

- speaking Malay with a Texan accent and pronounciation
- Speaking English with the cancermeme Malay accent that makes everyone, including other Malays want to beat you up
- Speaking Manglish with a British accent (Manglish and Singlish are sorta related but while I can understand Singlish if I attempted to speak it I would trigger all Singaporeans into wanting to beat me up).

Like if you think this is bad, I was originally going to write Salt Admiral's rant on Yui's marriage prospects in Manglish. And then voice act that with the Malaysian Chinese accent. (Ironically, despite being Malaysian Chinese I don't actually speak the Malaysian Chinese accent natively, my native accent is actually more british. More than once, I've had to bust out the cancer Malay accent - which is different from a Malaysian accent - in order to convince Europeans and AMericans that I'm not white. :V)

Like I've said before, for all this quest has a French title, my influences are more asian - specifically, South East Asian. It's the SEAt of my memes.
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Anyhow, just a reminder, voting opens in 29.5 hours time at 0200 GMT, or 10.00pm EST. Keep thinking and asking questions and share with everyone you know the glory of fluffy tails made to be touched
... the hell kinda pokemon you play?:V

Oh right, must be the Dune version.;)

I play Pokemon Go in Detroit. Sometimes gym battles are literal.
speaking Malay with a Texan accent and pronounciation
- Speaking English with the cancermeme Malay accent that makes everyone, including other Malays want to beat you up
- Speaking Manglish with a British accent (Manglish and Singlish are sorta related but while I can understand Singlish if I attempted to speak it I would trigger all Singaporeans into wanting to beat me up).

Option A, because Texas is a special kind of cancer.
Whoops, I was suppose to open this an hour ago but the power went out in my office.

Anyhow: voting is now open for 72 hours. Voting closes at 0300 GMT, 12 July 2019.

Think carefully as you vote, because this is going to affect how Yui operates and the direction of this quest.

Also Infopost coming discussing the Agendas of our MC candidates.

And Remember to plan voting ya:

[X] Plan Johnny's Breakfast
-[X] Ba Chang
-[X] Ko Chung
-[X] Zong Zhi
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[X] Plan Reliable Big Sister
-[X] Encouraging. She's making good progress, keep at it!
-[X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
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[X] Plan Reliable Big Sister
-[X] Encouraging. She's making good progress, keep at it!
-[X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.

Yui's fleet got parceled out and our kinswoman needs a friend. Plus staying nearby lets us keep a better grasp on what's happening 'round the Empress.
[X] Plan Compliment Sandwiches
-[X] Measured
-[X] Present


Probably necessary... Right?
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Gentle reminder, Pls remember to plan voting, ya, like below:

[X] Plan Ahri's Breakfast
-[X] Eggs
-[X] Sausages
-[X] Bacon

If we don't plan voting we're gonna get some really wonky results later from the calculation, just saying.

@TheFanficAddict @Kaizuki I suggest editing your posts.
Adhoc vote count started by Whiskey Golf on Jul 9, 2019 at 12:06 AM, finished with 38 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Encouraging. She's making good progress, keep at it!
    [X] Plan Reliable Big Sister
    -[X] Encouraging. She's making good progress, keep at it!
    -[X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Plan Compliment Sandwiches
    -[X] Measured.
    -[X] Present.
    [X] Plan Ahri's Breakfast
    -[X] Eggs
    -[X] Sausages
    -[X] Bacon
    [x] Plan Seagram
    -[x] Measured. She's made some improvements, but she still has a long way to go.
    -[X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
[x] Plan Seagram
-[x] Measured. She's made some improvements, but she still has a long way to go.
-[x] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
Note that you will basically have to act through intermidiries for things outside of the capitol.
Protagonist Agendas and how they shape the Story
So I wanted to talk a little about the PCs and their agendas; I tried to be subtle and allude towards that in the chargen, but I think I've been too subtle, and there are people who've missed how the story changes with the different protagonist, because each protagonist has differing priorities and agendas, and differring perspectives on being appointed Imperial Viceroy/Vicereine, and I think some readers may have been expecting other things than what we got.

And well, I've spent way too long talking about this to myself in the car while stuck in traffic, so I figured I'd pull the curtain back a little bit on my thought process.

[ ] Count Alastor von Toth: Military (Fleet Combat). A minor noble who has become a rising star within the Imperial Navy, you are ambitious and hungry.

As Alastor, taking on the role of Imperial Viceroy would be a more combat focused (ish) story; you'd be taking your fleet and smacking down rebels and malcontents, while maneuvering to build your powerbase in order to ride out the inevitable (so you think) balkanisation of the Empire, while making oppurtunistic power plays as they came. The obvious way to softcoup Empress Meigyoku would be to take advantage of her crush on you and play the dashing war hero and waifu the Empress. Yui would, in this route, be cockblocking your waifu attempts (unless y'all decided to YOLO and go for both Empress Meigyoku and Princess Yui at the same time :V); Yonatan would be your salty former CO trying to unfuck the Navy, who you might be able to get as an ally for your machinations.

[ ] Yonatan Chew: Military (Logistics/Staff/Support). A commoner who enlisted and subsequently earned a commission as an officer, you are dutiful and diligent.

As Yonatan, your route would be Maximum Salt and more focused on bureaucratic maneuverings. Your agenda would basically be balancing your attempts to unfuck the navy, managing your overwhelming amounts of salt (THE EMPIRE IS DISEASED! ROTTEN TO THE CORE! BURN IT DOWN!), your loyalty and duty to the Imperial throne, and attempting to resist the seductive advances of your Sumeragi foxwife. Yui and Alastor would be neutral NPCs in this route, because Salt Admiral Quest: The Saltening is the Hard Mode story of one man fighting against the universe, sustained only by his salt.(Thankfully, Yui Route Yonatan is a much mellower person, if still salt. :V) Ahri is explicitly off the table for waifuing in this route because Yonatan is too ossan and salt to be husbando material for her :V. The only coup option is to hardcoup, but whether that's on your behalf (with salt and fire), or you ended up played by people, or counterplayed them, well.

[ ] Princess Yui: Imperial Court (Politics). An Imperial Princess of the blood, you are supportive and cunning;

As Yui... well, we're playing that route right now. :p ;) Yui's personal agenda is being a good advisor/big sister/surrogate parent (the exact specifics of which she rolls with will depend on the results of this current vote), with an eye to preparing Ahri to take up the crown and rule for real. So the emphasis will be more on political maneuvering and training Ahri (I.e. Empress Meigyoku Raising Project :V). Not to say that there is no scope for combat actions, but that's not what the emphasis of this route is. Yui's objective, as of the current update, is to unfuck the hot mess that is Ahri's utter lack of preparation, and make her a fit Empress. Which is not to say that there's no room for factfinding expeditions that have a chance of shots fired, like the Egon fact-finding mission, but, well, the more involved Yui is in Ahri's life, the less time and scope she has for independent operations. (Which, admittedly, is why she recruited Daniel to be her proxy.) Yonatan, as we've seen already, is basically an allied NPC towards Yui; Alastor's off in the Despa Sector, on the Outer Rim, so he won't be relevant to the story, for now.

Speaking of the current update, I will give this small reassurance: you're not permanently choosing how Yui will act towards Ahri. You're choosing an approach to take for the near term (so, the next 5 years of IRL time then, because the only person slower than me is @Avalanche :p.
Adhoc vote count started by Whiskey Golf on Jul 9, 2019 at 6:37 AM, finished with 42 posts and 8 votes.

  • [x] Plan Seagram
    -[x] Measured. She's made some improvements, but she still has a long way to go.
    -[X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Encouraging. She's making good progress, keep at it!
    [X] Plan Reliable Big Sister
    -[X] Encouraging. She's making good progress, keep at it!
    -[X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Plan Compliment Sandwiches
    -[X] Measured
    -[X] Present
    [X] Plan Ahri's Breakfast
    -[X] Eggs
    -[X] Sausages
    -[X] Bacon

Adhoc vote count started by Whiskey Golf on Jul 9, 2019 at 8:47 AM, finished with 43 posts and 9 votes.

  • [x] Plan Seagram
    -[x] Measured. She's made some improvements, but she still has a long way to go.
    -[X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Encouraging. She's making good progress, keep at it!
    [X] Plan Reliable Big Sister
    -[X] Encouraging. She's making good progress, keep at it!
    -[X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Plan Compliment Sandwiches
    -[X] Measured
    -[X] Present
    [X] Plan Ahri's Breakfast
    -[X] Eggs
    -[X] Sausages
    -[X] Bacon

Adhoc vote count started by Whiskey Golf on Jul 9, 2019 at 8:48 AM, finished with 11 posts and 8 votes.

  • [x] Plan Seagram
    -[x] Measured. She's made some improvements, but she still has a long way to go.
    -[X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Plan Reliable Big Sister
    -[X] Encouraging. She's making good progress, keep at it!
    -[X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Plan Compliment Sandwiches
    -[X] Measured
    -[X] Present
    [X] Plan Ahri's Breakfast
    -[X] Eggs
    -[X] Sausages
    -[X] Bacon

Adhoc vote count started by Whiskey Golf on Jul 10, 2019 at 12:39 AM, finished with 20 posts and 15 votes.

  • [x] Plan Seagram
    -[x] Measured. She's made some improvements, but she still has a long way to go.
    -[X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Plan Reliable Big Sister
    -[X] Encouraging. She's making good progress, keep at it!
    -[X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Plan Compliment Sandwiches
    -[X] Measured
    -[X] Present
    [X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Plan Ahri's Breakfast
    -[X] Eggs
    -[X] Sausages
    -[X] Bacon
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[x] Plan Seagram

If Yui doesn't end up as salty as dear salt admiral by the end of this, I will be very surprised.
[X] Plan Reliable Big Sister
-[X] Encouraging. She's making good progress, keep at it!
-[X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.

Ahri is having literal weeping nightmares about abandonment and loneliness right now. She really could use the encouragement. Let's stabilize the bond with her first, then try the Measured advice once she's not as badly shaky.
Meanwhile, on th subject of asking for advice:

Princess Natasha (i.e. Yuimom):
"ohshit my daughter's asking me for advice i dunno anything about. Wat dooooooooo"
"Hello, mama? It's Sasha. Yui was asking me formadvice on this and I thought I'd ask you..."


"hello ma it's johnny i need to ask advice"
"you only call me when you need somethong. have you been going to synagogue?"
"ma i dont think this is relevant"
"have you been doing your prayers?"
"ma im really busy running the navy"
"i really dont approve of your apostasy"
"ma what happened to always being on my side and supporting me?
"not exclusive with calling you out on your apostasy. Are you coming back for hanukah? Chinese new year? Chap Goh Mei?"
"you know, if you weren't an apostate, you could pray and the lord would give you wisdom"
"he did ma, thsts why i've got you"
"don't get smart with me boi"
"yes ma..."

Adhoc vote count started by Whiskey Golf on Jul 10, 2019 at 12:40 AM, finished with 20 posts and 15 votes.

  • [x] Plan Seagram
    -[x] Measured. She's made some improvements, but she still has a long way to go.
    -[X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Plan Reliable Big Sister
    -[X] Encouraging. She's making good progress, keep at it!
    -[X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Plan Compliment Sandwiches
    -[X] Measured
    -[X] Present
    [X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Plan Ahri's Breakfast
    -[X] Eggs
    -[X] Sausages
    -[X] Bacon
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So far the votes are coming in, keep voting y'all. :D

Voting will close in another 41 hours from now, at 2300 EST 11 JUL 19 / 0200 GMT 12 JUL 19 / 1100 GMT+8 12 JUL 19.

As a reminder to readers, the voting options are:

What is your approach in giving Ahri feedback?

[ ] Encouraging. She's making good progress, keep at it!
[ ] Measured. She's made some improvements, but she still has a long way to go.
[ ] Harsh. This isn't good enough. She has to buck up and unfuck herself.
[ ] Siscon. Everything Ahri does is correct. Even the mistakes.

Moving forward, how involved are you going to be in Ahri's life and education?

[ ] Hands off. Her tutors will take care of her education, and Ahri will take care of her life. You'll keep your independence to operate as you see fit.
[ ] Present. You can play a role in her education and life, to a reasonable extent. You're giving up a certain degree of independence, but you're not completely chained to Ahri.
[ ] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
[ ] Helicopter. You will never leave the palace. Ever.

Adhoc vote count started by Whiskey Golf on Jul 10, 2019 at 6:03 AM, finished with 21 posts and 15 votes.

  • [x] Plan Seagram
    -[x] Measured. She's made some improvements, but she still has a long way to go.
    -[X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Plan Reliable Big Sister
    -[X] Encouraging. She's making good progress, keep at it!
    -[X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Plan Compliment Sandwiches
    -[X] Measured
    -[X] Present
    [X] Plan Ahri's Breakfast
    -[X] Eggs
    -[X] Sausages
    -[X] Bacon
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