Nooo! We were only assembling them to protect our beloved cousin-sort of niece imouto-semiadopted daughter slumber party tail brush chan Empress!
It's a... strange and complex, uh, familial relationship at play, alright.
But while the proposal was a joke, my thinking was actually from that angle of the 'protect the Empress best we can'. Like the Byzantine Emperors who found that in forces from outside the Empire, outside politics, outside the highly political IRG.
Anyway. We know the Great Houses have extensive military forces, but what about the Greatest House? (Yeah, I went there, suck it Sumeragi). Does House Akasha have similar holdings and forces, outside its existence as the Imperial House? If so, is the Empress also the 'head of the family' and able to direct House Akasha and it's forces in the same way as Lady Sumeragi does hers, say?
The IRG serves the multiple roles of Empress protection, protecting the Empress' holdings of Takama-ga-Hara (a litle over twice the number of inhabited developed systems thst Sumeragi has), serving an equivalent role as the house forces, kempetai spying on other people memes, and a whole shitload of things that i keep meaning to put into the infodump doc (that I keep forgetting to write). Which, again, is another Sumeragi salt; their forces are just ducal forces having authority only in their area, but that bitch Hagoromo jumps up her household troops into becomming a force standing on the same stage as the Imperial Defense Forces (Army, Navy, Marine Corps). You don't see the leader of the Sumeragi ducal guard sotting on the Regency Council, but there you see Baroness Tarisa Manandal, Commanding General of the IRG.
That said, outside the IRG, you'd have the various planetary defense forces. Each planet is going to have its own LE and security forces - the IRG and IN's job is tomfight the space battle. But the PDFs dont have power projection into space, they're meant for planetary garrisons not going off invading people. (Will talking about the Imperial Police Force in a later date. tl;dr Fox Mounties/FBI.)
tl;dr: outside of the IN and the IRG the only forces the Imperial House has are the local PDFs. But even then there's a whole civilian vs military chain of command thing going on. Hagoromo was fairly progressive by oir and fox standards and was a believer in the idea of civilian control of the military, but not really a believer in the idea of the empress having direct control of the military. Mainly because after the war of founding she didnt want even more work, she wanted to have some time to play with her husband and her figurine collection, as opposed to
no time.
Alas Sumeragi aren't quite as progressive as thst and so you have the case where the current sumeragi Grand Duchess and her daughter have never had any military training but could directly command their forces in battle. rip.
Also if you thought familial relations were weird, like, there's also the matter of Ahri ineptly trying to seduce Yui in the last update, which Yui was completely oblivious to. I want people to keep thst in mind when rereading her convo with Salt Admiral where she complains nobody is romantically interested in her.