Be a Primaris Marine or No?

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    Votes: 20 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 20 50.0%

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[X] Ohrmuzd

We really are promising, uh? We're the kind of recruit that come only once every five thousand years.

I wonder how hard they will start pushing us now...
Anyone have any ideas for what our chapter's history is like? We're highly devout to the Emperor and allies with the Inquisition, these things are most likely connected to how we were able to become an official chapter during the Second Founding. Because we inhabit the Armageddon Sector we likely took part in both of the Armageddon Ork Invasions, and possibly the Chaos Invasion as well. We likely have quite a few successor chapters running around since we're overstrength and we have been around from M31 to M42. We hate the Thousand Sons, and the QM has stated the higher ups of our chapter and our successors know about our true parentage. We also likely have some Prosperine cultural influence, and I have a sneaking suspicion that the Space Wolves are aware of our true parentage, which would definitely make any interactions with them interesting.

Some things I'm currently wondering:
Why is our geneseed not afflicted by the flesh change?
Did we adopt the Blood Ravens as a successor chapter?
Why did we choose our current color scheme?
What does the stylized mace represent as our symbol, considering our traditional weapon is a force glaive?
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Anyone have any ideas for what our chapter's history is like? We're highly devout to the Emperor and allies with the Inquisition, these things are most likely connected to how we were able to become an official chapter during the Second Founding. Because we inhabit the Armageddon Sector we likely took part in both of the Armageddon Ork Invasions, and possibly the Chaos Invasion as well. We likely have quite a few successor chapters running around since we're overstrength and we have been around from M31 to M42. We hate the Thousand Sons, and the QM has stated the higher ups of our chapter and our successors know about our true parentage. We also likely have some Prosperine cultural influence, and I have a sneaking suspicion that they are aware of our true parentage, which would definitely make any interactions with them interesting.

Some things I'm currently wondering:
Why is our geneseed not afflicted by the flesh change?
Did we adopt the Blood Ravens as a successor chapter?
Why did we choose our current color scheme?
What does the stylized mace represent as our symbol, considering our traditional weapon is a force glaive?
Blue and gold is Thousand Sons post heresy, the black is for Blackshields.
I figure the Mace means smashing rubric marines apart.
Anyone have any ideas for what our chapter's history is like? We're highly devout to the Emperor and allies with the Inquisition, these things are most likely connected to how we were able to become an official chapter during the Second Founding. Because we inhabit the Armageddon Sector we likely took part in both of the Armageddon Ork Invasions, and possibly the Chaos Invasion as well. We likely have quite a few successor chapters running around since we're overstrength and we have been around from M31 to M42. We hate the Thousand Sons, and the QM has stated the higher ups of our chapter and our successors know about our true parentage. We also likely have some Prosperine cultural influence, and I have a sneaking suspicion that they are aware of our true parentage, which would definitely make any interactions with them interesting.

Some things I'm currently wondering:
Why is our geneseed not afflicted by the flesh change?
Did we adopt the Blood Ravens as a successor chapter?
Why did we choose our current color scheme?
What does the stylized mace represent as our symbol, considering our traditional weapon is a force glaive?
The Crozius Arcanum, basically a power mace (with a weird shape), is the traditional weapon of chaplains, who were put into the legiones astartes after the Council of Nikaea in order to coerce the Librarians of the Thousand Sons into not using their psychic and sorcerous powers.
It could have some long forgotten symbolic meaning regarding our rejection of Magnus' way.
Edit: Alternatively, it could just be our subtle tactics - the information warfare of making the enemy think we like maces when it's actually glaives.
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Prologue 6
At your response, he turns quiet for a second. "...A good name" is all he says. You take that as your queue to leave, which you quickly vacate the room via the opposite door to the one you entered in. As you look behind your shoulder, you find him staring at you, almost contemplatively.

On the other side of the door, You find a rather large group of young boys, generally milling about. It was much smaller then the huge mob you saw at the beginning of the trials, but it was still an appreciable amount. From a quick look over, you counted 259 1st stage neophytes, of general shapes and sizes. One of them notices you and quickly makes his way over to you. "Hello, Brother!" he exclaims jubilantly. "My name is Tyris, it's nice to meet you!" He holds out his hand. You...

[] Grip it and reply, "Ohrmuzd. It's nice to meet you as well, Brother." (Fellowship test: DC 70)
[] Grip it and give it a firm shake while replying "Ohrmuzd." (Fellowship test: DC 50)
[] Don't grip it, and reply "Ohrmuzd."

After your conversation with Tyris, a Marine comes in and you...

(Intelligence test: d100+20 (INT-2)=86. DC 60: Success! +20 EXP to Intelligence)

Quickly snap to attention. Tyris notices this and quickly follows. The Marine the bellows "FORMATION!", startling the other Neophytes. Only a couple seems to react in a different fashion. One, a darker skinned boy that is taller than the boys around him quickly find his place and stands at attention, while another that seems shorter but has sharper eyes moseys to his place and gives a simple salute. The other children recover and find places to form a slightly ramshackle formation. After the others form, the Marine continues in a softer voice "You all have passed your trials, and will now be trained in the arts of war. You will become the Emperor's angels of death. Now you will be split up into groups of 7 and be guided through the Monastery. This will be your only tour, so pay attention. After the tour, you will reassemble in the dorms for room assignments. Dismissed." You are given the number...


25, and you go into that group. Your final member turns out to be...

[] Tyris
[] The Tall boy
[] The Sharp-eyed boy

Afterward, you are led through the Monastery. Several places stand out to you: The Training Cages, The Forge, The Apothacarium, The Reclusiam, and The Librarius. You are then led to the dorms, which were much bigger than the last ones, and were given your room assignments. You are paired with...

[] Tyris
[] The Tall boy
[] The Sharp-eyed boy

You are quickly sent off to sleep and all night, you cannot stop thinking about how this will turn out. You are promptly roused at 03:00 and are sent into the dining hall for food. You have a feeling this will be a long few years...

Each Post will take place for 6 Months. You will have 6 actions per post.


[] Train a stat
-[] Specify which stat
[] Train a Discipline
-[] Specify which discipline (obsolete for now, will come into play later)
[] Learn a skill
-[] What kind of skill? (Physical, Mental, Tactical, Other)
[] Observe a specialist Astartes
-[] Which kind? (Apothecary, Techmarine, Chaplain)
[] Spend time with a Neophyte
-[] Which one? (Limited to Tyris for now)
[] Spar (Specify with who, limited to Tyris for now)
[] Explore the Monastery (Basically event roll)

Stat Changes: Intelligence 2 to 3: 70/300 -> 90/300

(AN: As you could probably tell, Tyris's favored stat is Fellowship. For # of Neophytes, I just rolled a 5d100.)
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[X] Grip it and reply, "Ohrmuzd. It's nice to meet you as well, Brother." (Fellowship test: DC 70)
[x] Train a stat
-[X] will power X 2
-[X] weapon skill
-[X] toughness
[X] Spar (Tyrian)
[x] Explore the Monastery
@Uber_Fail_Dinesh this plan valid?
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[x] Grip it and give it a firm shake while replying "Ohrmuzd." (Fellowship test: DC 50)
[X] Tyris
[x] The Sharp-eyed boy
[x] Train a stat
-[X] will power X 2
-[X] weapon skill
-[X] toughness
[X] Spar (Tyris )
[x] Explore the Monastery
I do not have that much confidence in our guys social ability
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Well, I guess processing so many potential battle brothers that you get a quarter thousand of them making it past the first trial is how you stay over-strength as a chapter...

[X] Grip it and reply, "Ohrmuzd. It's nice to meet you as well, Brother." (Fellowship test: DC 70)
[X] Tyris
[X] Tyris
[x] Train a stat
-[X] will power X 2
-[X] weapon skill
-[X] toughness
[X] Spar (Tyris)
[x] Explore the Monastery
[X] Grip it and reply, "Ohrmuzd. It's nice to meet you as well, Brother." (Fellowship test: DC 70)
[x] Train a stat
-[X] will power X 2
-[X] weapon skill
-[X] toughness
[X] Spar (Tyrian)
[x] Explore the Monastery
@Uber_Fail_Dinesh this plan valid?
You didn't vote for our team or our roomie, and you misspelled Tyris' name.
[X] Grip it and give it a firm shake while replying "Ohrmuzd." (Fellowship test: DC 50)
[X] The Tall boy
[X] Train a stat
-[X] Will Power x2
-[X] Toughness
[X] Observe a specialist Astartes
-[X] Apothecary
[X] Spar with Tyris
[X] Explore the Monastery (Basically event roll)

If we are going Biomancer, I think learning medical knowledge is a must
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[X] Grip it and reply, "Ohrmuzd. It's nice to meet you as well, Brother." (Fellowship test: DC 70)
[x] Train a stat
-[X] will power X 2
-[X] weapon skill
-[X] toughness
[X] Spar (Tyrian)
[x] Explore the Monastery
[X]Plan: Bash Brothers.
-[X] Grip it and reply, "Ohrmuzd. It's nice to meet you as well, Brother." (Fellowship test: DC 70)
-[X] Tyris
-[X] Tyris
-[X] Train a stat
--[X] Weapon Skill
--[X] Willpower x2
-[X] Spar with Tyris x2
-[X] Explore the Monastery (Basically event roll)

Can we observe a Librarian?
No, on account of the Marines don't want you seeing something that could corrupt you or give you dangerous warp-based ideas. You will need higher Willpower before that becomes an option.
You guys know voting for bash brothers has no Willpower training which we need so we can start our psyker training.
[x] Grip it and give it a firm shake while replying "Ohrmuzd." (Fellowship test: DC 50)
[X] Tyris
[x] The Sharp-eyed boy
[x] Train a stat
-[X] will power X 2
-[X] weapon skill
-[X] toughness
[X] Spar (Tyris )
[x] Explore the Monastery
[X] Grip it and give it a firm shake while replying "Ohrmuzd." (Fellowship test: DC 50)[X] The Tall boy
[X] Train a stat
-[X] Wisdom x2
-[X] Toughness
[X] Observe a specialist Astartes
-[X] Apothecary
[X] Spar with Tyris
[X] Explore the Monastery (Basically event roll)
[X] Grip it and give it a firm shake while replying "Ohrmuzd." (Fellowship test: DC 50)
[X] Tyris
[X] The Sharp-eyed boy
[X] Train a stat
-[X] will power X 2
-[X] weapon skill
-[X] toughness
[X] Spar (Tyris )
[X] Explore the Monastery
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