Be a Primaris Marine or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 20 50.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Uber_Fail_Dinesh on Apr 30, 2019 at 8:14 PM, finished with 22 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Plan always training
    -[X] Explore the monastery
    -[X] Train Willpower x2
    -[X] Spar with a Neophyte Tyris
    -[X] Meet another Neophyte (Sharp eyed boy) bring Tyris
    [X] Observe a specialist Astartes

    -[X] Which kind? (Chaplain)
    [X] Plan Brotherhood
    -[x] Train a stat Willpower X 2
    -[x] Spend time with a Neophyte Tyris X 2
    -[x] Meet another Neophyte ( Tall boy and Sharp-eyed boy)
    [X] Plan Meet and Train
    -[X] Will power X2
    -[X]Observe a specialist Astartes Apothecary
    -[X] Meet another Neophyte Tall boy/Sharp-eyed boy
    -[X] Spar Tyris
    [X] Plan always training
    -[X] Explore the monastery
    -[X] Train Willpower x2
    -[X] Spar with a Neophyte Tyris
    -[X] Meet another Neophyte (Sharp eyed boy) bring Tyris
    [X] Observe a specialist Astartes

    -[X] Which kind? (Chaplain)
    [X] Plan always training
    -[X] Explore the monastery
    -[X] Train Willpower x2
    -[X] Spar with a Neophyte Tyris
    -[X] Meet another Neophyte (Sharp eyed boy) bring Tyris
    [X] Observe a specialist Astartes
    -[X] Which kind? (Chaplain)
Prologue 8
A year has passed since you have passed your trials. You have been learning all sorts of useful abilities, mainly physical ones because no one else has psyker powers. You have been implanted with the secondary heart and Ossmodula, and you have been able to notice the abilities. You have found yourself shooting up in height, and feel yourself getting stronger and more resilient.

(When you turn 13 [Prologue 12], all Physical stats [STR, TOU, AGI] will go up by 1. When you turn 16 [Prologue 18] Physical stats will go up by 1.)

You have also started to learn how to use a Glaive, the traditional weapon of your chapter.

(Gained Glaive Mastery: Basic Apprentice (0/100 to Intermediate Apprentice)

In your free time, you decided to go to your special room to train...

(2d100*3= 529)

Which goes extremely well. You feel as if you are a rock in a lake, unmoving. You also Spar with Tyris...

(d100+150 (Lots-2/3)vs d100+130(Lots-2/3)=221vs159. Stupendous Success! Gain +300 EXP. Gain +250 EXP to all stats used. Gain +30 Bonus EXP.)

Which you pretty much trounced him. He still congratulated you though, citing that he was visiting the chaplains as his reason for you beating him so thoroughly. Intrigued, you find yourself accompanying him...

(Fellowship Check: d100+10(Tyris)+20(FEL-2)=117. DC 30: Mind-Boggling Success!)

Where you find yourself entranced by the sermons. One particular Chaplain by the name of Aphael came over to you and asked you a few questions. WIth your responses, you found yourself and him getting into a debate about many topics, ranging from Agriculture to how the Adeptus Arbites could improve. You found yourself thinking rather surprising thoughts from it, none Heterical but very intriguing topics to think about.

(Gained Skill: Philosophy I [Adds +5 to resist Corruption rolls], New option unlocked)

(AN: This guy isn't actually a chaos guy in disguise if the skill wasn't proof enough. He just likes to debate.)

You were in the sparring cages with Tyris when the Sharp-eyed boy you remember from before walks up to you. "Brother," He greets softly, "I would like to challenge you to a race." Blinking once you...

(Fellowship+Intelligence Check: d100+30(INT-3)+20(FEL-2)+10(Tyris)=136. DC 90: Great Success! +30 EXP to Fellowship and Intelligence.)

realize that this is rather hard for him. He has been standoffish during tactical lectures and doesn't interact much. You promptly reply "Of course Brother. 3 times around the track outside?" He looks slightly taken aback by your remark, but then slouches back down, having a glimmer of gratitude in his eyes. The 3 of you quickly go out to the Track and begin the race...

d100+20(AGI-2)vs d100+40(AGI-4)=105 vs 137.

Which he beat you handily. While you were recovering, he held up a hand. You gripped it and thanked him for it. "It was of no problem. In case you wanted to know, my name is Hollus. Hollus Dranus." "Well met, Hollus." You shared some tips for general training with him, and in return, he gave you some specialized tips for your mobility.

(Gained Hollus Dranus SL 2. Multiply all Agility stat gains by 1.25.)

While you were not training, you looked around the Monastery some more...


And found an interesting book, detailing some techniques for Glaive fighting.

(Gained Glaive training book. When training WS until WS-6 or Glaive Mastery until Advanced Apprentice, multiply rolls by 1.5)

Each Post will take place for 6 Months. You will have 6 actions per post.


[] Train a stat
-[] Specify which stat
[] Train a Discipline
-[] Specify which discipline (obsolete for now, will come into play later)
[] Learn a skill
-[] What type of skill? (Physical, Mental, Tactical, Other)
[] Train a skill
-[] Which Skill? (Glaive Mastery)
[] Observe a specialist Astartes
-[] Which kind? (Apothecary, Techmarine)
[] Spend time with a Neophyte
-[] Which one? (Tyris, Hollus)
[] Meet another Neophyte (Limited to Tall boy)
[] Spar (Specify with who, Tyris, Hollus)
[] Debate with Aphael (DC 20 to make sure he can debate with you)
[] Explore the Monastery (Basically event roll)

Stat Changes

Level 1: 450/1000 -> 750/1000

Weapons Skill 3 to 4: 56/400 ->306/400
Ballistic Skill 2 to 3: 200/300 -> 150/400. Ballistic Skill has risen to 3.
Strength 2 to 3: 200/300 -> 150/400. Strength has risen to 3.
Toughness 3 to 4: 0/400 -> 250/400
Agility 2 to 3: 200/300 -> 250/400. Agility has risen to 3.
Intelligence 3 to 4: 0/400 -> 280/400
Willpower 3 to 4: 138/400 -> 267/500. Willpower has risen to 4.
Fellowship 2 to 3: 135/300 -> 165/300.

(AN: Things are starting to get better. An WOW that is a crazy powerful boost to Willpower! The only reason Hollus is AGI-4 is that he was essentially a Hive Gang Runner before he came here, has Agility as his favored stat, and has pretty much only trained his Agility! Incredible!)
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(AN: Things are starting to get better. An WOW that is a crazy powerful boost to Willpower! The only reason Hollus is AGI-4 is that he was essentially a Hive Gang Runner before he came here, has Agility as his favored stat, and has pretty much only trained his Agility! Incredible!)
We clearly have a great destiny ahead of us.
I mean, by the metrics you gave earlier, our willpower is on the low end of what's acceptable for a trained lexicanum...and halfway to the high end of what's expected of a trained lexicanum.
And our other stats mostly aren't trailing by too much...

You might also want to adjust the xp requirements to level stats at some point, though.
[x] Who is the last boy
-[x] Train a stat
-[x] willpower times 2
-[x] Train a skill
-[x](Glaive Mastery)
-[x] Observe a specialist Astartes
-[x] Apothecary
-[x] Meet another Neophyte (Limited to Tall boy)
-[x] Debate with Aphael (DC 20 to make sure he can debate with you)

willpower will still be our most important stat as a psyker. we have a bonus with learning the glaive so we should use it. we got a bonus when we observed the Chaplin so lets see what the Apothecary does. lets look at the last boy and see who he is. Debating with Aphael is a must since we can increase our resistance to chaos especially as a psyker.
[x] Who is the last boy

Beat me to it, also let's spar with both boys next turn. Us guys bond over fists more than words until we finish growing up
[x] Who is the last boy

Looks like we're a regular little prodigy. Normally this kind of thing irritates me, but the opening of the quest was honestly charming and interesting enough that I'm completely willing to just skip thorugh the dry opening to see where this goes.

I'm really eager to start getting into our chapter's history and what it's currently up to. We haven't gotten any details yet, but by any account based on what we drew up it's going to be tantalizing. I'm definitely betting it'll be one of the more active Chapters in combating Chaos - perhaps our big secret project, in addition to combating the Thousand Sons and slaying the Crimson King, would be repairing and reactivating the Imperial Webway that Magnus inadvertently ruined. A task given much more priority and support by the Imperium's higher ups with the Golden Throne and Astronomicon slowly failing.
[x] Who is the last boy

Looks like we're a regular little prodigy. Normally this kind of thing irritates me, but the opening of the quest was honestly charming and interesting enough that I'm completely willing to just skip thorugh the dry opening to see where this goes.

I'm really eager to start getting into our chapter's history and what it's currently up to. We haven't gotten any details yet, but by any account based on what we drew up it's going to be tantalizing. I'm definitely betting it'll be one of the more active Chapters in combating Chaos - perhaps our big secret project, in addition to combating the Thousand Sons and slaying the Crimson King, would be repairing and reactivating the Imperial Webway that Magnus inadvertently ruined. A task given much more priority and support by the Imperium's higher ups with the Golden Throne and Astronomicon slowly failing.
I think our life should be a mirror of Ahriman. We're he created the rubicon we destroy it. Where he helped destroy the human webway we fix it. Where he helped fight the Emperor we heal him. You know do all the opposite and have some common sense.
[x] Who is the last boy

Looks like we're a regular little prodigy. Normally this kind of thing irritates me, but the opening of the quest was honestly charming and interesting enough that I'm completely willing to just skip thorugh the dry opening to see where this goes.

I'm really eager to start getting into our chapter's history and what it's currently up to. We haven't gotten any details yet, but by any account based on what we drew up it's going to be tantalizing. I'm definitely betting it'll be one of the more active Chapters in combating Chaos - perhaps our big secret project, in addition to combating the Thousand Sons and slaying the Crimson King, would be repairing and reactivating the Imperial Webway that Magnus inadvertently ruined. A task given much more priority and support by the Imperium's higher ups with the Golden Throne and Astronomicon slowly failing.
Well, given that there's a daemon world populated by the Thousand Sons CSMs loyal to the crimson king fragment of Magnus where Prospero used to be (and thus just a stones throw away from us) right now, I bet that has a lot to do with what our chapter, which hates the TS, is currently doing.
Anyone else find it odd that every single failure we have had has been an agility check, I can't recall ever passing a single agility check?
Prologue 9
Another half year has passed. You have been implanted with the Biscopea, an organ used to control Hormones. Much training comes along with it, but you do manage to find some free time to meditate.

(2d100*3=200 (Double Perfect Crit! Multiply all earnings by 5= 3000)

You don't know how to describe it, but apparently, some older Marines rush in, looking panicked (you didn't know they even could panic!) Before apparently just standing there in disbelief. After being rigorously questioned, you were declared pure but were told to visit the Apothacarium to check your physical state. However, when you asked what they felt, all they replied with was "A Shield of [Nothing]."

(Gained: Shield of [Nothing] (Decrease all Willpower/Psyker Check DCs by 50. Can be upgraded by spending Willpower EXP (0/1500) The Abyss stirs...

While in the Apothacarium, you watch how the medics and doctors of the Chapter work.


You glean much of it and find yourself interested. Perhaps you could request training later...

(Gained: Interest in becoming Apothecary.)

After you are declared sound of mind and body, you decide to train your abilities in the glaive.

(d100*1.5=98 (Critical! Multiply Roll by 1.5= 294)

Using your book, you make many incredible changes to your skill and burst up in skill.

(Gained: 294 EXP to Glaive Mastery.)

You also take some time to debate with Aphael, finding his thoughts to be enlightening.


He turns out to be free, and you quickly engage in debate. A small crowd of Neophytes gathers around, listening intently to your debate. After you finish, they mostly break up into similar conversations.

(Gained: 1/4 debates to upgrade Philosophy)

You realize that you remember seeing the tall boy in the Reclusiam sometimes, and ask some of the non-debating Neophytes where he is...


Only to find out he is dead. He was selected to become a Primaris Marine, but could not accept the organs of the Chapter, and died in extreme pain. You find out his name was Alart.

(Lost: Alart.)

An announcement is made. At the end of the next year, a competition will be held, with the top 3 managings to gain some individual experience from some Veteran Marines. Tyris tells you that he will be trying his hardest to be the champion, with Hollus not holding back either. You will...

[] Aim to be champion
[] Aim to be Second
[] Aim to be in Top 3

Each Post will take place for 6 Months. You will have 6 actions per post.

[] Train a stat
-[] Specify which stat
[] Train a Discipline
-[] Specify which discipline (obsolete for now, will come into play later)
[] Learn a skill
-[] What type of skill? (Physical, Mental, Tactical, Other)
[] Train a skill
-[] Which Skill? (Glaive Mastery)
[] Observe a specialist Astartes
-[] Which kind? (Techmarine)
[] Spend time with a Neophyte
-[] Which one? (Tyris, Hollus)
[] Spar (Specify with who, Tyris, Hollus)
[] Debate with Aphael (DC 20 to make sure he can debate with you)
[] Explore the Monastery (Basically event roll)

Stat Changes:

Willpower: 267/500 -> 2167/700. Warning! Willpower will not rise to 7 without participating in (2) battles! Gained Experience will not be lost. Willpower has risen to 6.
Glaive Mastery: 0/100 -> 194/200. Glaive Mastery has risen to Intermediate Apprentice.
Philosophy: 0/4 ->1/4

(AN: This is my response to BULLSHIT rolls. I can honestly not see you gaining a more resilient mind without actually going into combat, and it would be rather absurd to see a Stage 1 neophyte with a Willpower rating of EIGHT! That kind of Willpower is only seen in Veteran Marines and Sergeants! Hopefully, this will reduce the potential to get an OP character early. Now please excuse me while I cry at the fact that SageDice has infested this quest...)
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