[X] [Religion] Go extra lengths to properly organise the Arthrynite religion into something more. (-2 Stability, -2 Diplo, -1 Martial, -3 Mystic, Chance of a Minor Crisis, Chance of a Major Crisis, Additional Doctrines)
Changing our religion is a pretty major thing, especially since it's a near central aspect of civilization. So, we have to do it properly. We're in decent shape to do it.
[X] [Doctrine] Equality. Treating everyone fairly is one of Arthryn's oldest teachings and Arthrynites should treat others as equals.
[X] [Doctrine] Community. Valuing your community is one of Arthryn's oldest teachings and Arthrynites should strive to help their community.
The oldest doctrines are the most important, and should be repeated in order to protect them against decay and foreign influence.
[x] [Leadership] Centralised leadership that has a hierarchy with a council in Greenbay at the top.
[X] [Policy] Balanced = Does whatever seems reasonable.
If we're going to be a large expansive empire, then we need to have some sort of centralized head of religion to codify everything. Otherwise, everything would inevitably splinter into multiple different sects.
I'd propose to go for council over single head. If we go for a single head, then it's almost inevitable that the royal family will end up controlling the position all the time, as they're literally divinely blessed. With a council at least, there's chance of some normal people.