Passing Flan 布丁魔王
- Location
- Anywhere but RL
There are still the twin KMTs.

5) Continue with the paramilitary training of all Tong members with Zhuhai Boar Hunting Rifles and the knife fighting lessons, under the supervision of the Du Yuesheng Personal Guard. Also increase the numbers of the Du Yuesheng Personal Guard, as well as buying Howell Rifles from the H-KMT at twice the price of their production for said new members of the Du Yuesheng Personal Guard. And finally search for firework rockets experts and books from abroad to solve the military gunpowder rocket problem.
6) Attempt to reconnect and fix the Tong spy network in Qing controlled China and Manchuria. And from this point onwards start sharing information from Taiwan, Qing China and Manchuria and only political information about H-KMT territory with Chiang Kai Shek and best rifle customer Cai Yunpei.
Absolute Bureaucratic Rule - Recognising the position of any absolute ruler as being transitional at best due to the limitations of a human life span and knowing that to make a system of rule into an insitution then an edifice must be build to support it the focus within the Greater Zhili will be the beginnings of an absolute bureaucratic monarchy. In the initial phases this will involve the transition of educated veterans of Wu's armies into bureaucratic roles throughout his territory. As well as this shall be the ability for vetted educated individuals to be appointed to the roles of local governance within the Greater Zhili. The goal of this is to expand the number and size of those holding power within the Clique and increase the number of people with a vested interest in continuing the system as opposed to that of the more......fluid government structures to the South. Alongside this will be the expanding of existing schooling systems and to support this, Wu will send out letters to the European churches and religions and offer them the opportunity to reside in his territory as long as they open schools alongside. This opportunity will be extended to existing religious structures within the Greater Zhili as well as hiring trade specialists from Europe and America to open trade schools to help feed growing industrial demand.
When you say 'the' KMT government, do you mean just the warlord one? Or are you including the H-KMT, as well? I noticed Mao is one of the few CPC votable choices that doesn't say 'CPC-KMT' but rather only 'CPC', so it seems he has less of the left KMT connection compared to other leaders.[X]- Mao Zedong, Han Partisanlord of the CPC
-[X] Plan Rebirth of the Revolution
1. The Peasant Struggle Above All! - In light of the recent defeats, the CPC has experienced fighting conventionally against reactionary forces Mao Zedong will begin to push for the CPC to abandon its attempts to use conventional armies to win the war. Instead, Mao Zedong will push the party to adopt the use of a partisan army rooted in the villages and towns in which they operate in order to bring down the KMT government through attrition.
2. The Furnace of the People - The CPC army is unique in China in that its main function is to serve and protect the common people instead of oppressing them. This is a new concept to many of the soldiers we capture and because of it many of them eventually join our ranks. Yet, it is important to impress our values onto them. Therefore, Mao will organize several classes a weak for both his partisans and the enemy troops they capture in order to impress upon all of them the reasons for our struggle and to encourage captured soldiers to join us. All of this can be accomplished while raising morale.
3. The Hunan Campaign - Mao's army will continue to operate as partisans throughout Hunan. Retreating when we are outmatched and striking the enemy when and where he is exposed. We will use the terrain of Hunan to our advantage and use its mountains to shield us from assault by the enemy. Our only military objective is to endure another year as a fighting force while expanding as much as is possible.
So uh. Last turn was obviously a fluke, you clearly didn't intend to fight the (Left) Republic, so I'm not going to do anything to you this turn. But if you're aiding and abbeting the enemy- well, that's a rather large crime. I wouldn't attack you this turn, because I don't know about it IC, but I and the rest of the UF certainly would attack you next turn- and by sheer force we could assuredly beat you. And even if we don't find out about it IC, my conscription law applies to your people too. So unless they join the army if they're called up, they're criminals, so next turn we'd have an IC reason to attack you. Not going to order you to attack Chiang, because that'd be far too much IC for you, but unless you do a minimum of stuff, for the RoC ( Sell your military production to the United Front at a price dictated by the UF (as in, a very small profit margin, but still a profit), don't share information to anyone not in the United Front, and share it to the UF; don't fight the UF, and aid in smuggling if asked for. )
I and the rest of the UF will crack down on you next turn.
I would remove this part due to how that would make us lose legitimacy since you're inviting foreigners and allowing them to take Chinese Lands. Not only that, but the religious leaders of the West will most likely seek to break the Divine Mandate of the Emperor since they would openly preach a religion that collides with the Chinese counterparts.
In my opinion, the lack of actual conventional army is the Republic most glaring issue.Mao Zedong will begin to push for the CPC to abandon its attempts to use conventional armies to win the war.
Now, more propaganda is always good.Therefore, Mao will organize several classes a weak for both his partisans and the enemy troops they capture in order to impress upon all of them the reasons for our struggle and to encourage captured soldiers to join us.
Thanks for the information.Producing domestically? Rather difficult and a bit of a long term goal.
Importing? Fairly easy.
Yeah, it is kind of nice that, while KMT is divided and is destroying itself, then Qing is building a new China.Well as you can read part of my plan is to turn my international ports in nascent railway hubs to the interior.
I just noticed this. How do you intend to get significant numbers through to Sichuan to liberate it? My understanding was that the anarchist movement was a phenomenon occurring mostly in the core H-KMT areas, radiating out from the main thinkers in Canton. That's over 1500 kilometers away from Sichuan, through war-torn territory, bad infrastructure & tough terrain; furthermore, you're splitting forces to also see about Hunan at the same time. Upon arrival they'll have passed through multiple warlord dominions, and the one they're going to (Liu Xiang's Sichuan Clique) is IIRC one of the most powerful. I say this because not only does he has Sichuan's resources, but he also took in Bai Chongxi and gave him an army and the connections from his own family ties to set up Chongxi's rule in in Xikang; barring some sort of betrayal, it would appear that this is two powerful warlords working together in the same clique for the moment.Particularly not our comrades in Sichuan and Hunan who suffer under rightist occupation, and whose liberation shall soon be at hand. (United Front with the other leftist factions at least until the present rightist threat is dealt with, although keeping in mind that the H-KMT may and the CPC will backstab us the instant they think they might benefit from it; no letting them bleed out the anarchists against the rightists to save their own forces and then sweeping in to crush us along with the K-KMT and Qing. Try to convince the anarchists in Canton not to start anything further with the other leftists while the United Front is a thing; obviously they can still respond if the H-KMT or CPC decides to attack them in spite of that. Also, liberate Sichuan and the occupied sections of Hunan from the rightist factions, trying to gain the assistance or at least acquiescence of the peasantry and the urban lower/working class in those regions)
Further the Office of Military Reconnaissance was created in Kunming, acting as the hidden eyes, ears, and daggers of the Rightist KMT. They quickly proved themselves effective by quietly locating and disposing of Communist provocateurs trying to come up to preach communist propaganda and slur the Rightists for their lack of participation.
For hidden to all the K-KMT had further decentralised their military to create a rough confederation of warlords, allowing for one final intake of conscripts. Communist cells were often sent in, but never came out as the various warlords developed a series of linked agencies which were hyper vigilant of cell activity and was popularly supported by the landowners and lumpenproletariet peasants that have been taught the evils of communism for years.
What's the point of dolling up this vote with the talk about unity? You're saying that regardless of whatever they do you're going to take what able men you can convince and strike up for the mountains. This will inherently weaken the CPC-KMT in the tasks it would have otherwise put those people to work for; trying to minimize their losses to your split approach may only doom your own efforts and weaken everyone regardless for having taken what few you did. If you're as confident as your vote indicates in that you're right and that their approach to conventional warfare is doomed to fail, you shouldn't even consider them because they are dead men walking. In that case, every person you convince to your side is one who has a chance at life and liberation of the people, and you should bring over as many as you can competently command. Also, I don't think you'd be able to infiltrate them and convert them all that well if they're in the cities and you're up in the mountains.1) Mao's Theory of People's War: Conventional warfare, under current circumstances, is doomed to fail. Mao will attempt to convince the CPC to abandon these efforts and to instead adopt his 3-stage Theory of People's War (Organization & Preparation --> Terrorism & Guerrilla Warfare --> Conventional Warfare). Regardless of the CPC's decision, Mao and his supporters will flee to the mountains in order to create a revolutionary base area there. If the CPC does not support Mao's plans, special efforts will have to be taken so that these plans do not weaken the rest of the CPC and the H-KMT overmuch or, at the very least, weaken them not as much as the Reactionaries. Our mistaken Comrades will still have a role to play in weakening the Rightists in order to facilitate the work of our own cadres.
2) A United Front: The CPC alone cannot win this war. An even closer unity with other Leftists groups is needed, for now. This unity can perhaps also be used to infiltrate their organizations and convert them to the CPC's views....
Also, do keep in mind the points I mentioned above to the anarchist forces as I think they also apply to you, I wouldn't necessarily describe it as a 'weak spot' as it seems that the right KMT forces are not nearly as reliant on urban centers as they were in our timeline and appear to have more grassroots support. They have a pretty strong security state right now against saboteurs, terrorists and so it is an uphill battle. Qing may prove an easier target, although there isn't much of a border with them coming from KMT... but then again, Qing attentions are occupied mostly in the north and northwest so I'm pretty sure so if you were somehow able to survive the arduous path through warlord territory you might be able to build strength there. There are also some CPC members in Qing, I think I remember something about communist monks shouting at Qing-aligned ones so it may not need to be entirely H-KMT sourced.6) Limited Phase 2 (Terrorism & Guerrilla Warfare): Provided his previous efforts have created a strong enough core of loyal cadres, Mao will start with Phase 2 and use a combination of guerrilla warfare and terrorism to attack where the enemy is weak. Besides weakening the enemy and strengthening his own forces, the main goal of these efforts should be to liberate the countryside. The cities can be taken later on.
Which infrastructure? Out west there are mostly dirt roads from what Dadarian said, so are you aiming to bomb eastern railway hubs and that sort of thing? That seems like it would hit them right where it hurts as they're trying to invest in those. On the other hand, they might be able to whip up a storm about traitorous communists acting as a fifth column and bombing vital transport centers (which are probably full of people, too) to let the USSR gobble the country.The arrival of the Qing reinforcements should be delayed through infrastructure sabotaging.
So uh. Last turn was obviously a fluke, you clearly didn't intend to fight the (Left) Republic, so I'm not going to do anything to you this turn. But if you're aiding and abbeting the enemy- well, that's a rather large crime. I wouldn't attack you this turn, because I don't know about it IC, but I and the rest of the UF certainly would attack you next turn- and by sheer force we could assuredly beat you. And even if we don't find out about it IC, my conscription law applies to your people too. So unless they join the army if they're called up, they're criminals, so next turn we'd have an IC reason to attack you. Not going to order you to attack Chiang, because that'd be far too much IC for you, but unless you do a minimum of stuff, for the RoC ( Sell your military production to the United Front at a price dictated by the UF (as in, a very small profit margin, but still a profit), don't share information to anyone not in the United Front, and share it to the UF; don't fight the UF, and aid in smuggling if asked for. )
I and the rest of the UF will crack down on you next turn.
Fellow comrades, please lend your support to comrade Mao's Long March! With your help, he shall deal a devastating blow to the bourgeois imperialists in the north!
I doubt those are the only areas where the people are unhappy with Qing rule. I just phrased it like that because I didn't know whether and what province to pick. Their destination is supposed to be somewhat closer than Mongolia or Xinjiang.The land active with Qing discontent is either Mongolia or Xinjiang, are you sure about the destination?
I doubt those are the only areas where the people are unhappy with Qing rule. I just phrased it like that because I didn't know whether and what province to pick. Their destination is supposed to be somewhat closer than Mongolia or Xinjiang.
I mean the countrysides where farmers have been oppressed by reactionary cliques.You mean the other areas where they have seen the reborn Qing reclaim Chinese lands from the Europeans and the only time of peace and some prosperity in China?
All that the Qing have one was to fuel the ambition and fill the pockets of the bureaucratic and military cliques that control the puppet on the throne! The CPC and its leftist allies (even the damned Anarchists, misguided as they may be) seek only to liberate their northern comrades and create the people's democratic dictatorship!All that the Qing has done for China ever since its reformation was for the good of the land itself and for the sake of the people. The CPC and the H-KMT are nothing but the pawns of the russian communists who seek to use them to subjugate China and forcefully impose their ideology upon us, with no regards as to the needs of the Chinese! The Qing have fought to bring back China to its true glory and help recover its former territories from the hands of hostile powers.
To all those who care for the future, prosperity and stability of China, I ask of you to support the Qing and the efforts of Prince Chun and the countless others who strive to make China become a great power, that is not at the whims and decisions of the other powers!
This seems to neglect how Qing sat on its hands while the Northeast, Fujian, and even Mongolia (wasn't it recognized by foreigners under Qing rule?) were peeled away/became glorious independent nations. A couple colonial concessions returned to defuse mass rioting seem minor in comparison.The Qing have fought to bring back China to its true glory and help recover its former territories from the hands of hostile powers.