Consider the spider having even more insane stats, dealing us essentially ~140 damage before resistances and armor etc. Also, the spider hit us through our cool dodge as well, which I dislike. More dodge it is.
Also, Breath Control MVP.
When it comes to HP becoming 100 automatically, yes that's exactly true. I propose resetting now and taking all points away from HP, leaving us with 51+20=71HP. In 29 levels (at level 80) we should do another reset, and take away all ranks from 'BOM', leaving us with 80 HP. Then at level 100, we do another reset, and put points back to 'BOM', and voila, 120 HP. The instruction manual bonuses may or may not interfere a bit, but this should approximately work.
Edit: ah, we didn't start with 1HP. Oh well, the spirit of the plan stays the same, and should get us to 120HP without wasting more points than necessary.
If we do not do a reset now, we stand to lose/waste approximately 45HP, which converts to 45 stat points. (Aka all the automatic HP gains up to level 100.)
Since I'm gunning for reset, I'm going to want to take Divine Defiance as well. Why not, since it will be reset anyways right?
[X] Plan Slaggedfire
[X] Insist on going down to loot the Spider. It's a level 60 monster, it must have some good loot for you.
[X] Go down the Tree. You can come back later when you're stronger.
-[X] Go back to Arresalt, you're nearing level 50.
[X] Buy a cash shop reset after allocating these points.
Gonna say it again: if we do not buy the reset before lvl 100 we permanently lose 45 stats. (Unless Terran keeps track of wasted stats and returns them later, which I doubt.) We lose 1 stat per level.
Get the reset! Vote for it! Yay cheerleading things?