[X] Do you wear the Wushu Uniform? It will replace your current armor 'Ahkriin's Heritage'.
-[X] Yes
-[X] Automatically switch to 'Ahkriin's Heritage' for especially difficult encounters

[X] Do you wear Cloak of Shadows? It will replace your current 'Raider's Cloak'.
-[X] Yes

[X] Do you try to share some harmless parts of your personal life to your virtual friends and encourage them to do the same?
-[X] Yes. You will share how you've got a new job, the overall life in the USA and other such small talks.
[X] Do you try to share some harmless parts of your personal life to your virtual friends and encourage them to do the same?
-[X] Yes. You will share how you've got a new job, the overall life in the USA and other such small talks
Yeah but its not like we cant just take the armor back from her whenever we need it. No reaaon not to let her use it while we're not
[X] Do you wear the Wushu Uniform? It will replace your current armor 'Ahkriin's Heritage'.
-[X] Yes
-[X] Automatically switch to 'Ahkriin's Heritage' for especially difficult encounters

[X] Do you wear Cloak of Shadows? It will replace your current 'Raider's Cloak'.
-[X] Yes

[X] Do you try to share some harmless parts of your personal life to your virtual friends and encourage them to do the same?
-[X] Yes. You will share how you've got a new job, the overall life in the USA and other such small talks.
I don't like where this is going. Why would we give her our only good set of actual armor?
That was in Response to Paroni suggesting to get rid of it if we get better/more specialized Armor.
If we buy the Heavenly Battle Dress it would be more useful to give our old Armor to Edith instead of selling it.

Anyway if we level up fast now, with the Wushu Uniform, I wonder if we should look into the Blood Star Quest we have started?
It shouldn't be long until Level 50 so I would like to look into that and see if we could get some good Quest Rewards or unlock something interesting.
[X] Do you wear the Wushu Uniform? It will replace your current armor 'Ahkriin's Heritage'.
-[X] Yes
-[X] Automatically switch to 'Ahkriin's Heritage' for especially difficult encounters

[X] Do you wear Cloak of Shadows? It will replace your current 'Raider's Cloak'.
-[ ] Did we already buy this?

[X] Do you try to share some harmless parts of your personal life to your virtual friends and encourage them to do the same?
-[X] Tell them you're playing the game because RL is boring and or shitty. You don't mind sharing somethings if they want to know, but you'd also not like to be reminded about it generally.

[X] Stick the Ring of the Nine Realms in your favorites so that you've got an instant escape.
The Port City - Part 9
[X] Stick the Ring of the Nine Realms in your favorites so that you've got an instant escape.
Pretty sure I said you can't do that. Refer to this post. I thought you were joking at the time.

As to those who posted a few cash items suggestion more than a few items a page or two earlier. I didn't forget about you. I'll look them over later. I was pretty busy these last few days. Once I'm back, I'll add them to the cash shop with an appropriate price tag. :tongue:

@kelgar04 is on a vacation and so he's not going to proofread this update and probably the next one as well. Perhaps even the one after.

You decide that you like the Wushu uniform. Not only does it look good but you tried to stand upside-down and the skirt didn't fall down, it protected your privacy. A physic-defying skirt is always a good thing to have and it seems like the shitty devs seem to have thought of everything apparently. That's nice of them, you suppose.

"Okay, you guys are ready? I don't want to wait any longer," you try to say cheerfully but it doesn't sound quite right as you stifle a yawn before it comes out.

"Let's go." "I am ready!" "Sure, thing!" you hear your comrade's collective replies.

Good, you want to get this over with already before you fall asleep in game. You're just going to play for an hour at least before dropping out and just falling like a rock on your bed. With your new budget, you could buy an even better bed now maybe one with engineered silk that's soft beyond mortal comprehension or one with a neural interface which aids in getting a good nights sleep. You're not sure if it is just your sleep-deprived mind talking but something has been bugging you recently and you just want to ask them it, though in hindsight It probably came from your recent introspection as to what you could become.

"Hey? Who are you guys like in real life?" you ask suddenly as you're walking down a relatively empty street in the city. Everyone pauses and they're all quiet. Just as you're about to worry you said something wrong, Nofuku, surprisingly is the one to speak up.

"What brought on that sudden question?" she asks neutrally.

You answer almost immediately and honestly, "I'm curious," as you tilted your head slightly to the side.

You then feel a sudden weight on your back. It's Yaoi-chan who just tackled you, albeit gently this time so that you don't stumble forward.

"Don't worry guys. I don't think Storm-chan," Yaoi-chan said gently to everyone. Wait, what? Storm-chan? Is everyone going to adopt that shortened version of your username? Okay, well. You did the same for her so you can't really say anything, "mean anything bad by it with her question. It's probably a gaijin thing. In Japan, it's a taboo thing to speak about one's personal life online." she explains to you and you just scratch your head confusedly.

Don't they have social networks in the east? Well, as a show of good faith, you'll tell them about yourself for a bit then.

"Well, I guess I'll tell you a bit about myself first then. I'm a US citizen, more precisely I'm from Texas, Houston. I'm just a normal person in her twenties. I'm currently working as a model and an actress," you say with a slight hint of pride in your voice you can't quite hide.

"I guess you must be pretty then," you hear Nofuku grumble under her breath but you chose to ignore it.

"Whoaaa! That's so cool, Storm-chan!" Yaoi-chan speaks up excitedly and it just kind of warms your heart to hear that "I guess it's my turn to introduce myself then! I am a 16-year-old high schooler in Japan, Tokyo. I go to a really big only-girl school that my parents wanted me to go to. I hope I can become a nurse in the future!" she presents herself rather cutely and you're rather surprised to hear that.

You really shouldn't be surprised at her age, though is it really fine for her to be on an 18-restricted game? Anyway, It seems your own presentation was the one that broke the ice. You all turn to look at Yasu-bud who shrugs nonchalantly.

"I'm Japanese too, I live in the Okinawa prefecture, in Ishigaki. I'm just an office worker in his thirties. Nothing really special," he explains in his usual calm and bored voice.

You're a bit disappointed. You expected much more from him but really, they're just normal people. What did you expect? The one left was Nofuku who was awkwardly rubbing her arm uncomfortable at the sudden attention.

"I... I am no one special really," she then looks at the grounds and clams up.

You all wait for her to say more but she doesn't, the sudden silence makes her shrink into herself even more. Well, this is awkward just when you got them to open up, Nofuku gotta go ruin it. You decide to save her ass.

"Really, guys?" you say, "you've known each other for years and you didn't even present yourself beyond just your usernames?"

Really, Westerners don't share information about themselves like that just after a week or two - despite a lot of them tending to think like that. You just wanted to jump the gun and get to know them better and it worked. You think you're a little closer to your friends now. Well apart from Nofuku. But still, even Westerners with online friends do share some information about their personal life if they've known each other for years. That's a pretty much a given. (I had some trouble this one I've replaced "to" with "do" what do you think?)

"It's just cultural differences, StormDoom-san. Don't dwell too much on it," Yasu-bud explains and you heed his advice.

During the walk to the quest-giver area, Yaoi-chan pestered you a lot about what is your job like. You try to act like you're an experienced model and actress. You'd rather not say that you've just done your first day... well, today! Yasu-bud is somewhat silent with just a few comments of his own thrown in. While Nofuku is outright silent and you feel like she's barely in the group right now. Did you just unintentionally exclude her? You're not to sure if you did.

You're not really an expert on these kinds of things so you don't really pay it too much mind. You spend the rest of your time just playing and enjoying the game with Yasu-bud and Yaoi-chan. You didn't really grind too much since you only played for an hour. You managed to level up four times, though! That's pretty nice! You don't really look at your choices right now since you're too tired. You'll decide next morning.

What do you do in your next session?


[] Find some pretty big extermination quest to do with your friends.

[] Go directly to the Branch of the World Tree. (Divine Blood Star Quest)
-[] Get your friends to go along with you.

[] Go to the South-East, you heard that there were some pretty heavy PvP areas there and in the edges of it, it was pretty light and good enough for rookies. You can try your luck.
-[] Do some side-quests along the way.
-[] Get your friends to go along with you.
(Note: That area is across the massive lake in the middle of the continent. It's near the city of Voslka, you can look up the map for reference.)

[] Write-in

Monk - Level 1 ---> Monk - Level 4

12 unspent Stat Points!

4 unspent Ability Points!

[] Unlock 'Breath Control'
"Breath Control": Through self-controlled respiration and meditation, a trained person can produce an inner energy that boosts their own physical prowess. This ability if taken will unlock a chain.

[] Unlock 'Heightened Combat Thinking'
"Heightened Combat Reflexes": During a crucial moment, your mind's abilities would go on overdrive as you see everything around in slow-motion. However, if your agility is lower than 40, your body will have trouble catching up with your thoughts. Each increase in rank increase the time this ability can stay activated by one turn but the agility requirement is upped as well.

[] Unlock 'Flexible Body'
"Flexible Body": It is a passive ability making your character able to contort their body to almost impossible angles. It is useful against a variety of traps or to dodge attacks.

[] Unlock 'Meditation':
"Meditation": Your character will settle in the ground in a Lotus posture and meditate. You are highly vulnerable in this state but you can recover HP, MP and even nullify some status effects. As your understanding of this ability grows, you can even enter a state of hibernation here you will not move for centuries or even thousands of years and come out of it like it was a good night's sleep.
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[X] Go directly to the Branch of the World Tree. (Divine Blood Star Quest)
-[X] Get your friends to go along with you.
Pretty sure I head you can't do that. Refer to this point. I thought you were joking at the time.
As to those who posted a few cash items suggestion more than a few items a page or two earlier. I didn't forget about you. I'll look them over later. I was pretty busy these last few days. Once I'm back, I'll add them to the cash shop with an appropriate price tag. :tongue:
Oh sorry I thought that was specifically about larger armour item pieces as I thought you'd already approved the escape back when I first asked.
"I... I am no one special really." and that's all she says. You all wait for her to say more but she doesn't, the silence makes her shrink into herself even more. Well, that's awkward just when you got them to open up, Nofuku gotta ruin it. You decide to save her ass.
:o She's the CEO, the high elf was a decoy!
Monk - Level 1 ---> Monk - Level 4
Wow, we got a lot of xp from doing nothing.

[] Unlock 'Breath Control'
"Breath Control": Through self-controlled respiration and meditation, a trained person can produce an inner energy that boosts their own physical prowess. This ability if taken will unlock a chain.
Well theres Ki techniques
[] Unlock 'Heightened Combat Thinking'
"Heightened Combat Reflexes": During a crucial moment, your mind's abilities would go on overdrive as you see everything around in slow-motion. However, if your agility is lower than 40, your body will have trouble catching up with your thoughts. Each increase in rank increase the time this ability can stay activated by one turn but the agility requirement is upped as well.
Extra actions per round? What's the cost to activate this?

Honestly all of our choices seem decent or that they'll build into something important to being a monk. Its interesting that we've kind of moved away from mechanical descriptions. It makes it much harder to gauge.

[X] Plan All of My Yes?
-[X] Unlock 'Breath Control'
-[X] Unlock 'Heightened Combat Thinking'
-[X] Unlock 'Flexible Body'
-[X] Unlock 'Meditation':
[X] Go directly to the Branch of the World Tree. (Divine Blood Star Quest)
-[x] Get your friends to go along with you.

[X] Unlock 'Breath Control'
[X]Mind over Body
[X]Way of the Asura Defensive X2

[X] Stat Plan Level
-[x]Hp 1, PHYSICAL AT 1, AGI 6, Res 4

HP: 69
MP: 38
PHY ATK.: 64
PHY DEF.: 44
MAG. ATK: 10
MAG. DEF.: 20
Extra actions per round? What's the cost to activate this?
At this point, it isn't quite extra-actions. It just allows you to react better to sudden attacks or just attacks in general.
If it gets improved, it'll give you another action. It's pretty good if you stack it with other abilities that give you extra-actions but oh well, you didn't take that one(Galeforce IIRC) before, right? :drevil:

Just as a quick reminder. Each level up will give you an automatic +1 to HP and MP. I didn't add them yet, though.
At this point, it isn't quite extra-actions. It just allows you to react better to sudden attacks or just attacks in general.
If it gets improved, it'll give you another action. It's pretty good if you stack it with other abilities that give you extra-actions but oh well, you didn't take that one(Galeforce IIRC) before, right? :drevil:

Just as a quick reminder. Each level up will give you an automatic +1 to HP and MP. I didn't add them yet, though.
Ah, we should have known, those abilities looked worse than previous class completion rewards.
Incoming @Paroni complaint about the fact that important knowledge for creating optimal builds isn't being clearly communicated.
Ah, we should have known, those abilities looked worse than previous class completion rewards.
Incoming @Paroni complaint about the fact that important knowledge for creating optimal builds isn't being clearly communicated.
Eh. It's yggdrasil. That basically canon that people had to be multiple rebuilds by death. Hopefully as one we can just rebuild our cultivation.
Eh. It's yggdrasil. That basically canon that people had to be multiple rebuilds by death. Hopefully as one we can just rebuild our cultivation.
True, however Terran is very hesitant to allow that citing the fact that its the sort of thing that would kill Karens enjoyment of the game (I think its just way too much book keeping and would kill her enjoyment of the game). So between that and the fact that if we choose to not invest in a skill when its offered that lose the ability to respec into it with cash items, we're kind of stuck with our choices.
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Well, nothing horrible happened. I'm a bit worried about Nofukus Backgroudn though.

[] Unlock 'Breath Control'
The Ki Path.

[] Unlock 'Heightened Combat Thinking'
Bullet Time. Great for us because we focus on AGI anyway.

[] Unlock 'Flexible Body'
Could be interesting, doesn't sound as Combat focused as the Rest.

[] Unlock 'Meditation':
A Trick to heal ourself after Fights, at least until the high Levels of the Skill probably.
Could be hilarious in the New World.
I think its just way too much book keeping and would kill his enjoyment of the game
I was born a girl actually and yes, that's true. Rebuilding Karen's character 'StormDoom' from scratch or nearly would be a real pain that would likely take me weeks to do due to the heavy amounts of rolls that's gonna get tiring quickly. That's a good way for me to burn myself out. I could do it without rolls and just go through it but I still need to come up with another couple of hundred abilities, no matter what.
Although, if really all the players unanimously vote for it, I'll do it guys for your sake. Just don't expect any update for a little while, while I recover from my burnout. You know why I'm saying this? Because I doubt it would be unanimous. :V

Don't do it, Murphy.
[X] Plan Can't Touch This


-[X] Agility 11
-[X] HP 1
Getting Agility up to 90 for that extra +2 on dodges and one HP because why not. Depending on the monk skills we might want to invest some into MP and Magic Attack as well.

Knew the offensive ability would have been a better fit for the build. Oh well, no use crying over spilled milk.
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so if it unlocks a chain, could we vote to put multiple ability points into it going down the chain?
It's a chain, as in it unlock a new chain of abilities related to it in some way or another when you level up next. Perhaps you could even merge them. It depends.
Not unlock as in really unlocking but you'll have them as options you can choose more like.
@Terran Imperium Does merging abilities with their the starting ability give back the ability points allocated to derivative abilities, or to use an example would merging The Way of the Asura's Defensive Form with The Way of the Asura give back the ability points allocated to the former?
I'm curious actually, can we suggest a gacha item instead of a cash shop item? Like an item that just won't appear on the Cash Shop list and would be super rare in the Gacha system?

Coz if so, I was thinking of something like this.

Blessing of Odin/Grímr/Grímnir
Blessing of a Supreme One.
+2 skill points OR +3 Special and +5 stat points. Can only redeem two such blessings per character.

Blessing of Thor/Björn
Blessing of a Supreme One.
+2 Skill points OR + +3 Phy Atk and +5 HP. Can only redeem two such blessings per character.

Blessing of Loki
Blessing of a Supreme One.
+2 Skill points OR +3 Agility and +5 MP. Can only redeem two such blessings per character.