A Weirdly Carved Rock (Consumable)
(Carved in the shape of Odin's Eye of Wisdom) When used the user goes blind in one eye. Also gain detailed information about whatever you're looking at once.
Blindness cannot be healed and must be cleared by death. Or dispel magic.
Mostly a joke item that could probably lead to an actual Divine Tier item some time later. The item being the actual Eye of Wisdom. Gives a pseudo kinda of observe.
When used on another player it would give maybe their name, their classes and their karma. Maybe their class levels? Disguise or shape shifting might trick it? Can't remember for sure if Odin could see through Loki's magic.
Eye of Wisdom is fooled by Loki.
Though if you are doing joke items, theres probably a market for Tyrant's Eyepatch, Head of Vecna...probably a market for Fake Heteromorphic Suits or Rubber Human masks too
Eye of Wisdom is fooled by Loki.
Though if you are doing joke items, theres probably a market for Tyrant's Eyepatch, Head of Vecna...probably a market for Fake Heteromorphic Suits or Rubber Human masks too
Might be interesting to have another consumable item be the Eye of Vecna. It doesn't do much. Just makes you blind in a way that can only be cured by dying. Need to reread some DND lore to figure out what else his eye is supposed to do.
Might make it easier to make evil karma decisions or something? Might make necromancy easier? Been a while since ive played a campaign that involved Vecna.
Might be interesting to have another consumable item be the Eye of Vecna. It doesn't do much. Just makes you blind in a way that can only be cured by dying. Need to reread some DND lore to figure out what else his eye is supposed to do.
Might make it easier to make evil karma decisions or something? Might make necromancy easier? Been a while since ive played a campaign that involved Vecna.
I'm wondering if those items and NPCs you guys created can be considered omakes. A rather silly thing to be thinking of when I'm supposed to be writing this update.
This is why I had to invent my own way of how the class works based on existing tabletop RPGs. YGGDRASIL is a Maruyama's own take on his ideal D&D game and I guess I could have gone at it the same way multi-classing works in D&D but in D&D they have only 20 levels at max, 15 or 10 depending on the GM. YGGDRASIL's max level cap is 100. The standard for MMOs but a nightmare for any D&D-like game and for me. So I decided to go about it like this; a class tree split into three phases with the first one having 15 levels, second one 10 and last one 5. It makes things a lot easier for me in the background mechanics.
What does this mean? That you wouldn't get both of the Ki Master classes? No. You will get them but as abilities instead of classes instead. That would leave one simple 'Ki Master' class for me to work with. I don't see any harm in letting you see how Sebas' class tree would look theoretically under my system.
Monk(15) --> Ki Master(10) --> Martial Lord(5).
You could go for the same thing but there are other options as well.
Another thing I'll say. When you'll reach 100 levels, I'll probably have come up with 118 different abilities, the 18 there were the special abilities you get once you complete a phase of a class tree, you get two options from which you choose from. I would like to say that I'm not even half-way there and I'm starting to run out of steam for abilities ideas and doing other character's sheets is strenuous so I'll welcome any suggestions. Thank you!
Your morning run through the city of Houston goes by uneventfully, like always. Surprisingly, however, today the air is rather clean, clean enough you can see through the polluted fog-clouds and breath without a mask on. Although taking a deep breath could result in some coughs and damaged lungs that would cost you a lot to pay for getting fixed up, that's why you don't take any risk and keep your gas mask on regardless.
Finishing up your run and taking a few minutes to rest. You decide to go finally at your job as a normal cashier girl that's meant to smile at every rich guy that passes by. You're feeling rather irritable today for some reason. That's bad for work, you gotta calm down. You're early to your job as usual and you take your usual smoke in the hallways while waiting for your shift. The boring guy doesn't come up to you today for some reason which is rather disappointing and unusual. You got used to him appearing at this point. You silently dump your cigarette in a nearby trash can.
As you're about to enter the locker room for the female staff, you're intercepted by some weird guy in a suit with a big sunny marketing smile on his face. You're rather apprehensive of this guy so you send him your best-annoyed look that is most probably extremely rude but he doesn't even seem to react to it.
"Hi, I'm Mr. Shawn and if everything goes well, I'll be your manager." that's a quite rather weird opening statement, what does he mean by a manager? "You're Ms.Natalia?" you hesitantly nod. "Ah! Nice to meet you!" he extends his hand in a polite handshake which you return after a few awkward seconds.
"I'm here for a job offer after the boss lady noticed you a few days ago." you send him a confused look, this guy is leading the conversation on his own, you didn't even speak up once. "The one that gave you a one hundred dollar tip." Ah, yes. You do recall her. "She's the one running this mall and several other businesses throughout the United States and you're quite lucky to be noticed by her and I have to admit, you have what we're looking for," he says confidently and you're even more confused. Wait, you take a step back. That fancy woman was your boss? Holy shit, damn. You hoped she didn't notice your disgruntled face that day.
"You just have the right kind of beauty. The sharp dangerous kind and an impressive glare," he comments as he leans on your personal space which makes you rather uncomfortable. He notices quickly and takes a polite step back before you can even say anything. "I should start talking about my offer. We're looking for a model and I think you'll do a great job at it. You don't have to make a permanent choice now, you can try it out for a day and if it's not to your liking, you can return to your daily life here as a cashier. No string attached for the first try, I promise. If you're interested after this first day, we can then talk about your potential career." he says happily and this is all a bit too much at once. You take a few seconds to think and Suit Guy politely waits for your answer.
"What would I do for this first day?" you ask a rather obvious question but nonetheless an important one. His eyes brighten up slightly. "You will be playing in a USMC commercial in a rather secondary role but that is still impressive I would say! Not everyone gets this opportunity and to be noticed and recommended by the boss lady herself. I say you've got a great luck, Ms.Natalia." he comments confidently. He's probably confident in you giving a positive answer but should you?
What do you say?
[] Okay, sure. Why not? No strings attached for the first day.
[] Thanks but no. I'm fine with my current life and job.
[] Write-in
~~Later this evening; At home~~
Today was rather weird but you're glad you can put it into the back of your mind in a little corner and dedicate the rest of this evening to YGGDRASIL. You log-in and you find yourself back in the entrance of the Grox cave. You step out and march back toward the city. You notice Edith is following you closely behind. If you ignore her a rather creepy-like doll expression, she looks like a rather elegant maid. You reread her backstory, the one you wrote and chuckle slightly.
One day, the great and powerful goddess of a Fighter, StormDoom, came upon an opportunity to bring a Maid into creation. 'Fuck it, let's do it!' is what was going through StormDoom's head. And so she spun upon the sacred Gacha and pulled out a maid named Edith, an outwardly stoic maid who's a complete softie on the inside, and tries (and fails) to be just as cool and awesome as her eternal master, StormDoom-sama.
You arrive back at the city, you're wondering if any of your friends are online so you check your friend list and find that Yasu-bud is online! You missed the guy even if it was only for a day. You could have spoken to him yesterday through the textual or voice chat but you couldn't, it kept saying he was not in Midgard and so communication was impossible. You decide to call him through the game's system, hopefully, this time he came back. You hear a 'click' noise which means the call was accepted.
"Heya, Yasu-bro. How're you doing?" You hear him about to speak up but a yawn interrupts him. "I'm doing fine, I woke up earlier than usual today so that I could come back to Midgard and go through the entire way to the city you guys are at. I'm at the gate right now." Wait, seriously? Awesome. "Wait for me! I'm nearby!" you yell out. You end the call prematurely as you run to the location. You manage to distinguish a familiar puff of red hair and a nearby bird made out of fire. You run up to them.
"Heeey!... Yasu?" You say rather hesitantly. Did he change looks or something? Maybe you just mistook this player for Yasu-bud. That would be rather embarrassing. The player turns to you. "Ah, StormDoom-san. Nice to see you again." you recognize the usual bored calm voice of Yasu. You were not mistaken.
"Hello? Did you wanna try out a different style?" you reply teasingly and the only answer you get is a sigh. "I have finally completed my second class, I decided to go for a Pyrokinetic Mage that deals heavy damage, during my quest in Musphelheim in which I got several impressive items and abilities, the resulting powerup made my hair longer for some obscure reason, I did not bother changing it back. Finally, believe it or not, this dress is more powerful and protect me more than the armor I previously had. It is made out of a rare creature's fur and skin from Musphelheim. Regardless, as soon as I find the materials I will upgrade my Silver Armor but for now, I will settle with this." he says calmly with a slight hint of a apprehension in his voice.
"I see..." you decide to not comment. That would be rather impolite. "Anyway, you know I met two other Americans here and we made up as friends, set up a party and went adventuring." Yasu-bud's only answer is a nod, so you continue. "We went to a cave, purged the Heteromorphic scum there and now I'm just waiting for everyone to log-in so we can go claim the quest reward." you finish your retelling of the day before to Yasu-bud who simply nods again. Now, that you're thinking about it. You could seek his advice about thatquest.
"Hey, you know. I've seen a pretty big quest where we exterminate an invasion of demons from... Musphelheim. Wait, was that the quest you were doing?!" you yell out, surprised. You'll be a bit angry too or more like. More than a bit angry and frustrated too. Yasu-bud raises his hands placatingly. He probably doesn't even know why you suddenly got angry at him.
"I know the quest you're talking about and no, it wasn't that one." you settle back down as you hear it wasn't that one. Good. He doesn't inquire at your sudden outburst. "Anyway, I wanted to do that quest but Nofuku-san said that it wasn't possible at our current level but with you in the party, I think it is definitely possible!" you reply confidently and excitedly but Yasu-bud raises one hand to stop you right there.
"No." he replies firmly and you feel your shoulders drop. "While I and Nofuku-san could probably handle the heavier mobs, once we get to the bosses you, Yaoi-chan would be a liability. What is the level of your other friends?" he inquires. Oh, Eye and Fredy? "They're both around level 30, a fighter and a cleric with the former focusing more on damage and not much of tank. The cleric has powerful healing spells that could heal you back from near death to full HP!" you reply confidently. Perhaps he would reconsider now that you've told him your other friends capabilities? You feel your hopes drop as he shook his head.
"Unfortunately, that is still a no. Perhaps when all of you are at least level 40 then we'll be ready to take on that quest." he elaborates further on his decision. It is true but still! Too bad, really.
What do you?
[] Don't wait for the others.
-[] Go claim the quest reward.
-[] Do some light adventuring with Yasu-bud while waiting for the others.
[] Wait for the others
-[] Go claim the quest reward.
-[] Look for some other big quest like the Grox one.
-[] Just do some low-key quests in mass number for now. (timeskip and level ups)
Special ability for GrandmasterChoose only one.)
[] Unlock 'Unyielding Mountain' "Unyielding Mountain": There will be no half-measures or compromises when you make your decisions. Your will is dominating and unyielding. You go all the way, or not at all. Once you take a decision, you will stand by it even if the Gods themselves disagree. Such is a Will to defy Heaven. Your place amongst the Gods is assured and irrefutable, none can deny it. Once per battle you may completely ignore a magical attack that would throw you or otherwise overwhelm you.
[] Unlock 'Galeforce' "Galeforce": As your power continues to grow, so its beating heart must also expand. The limits and constraints imposed on you by your feeble mortal body are simply unacceptable. To reach your full potential, you must look further deep inside of you. Once per round, if you kill an enemy you may take another full action. This does not cause a chain reaction, and it does not count if you received help for the kill.
That quest is definitely not low-key. It is a pretty big one. Go there only if you feel like taking a pretty big quest that'll last for a few updates. Like three or four? It depends.
Also, you don't know how hard it is. So it may be too hard for you right now or it could be something you could blitz through easily.
That quest is further south near another completely different city. The low-key quests winning won't make you go there. It would require a direct vote for that.
[X] Okay, sure. Why not? No strings attached for the first day.
[X] Wait for the others
-[X] Go claim the quest reward.
--[X] Just do some low-key quests in mass number for now. (timeskip and level ups)
[X] Unlock 'Unyielding Mountain' "Unyielding Mountain": There will be no half-measures or compromises when you make your decisions. Your will is dominating and unyielding. You go all the way, or not at all. Once you take a decision, you will stand by it even if the Gods themselves disagree. Such is a Will to defy Heaven. Your place amongst the Gods is assured and irrefutable, none can deny it. Once per battle you may completely ignore a magical attack that would throw you or otherwise overwhelm you.
[] Unlock 'Galeforce' "Galeforce": As your power continues to grow, so its beating heart must also expand. The limits and constraints imposed on you by your feeble mortal body are simply unacceptable. To reach your full potential, you must look further deep inside of you. Once per round, if you kill an enemy you may take another full action. This does not cause a chain reaction, and it does not count if you received help for the kill.
This is great for solo adventures. Not so much party play which we're doing a lot of lately. Both options are pretty great though. Curious if Unyielding Mountain will give near immunity to stuff like Fear and other similar debuffs. If our will is seriously that badass I can't see us being hit with a fear effect easily.
Scroll of Renewal (Consumable) Upon use reset a characters stat and skill points (maybe level instead?) and allow them another chance to allocate stats and choose their skills.
That would probably be an expensive cash shop item, but I can't imagine any MMORPG without something similar.
This is great for solo adventures. Not so much party play which we're doing a lot of lately. Both options are pretty great though. Curious if Unyielding Mountain will give near immunity to stuff like Fear and other similar debuffs. If our will is seriously that badass I can't see us being hit with a fear effect easily.
I'm explaining it here as magic having a relation to your strength of will and so someone with a strong will would cast a powerful spell or resist them better if you get what I mean.
You've got all this 'will that, will this' because the will of a person is something that is mentioned a lot in martial arts or their stereotypes more like. I'm not sure if Xianxia novels are a good influence or not.
The item is accepted and official. I'll add it tomorrow morning. I was planning to create that item but you did it for me. Thanks.
[X] Okay, sure. Why not? No strings attached for the first day.
[X] Wait for the others
-[X] Go claim the quest reward.
-[X] Just do some low-key quests in mass number for now. (timeskip and level ups)
[X] Unlock 'Galeforce'
Reduce the enemy numbers as quick as you can, good offense is the best defense.
Drunken Immortal's Gourd
By @Captain Spatula
High-Class Item
This seemingly humble wine gourd belongs to one of the Great Immortals to the East, it is said that his power flows from liquor, and the wine within the gourd is powerful indeed. The Gourd acts first as a Monk Weapon.
Second, it can act as a Middle-Tier Healing Potion once per day, by popping the cap and chugging a mouthful of divine wine. This imparts an intoxication debuff at the same time.
Thrid, as long as this item is equipped, this gourd can impart on its user temporary access to the [Drunken Fist] skill whenever they have the intoxication debuff. As even holding the Gourd grants you the smallest fraction of the Drunken Immortals enlightenment. This can item be improved with data crystals
A Weirdly Carved Rock (Consumable)
(Carved in the shape of Odin's Eye of Wisdom) When used the user goes blind in one eye. Also gain detailed information about whatever you're looking at once.
Blindness cannot be healed and must be cleared by death. Or dispel magic.
Mostly a joke item that could probably lead to an actual Divine Tier item some time later. The item being the actual Eye of Wisdom. Gives a pseudo kinda of observe.
When used on another player it would give maybe their name, their classes and their karma. Maybe their class levels? Disguise or shape shifting might trick it? Can't remember for sure if Odin could see through Loki's magic.
I'm explaining it here as magic having a relation to your strength of will and so someone with a strong will would cast a powerful spell or resist them better if you get what I mean.
You've got all this 'will that, will this' because the will of a person is something that is mentioned a lot in martial arts or their stereotypes more like. I'm not sure if Xianxia novels are a good influence or not.
Xanxia are always good influences. Especially as we're building a xanxia protagonist. Like, we may have a will that lets us defy the heavens, but its build well enough that we could probably get a unique class (world champion?) about being the one to Shoulder Heavens Will, or perhaps something about shackling or breaking it letting people get stronger or changing a fundamental rule of the game.
That quest is definitely not low-key. It is a pretty big one. Go there only if you feel like taking a pretty big quest that'll last for a few updates. Like three or four? It depends.
Also, you don't know how hard it is. So it may be too hard for you right now or it could be something you could blitz through easily.
That quest is further south near another completely different city. The low-key quests winning won't make you go there. It would require a direct vote for that.
I didn't mean to imply it was low-key. Just that once we level up a few times after doing low-key quests, if people would feel we were at a comfortable level to then do the jewel quest.
[X] Okay, sure. Why not? No strings attached for the first day.
[X] Wait for the others
-[X] Go claim the quest reward.
--[X] Just do some low-key quests in mass number for now. (timeskip and level ups)
[X] Unlock 'Unyielding Mountain' "Unyielding Mountain": There will be no half-measures or compromises when you make your decisions. Your will is dominating and unyielding. You go all the way, or not at all. Once you take a decision, you will stand by it even if the Gods themselves disagree. Such is a Will to defy Heaven. Your place amongst the Gods is assured and irrefutable, none can deny it. Once per battle you may completely ignore a magical attack that would throw you or otherwise overwhelm you.
[X] Okay, sure. Why not? No strings attached for the first day.
[X] Wait for the others
-[X] Go claim the quest reward.
--[X] Just do some low-key quests in mass number for now. (timeskip and level ups)
[X] Unlock 'Unyielding Mountain'
Edit: While galeforce can be really usefull in dealing with mass mobs, well, normally you don't need extra help with them and AOE skills are for that. I would rather prefer we go with the 'lol, nope' option of ignoring really powerfull spells, especially when later on with the super tiers or 10+ circle of magic.
[X] Okay, sure. Why not? No strings attached for the first day.
[X] Wait for the others
-[X] Go claim the quest reward.
-[X] Just do some low-key quests in mass number for now. (timeskip and level ups)
[X] Shop
-[X] Buy Cloak of Shadows
I'm a bit unsure about the abilities. They are both pretty situational. I'll try to clear my thoughts by writing them down:
Galeforce is only useful when these conditions are all simultaneously fulfilled: Fighting multiple enemies, the enemy doesn't have any debuffs from our allies, and the enemy is weak enough for us to kill on our own.
The benefit is approximately equivalent to an extra attack per killed enemy.
This ability could be written an other way: "Greatly raise the speed of killing groups of much weaker enemies by yourself."
Unyielding Mountain is only useful when this condition is fulfilled: A specific type of movement-disrupting magic attack is used on us.
The benefit is having the enemy waste a round, and possibly surprising them.
This ability could be written an other way: "Get an advantage against some ranged magic-using enemies"
The question then seems to be: Do we want a speedier way to clear groups of low level mobs, or an advantage against some types of magic-attackers.
It's an interesting question. Option one is essentially a situational PvE AoE attack boost. Option two is mainly a situational PvP anti-mage boost.
After deliberation, I think shoring up our glaring PvP weakness is more important than trying to get good at a specific PvE-role.
[X] Okay, sure. Why not? No strings attached for the first day.
[X] Wait for the others
-[X] Go claim the quest reward.
-[X] Look for some other big quest like the Grox one.
Yasu probably knows of a few good ones I assume.
[X] Unlock 'Unyielding Mountain'
[X] Shop
[X] Gacha
I can just imagine Yaoi and Nofuku's face after she no-sells some apocalypse magic or some nonsense like that. It was a hard choice, both flavor texts fit her so well but in the end I like this one best.
Edit - rather than just buy a renewal scroll or whatever, I think it'd be cool if the only way to respec a character was to accomplish some sort of difficult / obscure quest. Not that I think she really needs a respec at such a low level but it's cooler mechanically in my opinion.
Actually, i don't know if it was already explained or not, but how can we aquire more data crystals in order to level up our npc? Turning our npc into a scary time mage knife wielding maid seems like a usefull goal, and having her be usefull in battles would be nice.
Actually, i don't know if it was already explained or not, but how can we aquire more data crystals in order to level up our npc? Turning our npc into a scary time mage knife wielding maid seems like a usefull goal, and having her be usefull in battles would be nice.