[X] Just end the session here. You can play tomorrow with your friends rather than alone.
[X] Monk
[X] Plan Reaching Heaven Through Violence
-[X] 15 Physical Attack
-[X] 10 Mag. Def
-[X] Unlock 'Beast Taming'
-[X] Unlock 'Sharp Perception"
-[X] Upgrade "Body Over Mind"
-[X] Upgrade "The Way of the Asura's Defensive Form"
-[X] Upgrade "Ambition to Reach Heaven"
Seems like the best plan, yes.

We should also wait until level 100, and then repeat the following:
1. Suicide ~6 levels down
2. Level up to get back the ability points
3. Spend ~5 ability points to max one ability
4. Spend 1 ability point to lock in a possible new revealed ability (Like TWotADF)

By repeating this, we should eventually unlock a lot of hidden abilities and the like, which should be better than the normal ones.

Edit: Ahh, we will lose the new abilities during the next suicide. I'm dumb. Still, at least this would allow us to scout out these hidden abilities, and eventually we can suicide back to lvl 60 or so and get only the best ones.
Yup its going to be interesting how we lose levels as if we have invested 90 ability perks in our lvl 61-90 skill tree and then we fall to level 60 does that meant that we still have 60 points invested in a class we no longer have? Do we lose levels in Fighter/Whatever first to prevent that?
Reminder on the re-grind plots, we DID establish earlier than our character here is mainly a for-fun player, who would not find dumping levels and then grinding them back up particularly enjoyable. Build strategies should be predicated upon what generates interesting mid-term builds, there may not BE a long term(i.e. buy skills you find interesting and max them out, try to find skills which work towards a common strategy, because theres a non zero chance that maximum base skill unlocks would actually leave you far away from all the stuff that comes from evolved and fused skills.)
Good points. I agree that we need to start to focus on evolving and fusing abilities more. It might be even worth it to buy a respec pretty soon. We have a lot of free ability points that could be used for this purpose, and they don't really serve their purpose on the level 1-15 abilities any more. Maybe buy one when we get to level 45, that way we can instantly get that new ability to rank 5.
Hmm, what about a ring based on Frost trolls from Skyrim?

Ring of Troll's Vitality
A ring said to made using numerous troll hearts as a focus. Although the vitality is at times miraculous it still carries a trolls weakness to fire.
A ring that grants regeneration (1 per second) except when the user is attacked by fire or a fire enchanted weapon.

Now that I'm mentioning cash. I've updated the cash shop with all of your suggestions, guys. All were accepted.

You uh, missed this when you put the items into the cash shop. Not sure if you were rejecting it or what? I'm cool to change it if its too potent or something.
Can we buy Edith some levels? How much to flush out her first class tree?
You can do that with some cash, yes. I didn't add it yet since no one mentioned it until now. When I'll get back. I'll add it to the cash shop and you can then take a look for yourself.
An EXP Pack isn't really completely necessary since Edith can still level up normally and she did level up several times from the fight against the Grox Warrior in which she helped you.
Blank NPC
A blank NPC you can buy, modify its appearance and race to your whims. It will follow you around and level up as you do but at a much slower rate. You can buy EXP packs to boost them up to level 100. EXP packs can only be used by NPCs.
Cost: 5 USD/500 Million Gold
You know, this makes me think. Since leveling and customizing NPCs can be time consuming, wouldn't there be something like pre-built NPCs with:
-Rare races you can't put on a blank NPC
-Rare/limited classes yoou can't normally get your hands on.
-Limited edition unique designs with a lot of detail work that would normally take hours of messing around, or coupled with the first item, any race which would take extra time to design due to complicated models.
-Limited edition special items(which players promptly murder the NPCs for loot)
-Unique NPC special abilities

Which would sell for more than blank NPCs, but would be in demand for purchase by people with big wallets but little gaming time. Doubly so if its a thinly veiled knockoff of some character or another.

So something like
NPC: The Killer Rabbit
A special NPC which has an alternate form.
The disguised form of the NPC is a deliberately harmless design, with a range of options in the Damsel in Distress, Helpless Servant, Cute Child, Creaky Elder and Cuddly Pet archetypes, along with a preset range of appropriate reactions. In this form it always has half the levels of its true form, all of which can only be allocated to non-combatant classes.
The true form of the NPC starts at level 20 in one of the following classes, chosen on purchase: Werewolf, Doppleganger, Magical Girl, Aberration, Demon, Angel, Divine Beast, or Outsider. Levels beyond that are customizable, though the base class may provide additional options.
Divination effects higher than the level of the true form can reveal the true capabilities of the NPC, but otherwise . The health status and equipment of both forms are tracked independently, except that both forms must be killed, otherwise death in one form simply reverts it to the other and it loses the ability to transform for one day. Transformation takes a 10 second sequence, and can't be interrupted even if the starting form was killed during or before it starts.

Yes, you can make a Creaky Elder Magical Girl if you want, or a Cute Child Aberration.
Nobody will judge you except the other players.
Item idea:

Drunken Immortal's Gourd

This seemingly humble wine gourd belongs to one of the Great Immortals to the East, it is said that his power flows from liquor, and the wine within the gourd is powerful indeed.

The Gourd acts first as a Monk Weapon.
Second, it can act as a Middle Teir Healing Potion once per day, by popping the cap and chugging a mouthful of divine wine. This imparts a intoxication debuff at the same time.
Thrid, as long as this item is equipped, this gourd can impart on its user temporary access to the [Drunken Fist] skill whenever they have the intoxication debuff. As even holding the Gourd grants you the smallest fraction of the Drunken Immortals enlightenment.

This can item be improved with data crystals

EDIT: maybe also a hidden ability when you try to drink it empty where it gives you the rage-like buff called [Donk Donk Donk]
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Which would sell for more than blank NPCs, but would be in demand for purchase by people with big wallets but little gaming time. Doubly so if its a thinly veiled knockoff of some character or another.
I already mentioned it but they do exist. Edith is one of them as part of the Maid package. You just got it through the gacha rather than traditionally buy them from the shop.

Drunken fist is...a little different from our style so far, but heh
Considering how Karen fights without the system assistance, its kind of accurate. :V Karen is no real martial artist after all.

Both the NPC package and the Gourd are accepted. I'll add them later on.
So, i'm not terribly interested in us switching focus to become a tamer class, but i just realized we could use Taming to make temporary mounts and stuff, especially when combined with Body Over Mind(which can inflict submission debuffs on lower leveled enemies). Which would be amazing and also useful.

[X] Just end the session here. You can play tomorrow with your friends rather than alone.
[X] Monk
[X] Plan Reaching Heaven Through Violence
I wonder, do Grox Warriors count as tameable? Once we outlevel them they could make nice HP sponges and extra damage.
Drunken fist is...a little different from our style so far, but heh

There are many different styles of drunken boxing but dodging and explosive power (striking hard and fast) is common in all of them so it could fit very well. They also include a lot of deception which could be cool too.

Funny thing drunken fist styles can be really weird like there is one that incorporates flirting, other has you playing the flute while fighting, there is one that was invented to be used mostly by womens and one that incorporates a donkey into the style.
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There are many different styles of drunken boxing but dodging and explosive power (striking hard and fast) is common in all of them so it could fit very well. They also include a lot of deception which could be cool too.

Funny thing drunken fist styles can be really weird like there is one that incorporates flirting, other has you playing the flute while fighting, there is one that was invented to be used mostly by womens and one that incorporates a donkey into the style.
Different as in thematically rather than practically. Not that we seem to be much of a roleplayer
Different as in thematically rather than practically. Not that we seem to be much of a roleplayer
Karen faithfully roleplays herself :). And I agree that Karen doesn't seem to be one for mind tricks and deception. She has thus far preferred charging straight ahead, and just overpowering her opponents with speed and strength.
Karen faithfully roleplays herself :). And I agree that Karen doesn't seem to be one for mind tricks and deception. She has thus far preferred charging straight ahead, and just overpowering her opponents with speed and strength.
Yep. Anyway the Drunken Fist is usually using weird fluid motions to throw off opponents and hit them from unorthrodox angles where traditional blocks don't work well, while using rotation and such methods to maintain the impact force.
Its fancy feinting.
Anything is tameable. You remember that Goblin player? He tamed those goblins. Although, anything sentient would be considered as an NPC, not a pet or mount.
Did that goblin player empty his bank account for NPC slots then? I mean he looked like a pay to win player but damn. Btw, would those Grox warriors count as sentient then? They seemed like the same as the regular grox except humanoid and wielding weapons.
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Did that goblin player empty his bank account for NPC slots then? I mean he looked like a pay to win player but damn.
No, those goblins wouldn't be considered sentients. They come in different stages like the Grox. The one he tamed and bred were just pets that he cultivated as a little swarm. They wouldn't be considered sentient until they evolve. Then, they would take an NPC slot.
No, those goblins wouldn't be considered sentients. They come in different stages like the Grox. The one he tamed and bred were just pets that he cultivated as a little swarm. They wouldn't be considered sentient until they evolve. Then, they would take an NPC slot.
So is sentient like we talk about here "capable of having a conversation"? Did the Grox Warleader count as sentient?
So is sentient like we talk about here "capable of having a conversation"? Did the Grox Warleader count as sentient?
Sentient? Someone capable of complex communication and the use of complex tools. The Grox Warrior and the Grox Warleader were both sentients.
Adhoc vote count started by Terran Imperium on Dec 8, 2018 at 3:38 PM, finished with 97 posts and 27 votes.

  • [X] Just end the session here. You can play tomorrow with your friends rather than alone.
    [X] Monk
    [X] Plan Reaching Heaven Through Violence
    -[X] 15 Physical Attack
    -[X] 10 Mag. Def
    -[X] Unlock 'Beast Taming'
    -[X] Unlock 'Sharp Perception'
    -[X] Upgrade "Body Over Mind"
    -[X] Upgrade "The Way of the Asura's Defensive Form"
    -[X] Upgrade "Ambition to Reach Heaven"
    [X] Monk
    [X] Just end the session here. You can play tomorrow with your friends rather than alone.
    [X] Plan "Bar Bar"
    -[X] Barbarian
    -[X] +10 stas points to PHY ATK, stats points to +15 PHY DEF
    -[X] 2 ability points to "Body Over Mind", 3 ability points to "Swift Alertness" (Rank 1)
    [X] Paladin
    [X] Plan An Idea Strikes
    -[X] Go claim the reward for the Grox Infestation Extermination Quest.
    -[X] Unlock 'Sharp Perception'
    -[X] Unlock 'Burly Brawler'
    -[X] Improve 'Swift Alertness'
    -[X] Improve 'Awe-Inspiring Prowess'
    -[X] Improve 'Heavenly Bull's Charge'
    -[X] Stat Points: +6 HP, +10 Phy Atk, +9 Agi
    -[X] Class: Celerity Stepper - Focus on dodging and footwork that allows one to buff their next attack.
    -[X] Continue this session. You might be late at work tomorrow or tired, however.
    --[X] Go claim the reward for the Grox Infestation Extermination Quest.
    [X] Barbarian
    [X] Just end the session here. You can play tomorrow with your friends rather than alone.
    [X] Barbarian
    [X] Just end the session here. You can play tomorrow with your friends rather than alone.
    [X] Monk
    [X] Plan Slaggedfire
    -[X] 15 Physical Attack
    -[X] 10 Mag. Def
    -[X] Unlock 'Beast Taming'
    -[X] Unlock 'Sharp Perception'
    -[X] Unlock 'Fall's Grappling Technique'
    -[X] Improve an ability.
    --[X] 2 The Way of the Asura's Defensive Form
    [X] Just end the session here. You can play tomorrow with your friends rather than alone.
    -[X] 25 HP
    -[X] Monk
    -[X] Unlock 'Beast Taming'
    -[X] Unlock 'Sharp Perception'
    -[X] Unlock 'Fall's Grappling Technique'
    -[X] Improve an ability.
    --[X] 2 Body Over Mind
    [X] Just end the session here. You can play tomorrow with your friends rather than alone.
    [X] Barbarian
    [X] Plan 'Punch It Good'
    -[X] 25 HP
    -[X] Unlock 'Beast Taming'
    -[X] Unlock 'Sharp Perception'
    -[X] Upgrade "Body Over Mind" x2
    -[X] Upgrade "The Way of the Asura's Defensive Form"
Right. So no taming "warrior" anything probably but taming high level animals should be a-ok. Sounds good. I wonder if we should try for a Fire Giant as an npc/pet...
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And time for a mostly joke item!

A Weirdly Carved Rock (Consumable)
(Carved in the shape of Odin's Eye of Wisdom)
When used the user goes blind in one eye. Also gain detailed information about whatever you're looking at once.
Blindness cannot be healed and must be cleared by death. Or dispel magic.

Mostly a joke item that could probably lead to an actual Divine Tier item some time later. The item being the actual Eye of Wisdom. Gives a pseudo kinda of observe.

When used on another player it would give maybe their name, their classes and their karma. Maybe their class levels? Disguise or shape shifting might trick it? Can't remember for sure if Odin could see through Loki's magic.