Well in that case I guess my mistake was in thinking there was longer between the fight starting and the bomb hitting. I guess Yaoi threw it as soon as they were inside throwing distance.
No, your mistake was assuming that the fight lasted more than a few minutes like two minutes at most? Or even less. Its a rather short span of time. The longest one was actually against The Grox Warrior who took about approx 10 mins or so and that's quite long for a fight which is why everyone was so mentally tired and needed to take a breath before they could continue.
Plan sounds good but I'd rather go for the face than the leg since I'd think that the eyes and such are a lot easier to damage than it is to break its leg. More likely to disorient it too if that's a thing.
Yaoi-chan is enthusiastic about a lot of things but insectsare not of them. Recall that YGGDRASIL is so hyper-realistic you cannot distinguish it from reality if not for your dulled senses. Now imagine a swarm of horse-sized centipedes swarming toward your friend. I'm pretty impressed she even got the potions out of her inventory without fucking up.
Actually, you should be more impressed at Nofuku who held out wonderfully.
So same solving approach to bugs as my little sister.
Panic, try to run away, fail to run away, grab the nearest thing and pound it until its a two dimensional object.
Plan sounds good but I'd rather go for the face than the leg since I'd think that the eyes and such are a lot easier to damage than it is to break its leg. More likely to disorient it too if that's a thing.
Uh, its tall as fuck. Going for the head means jumping off the ground, which you really should never do against a strong opponent because it makes you stupidly easy to hit while you're in the air.
Uh, its tall as fuck. Going for the head means jumping off the ground, which you really should never do against a strong opponent because it makes you stupidly easy to hit while you're in the air.
That's kinda the whole point of what Heavenly Bull's Charge is for though. "in a split of a second, you can cross large distances almost instantly to smash into your enemy into high speeds" It's a gap closer most of all and a good ability to catch something off-guard.
Well clearly we Heaven's Bull Charge its head, use the momentum to choke slam it into the ground, ORA ORA ORA ORA it while it's stunned, and KALI MA it's weak point for massive damage.
But I guess I'll settle for
[X] Plan Fist To Knee, Boot to Head, Kick to Ass
Well. It seems that "Plan Fist to Knee, Boot to Head, Kick to Ass" is the uncontested winner!
Karen is on for a hard fight, however. Probably the hardest one she had in the entire quest so far!
This is it! The final fight! This boss to you is immensely strong. A level-fifty monster is something that you could never hope to beat but fortunately, you aren't alone in this endeavor. You've got four other competent players who've got your back.
"I don't think I need to say this but I'll do it anyway. Eye, Yaoi-chan stay back and don't let get its attention," you say quickly, you made sure to order Edith to keep out of the fight as well. You decide to activate the ability you have yet to try. Heavenly Bull's Charge. You let the system guide your movements as you get into position and then... one second you're standing at the ready, the next; you're right in front of the massive beast with a fist coated in flames aimed at its knees; you made sure to activate Mystical Holy Strikes. You didn't even realize you moved, it went like a blur. You'll rather not take any risk and let the game system guide your movements in this fight.
Due to a lack of images, I've decided to put some songs instead. They're optional and if you wanna get in the same mood as I was writing this. Go ahead.
Your attack boosted by your charge and three different abilities hit its intended target and the resulting shockwave nearly sends you toppling over but you manage to hold on. You can feel the cave rumbling from the shockwave of that hit. Damn. It worked too, as the beast is sent stumbling forward, you get out of its way. Unfortunately, it doesn't fall but you've got its unprotected back facing you right now. You can see already Nofuku and Fredy who moved up quickly to the beast and are attacking it normally. The beast doesn't seem even to even bother with them as it turns to you. Shit!
"Guys! You gotta hit it with all you have if you wanna do any real damage! I've got its fucking attention now!" you panic as the beast lifts its armored arm and punch the ground. "Quick, you fuckers!" The hit sends you all stumbling from the literal small earthquakes it just caused. The beast takes this opportunity to rush at you. It is surprisingly fast, you barely have the time to get away from its charge. Fuck. You can't do anything as the beast stop mid-charge and reels back its massive fist. You're going to die. Its massive insectoid yellow eyes the size of your head that's boring into you is really scaring the shit out of you. You've never fought any real boss before. The only boss you actually fought was the tutorial one and it was with the support of two expert players.
The clenched fist of the beast hits you perfectly. It is so big, you can feel that if it wanted, it could hold you in its hand like a child's toy. You're sent crashing against the cave's moist walls where you make a small crater. You feel the air leaving your lungs when it shouldn't. You can somehow feel the shockwave sending a deep rumbling in your bones as they strain. This is just a game. This is just a game. You're not feeling any actual pain. Come on, get it together! You're a big girl. You've got to get used to things like this.
You took a Critical Hit!
HP: 02/64
MP: 33/33
Holy shit, you're barely alive and you're two HP away from death. Lesson learned, try to avoid as much as possible to get hit. Since you've entered a critical state, the game to make it look more realistic, your vision is blurry and red and you can barely distinguish the floor in front of you right now. You can perfectly hear the voice of UnseenEye calling out to you, however.
"Don't worry Storm! I've got you!" you look up to see her blurry figure standing over you. You can only recognize her with her blonde hair and the immaculate white robe she's wearing. Ha, it's really not the time but its the first time you hear Eye's voice that's above a whisper or a mumble. "Heal!" you hear her speak You soon see feel a warm comforting golden light envelop you like a blanket or a mother's cradling its child. It is seriously an awesome feeling that doesn't last for long, unfortunately. You're surprised to see that you're back to full health. That must be a really potent spell.
"Whoa! Thanks, Eye!" you suddenly jump up which startles her. You hug her tightly. You barely know her but you hardly care right now. You thought you were done for right there and then and the boss is pretty scary too so you're kind of comforting yourself right now too. Eye just pats your back awkwardly but it sets your mind at ease for now. You've got a fight to go back to. You turn around to see that Nofuku and Fredy are barely holding up against it. The beast is extremely violent, fast, and it does a lot of damage. You can attest personally to the last one. Yet again; you're not really good for absorbing hits. So maybe a real tank would have taken that punch way better than you did. Maybe.
"Hey, guys. Don't you end the party without me!" you exclaim as you run up to them. A bit of humor to relieve the tension. Fredy laughs while Nofuku just mumbles under her breath since she just can't understand what you just said. "Don't worry. I kept a seat for you!" Fredy snarks back right at you. You see that he's holding an azure sword which is crackling with lightning while Nofuku is holding her black sword which has what looked like blood-red highlights going through it. It seems like they followed your advice and they're really going all out.
You lock your gaze with that of the beast and you feel a slight shudder going down your spine. This game is definitely not for the weak-willed who could get scared easily. The hyper-realism can be so terrifying sometimes even though you know the enemy in front of you is not sentient. You suddenly see a few potions filled with what looked like a sickly green liquid flying right over your head and as soon as it hit the beast, it exploded into a what looks like a poisonous green gas cloud that soon dissipates but it made the beast's movements sluggish and slow. You're sure the debuff won't last for long, however.
"Come on! You can do it!" You hear Yaoi-chan's voice yelling out from behind you. You feel your heart welling up in confidence. So what if this boss is hard? You're gonna beat the shit out of it or die trying. You let the system guide your movements as you move from one side to another. A fury of punches and kicks to that bastard overgrown insect. The movement guided by the system looks a lot more impressive and actually looks like martial arts.
You regularly switch elements to try which is the most effective one against it while it is still somewhat stunned. Water and Wood prove to be inefficient, you can see that you barely do anything beyond your base damage. Fire and Earth are somewhat effective but not the best. The Metal element is the most effective as it coats your fists in a gray metallic light, the flesh of the creature give away to your hits as you pierce through its tough hardened skin easily.
Nofuku and Fredy aren't slacking off either. The later sending powerful ranged arcs of lightning at the beast and Nofuku's blade cutting its legs, trying to make it fall. You can see that each time the sword draw blood, the red highlights on it glow brighter as it literally absorbs the blood of the beast. Is it a life-leeching sword? Awesome. You don't let any more distractions get in the way, as you keep attacking relentlessly. You jump up and give it a high kick right in the face, your legs are coated in Metal and buffed up with Mystical Holy Strikes. You send the boss barreling backward until it falls on its back.
You wait for a few seconds, seconds turn into minutes while all of your friends and you catch your breath in an non-existent virtual exhaustion. The beast doesn't get back up and you release a heavy sigh. Even though you know you didn't really do anything extraneous or exhaust, it really does feel like it. You smile and release a cry of victory while your friends do the same. You raise your hands and Fredy, Nofuku, Yaoi and even Eye raise their hands as well to meet your own in a high-five.
"That was one hell of a fight." Nofuku comments and you nod. "Right. I think I've got enough excitement and action for the day." Yaoi-chan adds her own bit. You hear her yawn tiredly. Is she going to be alright? You're pretty sure, its really early in the morning and going to school or work tired and sleepy is always a bad idea. You can attest to that by personal experience. You've never actually seen Yaoi-chan being tired. Well, there is a first time for everything. After a few minutes of small talk, Nofuku and Yaoi-chan bid you farewell. You're left with only Fredy and Eye who soon leaves as well much to your disappointment. Apparently, they're tired too and need to sleep it off.
Well, that leaves you. What do you do?
[] Continue this session. You might be late at work tomorrow or tired, however.
-[] Go claim the reward for the Grox Infestation Extermination Quest.
-[] Do some low-level quests around here. (Note: Random encounter and time skip if you take the above option.)
[] Just end the session here. You can play tomorrow with your friends rather than alone.
Level ups!
Grandmaster - Level 1 ---> Grandmaster - Level 5
You have 25 unspent Stat Points!
You have 5 Ability Points!
[] Unlock 'Burly Brawler' "Burly Brawler": Accustomed to rough-and-tumble fighting using whatever means to win, you have a durable hardened body, you gain the following benefits: +2 to all Physical Stats.
[] Unlock 'Beast Taming' "Beast Taming": You master the techniques needed to train and handle animals. You gain the following benefits: A reduced upkeep cost and a potential increase in the tamed beast's rank as your bond with it grows.
[] Unlock 'Sharp Perception" "Sharp Perception": Through your perilous martial training and long hours of meditations. You honed your senses until they became razor sharp. You gain the following benefits: +4 against enemies trying to hide or sneak nearby you. You are more likely to notice traps, dangers, hidden treasures, etc...
[] Unlock 'Fall's Grappling Technique' "Fall's Grappling Technique": You can hold your own in close-quarters grappling and allows you to lock down an enemy in an almost impossible to get out of the hold. The higher the level of the enemy, the harder it would be for you to hold them down.
[] Unlock "Heavy Armor Master" "Heavy Armor Master": You get a +6 to damage reduction when wearing heavy armor.
Congratulations! You have completed the Fighter Class Tree! You can now choose a new Base Class. Be careful! It will affect your style of playing and the next thirty levels!
[] Write-in (Note: You can write down a class and vote for it. Just a name and what you expect of it. I'll take care of the mechanics. I reserve the right to veto some of them if they're just too ridiculous or if it's not something I can write or translate mechanically very well but I highly doubt it would come down to that. I trust my player base and I'm proud of them. )
Believe it or not, this is just your part of the loot and the others did get something similar and more than likely the same amount of Gold.
+2 Million G
+20 Grox's Chitin
+20 Grox's Carapace
+20 Grox's Claw
[X] Plan An Idea Strikes
-[X] Go claim the reward for the Grox Infestation Extermination Quest.
-[X] Unlock 'Sharp Perception'
-[X] Unlock 'Burly Brawler'
-[X] Improve 'Swift Alertness'
-[X] Improve 'Awe-Inspiring Prowess'
-[X] Improve 'Heavenly Bull's Charge'
-[X] Stat Points: +6 HP, +10 Phy Atk, +9 Agi
-[X] Class: Celerity Stepper - Focus on dodging and footwork that allows one to buff their next attack.
-[X] Continue this session. You might be late at work tomorrow or tired, however.
--[X] Go claim the reward for the Grox Infestation Extermination Quest.
I actually want to go into Celerity Stepper a bit more (Please do come up with a better name.) Basically, the abilities and the like for the class just have you using different types of footwork to dodge an enemies attack. They also give you buffs to your next attack so long as you don't get hit so it's best to switch between different footwork and boost up before hitting really really hard. Of course, change what you will, I'm not the Qm.
[X] Barbarian
I'm going to buck the trend here and take barbarian as my class choice mostly due to the fact that I do want to see our character go on a rage against enemies.
[X] Just end the session here. You can play tomorrow with your friends rather than alone.
Real Life is a thing a shitty thing but a necessary one.
[X] Plan "Bar Bar"
-[X] Barbarian
-[X] +10 stas points to PHY ATK, stats points to +15 PHY DEF
-[X] 2 ability points to "Body Over Mind", 3 ability points to "Swift Alertness" (Rank 1)
Barbarian -> Berserker -> nordic themed class (Úlfhéðinn)?
Berserker were technically holy warriors of Odin so they are basically Monks but more angry.
EDIT: Apparently there was a kind of Berserker called Úlfhéðnar (Úlfhéðinn in singular) which were considered the elite of Berserkers and legend said they could turn into werewolves.
PHY ATK (44 -> 54)
PHY DEF (39 -> 54)
"Body Over Mind" (Rank 3) -> "Body Over Mind" (Rank 5) "Swift Alertness" (Rank 1) -> "Swift Alertness" (Rank 4)
Basically is concentrating in punching harder over mystically enhancing the punches while still being a dodge-tank, less xianxia more wuxia.
Heart of Courage? You pleb, they've got more songs than that you know?
Oh and guys just to remind you all when we respec we can only put points into skills that we have already invested in so we probably ought to place one point in anything that we might use in the future. @Terran Imperium I assume that we're getting the skill for maxing the tree at the next update? Also would I be right in assuming that abilities from our next class can't be used for things in the fighter tree?
I actually want to go into Celerity Stepper a bit more (Please do come up with a better name.) Basically, the abilities and the like for the class just have you using different types of footwork to dodge an enemies attack. They also give you buffs to your next attack so long as you don't get hit so it's best to switch between different footwork and boost up before hitting really really hard. Of course, change what you will, I'm not the Qm.
Theres a super important question to ask here. @Terran Imperium will this class have the potential to interact with enemies scoring crits to hit us, negating the first per round, forcing them to confirm against a lower DC stuff like that?
Otherwise I'm afraid that we already know that going higher into dodge that 19 above other peoples bonuses provides no benefit and the class is probably going to be pretty weak.
I know but I think it fits the best the scene there.
@Terran Imperium I assume that we're getting the skill for maxing the tree at the next update? Also would I be right in assuming that abilities from our next class can't be used for things in the fighter tree?
It might be because it's really late right now but I had to reread those questions a few times before I understood them. x)
For the first question, that's a yes. I actually forgot to say it on the update itself. Next update, you'll see it.
For the second... If you mean by that investing ability points from that new class tree into abilities from the previous class tree. It is definitely possible? You can do that and I don't see any reason to deny that. I don't think the YGGDRASIL devs would be that stupid.
@Terran Imperium will this class have the potential to interact with enemies scoring crits to hit us, negating the first per round, forcing them to confirm against a lower DC stuff like that?
Otherwise I'm afraid that we already know that going higher into dodge that 19 above other peoples bonuses provides no benefit and the class is probably going to be pretty weak.
I tried but I'm not getting the question. Apologies.
What I can say is that no class is actually useless. That's impossible. However, if a combination of classes is bad... Well, the character itself would be badly built. I'll advise against overspecializing too much in one area only. AGI is not the ultimate stat and Dodging is not the ultimate counter.
For the second... If you mean by that investing ability points from that new class tree into abilities from the previous class tree. It is definitely possible? You can do that and I don't see any reason to deny that. I don't think the YGGDRASIL devs would be that stupid.
No, what I was looking for was some kind of insurance against opponents landing a nat 20 to hit us, even though our dodge bonus is high enough that it wouldn't be a hit normally.
For example after rolling a crit to hit us, they need to roll again without modifiers against a dc10 for it to be an automatic hit, or perhaps they roll twice and take the lowest. Basically anything that would let us exceed the cap of 95% dodge rate.
[X] Just end the session here. You can play tomorrow with your friends rather than alone.
-[X] 25 HP
-[X] Monk
-[X] Unlock 'Beast Taming'
-[X] Unlock 'Sharp Perception"
-[X] Unlock 'Fall's Grappling Technique'
-[X] Improve an ability.
--[X] 2 Body Over Mind
Taming is pretty cool, grappling is fun and Body Over Mind is a source of stats, damage, defense and dodge on top of being an AOE debuff that also makes it easier to tame. Also Monk is by far the best class to pick because it further increases our punchiness in addition to giving buffs and self heals. I want to Suplex monsters into the ground dammit.