Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest

Rolling Brawl

Edit - 38 on the third roll. Which with - 10 debuff is a 48. Does that work?

Yes. Brawl is 75. 65 after the debuff.
78, 90, 89... Other quests would kill for these rolls. It only makes sense that ours does, too. :V
You know what, on the next encounter, I'm changing it to having high numbers be good, just to see if the dice roller suddenly has a change of heart.
dit: who needs tear gas when bad rolls will kill just fine?
Um… just so you know, the gas was a little more serious than tear gas. A lot more serious as a matter of fact.
Agent 99 threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Shooting (45) Total: 132
54 54 72 72 6 6
Agent 99 threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Dex and strength (65) (45) Total: 108
49 49 59 59
I'm feeling like we're about to be humiliated by being rescued before we can be dehelmed. Or maybe we do get de-helmed for this. In which case we have to start using the obligatory hair-slit our helm gets afterwards.
I'm feeling like we're about to be humiliated by being rescued before we can be dehelmed. Or maybe we do get de-helmed for this. In which case we have to start using the obligatory hair-slit our helm gets afterwards.
Don't worry about that. No one else is going to save you.

Operative was going to show up later tonight, but if you're still there by then, then something went very very wrong.
She Blinded Me WIth Science Part 3
Once again, you gather the power within you and a get ready to lash out, but whatever gas you had inhaled. The lightning bolt does even less this time. Without you able to focus it can't get the lightning to form properly. It fizzles out in a shower of sparks above their heads.

You put your head down and start running at the shorter guard, the taller one retreating around the corner. The woman brings her gun up and fires another burst, but your barrier takes the bullets with with only a slight ripple. You bring your fist down, but you mistime the punch, and it goes whizzing past the woman's face. You take another swing with your left arm, and this time, the woman brings her gun up to try to club you. You knock it out of her arm and pull back your fist. She pulls out a sidearm and fires two more bullets, finally shattering your barrier. With as much force as you can muster that won't face her face in, you jab the woman in the face. The faceplate of the gas mask shatters on impact, and the woman is sent flying back towards the opposite wall. She slumps to the ground, knocked cold.

Before you can turn your attention to the other guard, she jumps on your back, using her legs to wrap around you to stay on. With her left arm, she reaches under your helmet, trying to pry it off. With the right arm on a pistol she's trying to get under your chin.

You grab the guard's right arm and fling her at the same wall her ally hit, but the gun goes off while she's in flight, striking you in the chest. But unlike the other times you've been shot, you barely feel it. Looks like that new armor is starting to pay for itself.

Before the guard can get up, you walk towards her, and punch her in the face, knocking her out. You let out another wet cough as the guard slips into unconsciousness.

"Sunny! Come on, I heard that. I know you're still alive Come on…." You hear a distraught Jasmine say in your earpiece.

"I'm *cough* *cough* alright *cough*. But I breathed *cough**cough**cough* some gas. Smelled like sawdust or something." You try to say between coughs.

"Fuck… look, Sunny. I'm gonna look up what that is. There's gotta be something we can do for you. " Jasmine says. By now, your bones are starting to hurt, and the left side of your face is starting to itch like crazy. When you cough, some spit comes out of your mouth. If this keeps going, it's going to start dripping down your helmet. As you hear a click as Jasmine disconnects, only to get click again a few seconds later.

"Also, just so you know, the situation downtown is… bad. Looks like half the cops in the city are headed that way, and half of the cops south of the river are taking a bridge near where you are."

With that piece of information in your back pocket, you…

[] Take a breather and wait for the coughing to stop.
[] Summon another barrier to protect yourself from more gas and keep going.
[X] Summon another barrier to protect yourself from more gas and keep going.
[x] Summon another barrier to protect yourself from more gas and keep going.
Me thinks it's time to abort the mission.

[x] Summon another barrier to protect yourself from more gas and keep going.
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Me thinks it's time to abort the mission.

[x] Summon another barrier to protect yourself from more gas and keep going.
- [X] Abort the Mission and get out of there before the Cops show up.
Keep in mind, the cops aren't looking for Sonya. They're headed downtown because one of the skyscrapers downtown is on fire and *spoiler* are currently fighting their way through the streets. They aren't going to be looking around a random abandoned building. If Sonya comes out now, they might stop her just in case she's involved in the *spoiler*.
Well, it looks like we're soldiering on. I can't comment on the choice in relation to the events happening off screen. I'm just going to roll this.





I... I don't even know what to do with this...
Agent 99 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: ??? Total: 70
70 70
Agent 99 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Other ??? Total: 100
100 100
Agent 99 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Just for flavor Total: 34
34 34
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She Blinded Me with Science Part 4
[x] Summon another barrier to protect yourself from more gas and keep going.

You take a deep breath, and start coughing again. The coughing isn't getting weaker, and the itching isn't going away. You have to stop yourself from reaching under your helmet to scratch. Part of you wants to call lit quits, but another, louder part of you tells you to keep going. You've already come this far, and if someone, anyone is still alive, then you owe it to them to see this through, to do anything and everything you can to save them. And if the sick bastard that kidnapped them is still here, you owe it to Gwen and Adrian to make sure that that bitch can't hurt anyone ever again. You summon a barrier, a translucent light of solid magical energy surrounding you. You grunt in determination and walk forward.

You head down the stairs further down the hall, and the walls are a clean white and blue. Your eyes dart around When you get to the bottom of the stairs, another spray of chemicals goes off from above you, filling the doorway with a purple gas. But the gas is unable to get past your barrier, so it can only flow around it, making swirling patterns as air currents from the air conditioner or the device itself blows the air. In front of you, there's another door. However, this door, is reinforced with steel. You don't think that you could break it down without a few hours and some cuts on your hands and feet. But beside it, there's a keycard reader. You swipe the keycard and go through.

When you open the door, the first thing you see is a set of three cells built into the wall. You can't see the whose inside them from this angle, but a blood streak in front one of the cells tells you that at the very least, they were occupied recently. In front of you is another door, this one was a heavy, for normal people anyway, wooden door, but the bloodstain in the center of it spoke of a grim fate for whatever was on the other side. The door ade os steel, with a reinforced window to let someone peek through. This one didn't have a key card, but a number pad like the entrance to this bunker.

As you walk towards the cells, the one closest to you is empty, but the next one down has someone inside. She's an older, heavy set Hispanic woman, wearing an old dress that was once vibrant oranges, reds, and blues, but has faded with age. She has a black eye, and bruising. on the lower parts of her legs. She looks up at you with sad eyes.

"¿Eres ... eres incluso real? ¿Es este otro sueño? The woman says.
You don't know what to say. Even if you weren't silent when In costume, you managed to take four years of Spanish in high school and didn't learn a damn thing. You don't have any idea what she's saying. "¿Estás aquí para rescatarme o es solo una broma?" She asks you.

"You bastards ain't gonna get away with this!" You hear from the next cell over. Inside is a young man, banging his fists against the cell bars. He's a man in his early 20's, with short black hair. He's wearing a gray hoodie a baseball cap for the San Antonio Missions. and a pair of battered jeans. His hoodie has a thin line of blood down the middle. Blood that's dripping from his obviously broken nose. "He presses his face against the bars. "Yeah, you better not say nothing. You got lucky when you jumped me. You try taking me on man to man and-"

That's when he sees you standing in front of the first cell. He tilts his head and squints, as if not believing what he's seeing. Then, his eyes light up.

"Hooooly shit!" He says, his voice replacing the anger at his captors with joy. "I know you! You're that armored guy! The one that was on the highway a few weeks back! A-a-and that firefight down in Southlake! Aw, thank Christ!" He says. "Look, you're here to get us outta here, right? I don't know what's going on here, but I don't wanna find out!"

You nod, but then you start another coughing fit. Your eyes start to water again as you wretch forward.

"Hey, you alright, man?" The prisoner asks, and you give a thumbs up. Those bars look sturdy, but you should be able to pry the doors off with some effort.


Dr. Lussiac sighed in relief as her data downloaded She knew that going out of the main entrance was impossible. She wasn't about to get past this Vigilante at this point, Especially since the guns that she had hired have failed. But she had a Plan B.

She picked up the detonator from her desk. She'd studied the layout of some old tunnels from the subway system the city had. It was replaced with a light rail system 10 years ago, but the tunnels were still there. And the only thing separating the room next to her from those old subway tunnels was about 12 inches of concrete and a few feet of dirt. A lot of work and some digging had taken care of that a while ago.

She knew that she needed to move. Hopefully, the Vigilante would be distracted by trying to get the cell doors open to allow her to escape.

But then, curiosity got the better of Dr. Lussiac. She didn't get a good look at this Vigilante before. She had more important things to do. But she wanted to know who was standing in the way of her plans. She looked through the tinted glass, through her green tinted goggles to see this Vigilante. They stood over 6, almost 7 feet, but she couldn't tell from here. The armor was different than the first time she saw them in that parking lot. She didn't know what it was made of, but she assumed that it was resistant to physical force. At least , more so than the Vigilante's previous suit of armor. And then, she saw this person step up to one of the cells and, with their bare hands, start to pry the door open.

Dr. Lussiac sighed. She knew that this Vigilante had access to magic, a particularly annoying obstacle to overcome, but now they apparently have superior strength. And with that comes an enhanced constitution to protect the body from the strain of it's own strength. That made the potions that she has access to less effective.

But as Dr. Lussiac looked at this Vigilante, she saw out of the corner of her eye that Subject 11 was looking at her.


"I think they've been running some sort of tests on us..." The man says as you try to pry open a cell door. The metal is slowly starting to bend under your strength, but it's slow going. "I saw some medical shit on the other side of that door when they dragged the first guy away." He points to the door on the wall opposite from where you came in. "The screaming... I didn't know anyone could scream like that..." The man shutters.

"Espera, esto es real! ¡Nos estás rescatando!" The woman cheers. You still don't understand her, but the happiness in her voice is undeniable. "Por favor, debes darte prisa! ¡Ese monstruo podría volver en cualquier momento!"

You don't say anything.

"Good news, I think I know what you were dosed with." Jasmine says over your earpiece. "It's meant to cause a cause an increased production of saliva along with... well, good news, you're resistant to it. Bad news, that coughing isn't going away anytime soon. You're going to need to take some Atropine. I can try to get some, but if you can, try to find some down there." She says. By now, the bars are starting to groan under the pressure you're putting them under. The hinges on the cell door is starting to pop, but then, the woman starts shouting and pointing at the door behind you.

"¡Ahí está ella! ¡Ese es el monstruo! ¡Detenla antes de que sea demasiado tarde!" She shouts, pointing frantically.

"That's her! She's the one that dragged that guy away!" The man screams, pointing in the same direction. You turn around and see someone through a small window of the door behind you. You can only see their face, clad in a black gasmask with green tinted goggles that looked too large for the mask. As soon as you see her, she disappears soon after you see her.

[] Continue to try to pry the doors open.
[] Chase after Dr. Lussiac.
- [] Try to break down the door. (Roll Strength until you succeed)
- [] You used lightning to get in here. Maybe you could use it again. (Roll Mystic Arts)
[] Search the other room. If there's medical supplies in there, there might be some of that Atropine.
[] Write in.

I am honestly tempted to hurl a fireball after her.

[X] Continue to try to pry the doors open.
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[X] Chase after Dr. Lussiac.
- [X] You used lightning to get in here. Maybe you could use it again. (Roll Mystic Arts)
I've also taken Spanish and not learned much of anything. From what I can tell though...
She starts off asking are we real, I think, and also something...Something about being alone and that's odd to her...
But from what I can tell, that criminal who nearly Smoked the Cops?
This is her, She's a re-occuring villianess, our first! Aaand TBH here's what I'm thinking- I'm thinking we know Detective will swing-by. We also know our villian has a detonator, which is why he's sadly not going to be able to clean up after us.
Sooo the real question is do we take the fight or do we settle for rescue work and a 'I'll get you next time!'...
I'm of two minds about this, honestly.
Part of me wants to chase this chika down so we can end her once and for all, but I'm also slightly leery of the dice crapping on us again and getting killed...
And there's the bit where if we let this condition go it's possibly going to turn into a Tell that will let this heartless Chemist find and do nasty things to us...
...Here's what I'm thinking.
[X] Continue to try to pry the doors open.
We're eating a debuff from that gas, so fighting further doesn't feel wise. We also wouldn't know what we're looking for in terms of the Medicine. What we CAN do however...
We can save these people. And given that line about Subject 11's eyes being on the good Doctor? Well.
[x] Search the other room. If there's medical supplies in there, there might be some of that Atropine.
Vote Tally

So, 3 votes to pry the doors open, one vote to chase her, and 2 votes to look for a cure.

I'm keeping the voting open for another 24 hours.
Adhoc vote count started by Agent 99 on Oct 24, 2018 at 8:18 PM, finished with 6 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Continue to try to pry the doors open.
    [X] Chase after Dr. Lussiac.

    - [X] You used lightning to get in here. Maybe you could use it again. (Roll Mystic Arts)
    [X] Continue to try to pry the doors open.
    [x] Search the other room. If there's medical supplies in there, there might be some of that Atropine.
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Well, looks like no one else is voting. I'm going to need a Strength roll. I'm going to need two successes to get both people out. If you don't succeed, keep rolling, but keep in mind, it will affect how much of a head start the doctor has.