Sorry, but could you clarify exactly what this board is for? Are we making our next tank, or looking at improvements to the W-2 to be more resistant to the countermeasures? I suspect the former, but it isn't 100% clear.

You are coming up with an Infantry Tank that can break through the lines reliably.
Our choices:
[] Abbot Marchevion: A Bohemian national who emigrated after a scandal in the Werser crowns forced him from home, this man is rumored to be an intelligence expert and Lithuanian sympathizer.
A spy! Useful when some manufacturer decides to try to pull what Thryssen did, but I don't feel he'll be useful in choosing a new design outside of maybe making sure manufacturers never get a chance to do so.

[] Magnus von Eberhart: An infantry officer from 3/7 Luneberg, Magnus has experience in assaulting trenches and holding positions.
If we're making a tank to work with the infantry in running trench assaults, then an infantry officer experienced in the process has merit. He probably doesn't know as much about tank design itself, however.

[] Hans Ledwinka: A mechanic and suspensions expert, Hans knows how to keep what he builds off the ground, no matter what the ground is doing at the time.
This is pretty valuable considering the issue we're to solve is heavily tied to exceptionally difficult terrain, that being trenches.

[] Karl Adler: A weapons designer and structural engineer borrowed from Skoda Werke, Karl has been working so far on trains and train repair systems.
Not the most relevant, as we're doing tanks, not trains, but there is some commonality. The core issue, however, is one he'll have very little experience with, as trains don't really need to worry about terrain.

[] Frederick Kowolski: An older gentleman in the electronics industry, Frederick has dozens of underlings who are happy to tell you all about how to make an electro-mechanical doohickymabober work.
I don't really expect us to have much electronics in our designed vehicle outside of very maybe radio and weapon mounting traversal systems, though those should be light enough at this time that they won't be terribly necessary.

[] Conrad Fenrus: A cavalry commander with the 1/4 "Schlangenesser" regiment, this officer is incredibly familiar what little exists of breakthrough tactics in this dayand age on the open plains of the West Irromedes.
Useful, but not super topical for the intended purpose.

[] Halbricht Udst: A Seebatalion officer injured during the Raid at Dervonport, Udst has been involved in some of the thickest fighting in the war, including a short stint "volunteering" with the Weser Crown Seebatalions.
See Fenrus, same deal.

[] Mosten Gotha: An ex-representative from Thryssen, Gotha is an industrial expert and is most likely be the person most likely to know how much of what you can build. Post-Thryssen, he's been working with the unions, seeing what the tempo of the factories is.
Valuable in keeping the vehicle we request manufacturable in a reasonably expedient manner.

[] Leutnat Erich Folgers: A young and somewhat distinguished armor platoon commander, Erich was involved in the retaking of Marienburg.
While his work is not quite the work we want these tanks for, his experience with tanks in general should be valuable.

[] Erome Lotanja: A young man from la Merezude, Erome is a fop at first glance, but a closer investigation reveals a sharp fiscal mind and unnervingly steady hand at playing the public confidences.
Accountant and PR - Both valuable, but rather particular in their use so far.

Considering all of these, I reccomend:
[X] Magnus von Eberhart: An infantry officer from 3/7 Luneberg, Magnus has experience in assaulting trenches and holding positions.
[X] Hans Ledwinka: A mechanic and suspensions expert, Hans knows how to keep what he builds off the ground, no matter what the ground is doing at the time.
[X] Mosten Gotha: An ex-representative from Thryssen, Gotha is an industrial expert and is most likely be the person most likely to know how much of what you can build. Post-Thryssen, he's been working with the unions, seeing what the tempo of the factories is.
[X] Leutnat Erich Folgers: A young and somewhat distinguished armor platoon commander, Erich was involved in the retaking of Marienburg.
[X] Erome Lotanja: A young man from la Merezude, Erome is a fop at first glance, but a closer investigation reveals a sharp fiscal mind and unnervingly steady hand at playing the public confidences.
[X] Karl Adler: A weapons designer and structural engineer borrowed from Skoda Werke, Karl has been working so far on trains and train repair systems.

Eberhart and Folgers for their experience with the relevant field, Ledwinka and Adler for design particulars, and Gotha and Lotanja to make sure we can actually make enough of them and to ease adoption.
EDIT: Edited to add Adler, as I changed to assume 6 people rather than 5.
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Do we get 5 or 6?

[X] Magnus von Eberhart: An infantry officer from 3/7 Luneberg, Magnus has experience in assaulting trenches and holding positions.
[X] Hans Ledwinka: A mechanic and suspensions expert, Hans knows how to keep what he builds off the ground, no matter what the ground is doing at the time.
[X] Mosten Gotha: An ex-representative from Thryssen, Gotha is an industrial expert and is most likely be the person most likely to know how much of what you can build. Post-Thryssen, he's been working with the unions, seeing what the tempo of the factories is.
[X] Leutnat Erich Folgers: A young and somewhat distinguished armor platoon commander, Erich was involved in the retaking of Marienburg.
[X] Erome Lotanja: A young man from la Merezude, Erome is a fop at first glance, but a closer investigation reveals a sharp fiscal mind and unnervingly steady hand at playing the public confidences.
[X] Magnus von Eberhart: An infantry officer from 3/7 Luneberg, Magnus has experience in assaulting trenches and holding positions.
[X] Hans Ledwinka: A mechanic and suspensions expert, Hans knows how to keep what he builds off the ground, no matter what the ground is doing at the time.
[X] Mosten Gotha: An ex-representative from Thryssen, Gotha is an industrial expert and is most likely be the person most likely to know how much of what you can build. Post-Thryssen, he's been working with the unions, seeing what the tempo of the factories is.
[X] Leutnat Erich Folgers: A young and somewhat distinguished armor platoon commander, Erich was involved in the retaking of Marienburg.
[X] Erome Lotanja: A young man from la Merezude, Erome is a fop at first glance, but a closer investigation reveals a sharp fiscal mind and unnervingly steady hand at playing the public confidences.
[X] Karl Adler: A weapons designer and structural engineer borrowed from Skoda Werke, Karl has been working so far on trains and train repair systems.

That radio engineer, though, could have been useful - tank-based Forward Observers for artillery would have been good.
[X] Magnus von Eberhart: An infantry officer from 3/7 Luneberg, Magnus has experience in assaulting trenches and holding positions.
[X] Hans Ledwinka: A mechanic and suspensions expert, Hans knows how to keep what he builds off the ground, no matter what the ground is doing at the time.
[X] Mosten Gotha: An ex-representative from Thryssen, Gotha is an industrial expert and is most likely be the person most likely to know how much of what you can build. Post-Thryssen, he's been working with the unions, seeing what the tempo of the factories is.
[X] Leutnat Erich Folgers: A young and somewhat distinguished armor platoon commander, Erich was involved in the retaking of Marienburg.
[X] Erome Lotanja: A young man from la Merezude, Erome is a fop at first glance, but a closer investigation reveals a sharp fiscal mind and unnervingly steady hand at playing the public confidences.
[X] Karl Adler: A weapons designer and structural engineer borrowed from Skoda Werke, Karl has been working so far on trains and train repair systems.
[X] Magnus von Eberhart: An infantry officer from 3/7 Luneberg, Magnus has experience in assaulting trenches and holding positions.
[X] Hans Ledwinka: A mechanic and suspensions expert, Hans knows how to keep what he builds off the ground, no matter what the ground is doing at the time.
[X] Karl Adler: A weapons designer and structural engineer borrowed from Skoda Werke, Karl has been working so far on trains and train repair systems.
[X] Leutnat Erich Folgers: A young and somewhat distinguished armor platoon commander, Erich was involved in the retaking of Marienburg.
[X] Erome Lotanja: A young man from la Merezude, Erome is a fop at first glance, but a closer investigation reveals a sharp fiscal mind and unnervingly steady hand at playing the public confidences.
[X] Mosten Gotha: An ex-representative from Thryssen, Gotha is an industrial expert and is most likely be the person most likely to know how much of what you can build. Post-Thryssen, he's been working with the unions, seeing what the tempo of the factories is.
I'm not sure I really want Kowolski, electronics seem... Not useful?
I am mostly inclined to agree at this stage, but have a thought: there were apparently a couple attempts at petrol-electric transmissions in tanks in WWI. I can't comment on how well they worked, but if nothing else that gives you a ton of torque and removes all the transmission-related mechanical complexity. I would think we could do worse. This also incidentally gives us electrical power to use for everything from weapon traversal to search lights or radio equipment or whatever else you could find a use for or build a derived vehicle around. Not sure how feasible this is, since we're a decade early, but I thought I'd bring it up.

Edit: fuck it. Let's see what he has to offer.

[X] Magnus von Eberhart: An infantry officer from 3/7 Luneberg, Magnus has experience in assaulting trenches and holding positions.
[X] Hans Ledwinka: A mechanic and suspensions expert, Hans knows how to keep what he builds off the ground, no matter what the ground is doing at the time.
[X] Karl Adler: A weapons designer and structural engineer borrowed from Skoda Werke, Karl has been working so far on trains and train repair systems.
[X] Frederick Kowolski: An older gentleman in the electronics industry, Frederick has dozens of underlings who are happy to tell you all about how to make an electro-mechanical doohickymabober work.
[X] Mosten Gotha: An ex-representative from Thryssen, Gotha is an industrial expert and is most likely be the person most likely to know how much of what you can build. Post-Thryssen, he's been working with the unions, seeing what the tempo of the factories is.
[X] Leutnat Erich Folgers: A young and somewhat distinguished armor platoon commander, Erich was involved in the retaking of Marienburg.
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I am mostly inclined to agree at this stage, but have a thought: there were apparently a couple attempts at petrol-electric transmissions in tanks in WWI. I can't comment on how well they worked, but if nothing else that gives you a ton of torque and removes all the transmission-related mechanical complexity. I would think we could do worse. This also incidentally gives us electrical power to use for everything from weapon traversal to search lights or radio equipment or whatever else you could find a use for or build a derived vehicle around. Not sure how feasible this is, since we're a decade early, but I thought I'd bring it up.

Yeah, might as well. Gotha isn't a must-have for me, although I do feel like we owe him one.

Maybe they'll work out something like they had in some Soviet tanks, where you communicate via light panel.
[X] Hans Ledwinka: A mechanic and suspensions expert, Hans knows how to keep what he builds off the ground, no matter what the ground is doing at the time.
[X] Karl Adler: A weapons designer and structural engineer borrowed from Skoda Werke, Karl has been working so far on trains and train repair systems.
[X] Frederick Kowolski: An older gentleman in the electronics industry, Frederick has dozens of underlings who are happy to tell you all about how to make an electro-mechanical doohickymabober work
[X] Mosten Gotha: An ex-representative from Thryssen, Gotha is an industrial expert and is most likely be the person most likely to know how much of what you can build. Post-Thryssen, he's been working with the unions, seeing what the tempo of the factories is.
[X] Leutnat Erich Folgers: A young and somewhat distinguished armor platoon commander, Erich was involved in the retaking of Marienburg.
[X] Magnus von Eberhart: An infantry officer from 3/7 Luneberg, Magnus has experience in assaulting trenches and holding positions.
[X] Hans Ledwinka: A mechanic and suspensions expert, Hans knows how to keep what he builds off the ground, no matter what the ground is doing at the time.
[X] Mosten Gotha: An ex-representative from Thryssen, Gotha is an industrial expert and is most likely be the person most likely to know how much of what you can build. Post-Thryssen, he's been working with the unions, seeing what the tempo of the factories is.
[X] Leutnat Erich Folgers: A young and somewhat distinguished armor platoon commander, Erich was involved in the retaking of Marienburg.
[X] Erome Lotanja: A young man from la Merezude, Erome is a fop at first glance, but a closer investigation reveals a sharp fiscal mind and unnervingly steady hand at playing the public confidences.
[X] Karl Adler: A weapons designer and structural engineer borrowed from Skoda Werke, Karl has been working so far on trains and train repair systems.
[X] Hans Ledwinka: A mechanic and suspensions expert, Hans knows how to keep what he builds off the ground, no matter what the ground is doing at the time.
[X] Karl Adler: A weapons designer and structural engineer borrowed from Skoda Werke, Karl has been working so far on trains and train repair systems.
[X] Frederick Kowolski: An older gentleman in the electronics industry, Frederick has dozens of underlings who are happy to tell you all about how to make an electro-mechanical doohickymabober work.
[X] Mosten Gotha: An ex-representative from Thryssen, Gotha is an industrial expert and is most likely be the person most likely to know how much of what you can build. Post-Thryssen, he's been working with the unions, seeing what the tempo of the factories is.
[X] Leutnat Erich Folgers: A young and somewhat distinguished armor platoon commander, Erich was involved in the retaking of Marienburg.
[X] Erome Lotanja: A young man from la Merezude, Erome is a fop at first glance, but a closer investigation reveals a sharp fiscal mind and unnervingly steady hand at playing the public confidences.
[X] Magnus von Eberhart: An infantry officer from 3/7 Luneberg, Magnus has experience in assaulting trenches and holding positions.
[X] Hans Ledwinka: A mechanic and suspensions expert, Hans knows how to keep what he builds off the ground, no matter what the ground is doing at the time.
[X] Karl Adler: A weapons designer and structural engineer borrowed from Skoda Werke, Karl has been working so far on trains and train repair systems.
[X] Leutnat Erich Folgers: A young and somewhat distinguished armor platoon commander, Erich was involved in the retaking of Marienburg.
[X] Erome Lotanja: A young man from la Merezude, Erome is a fop at first glance, but a closer investigation reveals a sharp fiscal mind and unnervingly steady hand at playing the public confidences.
[X] Frederick Kowolski: An older gentleman in the electronics industry, Frederick has dozens of underlings who are happy to tell you all about how to make an electro-mechanical doohickymabober work.
Adhoc vote count started by 7734 on Jun 3, 2018 at 9:06 PM, finished with 17 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Magnus von Eberhart: An infantry officer from 3/7 Luneberg, Magnus has experience in assaulting trenches and holding positions.
    [X] Hans Ledwinka: A mechanic and suspensions expert, Hans knows how to keep what he builds off the ground, no matter what the ground is doing at the time.
    [X] Mosten Gotha: An ex-representative from Thryssen, Gotha is an industrial expert and is most likely be the person most likely to know how much of what you can build. Post-Thryssen, he's been working with the unions, seeing what the tempo of the factories is.
    [X] Leutnat Erich Folgers: A young and somewhat distinguished armor platoon commander, Erich was involved in the retaking of Marienburg.
    [X] Erome Lotanja: A young man from la Merezude, Erome is a fop at first glance, but a closer investigation reveals a sharp fiscal mind and unnervingly steady hand at playing the public confidences.
    [X] Karl Adler: A weapons designer and structural engineer borrowed from Skoda Werke, Karl has been working so far on trains and train repair systems.
    [X] Hans Ledwinka: A mechanic and suspensions expert, Hans knows how to keep what he builds off the ground, no matter what the ground is doing at the time.
    [X] Karl Adler: A weapons designer and structural engineer borrowed from Skoda Werke, Karl has been working so far on trains and train repair systems.
    [X] Frederick Kowolski: An older gentleman in the electronics industry, Frederick has dozens of underlings who are happy to tell you all about how to make an electro-mechanical doohickymabober work
    [X] Mosten Gotha: An ex-representative from Thryssen, Gotha is an industrial expert and is most likely be the person most likely to know how much of what you can build. Post-Thryssen, he's been working with the unions, seeing what the tempo of the factories is.
    [X] Leutnat Erich Folgers: A young and somewhat distinguished armor platoon commander, Erich was involved in the retaking of Marienburg.
    [X] Magnus von Eberhart: An infantry officer from 3/7 Luneberg, Magnus has experience in assaulting trenches and holding positions.
    [X] Hans Ledwinka: A mechanic and suspensions expert, Hans knows how to keep what he builds off the ground, no matter what the ground is doing at the time.
    [X] Karl Adler: A weapons designer and structural engineer borrowed from Skoda Werke, Karl has been working so far on trains and train repair systems.
    [X] Leutnat Erich Folgers: A young and somewhat distinguished armor platoon commander, Erich was involved in the retaking of Marienburg.
    [X] Erome Lotanja: A young man from la Merezude, Erome is a fop at first glance, but a closer investigation reveals a sharp fiscal mind and unnervingly steady hand at playing the public confidences.
    [X] Frederick Kowolski: An older gentleman in the electronics industry, Frederick has dozens of underlings who are happy to tell you all about how to make an electro-mechanical doohickymabober work
    [X] Magnus von Eberhart: An infantry officer from 3/7 Luneberg, Magnus has experience in assaulting trenches and holding positions.
    [X] Hans Ledwinka: A mechanic and suspensions expert, Hans knows how to keep what he builds off the ground, no matter what the ground is doing at the time.
    [X] Mosten Gotha: An ex-representative from Thryssen, Gotha is an industrial expert and is most likely be the person most likely to know how much of what you can build. Post-Thryssen, he's been working with the unions, seeing what the tempo of the factories is.
    [X] Leutnat Erich Folgers: A young and somewhat distinguished armor platoon commander, Erich was involved in the retaking of Marienburg.
    [X] Erome Lotanja: A young man from la Merezude, Erome is a fop at first glance, but a closer investigation reveals a sharp fiscal mind and unnervingly steady hand at playing the public confidences.
    [X] Magnus von Eberhart: An infantry officer from 3/7 Luneberg, Magnus has experience in assaulting trenches and holding positions.
    [X] Hans Ledwinka: A mechanic and suspensions expert, Hans knows how to keep what he builds off the ground, no matter what the ground is doing at the time.
    [X] Karl Adler: A weapons designer and structural engineer borrowed from Skoda Werke, Karl has been working so far on trains and train repair systems.
    [X] Frederick Kowolski: An older gentleman in the electronics industry, Frederick has dozens of underlings who are happy to tell you all about how to make an electro-mechanical doohickymabober work
    [X] Mosten Gotha: An ex-representative from Thryssen, Gotha is an industrial expert and is most likely be the person most likely to know how much of what you can build. Post-Thryssen, he's been working with the unions, seeing what the tempo of the factories is.
    [X] Leutnat Erich Folgers: A young and somewhat distinguished armor platoon commander, Erich was involved in the retaking of Marienburg.
    [X] Hans Ledwinka: A mechanic and suspensions expert, Hans knows how to keep what he builds off the ground, no matter what the ground is doing at the time.
    [X] Karl Adler: A weapons designer and structural engineer borrowed from Skoda Werke, Karl has been working so far on trains and train repair systems.
    [X] Frederick Kowolski: An older gentleman in the electronics industry, Frederick has dozens of underlings who are happy to tell you all about how to make an electro-mechanical doohickymabober work
    [X] Mosten Gotha: An ex-representative from Thryssen, Gotha is an industrial expert and is most likely be the person most likely to know how much of what you can build. Post-Thryssen, he's been working with the unions, seeing what the tempo of the factories is.
    [X] Leutnat Erich Folgers: A young and somewhat distinguished armor platoon commander, Erich was involved in the retaking of Marienburg.
    [X] Erome Lotanja: A young man from la Merezude, Erome is a fop at first glance, but a closer investigation reveals a sharp fiscal mind and unnervingly steady hand at playing the public confidences.

Adhoc vote count started by 7734 on Jun 3, 2018 at 9:06 PM, finished with 17 posts and 12 votes.
Contest 2: RFQ
First order of buisness: find out how much cash you were working with. The answer was simple- not much. The War was sucking up R&D funds like a bored machine gunner and bullets, so you only had two-thirds the cash you did last time. There were worse problems in the world, though.

For starters, von Eberhart. Things had stagnated a lot since he'd been on the last commission, and right now getting a breakthrough to stick was a brigade-level objective. The biggest problem was fire support- the small 7.5cm and 5.5cm guns couldn't throw enough shell to really break a trench line, and the big 21cm and 15.5cm guns couldn't get into position to cover a breakthrough fast enough from their far-back firing positions. Enemy air superiority meant they frequently had an information advantage, and that made reinforcing a breakthrough incredibly difficult. Bombers, used when artillery couldn't use their pretargeted locations, just made it worse.

Next up was Folgers. The young man was a bit on the small side, but between his energetic personality and bellowing voice you couldn't tell. Aside from a laundry list of fixes he wanted for the W-2, the big three things he called for were more frontal armor, a more powerful engine, and a longer trackbase. The frontal armor was simple- anti-tank rifles were apparently becoming a threat, and this necessitated a lot of suppressing fire be dedicated before the tanks charged. Considering the tight ammunition allowences of a W-2, this was understandable. The engine was called for to get around faster, plus to add aditional power for when the tank needed to conduct trench-crossing acrobatics. The explosives-lined trenches weren't the issue they had been made out to be in official reports (the solution being for supporting infantry to throw grenades in to detonate any charges sympathetically) but the size was- a W-2 could fit in flat lengthwise, so it couldn't start digging an exit ramp. The longer trackbase was for stability, as well as for a more stable firing platform when in motion. A few minor fixes were included (more ammunition, better lighting, more fuel, headlamps) but most of it was baked into the big three requests.

Adler's acidic acceptance of the commission was unsurprising, nor his message. The trains were still the same, rolled plates were getting to about fifteen milimeters in a pinch, and cross-bracing was in like Flynn. New advances in welding helped, and rivet science had climbed to new heights too. Of especial note was a standard turret for armored trains, set to receive a 5.5cm gun and be proof against anti-armor rifles to one hundred meters. It might come in handy, he hinted, even if it did have a meter-and-change turret ring and needed an electric motor to drive it faster than a crawl.

Hans Ledwinka was theoretically next, but a series of telegrams informed you he was neck-deep in an armor project at the time and couldn't come out to help you without risking a conflict of interest lawsuit. He'd partnered with Wanderer's armor design team, though, so you had very high hopes and excused his absentee participation gracefully.

Gotha was easier to track down, thankfully, settling into his new career of demagouge and firebrand quite easily. The unions were getting nasty as hell, though, over increases in production being mandated from up top. The war effort was engulfing more than just the young populace, and there'd been some minor striking until the Emperor agreed to revise the draft around the munitions factory unions. With armor producers not being counted as munitions factories, though, things were getting tense as the next round of expanded drafts started going after some of the children of the current worker population. To you, a seventeen year old had every right to fight for his country, but you were a career officer so your opinion was void aparently. Either way, there were still a few shops your eventual contractors could farm out the work to.

With your opinion farm tilled and your beautiful wife looking like she'd swallowed a beach ball, you got ready to ride out the storm that was writing an RFQ. Time to get to it, you supposed. Not like this war was gonna last forever.

((This is a PLAN VOTE. Write what you want your darling new infantry tank to have, and specify whether past entrants can compete.))
So yeah, a few explinatory images for y'all.

The Draft Laws

The state of the Treasury

Your Staff

Your Secretary

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This plan was developed by on the discord by @Michael Lewis, @Winged_One² and I, with the compartmentalization clause lifted from @NothingNow and his plan:
[X] Plan Gepanzerte Selbstfahrlafette für Sturmgeschütz mit Leichtes Infanteriegeschütz
--[X] Can keep up with infantry.
--[X] Proof against any enemy infantry weapon from any angle at ranges of greater than 75m
--[X] Can traverse any trench in use by the enemy.
--[X] Armed with a gun of at least 55mm caliber.
--[X] The ability to fend off aircraft is encouraged, but not required.
--[X] Capable of being transported by a railway without significant disassembly, and if possible on standard carriages.
--[X] Capable of driving at least 30 miles without extensive maintenance.
--[X] Main armament must be able to cover at least 270 degrees without turning the vehicle.
--[X] Forward armor and that of the main armament must be capable of resisting anti-tank rifle fire.
--[X] The use of equipment in use or soon to be elsewhere in the army is encouraged.
--[x] Compartmentalization should be used for both damage control and quality of life reasons.
---[x] At a minimum the tank should have transverse bulkheads separating the engine room from the fighting sections, as well as adequate protection for the ammunition and fuel to prevent a fire.
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[X] Plan Landships
--[X] Can keep up with infantry.
--[X] Proof against any enemy infantry weapon from any angle at ranges of greater than 75m
--[X] Can traverse any trench in use by the enemy.
--[X] Armed with a gun of at least 55mm caliber.
--[X] The ability to fend off aircraft is encouraged, but not required.
--[X] Capable of driving at least 30 miles without extensive maintenance or track repair.
--[X] Main armament must be able to cover at least 270 degrees without turning the vehicle.
---[x] This may be achieved through multiple mounts or weapons of the same caliber.
--[X] Forward armor and that of the main armament must be capable of resisting anti-tank rifle fire.
--[X] The use of equipment in use or soon to be elsewhere in the army is required.
--[x] Compartmentalization should be used for both damage control and quality of life reasons.
---[x] At a minimum the tank should have transverse bulkheads separating the engine room from the fighting sections, as well as adequate protection for the ammunition and fuel to prevent a fire.
---[x] Adequate hatches should be provided to allow the crew to easily escape the vehicle or pick up a stranded crew.
--[x] Provision should be made to carry a minimum of one dozen messenger pigeons.
[X] Plan Landships
--[X] Can keep up with infantry.
--[X] Proof against any enemy infantry weapon from any angle at ranges of greater than 75m
--[X] Can traverse any trench in use by the enemy.
--[X] Armed with a gun of at least 55mm caliber.
--[X] The ability to fend off aircraft is encouraged, but not required.
--[X] Capable of driving at least 30 miles without extensive maintenance or track repair.
--[X] Main armament must be able to cover at least 270 degrees without turning the vehicle.
---[x] This may be achieved through multiple mounts or weapons of the same caliber.
--[X] Forward armor and that of the main armament must be capable of resisting anti-tank rifle fire.
--[X] The use of equipment in use or soon to be elsewhere in the army is required.
--[x] Compartmentalization should be used for both damage control and quality of life reasons.
---[x] At a minimum the tank should have transverse bulkheads separating the engine room from the fighting sections, as well as adequate protection for the ammunition and fuel to prevent a fire.
---[x] Adequate hatches should be provided to allow the crew to easily escape the vehicle or pick up a stranded crew.
--[x] Provision should be made to carry a minimum of one dozen messenger pigeons.
While I approve of your compartmentalization addition, why the hell does this tank need a bloody pigeon bank? That seems like something pretty far from practical needs, as it'll be acting in conjunction with a significant infantry group, who almost certainly have one of their own. Also, your note on the main armament angle restrictions seems unnecessary to me as the original plan does not restrict that - in fact, your clause would probably be taken by designers to mean you expect a sponson or similar arrangement.
While I approve of your compartmentalization addition, why the hell does this tank need a bloody pigeon bank? That seems like something pretty far from practical needs, as it'll be acting in conjunction with a significant infantry group, who almost certainly have one of their own.
That can't be taken for granted, and having some ability to communicate with headquarters or the artillery is still important for a tank to do on its own. Also, it's like a dozen cardboard tubes. It's not a big space imposition.
That can't be taken for granted, and having some ability to communicate with headquarters or the artillery is still important for a tank to do on its own. Also, it's like a dozen cardboard tubes. It's not a big space imposition.
It may not be terribly difficult as an addition, but I worry that trying to operate pigeon communication out of a moving metal box that's being shot at near-constantly seems like it'd be unreliable at best. And besides, this is an infantry support tank. If it's acting independently, something has gone very wrong.
Also, be aware @No7sHere I am revising the plan to include a compartmentalization clause. I have already conferred with Michael Lewis on this, but I felt you should know.
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[X] Plan Gepanzerte Selbstfahrlafette für Sturmgeschütz mit Leichtes Infanteriegeschütz