No, I meant fighting using fists and stuff. ...we may or may not have misunderstood the other.
[X] Accept. (Will max out the possible significant Natural alignment gains for a while. Is good if you are trying to keep Ebolkan relevant and/or get Xenitii to its best possible position. Does come with side effects.)
[X] Accept proposition. (Gain Ren as a friend/comrade. Aligns with A Dream.)
[X] Accept. (Will max out the possible significant Natural alignment gains for a while. Is good if you are trying to keep Ebolkan relevant and/or get Xenitii to its best possible position. Does come with side effects.)
[X] Accept proposition. (Gain Ren as a friend/comrade. Aligns with A Dream.)
[X] Accept. (Will max out the possible significant Natural alignment gains for a while. Is good if you are trying to keep Ebolkan relevant and/or get Xenitii to its best possible position. Does come with side effects.)
[X] Accept proposition. (Gain Ren as a friend/comrade. Aligns with A Dream.)
First Manifestation
[X]Accept proposition.

As you look into Ren's reddish-brown eyes, you see a fire in them. She looks… alive. More so than the others. You grasp her hand and match her grin with a deadpan smirk. "I can tell. Alright, sure." Inwardly, while a part of you is disappointed at losing the independence (the freedom) of being alone, you look forward to seeing what this girl has to offer.

You are pleasantly surprised by Ren being just as competent as you in terms of intellectual capacity; she's really freaking smart, and that is nice. You can talk to someone your own age, and that feels great. She is very high-energy, unlike you, and likes to run around, but when you discuss things, she's smart and funny, if a bit Domineering. You resolve to stick with her for the rest of your time at school. Potentially further? Well, you'll have to wait and see.

Gained Ren as Material Alignment (Allied – Temporary).

A Dream (E +) --> A Dream (E + +)

Empathy (F +) --> Empathy (F + +)

[X] Accept

You stop resisting the pull on your soul, and feel the connection… solidify.

Then you black out. No pain, no dizziness, just gone.

Luckily, you had the foresight to do some experiments with whatever this is inside your room while your parents were downstairs, so when you come to, there are no concerned parents wondering why their child just fell unconscious for an indeterminable amount of time (you don't feel like its been too long).

You notice something very strange immediately. There are voices in your head. Voices. In your head. They sound like… your voice? You think. But that's not important right now.

Voices. In your head.


[X](Auto-locked) Whispers of Manifest Destiny: The voices in your head, they tell you of things that are, and things that are yet to come. They also allow you to have your full attention on multiple things at once, making multi-tasking and planning much easier. (Allows for some future knowledge, and some knowledge of Channels IC, as well as potential development for more info on more stuff faster. Gives bonuses to planning, strategy and tactics, as well as interacting with Things Man Was Not Meant To See/Know and negative mental effects due to the rules of "you can't break what's already broken". Gives a malus to Empathy when interacting with people who are Neutral or lower on the alignment scale due to acting strangely due to basically having multiple versions of yourself who can see the future mucking about in your skull).

[] Glimpse of the Impossible: Eyes that perceive far more than the physical. They allow you to see much, much more than light. Ambient magic, potential actions people might take, energy, even sometimes glimmers of what might be thoughts? When people look into the illogic that is now your ocular system, they are instantly disturbed by the non-Euclidean geometry and lack of sanity that lurks within. (Pretty much does what it says. When you want to, your eyes glow with strange, mysterious radiance, and allow you to see things and freak people out. Gives bonuses to perception and stuff, as well as intimidation. Is rather addictive.)

[]Paradoxical Form: You no longer quite conform to the laws of physics. You are now slightly out of step with material existence, allowing you to change attempts to do things with your body from "almost" to "how did that work?". It does make you slightly strange in appearance (due to the wrongness of your outline), but that's no worry of yours; you are (partially)free of stupid things like causality and angles. You can double down on this in order to make yourself start to ignore some of the world's rules. You can phase through objects, energy, and magic, you can appear to do two things literally at the same time, and other stuff that comes from being a tiny demi-Eldritch Abomination. (The active portion of this Affinity is pretty magic-intensive. In addition, this is the sort of stuff which while not incredibly obvious, will start to attract notice).

How do you rationalise your/their/our thoughts in your head?
[] Write-in

A/N: Turns out I lied. I have one more "infant update" to drop before the Two Year Plan/Timeskip. Anyways, you're a pretty smart kid, and you do have a decently high Insight score, so you won't explode from confusion or anything due to the WoMD, but you'll need to figure out a way to calm down and rationalise, as well as realise you apparently have magic or something. Good job on the Ren vote by the way, as not picking her would *probably* have been a mistake. Remember, you can pick either, both, or neither of the two optional Affinities. Ask away if you have more questions.

On the note of questions, what does Scott look like? Currently, he's tanned (due to being quarter Egyptian and stuff), green-eyed, and kinda tall and thin. Hair colour would be nice, and any specifics like nose and mouth stuff would be nice. Pictures would be cool if anyone has any similar-ish pictures they know of online or something.

Votes close in 24 hours.
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Power one is less appealing than power two due to its addictive nature. Though that may be cut down upon since self awareness cuts down on the negative effects of mental afflictions. But not sure I wanna risk it.

Second power sounds like it'd further help with multi-tasking and gets help from WoMD that allows multi-tasking be easier. Though that potential synergy comes at the cost of becoming more obvious. And obviously being bullied due to kids taking what's different and ridiculing it.

Though having Ren as a friend may cut that down.
When I say more obvious, I wasn't talking about playground bullies.

*chuckles ominously*
Of course not! But that doesn't mean playground bullies won't notice either. It's a double whammy.
Remember, you can pick either, both, or neither of the two optional Affinities. Ask away if you have more questions.
What would be the rationale behind not picking either affinity? I mean, Eyes do sound like they would do us more good than bad. Is there a catch, then? What does 'rather addictive' mean?
No extra catch.

Rather addictive means that you will want it on most of the time, and slowly become more insistent on using it whenever you can.

The rationale would be simply deciding not to risk the downsides of the Affinities.
Hmm. Still scared of witch hunts and what goes bump in the night? :wink:

I keep doing this. It keeps happening. I have yet again managed to not post a thing I meant to. Behold, the first write-in of the quest!
[X] Paradoxical Form

How does the voting work?

[X] Accept Magic existing. It's every kid's dream. Well, either that, or you developed a very overactive imagination. Whichever makes more sense.
I presume he's talking about how the write-in works.

He has the (write) idea down already, so I don't see the problem.

I mean, it's a bit vague, but it'll do.
I presume he's talking about how the write-in works.

He has the (write) idea down already, so I don't see the problem.

I mean, it's a bit vague, but it'll do.
No actually. I did mean for the manifestation. How does the vote for that work? Block? Line? How does it work since we could take both with how everyone didn't even vote like []both or something like that.
Oh I'm an idiot. :facepalm:

This is why I need quest experience.

Everyone who voted for Glimpse but not PForm is voting against getting PForm.
Voting for PForm but not Glimpse is voting against getting Glimpse.
Voting for both is voting to get both obviously.
Voting for neither doesn't do anything.
Voting against both votes against both obviously.

This is one of the reasons why I need feedback for stuff. I'm improving my writing (I think - I know I need to, but I have a plan for that sort of stuff), but my actual quest management skills need work. Youuu've probably noticed that.