[x] Plan Why Serras Should Not(?) Drink Recaff
You know when Horus said that not even he could survive decapitation I though I read somewhere that a regular space marine had survived that and we all know a primarch is better in every way so give me a second to find it.
Edit: Found it
"Following the
Drop Site Massacre of
Istvaan V, Fulgrim and the Emperor's Children Legion were ordered to
Mars by the Warmaster. But instead of following his brother's orders, the increasingly mercurial Primarch decided to disobey, and instead ordered his Legion to assault a Mechanicus
Forge World known as Prismatica V in the Prismatica Cluster. Unable to deal with his lord's increasingly mercurial temperament as well as the increasing hostility of his fellow senior members of the Legion like
Lucius, Lord Commander Eidolon questioned the utility of the Primarch's orders. This proved to be a tragic miscalculation on Eidolon's part. Unable to placate his angered lord, the few words he managed to speak on his own behalf inadvertently provoked the Primarch further. The paranoid, possessed Primarch believed that Eidolon was mocking him and planned to betray him. Quicker than the mind's eye could follow, the Primarch withdrew the deadly
Kinebrach Anathame blade from its scabbard and beheaded his once-favoured son. Later, the severed head of the slain Eidolon was passed over the victory wine, the blood dripping from the grisly trophy and allowed to mix with the potent drink which was then shared amongst the senior members of the IIIrd Legion's inner circle.
In a moment of remorse, Fulgrim ordered his Legion's Chief Apothecary
Fabius to restore the slain Lord Commander back to life. Fortunately, Fulgrim's killing stroke was a clean one, the blow struck with enough force and by a sharp enough blade that there was virtually no tissue damage beyond the exact point of impact. It was a killing blow of perfect precision, one that only a Primarch was capable of delivering. Utilising his skills as a master biologis, the Chief Apothecary was able to reconnect the nerve clusters at the base of the neck."