[X] Join the meeting
-[x] Tell the general, as a man of honor, we expect him to take responsibility and pay for ruining our expensive jewelry and make up

We have to give our report on our findings and warning the general he now has to foot the bill for ruining our dress, it was made of crystal worm silk for Emporer's sake!
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[X] Join the meeting
-[x] Tell the general we expect him to take responsibility and pay for ruining our fine dress

We have to give our report on our findings and warning the general he now has to foot the bill for ruining our dress, it was made of crystal worm silk for Emporer's sake!
Quick note, we aren't wearing a dress, we are still in the flight suit.
[X] Report your findings to Helios
--[X] "And seriously, does shooting a man in the face a common occurrence here?"
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Quick note, we aren't wearing a dress, we are still in the flight suit.

Who cares? We are a Princess, and our flight suit is still some beautiful dress - the arsehole MUST pay for that.

Or we will simply shred his clothes off, tie him (naked) on a pole and leave it under the sun.

[X] Report your findings to Helios
--[X] "And seriously, does shooting a man in the face a common occurrence here?"
Emerald Tide: Chapter 18
[X] Report your findings to Helios
--[X] "And seriously, does shooting a man in the face a common occurrence here?"

You and Alex approach Helios as the unit and Sir Vali work to move the corpse out of the room. The argument continues as you approach, and it's so loud that you only manage to catch small snippets. From what you can gather it seems that Helios is trying to grab more power then the council is willing to give him. You feel like you'd care more if you weren't currently trying to hold it together after being soaked with an impromptu bloodbath. You end up having to yell to get attention. "Excuse me, fine people of Solannor! If you don't mind, I have a report to give to my commanding officer."

The council quiets down. One finely dressed gentleman starts to address you, but Helios speaks up first. "Report, Princess."

You can feel the simmering rage from the council. You manage a polite bow before speaking. "According to the recently deceased Lord Governor of Solannor, he was not responsible for the salvaging operation on the Space Hulk. What's more, according to his contacts, the Orks are gathering technology from the villages they have destroyed."

Helios nods. "Very well. The first part is rendered inconsequential by recent events. As for the Orks' salvage operation, hopefully, the scouts will gather more information in that regard." He turns back to continue speaking to the council.

Despite yourself, you find yourself speaking up. "Tell me General, is shooting people in the face with no warning a common occurrence here?"

There is a stir in the council, and you hear some murmurs. Alex looks at you in surprise, seeming rather worried. Helios gives you a thin, cold smile. "When I deem it necessary, it is very common, Princess Genevive."

You nod politely, holding back a shudder. "Very well, General. That is all."

Alex bows. "Thank you for your time."

[] Continue to listen in on the Council Meeting.
[] Get back to camp and get cleaned up.
[] Go outside and talk with Alex for a bit, try and get your bearings together.
[] Speak with Lieutenant Markos.
[] Speak with Major Ajax.
[] Speak with Sir Vali.
[] Write-In

Adhoc vote count started by MysticKnightJoe on Mar 18, 2018 at 9:52 AM, finished with 137 posts and 27 votes.

  • [X] Continue to listen in on the Council Meeting.
    [X] To battle!
    [X] Speech! (Roll Social)
    [X] Go outside and talk with Alex for a bit, try and get your bearings together.
    [X] WHAT THE FRAK!!!!!!!??????
    [X] Crush the Ork Siege tanks, without them, they won't be able to crush the walls.
    [X] Bombard at a range to soften them up, then charge in
    [X] Speak with Major Ajax.
    [X] Get back to camp and get cleaned up.
    [X] Report your findings to Helios
    --[X] "And seriously, does shooting a man in the face a common occurrence here?"
    [X] Report your findings to Helios
    [X] Prepare for Combat.
    [X] Check on Alex before you do anything else.
    [X] Talk to someone else?
    -[X] Sir Vali
    [X] What happened?
    [X] Destroy the last of the Ork armor, they are the greatest threats
    [X] Continue your aggressive assault, the Orks have nothing that can properly harm you
    [X] FUCK EM UP
    [X] Why do you think someone went after the Space Hulk?

    [X] Make a bold entrance
[X] Get back to camp and get cleaned up.

We have the free time now, we should make sure we look our best.
Well, that was very unfruitful meeting.

[X] Speak with Major Ajax.

Maybe he can shed some light into this political game.