Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest)

She did kill the conquerer in the process though.
If you think back to Lion Turtle Island episode she said that she thought there was no real difference and that if he hadn't fallen and had continued to try and Kiyoshi Island she would have killed him.

My personal assumption was that her thought process was "What can I do that will make sure my home will be safe from petty warlords like this guy long after I'm gone." and then she went and fetched the Unagi to act as a guardian or something. Not certain she thought everything all the way through even in my head canon.
[X] "Will do it." You can understand his pain and you decide to go along with his will. Let Hue-Sar die.
That's what i was suggesting trying to do, contact Avatar Ragyo at the very least. But Birdsie apparently doesn't think that'd work.
EDIT: Actually, if you guys want, you can have a write-in of trying to enter the Avatar State. At that point, it will be easier to do it since you have all the knowledge of your previous lives (including all of the Spirituality skill points,) but as you know, entering the Avatar State kind of alerts the world to the fact you exist and it will definitely speed up the White Lotus cure effort (wait this isn't Plague Inc Evolved) search efforts for you.
[X] "Will do it." You can understand his pain and you decide to go along with his will. Let Hue-Sar die.
Oh, I didn't see that.

[X] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?
-[X] Enter the Avatar State, "you" put him here, so "you" should know how to free him.

We got a lot of rolls helping us enter the Avatar State willingly, and I don't really care if we let the world know that we are alive and active. It doesn't tell anywhere WHERE we are.
[X] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?
-[X] Enter the Avatar State, "you" put him here, so "you" should know how to free him.
[X] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?
-[X] Enter the Avatar State, "you" put him here, so "you" should know how to free him.

I don't mind ending him, but if we can do this we might as well give it a shot. If it doesn't work or he doesn't appreciate our efforts, or even if it does work and he still wishes to die we can always help him then.
[X] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?
-[X] Enter the Avatar State, "you" put him here, so "you" should know how to free him.
[X] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?
[X] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?
-[X] Enter the Avatar State, "you" put him here, so "you" should know how to free him.
[X] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?
Should add the Avatar State sub-vote, since it's more likely to work.
[X] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?
-[X] Enter the Avatar State, "you" put him here, so "you" should know how to free him.
Gift of the Thoughtful: +4 to exiting and entering the Avatar State at will. +2 to all Meditation checks.
Oooh, nice! :D

[X] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?
-[X] Enter the Avatar State, "you" put him here, so "you" should know how to free him.
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[X] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?
-[X] Enter the Avatar State, "you" put him here, so "you" should know how to free him.
[X] "Will do it." You can understand his pain and you decide to go along with his will. Let Hue-Sar die.

Mind if i throw my hat in here?
Reading the update, I get the impression that Hue-Sar wants to die rather than be freed.
What I got, was that he wants to die for he thinks that is his only option. He hates his lot of life, and wants free of his role, and "obviously" the only way out of it is death. There's just "no other way to solve it".

But thing is, there IS another option. There is always another way. And we can show him it.
[X] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?
-[X] Enter the Avatar State, "you" put him here, so "you" should know how to free him.
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[X] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?

If we screw up, we screw up.
[X] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?
[X] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?

If we screw up, we screw up.
You guys might want to add in the Avatar State sub-vote, since Birdsie has said that that is more likely to work.
[X] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?
-[X] Enter the Avatar State, "you" put him here, so "you" should know how to free him.
[X] "Will do it." You can understand his pain and you decide to go along with his will. Let Hue-Sar die.
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[X] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?
-[X] Enter the Avatar State, "you" put him here, so "you" should know how to free him.

Hopefully this is appreciated. Hopefully this won't make us too obvious, I mean we're doing it in the spirit world. That should hide it better, right? :V
@Ct613hulu @Quest @JokingWolf If you 3 add the subvote, we'll be ahead of the "Will do it" people by 1 vote

Hopefully this won't make us too obvious, I mean we're doing it in the spirit world. That should hide it better, right? :V
Even if our location doesn't hide it, all it tells the world is that we are, in fact, alive. They got no idea where we are or what we are doing, all they are told is that we have entered the Avatar State.
[X] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?
-[X] Enter the Avatar State, "you" put him here, so "you" should know how to free him.