Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest)

[X] "Will do it." You can understand his pain and you decide to go along with his will. Let Hue-Sar die.

It is our job to bring balance to both worlds, this is the start of that.
What do you have in mind?
[X] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?

I expect it to not be an easy thing, probably gonna require a lot of meditation and connection with the past self that even did this, but it's the goal I think Tie should strive for. To try to perserve life and find another way, the way Aang did. There is always another option.
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[] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?

I expect it to not be an easy thing, probably gonna require a lot of meditation and connection with the past self that even did this, but it's the goal I think Tie should strive for. To try to perserve life and find another way, the way Aang did. There is always another option.
Here's how that will work:

You'll have to pass a sequence of immensely difficult Spirituality checks. If you do, this happens. If you fail, Tié can try again every month. If you leave the desert at one point, you get to come down here and choose again or choose to keep coming back every month to try again which will obviously create problems for other plot-lines you might be doing in the future. To make this happen, you'll need to succeed 3 of these checks. A Nat 20 will be treated as a normal success for these rolls.

I know this is kind of harsh rule-wise, but Tie is nowhere near the Spiritual enlightenment and the ability to bend pure life energy and chi to do something like this. It'd require (as you can see from the rules above) months of meditation and work for someone of his level.

Also, just to add little stakes, a Nat 1 makes you kill the tree by accident.

Do you agree to this?

EDIT: Actually, if you guys want, you can have a write-in of trying to enter the Avatar State. At that point, it will be easier to do it since you have all the knowledge of your previous lives (including all of the Spirituality skill points,) but as you know, entering the Avatar State kind of alerts the world to the fact you exist and it will definitely speed up the White Lotus cure effort (wait this isn't Plague Inc Evolved) search efforts for you.
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[X] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?
-[X] Enter the Avatar State, "you" put him here, so "you" should know how to free him.

I really like this idea but I would like to add that if the Tree doesn't want to go through with this option or it becomes impossible than we will agree to euthanize him.
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But is it the better option?
I believe so, yes. It frees him of his shackles and obligations, that which brings him grief and contempt, while not killing him. He says so himself, he feels contempt for acing as a "obedient fuel source". We can free him from that role, allow him to live as whatever he wishs.
Here's how that will work:

You'll have to pass a sequence of immensely difficult Spirituality checks. If you do, this happens. If you fail, Tié can try again every month. If you leave the desert at one point, you get to come down here and choose again or choose to keep coming back every month to try again which will obviously create problems for other plot-lines you might be doing in the future. To make this happen, you'll need to succeed 3 of these checks. A Nat 20 will be treated as a normal success for these rolls.

I know this is kind of harsh rule-wise, but Tie is nowhere near the Spiritual enlightenment and the ability to bend pure life energy and chi to do something like this. It'd require (as you can see from the rules above) months of meditation and work for someone of his level.

Also, just to add little stakes, a Nat 1 makes you kill the tree by accident.

Do you agree to this?
I do. I believe Tie should be a person who would be willing to give a day of his time every month to try to save a life.

Though, could he not potentially contact Avatar Rago and have him fix this? Or atleast guide us on how to do so?

Also, what DC are you thinking?
[X] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?
I honestly don't think this is a good idea. Free him and then what? He doesn't just hate the duty. He hates the forest itself. Who's to say he won't try to destroy it?
Though, could he not potentially contact Avatar Rago and have him fix this? Or atleast guide us on how to do so?

Also, what DC are you thinking?
I'm thinking DC44 at least, and I'll make it scale with you leveling up until it hits DC75. This isn't just something that you can do like that, with a flick of the wrist. We're talking about a Buddha-level feat here. The only reason that I'm letting you try is specifically for the reason that, albeit young, Tié is the Avatar.
I honestly don't think this is a good idea. Free him and then what? He doesn't just hate the duty. He hates the forest itself. Who's to say he won't try to destroy it?
I don't see why he would. He hates the forest, but it sounds like a type of hate that he'd happily leave behind him as soon as he's not shackled to it anymore. As for what he'd do then, well, that's up to him. He can explore the world, he could follow us, he could go find someone more willing to take his life, lots of possibilities.
[X] "Will do it." You can understand his pain and you decide to go along with his will. Let Hue-Sar die.

He's super depressed, hates this place, etc. He's old as fuck, and tired, he can't end it all himself so just do him this favour and end his life.
My perspective is that we should at least discuss the possibility of finding a middle ground before we commit to the permanent choice of euthanizing him. What is the cost of asking the tree whether it would be possible for him to simply be removed from his position rather than killed?
Write-in to try and enter the avatar state for the purposes of freeing him is tempting.
That's what i was suggesting trying to do, contact Avatar Ragyo at the very least. But Birdsie apparently doesn't think that'd work.
[X] "Will do it." You can understand his pain and you decide to go along with his will. Let Hue-Sar die.

He's super depressed, hates this place, etc. He's old as fuck, and tired, he can't end it all himself so just do him this favour and end his life.
If he still feels he wants to die after being given freedom to leave and do as he wishs, then he can find another soul willing to end it for him. We are giving him options, showing him another way, and once we show him it it is up to him to decide what he wants. There is not a shortage of powerful spirits he can go piss off, as soon as we free him of his anchor.
If he still feels he wants to die after being given freedom to leave and do as he wishs, then he can find another soul willing to end it for him. We are giving him options, showing him another way, and once we show him it it is up to him to decide what he wants. There is not a shortage of powerful spirits he can go piss off, as soon as we free him of his anchor.

I am not sure that we would be offering him the " freedom to leave and do as he wishes" as much as we are offering him the opportunity to take part in an lengthy untested procedure that might grant him a more favorable existence could lead to a painful and humiliating death or worse. I could easily see the Tree deciding that it doesn't want to take the risk and would prefer to die immediately in at least a semi-dignified and quick manner rather than relying on a false hope.
[X] "Will do it." You can understand his pain and you decide to go along with his will. Let Hue-Sar die.

He's super depressed, hates this place, etc. He's old as fuck, and tired, he can't end it all himself so just do him this favour and end his life.

All living things have a strong desire to live. Even suicidal people who attempt suicide but fail often say later that right after they jumped off of a bridge or whatever that they regretted the decision but it was too late to take it back. I think it'd be better to at least attempt to free him. If it fails and he dies in the attempt so be it, but there should at least be an attempt.
[X] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?
-[X] Enter the Avatar State, "you" put him here, so "you" should know how to free him.
Yeah, but that was kind of Chin's own fault.
it actually was stated outright when aang was talking to his other selves about killing ozai
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