Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest)

Can we do the militia thing later in our life? I don't like how the militia sounds right now. Cause it sounds like we'd stay in this region...not doing Avatar stuff, I joined to play the Avatar not the sand king.
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It's basically a group similar to the Kyoshi Warriors or alternatively forming our own political faction.

Uniting the sandbenders to form an actual state/confederacy/union so that they can actually be relevant could be pretty interesting.
but its not wise to do whic is needed in the korra era whic is a political shitstorm instead of a warzone
You make a very good point. This is not going to be a quite place. The quest demands plot, and plot comes from conflict. Something Avatar scale will happen if militia wins. Either the Earth Queen comes in to snuff us ALL out, every last sandbender down to the very last child, or a massive desert wide civil war that not only goes against our job description as Avatar, it will concern nearby Kingdoms and the Republic City. Especially depending on how close we are to them.
and this is very likely
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but its not wise to do whic is needed in the korra era whic is a political shitstorm instead of a warzone
and this is very likely
I wonder what kind of map the people who say the desert isn't near enough to anything to gain attention. Cuz if it's the Last Airbender map, they do know that it's 100 years out of date by now, right?
I wonder what kind of map the people who say the desert isn't near enough to anything to gain attention. Cuz if it's the Last Airbender map, they do know that it's 100 years out of date by now, right?
ans she cared about a town a lot farther then her liteal front door . But hey at least if they win and it inevitably backfires we get to say we told them so
You know we've been talking a lot about us and the earth queen, but not about republic city. If we stay here and do our militia thing, Amon's ideology will spread. We could even be used as an example of benders using thier powers to oppress non benders. The Queen will try to label us as bad people to the rest of the world.
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You know we've been talking a lot about us and the earth queen, but not about republic city. If we stay here and do our militia thing, Amon's ideology will spread. We could even be used as an example of benders using Thier powers to oppress if things get too hard with the earth queen.
ooh another good point we need to face amon since it took an avatar to put him down which means no tenzin and no airbending save for what we cn homeschool out of ourselves.
We also need to be in Republic city since harmomic convergance is a thing and will end the world which makes being fully realized even more important
edit im going to make a list it will be the net negatives and positives of having a milita
  1. Positives
  2. We have an organized group capable and willing to help out around the earth kingdom.
  3. we get our kicks on power grabbing
  4. we potentially overthrow the earth queen.
  5. Negatives
  6. we become a possible international terrorist
  7. we possibly spark off a civil war and throw the world out of balance.
  8. We arent in republic city to stop his eqaulist bullshit
  9. we lose the oppurtunity to get proper training since a militia means we wont have time to seek a proper teacher
  10. we probably wont get to stop harmonic convergance which means the world dies
  11. Possible consequence of not stopping Amon: We might start WW2 since Amon wants All bending gone not just in republic city
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You know we've been talking a lot about us and the earth queen, but not about republic city. If we stay here and do our militia thing, Amon's ideology will spread. We could even be used as an example of benders using thier powers to oppress non benders. The Queen will try to label us as bad people to the rest of the world.
I had realized that after making my last post. Thanks for pointing that out. We have to many Avatar duties to maintain a militia. It has a poor pay out upon completion. And Kyoshi is the LAST person we want any of the rulers to compare us to. The woman was not kind towards those whom claim to rule her.
I had realized that after making my last post. Thanks for pointing that out. We have to many Avatar duties to maintain a militia. It has a poor pay out upon completion. And Kyoshi is the LAST person we want any of the rulers to compare us to. The woman was not kind towards those whom claim to rule her.
why7 do you think i made the list got any additions to it
You know we've been talking a lot about us and the earth queen, but not about republic city. If we stay here and do our militia thing, Amon's ideology will spread. We could even be used as an example of benders using thier powers to oppress non benders. The Queen will try to label us as bad people to the rest of the world.
...Or we could, you know, include non-benders in the militia, making them learn Chi-Bloking and/or differents kinds of weapons.

Why you people only consider the problems and no ways to avoid them. :rolleyes:
...Or we could, you know, include non-benders in the militia, making them learn Chi-Bloking and/or differents kinds of weapons.

Why you people only consider the problems and no ways to avoid them. :rolleyes:
Amon will not give two shits he sees ALL bending as evil regardless of the source or manner, im pretty sure that there were non benders in the police force as beat cops and the like but they still were either traitors or held as traitors to non benders by Amon
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...Or we could, you know, include non-benders in the militia, making them learn Chi-Bloking and/or differents kinds of weapons.

Why you people only consider the problems and no ways to avoid them. :rolleyes:
Oh great. An even-oh who am I kidding?

I thought they were going to do that anyways. But if that's not their plan, they are basically trying to make a Sandbending police force similar to the police in Republic City.
Adhoc vote count started by DarkKing98 on Feb 28, 2018 at 7:40 AM, finished with 438 posts and 38 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by DarkKing98 on Feb 28, 2018 at 8:21 AM, finished with 449 posts and 40 votes.
But if that's not their plan, they are basically trying to make a Sandbending police force similar to the police in Republic City.
It wont work people will turn to us instead of the queen and will more than likely piss of the bitch queen even more also the police are an Officially recognized authority which our militia would not be
We're far enough out that, in retrospect, the Earth Queen isn't going to give too much of a shit about us. That said, I don't want to get embroiled in the inevetable Sand-vil war, among the tribes when they respond to the creation of our militia.

Since, you know, we're literally making a small army here. How do you think our neighbors are going to take it? Even if we just act as basically superheroes, that still means imposing our own rulset people we have no direct authority over. Given how even dad only has as much power as his constituents are willing to allow him, I imagine that there will be a lot of people bucking the efforts of our militia (even fit ehy agree with what we're doing, it's the principle of the matter), most likely leading to the creation of one or more counter armies, annnnd eventually this all dissolves into civil war.
We're far enough out that, in retrospect, the Earth Queen isn't going to give too much of a shit about us. That said, I don't want to get embroiled in the inevetable Sand-vil war, among the tribes when they respond to the creation of our militia.

Since, you know, we're literally making a small army here. How do you think our neighbors are going to take it? Even if we just act as basically superheroes, that still means imposing our own rulset people we have no direct authority over. Given how even dad only has as much power as his constituents are willing to allow him, I imagine that there will be a lot of people bucking the efforts of our militia (even fit ehy agree with what we're doing, it's the principle of the matter), most likely leading to the creation of one or more counter armies, annnnd eventually this all dissolves into civil war.
thank you sir for pointing out yet another way this will inevitably backfire
[] Plan Officer in Training
-[] You want to be a police officer in Republic City. (Ambition. +15,000 XP, +10 Chi Points.)
-[] Agree to go, but only to keep an eye on them.
-[] Siph
- [] Bending.
- [] Physical exercise.
[] Plan Officer in Training
-[] You want to be a police officer in Republic City. (Ambition. +15,000 XP, +10 Chi Points.)
-[] Agree to go, but only to keep an eye on them.
-[] Siph
-[] Bending
-[]Physical exercise.
the other 16
there the exact same but the tally counted them seperatly so kiyoshi and officer are actually tied @Birdsie at the final tallie are you going to check just in case the tally screws up again
edit tookout the xs to not confuse the sytem at final tallie
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I know that Officer in Training isn't the original plan that you voted for, but would you be willing to switch to it? Having become a Republic City cop as our long-term ambition will most certainly involve doing a good deal of traveling and meeting new people. Creating a militia would very likely keep us in the Si Wong Desert, possibly even close to our tribe.


Would the 3 of you be willing to switch to Officer as well? I feel that working to create a militia would eat up more of our time since it involves more people than just Tie, compared to becoming a cop, which is something Tie's doing himself. Having less time from working to create a militia would mean less time for spiritual development.
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Ooh, I enjoyed the introduction of his parents. They're great. We'll make them proud! :)

[x] Plan Spiritual
-[x] Neither. Upon further thought,you wish to see the world and meet different people, like your father did.
-[x] Disagree, but follow them to help the creatures get away.
-[x] Mom.
-[x] Meditation
-[x] Physical exercise.

Voting for this anyway, since I like it the most. But I presume wandering the world will eventually be an option even if another of the goals is selected for now. He's just 8 or something, right? I mean, even just to travel around the Earth Kingdom, or traveling to Republic City, ought to be a fun journey. ^_^

I'm pretty much fine with either of the leading options. The story implications for both are fun to speculate about.

Anyway, I'm here for the in-character avatar-world simulation & story, not a fixfic nor self-insert. So a lot of the proposed metagaming reasonings are meh for me. I do like the "this is the gameplay I'm hoping for" reasonings, though.
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Repuplic city does not seem to be too good at getting spiritual, sitting around in the desert seems better for it as seen in real history.
Repuplic city does not seem to be too good at getting spiritual, sitting around in the desert seems better for it as seen in real history.
tenzin for spiritual growth plus all sorts of moral dilemmas to make us grow further as a person that understands the nuances even more so and Amon will be a spiritual enemy as well as a physical one and will force us to think on the issues of bender and non bender
and Militia means we'll be even more on worldy affairs instead of spiritual affairs where as republic seems like a mix of both since cop isnt a 24 hour thing whereas a militia more then likely would be
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Oh, right, we don't have a Sky Bison and aren't super close to the coast. So if we're going to reach Republic City, it's going to be quite a journey. Even if we go by ship really, since we're going to be hugging the coast, and I doubt we have enough cash to make it all the way in a single trip.