Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest)

the bitch cred about a town in the middle of nowhere not paying their taxes why not a group of organised and trained benders in her proverbial front porch
Because we aren't on her front porch, we are even more in the middle of nowhere than that town. And we already don't pay taxs, making it rather clear that she DOES care less about us than she does about that random town.
the bitch cred about a town in the middle of nowhere not paying their taxes why not a group of organised and trained benders in her proverbial front porch
Look at the map, we have a few mountains and a massive river to cross before we even approach the proverbial front porch. We are in the middle of the most undesirable spot in the avatar universe. Why would she even bother sending troops out that far if not for scouting other nations or preparing for an attack? As I said there is one outpost and that's it.
a second point is that militia means spending a number of yearsin the earth kingdom with more then likely no access to formal teachers whereas in republic city we can learn metal bending possibly get an airbending teacher if we eventually fell we need to be fully realized we can use the pro bending circuit to observe more modern styles of bending. We can make friends with some of the bigger movers and shakers in republic city and possibly have a nuetral place if we ever decide to reveal it to the world with very free information to all so that no one can supress it plus Harmonic convergance is a pretty good reason to shore up on bending and spirituality and Officer gives us an IC reason to be there in republic city
You do realize if we are not part of the Earth Kingdom, we are part of some kind of kingdom or another and thus would have no jurisdiction doing anything in the Earth Kingdom, correct? Meaning no helping the Earth Kingdom citizens stuck under the control of a crazy queen.

Also, I'd be concerned if an unauthorized militia made up of raiders started popping up. Especially one of trained benders.
You know, if people do go for helpful sand bender militia then we're more likely than not be fighting other fellow tribal sand benders.

The implication being only members of the tribe bother being in the desert.
You know, if people do go for helpful sand bender militia then we're more likely than not be fighting other fellow tribal sand benders.

The implication being only members of the tribe bother being in the desert.
...they have a point. We may cause an accidental civil war amongst the tribes. Which can catch all kinds of bad attention.
You know, if people do go for helpful sand bender militia then we're more likely than not be fighting other fellow tribal sand benders.

The implication being only members of the tribe bother being in the desert.
and that would make crossing dangerous if sand benders are fighting which jeopardizes trade and the queens taxes/pocket book at which point there would likely be reason for her to want our heads
edit going to bed please fight on in our positions name till the morning my fellows. dropping the formalities good night
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and that would make crossing dangerous if sand benders are fighting which jeopardizes trade and the queens taxes/pocket book at which point there would likely be reason for her to want our heads
What is also dangerous if a civil war happens, and we win and thus unified the tribes. Because suddenly, the hundreds of groups of a few dozen to a few hundred that were tiny specks before suddenly all join together to make a giant town/small city.
What is also dangerous if a civil war happens, and we win and thus unified the tribes. Because suddenly, the hundreds of groups of a few dozen to a few hundred that were tiny specks before suddenly all join together to make a giant town/small city.
last one, which makes us a very real threat which would then be dealt with using all possible prejudice,
a second point is that militia means spending a number of yearsin the earth kingdom with more then likely no access to formal teachers whereas in republic city we can learn metal bending possibly get an airbending teacher if we eventually fell we need to be fully realized we can use the pro bending circuit to observe more modern styles of bending. We can make friends with some of the bigger movers and shakers in republic city and possibly have a nuetral place if we ever decide to reveal it to the world with very free information to all so that no one can supress it plus Harmonic convergance is a pretty good reason to shore up on bending and spirituality and Officer gives us an IC reason to be there in republic city
We don't exactly need teachers, being a prodigy. We can figure it out ourselves. And we can almost certainly get teachers regardless, especially since it's a long-term ambition. We can wait a couple years before really getting started. Heck, even after we get started, we do not have to stay. We could nip on over to Zaufu for example, if we want to learn Metal Bending.

Harmonic Convergence is an interesting point. Supposedly, only the Avatar can open those portals. So, what happens if we don't? We have no real idea, because this is the FIRST Harmonic Convergence since the Avatar System was created, so we have no idea how those wards will stand against a cosmological event.
You do realize if we are not part of the Earth Kingdom, we are part of some kind of kingdom or another and thus would have no jurisdiction doing anything in the Earth Kingdom, correct? Meaning no helping the Earth Kingdom citizens stuck under the control of a crazy queen.

Also, I'd be concerned if an unauthorized militia made up of raiders started popping up. Especially one of trained benders.
We wouldn't be helping the oppressed people of the Earth Kingdom. We would be creating a Sand Militia, not starting a rebellion, like you are suggesting.

Then I guess you should be worry about what's going on in some location in South America, cause I'm almost certain there are unauthorized militia popping up somewhere down there.

You know, if people do go for helpful sand bender militia then we're more likely than not be fighting other fellow tribal sand benders.

The implication being only members of the tribe bother being in the desert.
Possibly. But that's a risk any attempt at unification and institiution of order brings. Civil Wars have to be fought sometimes. Plus, the people we would be fighting would be people breaking some accepted code of laws between the clans, since as a Militia we'd be enforcing the rules and what not.

Edit: I am going to bed, so will not be able to continue. It should atleast be made clear that, if only because of differing preferences, that the people voting they way they do do have a reason.
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a second point is that militia means spending a number of yearsin the earth kingdom with more then likely no access to formal teachers whereas in republic city we can learn metal bending possibly get an airbending teacher if we eventually fell we need to be fully realized we can use the pro bending circuit to observe more modern styles of bending. We can make friends with some of the bigger movers and shakers in republic city and possibly have a nuetral place if we ever decide to reveal it to the world with very free information to all so that no one can supress it plus Harmonic convergance is a pretty good reason to shore up on bending and spirituality and Officer gives us an IC reason to be there in republic city

Your second point is mute, our father has been stated to both be very worldly and a scholar. Sandbending is not only earth bending but also takes inspiration from water and air bending. Water we can always go learn it in the Water tribe or the Swamps. Metal bending we can go to Zaoufo for since its leader as I mentioned before spent time with the tribes. Modern bending styles make no difference in mechanics. Who is going to care for us until we mention we are the avatar? Becoming an officer ties us to the institution. Being the avatar does not mean being exempt from the rules, it's litilarrly in the first episode of Korra when she talks to chief Bei fong.

You do realize if we are not part of the Earth Kingdom, we are part of some kind of kingdom or another and thus would have no jurisdiction doing anything in the Earth Kingdom, correct? Meaning no helping the Earth Kingdom citizens stuck under the control of a crazy queen.

Also, I'd be concerned if an unauthorized militia made up of raiders started popping up. Especially one of trained benders.

Citizen: legally recognized subject or national of a state or commonwealth, either native or naturalized.

We don't pay taxes, we have no formal united government, we trade with whoever we please, and to top it off we get no support for the military in the first place. If we are a citizen than making a militia is justified in this case since we lack a united force to defend us. If we are not a citizen then policing ourselves among the Si Wong Desert is not a problem. Since we are not going out of our way to leave the desert and save the entire earth kingdom from tyranny.

...they have a point. We may cause an accidental civil war amongst the tribes. Which can catch all kinds of bad attention.
and that would make crossing dangerous if sand benders are fighting which jeopardizes trade and the queens taxes/pocket book at which point there would likely be reason for her to want our heads
edit going to bed please fight on in our positions name till the morning my fellows. dropping the formalities good night
What is also dangerous if a civil war happens, and we win and thus unified the tribes. Because suddenly, the hundreds of groups of a few dozen to a few hundred that were tiny specks before suddenly all join together to make a giant town/small city.
We have no idea if a civil war may even happen since there is no established nation of sand-benders. If we do unite and become a nation after several tribal conflicts, don't you both think that the other powers might want to talk to us before the Earth Queen declares it an Earth Kingdom matter? How would we even unite such a population? We would need to import all our products to get us started. It would take years of effort and our power to craft something of such a scale. Who even crosses the Si Wong Desert for trade in vast quantities? It has one resupply point in the Misty Oasis and Sand Sharks can kill you pretty easily. You either need to have an experienced guide who is a sandbender or just take a boat insted.
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Then I guess you should be worry about what's going on in some location in South America, cause I'm almost certain there are unauthorized militia popping up somewhere down there.
If I was the leader of those countries in South America, I would be, yes.
Since we are not going out of our way to leave the desert andsave the entire earth kingdom from tyranny
Problem, as Avatar, we are obligated to eventually deal with her. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not even the first day the militia is formed. But eventually. She will case an upset in the balance. We need to deal with her as the Avatar one day. And that day will come.
We have no idea if a civil war may even happen since there is no established nation of sand-benders. If we do unite and become a nation after several tribal conflicts, don't you both think that the other powers might want to talk to us before the Earth Queen declares it an Earth Kingdom matter? Who crosses the Si Wong Desert for trade in vast quantity? It has one resupply point in the Misty Oasis and Sand Sharks can kill you pretty easily. You either need to have an experienced guide or just take a boat insted.
Hm, sudden mass of soldiers at the footstep of your kingdom. Not quite sure any nation would take kindly to that. Especially the Earth Queen, but she may no longer be our only concern if that happens.

Edit: Going to bed. Need sleep. I'll add in a few cents when I wake up.
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Hm, sudden mass of soldiers at the footstep of your kingdom. Not quite sure any nation would take kindly to that. Especially the Earth Queen, but she may no longer be our only concern if that happens.
Between us and the Earth Queen is the entire Si Wong Desert, an outpost, a few mountains, a river. Miles and miles of empty land, and the walls of Ba Sing Se. If she were so obsessed with having an army at her borders then she would be at war with everyone since the earth kingdom has all the other empires surround it. Even if by some paranoid miracle we do rebel none of the other nations will get involved since we ourselves are surrounded by a few mountains and an ocean. Omashu acts for the earth kingdom as a bulwark for the west of the desert. There is a river we need to cross before we reach Ba Sing Se to our North not to mention the great divide. To our East, we have mountains aplenty and finally, to our south, we have the giant swamp

If any nation other than Earth kingdom were to worry then it would only be the most paranoid of generals.
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Look, a lot of people are saying the Earth Kingdom wouldn't care about our militia because we're basically in the middle of nowhere in the desert. That may be true. But if you want the quest to have a plot, either significant events worthy of the Avatar will start happening in the desert, making it no longer a place the Earth Queen wouldn't care about, or we'd have to leave the desert. If we leave the desert and take our army with us, a whole lot of people are going to care about the wandering sand bending militia. If we don't take them with us, why did we bother making them in the first place?

I don't really like any of the defenses people have been putting up against this action. So instead of just attacking it, I'll say that going to Republic City connects us better to the plot. It's also the only place on the planet we can actually get training in airbending, which we really do need. We're a genius bender, yes, but so is every Avatar and they all needed teachers.
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Look, a lot of people are saying the Earth Kingdom wouldn't care about our militia because we're basically in the middle of nowhere in the desert. That may be true. But if you want the quest to have a plot, either significant events worthy of the Avatar will start happening in the desert, making it no longer a place the Earth Queen wouldn't care about, or we'd have to leave the desert. If we leave the desert and take our army with us, a whole lot of people are going to care about the wandering sand bending militia. If we don't take them with us, why did we bother making them in the first place?
It's basically a group similar to the Kyoshi Warriors or alternatively forming our own political faction.

Uniting the sandbenders to form an actual state/confederacy/union so that they can actually be relevant could be pretty interesting.
The Avatar really isn't supposed to have a political faction, I think. And Kyoshi killed Chin the Conquerer and is maybe not someone we want to remind the Earth Queen of.
the kyoshi plan is winning.
Adhoc vote count started by sidestory on Feb 28, 2018 at 1:07 AM, finished with 417 posts and 38 votes.
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Wait, wasnt the Kyoshi plan edited so that we will not be the "party-pooper kind of guy?"

Edit: there is the disconnect that you want to lead yet you will spoil the fun of your "recruits", i thought it was edited so that our disagreement would be more productive
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Ugh... and i dont like the police vote... sticking to my vote then... though i hope we will do something so as not to lose the same people we want to recruit to our militia
Ugh... and i dont like the police vote... sticking to my vote then... though i hope we will do something so as not to lose the same people we want to recruit to our militia
We're going to have to go to Republic City eventually. Also,
Look, a lot of people are saying the Earth Kingdom wouldn't care about our militia because we're basically in the middle of nowhere in the desert. That may be true. But if you want the quest to have a plot, either significant events worthy of the Avatar will start happening in the desert, making it no longer a place the Earth Queen wouldn't care about, or we'd have to leave the desert. If we leave the desert and take our army with us, a whole lot of people are going to care about the wandering sand bending militia. If we don't take them with us, why did we bother making them in the first place?

I don't really like any of the defenses people have been putting up against this action. So instead of just attacking it, I'll say that going to Republic City connects us better to the plot. It's also the only place on the planet we can actually get training in airbending, which we really do need. We're a genius bender, yes, but so is every Avatar and they all needed teachers.
You make a very good point. This is not going to be a quite place. The quest demands plot, and plot comes from conflict. Something Avatar scale will happen if militia wins. Either the Earth Queen comes in to snuff us ALL out, every last sandbender down to the very last child, or a massive desert wide civil war that not only goes against our job description as Avatar, it will concern nearby Kingdoms and the Republic City. Especially depending on how close we are to them.