Chakra the RPG: Leaf-nin Edition Ver: 2.0

Can we make dual-wielding giant axes an option? Because that seems fucking awesome.
I mean, it depends on the thematics of the rank-up, but Naruto managed to get roman and european options on his first rank-up. So if Sakura ranks up from Analyst to a norse kenjutsu class (Most likely War-Chief) then sure.
Ah, I see you guys talked about the covers and the awesome weapons that were shown but never used.


where is this shit where did it go where is Sasuke playing instruments bc clan traditions and he a good son huh huh huuuuh
Decisions, decisions...
Looking between both his newly-minted Teammates, Naruto grumbled. "Fine! Yeash! I pick...Sasuke! He seems to know what he's doing." Turning as much as he could to face Sasuke again, who seemed to be muttering to himself about "Conspiracies in Iwa" and "That magnificent bastard Wakada!" making everyone stare at the usually broody Avenger, he added. "Plus, he actually looks... happy? for once & if he's having fun, I kinda want to encourage that...I miss the Sasuke from four years ago."

Seeing this, Kakashi questioned the radical personality shift. "Ok, you two heard the same introduction as me yesterday, right? Because this seems very different from what he told us."

Shaking his head, Naruto defended Sasuke. "Nah, this is how he was before Wea-- I mean Itachi butchered his clan. He was cool back then, he used to share his Natto with me at the academy."

Filing away Naruto's near slip with Itachi's name for later, Kakashi nodded, signifying that he was satisfied.

"Well Sasuke, will you gimme a hand since baka-sensei won't let me down?" Naruto asked.

Not expecting the interruption, Sasuke jumped. "Huh! wha? Oh! Sure Naruto, just let me pick mine first, 2 seconds." Scrolling to his prefered Class, he tapped it & when prompted, confirmed his choice.
[Are you sure you want {Detective} to be your Rookie Class?
Yes No]

[Sasuke Uchiha has Ranked Up from {Legal} to {Detective}!
Please select One (1) {Bukijutsu} Specialization:
[] Kunai Proficiency:The Kunai or Throwing Knives were some of the first tools created by the farmers who became the first proto-ninja. Meaning today's usage of them has been refined to an exact science. Unlike Shuriken, Kunai have more utility. {Gains Twenty (20) D-rank Kunai}
[]Shuriken Proficiency:The Shuriken or Ninja Stars were some of the first tools created by the farmers who became the first proto-ninja. Meaning today's usage of them has been refined to an exact science. Unlike Kunai, Shuriken do more damage. {Gains Twenty (20) D-rank Shuriken}
[] Wire Proficiency: Although Wires were originally utilized by civilians in both show-making and mechanics, Ninjas have integrated them into their ever growing arsenal of hidden weapons to great effect, just like most of their other tools. {Gains Five (5) Spools of D-rank Ninja Wire.}]

Finally done messing with his screen, Sasuke stood up dusting off his white shorts & walked over to the training post Naruto was tied to, leaning against its side so that he can see Naruto's screen, he asked. "Alright Naruto, which one do you want? Jester right?"

Thinking on it briefly, Naruto shook his head. "Nope! I want Magician. I always loved them when I snuck into the Kyuubi Festival. The Yondaime used Fuinjutsu too and he was cool!"

Chuckling, Kakashi stepped forward. "Is he your favourite Hokage then Naruto?"

{The Paths of The Shadow: Konoha.

Although all Konoha Ninja are duty-bound to follow the current Hokage, certain individuals feel their ideals fall more in-line with one of the past 'kage. By declaring and cultivating this resonances, a Ninja can gain traits and aspects attributed to their chosen patron.

[] Path of The Sage: Hashirama Senju was one of two Ninja who pioneered the idea of Hidden Villages. Elected as the Shodai Hokage Hashirama revolutionized the Ninja World with his pacifist's ideals until he was forced to slay his rival and brother-in-arms; Madara Uchiha. [Gain +5 Chakra {CHKR} Per Level up. Gain Skill: {Meditation} BONUS: Gain Trait: {Body of The Sage}]
[] Path of The General: Although it was Hashirama and Madara who founded the new world, it was Tobirama Senju who defined it as the Nidaime Hokage. Using his ingenuity, he lead Konoha through the First Shinobi World war [Gain +5 Intelligence {INT} Per Level up. Gain Skill: {Hyper-Focus}]
[] Path of The Professor: Inheriting the title of Hokage from his Sensei during the First Shinobi World War, Hiruzen Sarutobi sought to master the Ninja Arts in their entirety in order to grant Konoha victory in not one, not two, but three Shinobi World Wars with his vast wisdom. [Gain +5 Wisdom {WIZ} Per Level up. Gain Skill: {Bo Staff Proficiency} BONUS: Gain Trait: {Disciple of The Monkey King}]
[] Path of The Hero: Clawing his way up from nothing, Minato Namikaze surpassed even Hiruzen's own students in the eyes of the village when he denied enemy forces reinforcements at a pivotal moment in the Third Shinobi World War. He cemented himself as the Leaf's Hero when he sacrificed himself to seal the Kyuubi No Kitsune. [Gain +5 Charisma {CHA} Per Level Up. Gain Skill: {Honourable Soul} BONUS: Gain Trait: {His Father's Son}]

After quickly reading the tutorial & examining the options, Sasuke Selected the one Naruto told him to. "Huh, seems almost like a religion system. Which is odd since the Hokage are never treated like proper gods… and what was with the Yondaime's bonus…?"

impatiently,Naruto,yelled. "C'mon Sasuke! What's taking so long?!"

Rolling his eyes, Sasuke snapped back. "Ah, no! You never rush character setup. That is exactly what screwed over Miyazawa… I said that out loud didn't I?"

Hearing Sasuke's mini-rant caused Sakura to snap out of her panic "Who's Miyazawa? I don't remember anyone in the academy with that name."

Still staring blankly ahead as if hoping the ground would open up and swallow him, Sasuke replied in a Dead tone of voice, as though he'd lost all hope. "No… he's the main character in one of my favourite books, Game-nin."

Hearing this, Kakashi snorted. "Book? It's a Manga, I've seen Kurenai reading it. I'd thought you'd have better taste Sasuke."

Seeming to spring back to life, Sasuke retorted. "Yeah, well at least I read, rather than replace my non-existent love-life with an old man's daydreams." With that, he reached out & tapped the chosen Class.

[Due to performing a special action, a skill has been created: {Taunt}]

[Taunt:: Active: lvl: 1: XP: 0.00%
The ability to taunt an opponent, driving them into a rage.

  • 5% chance to inflict status {Berzerk} on Target]

[Are you sure you want {Magician} to be your Rookie Class?
Yes No]

[Naruto Uzumaki has Ranked Up from {Performer} to {Magician}!
Please select One (1) {Fuinjutsu} Specialization:
[] Space-time: Two of the 4 Hokage were hailed as the fastest Shinobi alive, not only due to their own natural speed, but due to a Fuinjutsu that created a corridor that completely circumvented reality, allowing them to cross the field in the blink of an eye. {Gains Scroll: "The Theory of Reality."}
[] Energy conversion: One of the basic rules of physics is "You cannot generate energy, only convert it." Well, Chakra is a prime energy source that with only a few brush-strokes can be converted to devastating effect. {Gains Scroll: "The Transformative Flow."}
[] Hyperplane: One the most well known applications of Fuinjutsu is the Sealing Scroll; press a Kunai to an open slot, it's stored in the Scroll, most people think the Kunai dissipates into the seal as Chakra, what actually happens is the writing acts as a gateway to pockets of Chakra created to perfectly fit the presented item inside the Scroll. {Gains Scroll: Building A Hyperplane."}]

After conferring with Naruto over his Specialization, Sasuke curiously asked. "Why isn't Fuinjutsu taught at the academy sensai?"

Recovering from his student's verbal assault, Kakashi explained. "Fuinjutsu is a very intense, complex and dry art that only pays off once people are good at it, therefore kids and even some adults don't have the attention span to learn it."

[Due to delivering a lesson to your students, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno gain 1 Intelligence {INT}]

Nodding, Sakura turned towards her screen to finally select her class.

[Are you sure you want {Analyst} to be your Rookie Class?

Yes No]

[Sakura Haruno has Ranked Up from {Student} to {Analyst}!
Please select One (1) {Tactics} Specialization:
[] Guerilla Warfare:The strength.of a small unit is its mobility and unpredictability, allowing them to hit larger forces when and where it hurts the most, never giving them a chance to recover {Gains Scroll: "The Little Man's War."}
[] Reconnaissance:.Sometimes, Missions are easy, get in, do the deed and get out, but more often than not either the client doesn't know the full picture or the enemy has a few hidden aces and any unknowns could jeopardize the Mission. {Gains Scroll: "Knowing Is Half The Battle."}
[] Blitzkrieg: Whilst fighting smart is all well and good, it even works most of the time, there are enemies too wise or powerful to fall to clever ploys, then your only choice is to strike hard and fast, crushing them with your preternatural fury. {Gains Scroll:"Wrath of The Gods."}]

QM Notes: May the rivalry between Sasuke and Kakashi BEGIN! :V

Also, poor Tobirama, he's the only Hokage Naruto doesn't have a link with.
[] Blitzkrieg: Whilst fighting smart is all well and good, it even works most of the time, there are enemies too wise or powerful to fall to clever ploys, then your only choice is to strike hard and fast, crushing them with your preternatural fury. {Gains Scroll:"Wrath of The Gods."}]

This seems like the option most like to lead to dual-wielding giant axes. Therefore it's the best.
[X] Kunai Proficiency:The Kunai or Throwing Knives were some of the first tools created by the farmers who became the first proto-ninja. Meaning today's usage of them has been refined to an exact science. Unlike Shuriken, Kunai have more utility. {Gains Twenty (20) D-rank Kunai}

[X] Path of The Professor: Inheriting the title of Hokage from his Sensei during the First Shinobi World War, Hiruzen Sarutobi sought to master the Ninja Arts in their entirety in order to grant Konoha victory in not one, not two, but three Shinobi World Wars with his vast wisdom. [Gain +5 Wisdom {WIZ} Per Level up. Gain Skill: {Bo Staff Proficiency} BONUS: Gain Trait: {Disciple of The Monkey King}]

[X] Energy conversion: One of the basic rules of physics is "You cannot generate energy, only convert it." Well, Chakra is a prime energy source that with only a few brush-strokes can be converted to devastating effect. {Gains Scroll: "The Transformative Flow."}

[X] Blitzkrieg: Whilst fighting smart is all well and good, it even works most of the time, there are enemies too wise or powerful to fall to clever ploys, then your only choice is to strike hard and fast, crushing them with your preternatural fury. {Gains Scroll:"Wrath of The Gods."}]

So, my explanation and reasoning for this is simple, Kunai are good for utility, which is great in many different ways, not to mention the different variants such as ones with explosive tags. So that sounds like they'll be most helpful in a variety of situations. Sasuke's main goal may be the death of Itachi, but we can't allow him to overspec into one field.

As for why I chose the Nidaime, despite having no bonus from this,I think the Hyper-Focus skill will go great with Naruto's typical attitude towards training, and if we are going to aim for seals, then it might help Naruto gain the patience for such a dry art.

I selected Energy conversion in hopes that it'll help with Naruto's piss poor control. Also, sounds like it'll be useful in some other way I'm probably not thinking of.

As for Blitzkrieg? Like the name of the plan, when we literally only have canon, Team 7 in Part 1, and Sakura even more so, have had to constantly put up with opponents far to strong for them. Such as Zabuza, Orochimaru, and Gaara. Let's not forget to mention then she fought Sasori, who let's be honest here, would have killed her in a minute without Chiyo. So, bluntly speaking, I think that will help with proceeding.

My one concern is when they have to fight people more of their own level or below it. But that should probably be able to be amended later in the system once they level a bit.
Adhoc vote count started by DarkKing98 on Feb 25, 2018 at 6:43 PM, finished with 55 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Wire Proficiency: Although Wires were originally utilized by civilians in both show-making and mechanics, Ninjas have integrated them into their ever growing arsenal of hidden weapons to great effect, just like most of their other tools. {Gains Five (5) Spools of D-rank Ninja Wire.}]
    [X] Space-time: Two of the 4 Hokage were hailed as the fastest Shinobi alive, not only due to their own natural speed, but due to a Fuinjutsu that created a corridor that completely circumvented reality, allowing them to cross the field in the blink of an eye. {Gains Scroll: "The Theory of Reality."}
    [X] Path of The Hero: Clawing his way up from nothing, Minato Namikaze surpassed even Hiruzen's own students in the eyes of the village when he denied enemy forces reinforcements at a pivotal moment in the Third Shinobi World War. He cemented himself as the Leaf's Hero when he sacrificed himself to seal the Kyuubi No Kitsune. [Gain +5 Charisma {CHA} Per Level Up. Gain Skill: {Honourable Soul} BONUS: Gain Trait: {His Father's Son}]
    [X] Blitzkrieg: Whilst fighting smart is all well and good, it even works most of the time, there are enemies too wise or powerful to fall to clever ploys, then your only choice is to strike hard and fast, crushing them with your preternatural fury. {Gains Scroll:"Wrath of The Gods."}]
    -[X] Path of The Hero: Clawing his way up from nothing, Minato Namikaze surpassed even Hiruzen's own students in the eyes of the village when he denied enemy forces reinforcements at a pivotal moment in the Third Shinobi World War. He cemented himself as the Leaf's Hero when he sacrificed himself to seal the Kyuubi No Kitsune. [Gain +5 Charisma {CHA} Per Level Up. Gain Skill: {Honourable Soul} BONUS: Gain Trait: {His Father's Son}]
    -[X] Blitzkrieg: Whilst fighting smart is all well and good, it even works most of the time, there are enemies too wise or powerful to fall to clever ploys, then your only choice is to strike hard and fast, crushing them with your preternatural fury. {Gains Scroll:"Wrath of The Gods."}]
    [X] Path of The Professor: Inheriting the title of Hokage from his Sensei during the First Shinobi World War, Hiruzen Sarutobi sought to master the Ninja Arts in their entirety in order to grant Konoha victory in not one, not two, but three Shinobi World Wars with his vast wisdom. [Gain +5 Wisdom {WIZ} Per Level up. Gain Skill: {Bo Staff Proficiency} BONUS: Gain Trait: {Disciple of The Monkey King}]
    [X] Kunai Proficiency:The Kunai or Throwing Knives were some of the first tools created by the farmers who became the first proto-ninja. Meaning today's usage of them has been refined to an exact science. Unlike Shuriken, Kunai have more utility. {Gains Twenty (20) D-rank Kunai}
    [X] Guerilla Warfare:The strength.of a small unit is its mobility and unpredictability, allowing them to hit larger forces when and where it hurts the most, never giving them a chance to recover
    -[X] Space-time: Two of the 4 Hokage were hailed as the fastest Shinobi alive, not only due to their own natural speed, but due to a Fuinjutsu that created a corridor that completely circumvented reality, allowing them to cross the field in the blink of an eye. {Gains Scroll: "The Theory of Reality."}
    -[X] Shuriken Proficiency:The Shuriken or Ninja Stars were some of the first tools created by the farmers who became the first proto-ninja. Meaning today's usage of them has been refined to an exact science. Unlike Kunai, Shuriken do more damage. {Gains Twenty (20) D-rank Shuriken}
    [X] Plan Heroes Of Konoha
    [X] Energy conversion: One of the basic rules of physics is "You cannot generate energy, only convert it." Well, Chakra is a prime energy source that with only a few brush-strokes can be converted to devastating effect. {Gains Scroll: "The Transformative Flow."}
    [X]Shuriken Proficiency:The Shuriken or Ninja Stars were some of the first tools created by the farmers who became the first proto-ninja. Meaning today's usage of them has been refined to an exact science. Unlike Kunai, Shuriken do more damage. {Gains Twenty (20) D-rank Shuriken}
    [X] Hyperplane: One the most well known applications of Fuinjutsu is the Sealing Scroll; press a Kunai to an open slot, it's stored in the Scroll, most people think the Kunai dissipates into the seal as Chakra, what actually happens is the writing acts as a gateway to pockets of Chakra created to perfectly fit the presented item inside the Scroll. {Gains Scroll: Building A Hyperplane."}]
    [X] Guerilla Warfare:The strength.of a small unit is its mobility and unpredictability, allowing them to hit larger forces when and where it hurts the most, never giving them a chance to recover {Gains Scroll: "The Little Man's War."}
    [X] Reconnaissance:.Sometimes, Missions are easy, get in, do the deed and get out, but more often than not either the client doesn't know the full picture or the enemy has a few hidden aces and any unknowns could jeopardize the Mission. {Gains Scroll: "Knowing Is Half The Battle."}
    [X] Kunai Proficiency:The Kunai or Throwing Knives were some of the first tools created by the farmers who became the first proto-ninja. Meaning today's usage of them has been refined to an exact science. Unlike Shuriken, Kunai have more utility. {Gains Twenty (20) D-rank Kunai}
    [X] Hyperplane: One the most well known applications of Fuinjutsu is the Sealing Scroll; press a Kunai to an open slot, it's stored in the Scroll, most people think the Kunai dissipates into the seal as Chakra, what actually happens is the writing acts as a gateway to pockets of Chakra created to perfectly fit the presented item inside the Scroll. {Gains Scroll: Building A Hyperplane."}]
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[X]Shuriken Proficiency:The Shuriken or Ninja Stars were some of the first tools created by the farmers who became the first proto-ninja. Meaning today's usage of them has been refined to an exact science. Unlike Kunai, Shuriken do more damage. {Gains Twenty (20) D-rank Shuriken}
[X] Path of The Professor: Inheriting the title of Hokage from his Sensei during the First Shinobi World War, Hiruzen Sarutobi sought to master the Ninja Arts in their entirety in order to grant Konoha victory in not one, not two, but three Shinobi World Wars with his vast wisdom. [Gain +5 Wisdom {WIZ} Per Level up. Gain Skill: {Bo Staff Proficiency} BONUS: Gain Trait: {Disciple of The Monkey King}]
[X] Space-time: Two of the 4 Hokage were hailed as the fastest Shinobi alive, not only due to their own natural speed, but due to a Fuinjutsu that created a corridor that completely circumvented reality, allowing them to cross the field in the blink of an eye. {Gains Scroll: "The Theory of Reality."}
[X] Blitzkrieg: Whilst fighting smart is all well and good, it even works most of the time, there are enemies too wise or powerful to fall to clever ploys, then your only choice is to strike hard and fast, crushing them with your preternatural fury. {Gains Scroll:"Wrath of The Gods."}]
[X] Wire Proficiency: Although Wires were originally utilized by civilians in both show-making and mechanics, Ninjas have integrated them into their ever growing arsenal of hidden weapons to great effect, just like most of their other tools. {Gains Five (5) Spools of D-rank Ninja Wire.}]

[X] Path of The Hero: Clawing his way up from nothing, Minato Namikaze surpassed even Hiruzen's own students in the eyes of the village when he denied enemy forces reinforcements at a pivotal moment in the Third Shinobi World War. He cemented himself as the Leaf's Hero when he sacrificed himself to seal the Kyuubi No Kitsune. [Gain +5 Charisma {CHA} Per Level Up. Gain Skill: {Honourable Soul} BONUS: Gain Trait: {His Father's Son}]
[X] Space-time: Two of the 4 Hokage were hailed as the fastest Shinobi alive, not only due to their own natural speed, but due to a Fuinjutsu that created a corridor that completely circumvented reality, allowing them to cross the field in the blink of an eye. {Gains Scroll: "The Theory of Reality."}

[X] Blitzkrieg: Whilst fighting smart is all well and good, it even works most of the time, there are enemies too wise or powerful to fall to clever ploys, then your only choice is to strike hard and fast, crushing them with your preternatural fury. {Gains Scroll:"Wrath of The Gods."}]
[X] Plan Heroes Of Konoha
-[X] Shuriken Proficiency:The Shuriken or Ninja Stars were some of the first tools created by the farmers who became the first proto-ninja. Meaning today's usage of them has been refined to an exact science. Unlike Kunai, Shuriken do more damage. {Gains Twenty (20) D-rank Shuriken}
-[X] Path of The Hero: Clawing his way up from nothing, Minato Namikaze surpassed even Hiruzen's own students in the eyes of the village when he denied enemy forces reinforcements at a pivotal moment in the Third Shinobi World War. He cemented himself as the Leaf's Hero when he sacrificed himself to seal the Kyuubi No Kitsune. [Gain +5 Charisma {CHA} Per Level Up. Gain Skill: {Honourable Soul} BONUS: Gain Trait: {His Father's Son}]
-[X] Space-time: Two of the 4 Hokage were hailed as the fastest Shinobi alive, not only due to their own natural speed, but due to a Fuinjutsu that created a corridor that completely circumvented reality, allowing them to cross the field in the blink of an eye. {Gains Scroll: "The Theory of Reality."}
-[X] Blitzkrieg: Whilst fighting smart is all well and good, it even works most of the time, there are enemies too wise or powerful to fall to clever ploys, then your only choice is to strike hard and fast, crushing them with your preternatural fury. {Gains Scroll:"Wrath of The Gods."}]

Looks at trait 'Father's Son'.

Naruto: Kakashi do you know my father?
[X] Wire Proficiency: Although Wires were originally utilized by civilians in both show-making and mechanics, Ninjas have integrated them into their ever growing arsenal of hidden weapons to great effect, just like most of their other tools. {Gains Five (5) Spools of D-rank Ninja Wire.}]

[X] Path of The Hero: Clawing his way up from nothing, Minato Namikaze surpassed even Hiruzen's own students in the eyes of the village when he denied enemy forces reinforcements at a pivotal moment in the Third Shinobi World War. He cemented himself as the Leaf's Hero when he sacrificed himself to seal the Kyuubi No Kitsune. [Gain +5 Charisma {CHA} Per Level Up. Gain Skill: {Honourable Soul} BONUS: Gain Trait: {His Father's Son}]
[X] Space-time: Two of the 4 Hokage were hailed as the fastest Shinobi alive, not only due to their own natural speed, but due to a Fuinjutsu that created a corridor that completely circumvented reality, allowing them to cross the field in the blink of an eye. {Gains Scroll: "The Theory of Reality."}

[X] Blitzkrieg: Whilst fighting smart is all well and good, it even works most of the time, there are enemies too wise or powerful to fall to clever ploys, then your only choice is to strike hard and fast, crushing them with your preternatural fury. {Gains Scroll:"Wrath of The Gods."}]
[x] Kunai Proficiency:The Kunai or Throwing Knives were some of the first tools created by the farmers who became the first proto-ninja. Meaning today's usage of them has been refined to an exact science. Unlike Shuriken, Kunai have more utility. {Gains Twenty (20) D-rank Kunai}
[x] Path of The Hero: Clawing his way up from nothing, Minato Namikaze surpassed even Hiruzen's own students in the eyes of the village when he denied enemy forces reinforcements at a pivotal moment in the Third Shinobi World War. He cemented himself as the Leaf's Hero when he sacrificed himself to seal the Kyuubi No Kitsune. [Gain +5 Charisma {CHA} Per Level Up. Gain Skill: {Honourable Soul} BONUS: Gain Trait: {His Father's Son}]
[x] Space-time: Two of the 4 Hokage were hailed as the fastest Shinobi alive, not only due to their own natural speed, but due to a Fuinjutsu that created a corridor that completely circumvented reality, allowing them to cross the field in the blink of an eye. {Gains Scroll: "The Theory of Reality."}
[x] Blitzkrieg: Whilst fighting smart is all well and good, it even works most of the time, there are enemies too wise or powerful to fall to clever ploys, then your only choice is to strike hard and fast, crushing them with your preternatural fury. {Gains Scroll:"Wrath of The Gods."}]
[x] Path of The Hero: Clawing his way up from nothing, Minato Namikaze surpassed even Hiruzen's own students in the eyes of the village when he denied enemy forces reinforcements at a pivotal moment in the Third Shinobi World War. He cemented himself as the Leaf's Hero when he sacrificed himself to seal the Kyuubi No Kitsune. [Gain +5 Charisma {CHA} Per Level Up. Gain Skill: {Honourable Soul} BONUS: Gain Trait: {His Father's Son}]
[x] Space-time: Two of the 4 Hokage were hailed as the fastest Shinobi alive, not only due to their own natural speed, but due to a Fuinjutsu that created a corridor that completely circumvented reality, allowing them to cross the field in the blink of an eye. {Gains Scroll: "The Theory of Reality."}
I'll be honest here. This is so blatantly obvious of the Hirashin Skill tree that I'm a bit concerned about choosing it.

That, and I'm not fond of what "Honorable Soul" sounds like considering how it sounds, to me, something that'll neglect or weaken the stealth portion of Magician.
Surprisingly no, since it's the Path of The Hero instead of the Flash so it's more charisma-based than agility-based
Yeah, that IS surprising. Since the whole 'His Father's Son' Trait combined with Space-Time seals just sounds like it alone.

Still don't like the 'Honorable Soul' Trait, but I feel safer now if that combo for Naruto wins.
Hey @Xalgeon when Naruto notices the Father's Son trait, does he immediately realize Minato is his father?

Also, is this by line or plan?

3rd question: Which trait do we need to invest in if we IC went to find the reason for Hinata being 'weird'.
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[X] Wire Proficiency: Although Wires were originally utilized by civilians in both show-making and mechanics, Ninjas have integrated them into their ever growing arsenal of hidden weapons to great effect, just like most of their other tools. {Gains Five (5) Spools of D-rank Ninja Wire.}]
[X] Path of The Professor: Inheriting the title of Hokage from his Sensei during the First Shinobi World War, Hiruzen Sarutobi sought to master the Ninja Arts in their entirety in order to grant Konoha victory in not one, not two, but three Shinobi World Wars with his vast wisdom. [Gain +5 Wisdom {WIZ} Per Level up. Gain Skill: {Bo Staff Proficiency} BONUS: Gain Trait: {Disciple of The Monkey King}]
[X] Energy conversion: One of the basic rules of physics is "You cannot generate energy, only convert it." Well, Chakra is a prime energy source that with only a few brush-strokes can be converted to devastating effect. {Gains Scroll: "The Transformative Flow."}
[X] Guerilla Warfare:The strength.of a small unit is its mobility and unpredictability, allowing them to hit larger forces when and where it hurts the most, never giving them a chance to recover
{Gains Scroll: "The Little Man's War"}
