Chakra the RPG: Leaf-nin Edition Ver: 2.0

[X] Wire Proficiency: Although Wires were originally utilized by civilians in both show-making and mechanics, Ninjas have integrated them into their ever growing arsenal of hidden weapons to great effect, just like most of their other tools. {Gains Five (5) Spools of D-rank Ninja Wire.}]
[X] Space-time: Two of the 4 Hokage were hailed as the fastest Shinobi alive, not only due to their own natural speed, but due to a Fuinjutsu that created a corridor that completely circumvented reality, allowing them to cross the field in the blink of an eye. {Gains Scroll: "The Theory of Reality."}
[X] Blitzkrieg: Whilst fighting smart is all well and good, it even works most of the time, there are enemies too wise or powerful to fall to clever ploys, then your only choice is to strike hard and fast, crushing them with your preternatural fury. {Gains Scroll:"Wrath of The Gods."}]
[Canon] - Naruto, The Greatest Biwa Player In The Leaf
Omake: Naruto, The Greatest Biwa Player In Leaf

Ever since Naruto was young, he loved music. The way it sounded, the passion behind the players, and the kinds of emotions it can carry or invoke in others. He saw how happy it can make people. The love and attention that musicians received. He wanted that. That attention, and that ability to make others happy. But he never had enough money to buy an instrument. He needed all he could get to pay for clothing and food. One day though, luck had smiled upon him.

When Naruto was eight years old, he had found an instrument thrown out in an alley on his way back home from the Academy. Excited he quickly rushed home to start playing it. Needless to say, he sucked. It was out of tune. It took Naruto a lot of time to figure out how to tune it. Fortunately, his birthday was coming up and on that day The Old Man had given him a gift that Naruto will treasure forever. Hiruzen had seen Naruto's new instrument and his struggle with it that he decided for his birthday to give him a book that talks about how to use and maintain a Biwa. Upon seeing it, Naruto's eyes widen and he did something he hadn't done in a long time.

He cried.

Not from sorrow obviously, but from happiness. Naruto will never be able to explain why this gift is so valuable to him. Words never seem to be enough. After returning home that day Naruto read the book front to cover nonstop until he memorized every last detail. And once that was done, he fixed up his Biwa and started practicing. It still wasn't great, hell, it wasn't even ok, but never let it be said that Naruto Uzumaki is a quitter. He practiced day in and day out, even skipping classes of the Academy and neglecting homework to focus on bettering his ability to play. Two months later in December Naruto decided to go out and play a few songs for the villagers.

It went terribly. He was either ignored, sneared at in disgust, insulted, or chased away. And it quickly became known in the village that 'That Child' plays the Biwa. Suddenly, any store that sold anything involving Biwas removed them. Vetern players of it stopped. And any who had interest in playing one lost it. By the end of the month, the Biwa may as well not have existed as far as the people of Leaf were concerned. Except for the rare few who still play it. And even if there were, they play it in secret, no one ever knowing that they do.

And that, is how Naruto became the only greatest biwa player in The Village Hidden in the Leaves.

Well, that was depressing! Hope you guys liked it!
[Canon] - Dice Tales: Sasuke #1: The Games People Play
The Games People Play
"Do you have it?" The Aburame boy asked, nestling his chin into the high collar of his jacket, and looking quite suspicious. The question itself was asked in what would be heard as an emotionless tone to all but his closest friends who instead heard the soft note of anticipation behind the question.

The girl standing next to him nodded in agreement, the pale eyes of the Hyuuga peering at him with the same inquisitive look.

Sasuke nodded, noting the slight relaxing in Shino's shoulders, and the slight smile Hinata gave when he pulled it out: Ogres and Oubliettes, Quickplay (No-GM) Scenario 4: Knights of The Crimson Caves.

After opening the book to its start, the three of them pulled out their character sheets and began to equip themselves for a foray into the mystical world of their favorite tabletop RPG… it helped, a little, to keep his mind off of what had happened, his two friends going out of their way to keep their weekly 'tradition' going even after Itachi.

It was all Shino's fault, really. Buying the first book for him as a 'get well' present while he was in the hospital following the massacre and so, having nothing to do but read, Sasuke became intimately familiar with the game and found that he rather enjoyed the setting and mechanics… and so when Shino had visited again Sasuke decided to force him to play with him.

After that, Hinata had walked in on a gaming session and they'd forced her to play too, though she seemed really relieved, and a little happy, to be invited into the game — and that's how their little gaming group got started.

And that was what led to them gathering regularly, secretly, to embark on such glorious adventures with their characters: Sir Alfred Smithsworth the Second (Human, Knight, Saskue); Maid Fes Farsight (Elf, Royal Archer, Shino), and Sara Seawater (Human, Thief, Hinata).

— — — — — — —​

"What do you think they're up to?" Kotetsu asked, nodding toward the three children in the secluded area of the training ground.

"Who knows…" Izumo replied, tossing another kunai to his friend and readying his own. "As long as it keeps us out of that hospital, I don't care!"

"Well, keeping an eye on Uchiha isn't so bad, as far as D-rank missions go." Kotetsu replied.

Izumo shorted, "It's just makework for us, and to appease the council that Uchiha has round-the-clock guards… if Itachi came back we'd be lucky to be able to raise an alarm."

"Yeah, politics…" Kotetsu made a disgusted sound, throwing his kunai way off target, "You know how much I hate 'display purpose' missions."

Izumo nodded, throwing his kunai to meet Kotetsu's and knock it into the target dummy at the far end of the field. "And yet you actually _want_ the gate-duty missions!"

"Hey! Gate guard is a great gig, not only do you get to see everyone off, you get to hear all the news first, AND you're the last line of defense for the village before the enemy gets inside!" Kotetsu protested.

"It's a display position: you hang out there, looking good, while the Jounin do all the real work of protecting the village. C'mon, admit it." Izumo prodded, falling right back into their 'great debate' regarding the posting.

"Hey, my dad's not a useless political display piece!" Kotetsu responded, taking the bait… and missing his chance to hit Izumo's kunai.

"You missed."

"Yeah, yeah."

"It means I'm winning!" Izumo couldn't help but smile as he said it, throwing another kunai — this one Kotetsu intercepted and redirected to the dummy.

"Yeah, I'll show you. Jerk!" Kotetsu replied to Izumo's laughter.

— — — — — — —​

More reports flooded the office in the tower, most of them containing rumors of "the escaped Itachi Uchiha" — an unfortunate necessity, compromising the image of the village's competence, but mitigated by the stories of Itachi's own genius.

The boy was sowing a lot of false trails, not one in the hundred in the last month gave even as much as a clue as to Itachi's true goals, his final mission, orders that had been given in a small park overlooked by this very office.

The young prodigy was willing to do it, but had extracted a promise from the Hokage — something astonishing, for one so young — one to protect his little brother Sasuke.

The whole thing, which showed how much Itachi loved his brother, was as tragic as it was necessary and as secret a thing as any that Hiruzen, Hokage of the Hidden Leaf, kept. Information like this could easily tear the village apart as surly as the coup that was put down would have.

Hiruzen sighed, sometimes there were no good choices.
Omake: Naruto, The Greatest Biwa Player In Leaf

Ever since Naruto was young, he loved music. The way it sounded, the passion behind the players, and the kinds of emotions it can carry or invoke in others. He saw how happy it can make people. The love and attention that musicians received. He wanted that. That attention, and that ability to make others happy. But he never had enough money to buy an instrument. He needed all he could get to pay for clothing and food. One day though, luck had smiled upon him.

When Naruto was eight years old, he had found an instrument thrown out in an alley on his way back home from the Academy. Excited he quickly rushed home to start playing it. Needless to say, he sucked. It was out of tune. It took Naruto a lot of time to figure out how to tune it. Fortunately, his birthday was coming up and on that day The Old Man had given him a gift that Naruto will treasure forever. Hiruzen had seen Naruto's new instrument and his struggle with it that he decided for his birthday to give him a book that talks about how to use and maintain a Biwa. Upon seeing it, Naruto's eyes widen and he did something he hadn't done in a long time.

He cried.

Not from sorrow obviously, but from happiness. Naruto will never be able to explain why this gift is so valuable to him. Words never seem to be enough. After returning home that day Naruto read the book front to cover nonstop until he memorized every last detail. And once that was done, he fixed up his Biwa and started practicing. It still wasn't great, hell, it wasn't even ok, but never let it be said that Naruto Uzumaki is a quitter. He practiced day in and day out, even skipping classes of the Academy and neglecting homework to focus on bettering his ability to play. Two months later in December Naruto decided to go out and play a few songs for the villagers.

It went terribly. He was either ignored, sneared at in disgust, insulted, or chased away. And it quickly became known in the village that 'That Child' plays the Biwa. Suddenly, any store that sold anything involving Biwas removed them. Vetern players of it stopped. And any who had interest in playing one lost it. By the end of the month, the Biwa may as well not have existed as far as the people of Leaf were concerned. Except for the rare few who still play it. And even if there were, they play it in secret, no one ever knowing that they do.

And that, is how Naruto became the only greatest biwa player in The Village Hidden in the Leaves.

Well, that was depressing! Hope you guys liked it!
Naruto now has the {Biwa Proficiency} Skill at Level 8.
The Games People Play
"Do you have it?" The Aburame boy asked, nestling his chin into the high collar of his jacket, and looking quite suspicious. The question itself was asked in what would be heard as an emotionless tone to all but his closest friends who instead heard the soft note of anticipation behind the question.

The girl standing next to him nodded in agreement, the pale eyes of the Hyuuga peering at him with the same inquisitive look.

Sasuke nodded, noting the slight relaxing in Shino's shoulders, and the slight smile Hinata gave when he pulled it out: Ogres and Oubliettes, Quickplay (No-GM) Scenario 4: Knights of The Crimson Caves.

After opening the book to its start, the three of them pulled out their character sheets and began to equip themselves for a foray into the mystical world of their favorite tabletop RPG… it helped, a little, to keep his mind off of what had happened, his two friends going out of their way to keep their weekly 'tradition' going even after Itachi.

It was all Shino's fault, really. Buying the first book for him as a 'get well' present while he was in the hospital following the massacre and so, having nothing to do but read, Sasuke became intimately familiar with the game and found that he rather enjoyed the setting and mechanics… and so when Shino had visited again Sasuke decided to force him to play with him.

After that, Hinata had walked in on a gaming session and they'd forced her to play too, though she seemed really relieved, and a little happy, to be invited into the game — and that's how their little gaming group got started.

And that was what led to them gathering regularly, secretly, to embark on such glorious adventures with their characters: Sir Alfred Smithsworth the Second (Human, Knight, Saskue); Maid Fes Farsight (Elf, Royal Archer, Shino), and Sara Seawater (Human, Thief, Hinata).

— — — — — — —​

"What do you think they're up to?" Kotetsu asked, nodding toward the three children in the secluded area of the training ground.

"Who knows…" Izumo replied, tossing another kunai to his friend and readying his own. "As long as it keeps us out of that hospital, I don't care!"

"Well, keeping an eye on Uchiha isn't so bad, as far as D-rank missions go." Kotetsu replied.

Izumo shorted, "It's just makework for us, and to appease the council that Uchiha has round-the-clock guards… if Itachi came back we'd be lucky to be able to raise an alarm."

"Yeah, politics…" Kotetsu made a disgusted sound, throwing his kunai way off target, "You know how much I hate 'display purpose' missions."

Izumo nodded, throwing his kunai to meet Kotetsu's and knock it into the target dummy at the far end of the field. "And yet you actually _want_ the gate-duty missions!"

"Hey! Gate guard is a great gig, not only do you get to see everyone off, you get to hear all the news first, AND you're the last line of defense for the village before the enemy gets inside!" Kotetsu protested.

"It's a display position: you hang out there, looking good, while the Jounin do all the real work of protecting the village. C'mon, admit it." Izumo prodded, falling right back into their 'great debate' regarding the posting.

"Hey, my dad's not a useless political display piece!" Kotetsu responded, taking the bait… and missing his chance to hit Izumo's kunai.

"You missed."

"Yeah, yeah."

"It means I'm winning!" Izumo couldn't help but smile as he said it, throwing another kunai — this one Kotetsu intercepted and redirected to the dummy.

"Yeah, I'll show you. Jerk!" Kotetsu replied to Izumo's laughter.

— — — — — — —​

More reports flooded the office in the tower, most of them containing rumors of "the escaped Itachi Uchiha" — an unfortunate necessity, compromising the image of the village's competence, but mitigated by the stories of Itachi's own genius.

The boy was sowing a lot of false trails, not one in the hundred in the last month gave even as much as a clue as to Itachi's true goals, his final mission, orders that had been given in a small park overlooked by this very office.

The young prodigy was willing to do it, but had extracted a promise from the Hokage — something astonishing, for one so young — one to protect his little brother Sasuke.

The whole thing, which showed how much Itachi loved his brother, was as tragic as it was necessary and as secret a thing as any that Hiruzen, Hokage of the Hidden Leaf, kept. Information like this could easily tear the village apart as surly as the coup that was put down would have.

Hiruzen sighed, sometimes there were no good choices.
And Sasuke Uchiha, Shino Aburame and Hinata Hyuga are now {Close Friends}, as a consequence Hinata Hyuga has changed.
Serious chakra control, and some wind affinity training seems like a decent place to start, imo. Maybe steal some sound ninja tech for ideas. the game in The Games People Play a D&D knock off, cuz of it is I just had a great idea!

Edit: Assuming Shark8 is ok with me adding on to their idea.
Q-Q these omake and tempting, but I've only my phone...

[X] Wire Proficiency: Although Wires were originally utilized by civilians in both show-making and mechanics, Ninjas have integrated them into their ever growing arsenal of hidden weapons to great effect, just like most of their other tools. {Gains Five (5) Spools of D-rank Ninja Wire.}]
[X] Space-time: Two of the 4 Hokage were hailed as the fastest Shinobi alive, not only due to their own natural speed, but due to a Fuinjutsu that created a corridor that completely circumvented reality, allowing them to cross the field in the blink of an eye. {Gains Scroll: "The Theory of Reality."}
[X] Blitzkrieg: Whilst fighting smart is all well and good, it even works most of the time, there are enemies too wise or powerful to fall to clever ploys, then your only choice is to strike hard and fast, crushing them with your preternatural fury. {Gains Scroll:"Wrath of The Gods."}]
Q-Q these omake and tempting, but I've only my phone...

[X] Wire Proficiency: Although Wires were originally utilized by civilians in both show-making and mechanics, Ninjas have integrated them into their ever growing arsenal of hidden weapons to great effect, just like most of their other tools. {Gains Five (5) Spools of D-rank Ninja Wire.}]
[X] Space-time: Two of the 4 Hokage were hailed as the fastest Shinobi alive, not only due to their own natural speed, but due to a Fuinjutsu that created a corridor that completely circumvented reality, allowing them to cross the field in the blink of an eye. {Gains Scroll: "The Theory of Reality."}
[X] Blitzkrieg: Whilst fighting smart is all well and good, it even works most of the time, there are enemies too wise or powerful to fall to clever ploys, then your only choice is to strike hard and fast, crushing them with your preternatural fury. {Gains Scroll:"Wrath of The Gods."}]
Huh. No Kage decision? L
I just had an idea. @Xalgeon, What would it take for Naruto to be able to use ninjutsu through his biwa?
Sorry I missed this.

A high CHA & WIZ, let's say 25 CHA & 30 WIZ and {Biwa Proficiency} at Level 10. CHA and {Biwa Proficiency} are nearly there so you just need to grind WIZ or choose Path of The Professor.
[Non-Canon] The Messenger Part 1
The Messenger Part 1

Tomorrow you will do something that most sane people will call stupid or insane, although if you do it correctly you, Daiki Karasu, won't die. And you are only eight years old! You see I have been tasked with the so important task of getting this mission scroll to the Konoha. However the problem is getting past Gato's goons, trust me it is way easier then it sounds. However, the real problem is getting past the missing ninja, now these guys are the problem. Especially those mask wearing freaks from Kirigakure.

Now you might be wondering how you got this oh so important job, well you are the only person in the Land Of Waves who has decent control of your chakra. So you and this old man, Tazuna you think his name was. Anyway, back to those missing ninjas. They are really good, you can tell from here. The older one is a tall and noticeably muscular man with light grayish skin, short spiky black hair, dark brown eyes, and small eyebrows. He seems to be wearing bandages where his mouth should be. He wears his forehead proctor sideways on his head. He is seen shirtless, with his chest only covered by a belt to which he attached his sword, wearing baggy pants with the striped pattern typical of Kirigakure and mimetic wrist-warmers extending up to his elbows, with matching leg-warmers.

The other masked freak is most likely female, she has long black hair, pale skin and large, dark-brown eyes, and a slender frame. Her shinobi outfit consisted of the standard Kirigakure pinstriped outfit which stopped at her knees. Over this she wore a green haori with white trimmings, and around her waist a brown sash with a fringed trail wrapped around his waist twice. She also wore light-brown platoon sandals with straps in the same colour as his kimono and nail polish on her fingernails and toenails in matching blue green color. When wearing this outfit, her long hair was gathered in a white bun holder, while two locks of her hair fell loose framing his face, bound with metal hair cuffs at the ends. She also wore a black forehead protector with the Kirigakure's symbol upon it. When in battle or moving covertly, she wears a hunter-nin mask on top of her forehead protector, which was white with thin, curved eye-holes and a red wavy design in place of the mouth, as well as the Kirigakure symbol etched in the top.

After staring at the two from a safe distance, Tazuna walked right up next to you. "You better be ready by tomorrow brat!" The old man yelled causing you to jump up from the shock causing the old geezer to chuckle. "Why do I have to do this again?" You asked. "You are the only one who can control your chakra enough to use it. Hell, three months you walked on water!" He said like you were some mythical being. "Only because I followed grandpa's instructions." You said dismissing his praise. "Well that is good enough for the town." He said matter of factly. "A town full of stupid people." You said as you brood over your fate as you stared at the masked freaks as you asked yourself. "I am going to die, aren't I?"
[X] Wire Proficiency: Although Wires were originally utilized by civilians in both show-making and mechanics, Ninjas have integrated them into their ever growing arsenal of hidden weapons to great effect, just like most of their other tools. {Gains Five (5) Spools of D-rank Ninja Wire.}]
[X] Path of The Professor: Inheriting the title of Hokage from his Sensei during the First Shinobi World War, Hiruzen Sarutobi sought to master the Ninja Arts in their entirety in order to grant Konoha victory in not one, not two, but three Shinobi World Wars with his vast wisdom. [Gain +5 Wisdom {WIZ} Per Level up. Gain Skill: {Bo Staff Proficiency} BONUS: Gain Trait: {Disciple of The Monkey King}]
[X] Energy conversion: One of the basic rules of physics is "You cannot generate energy, only convert it." Well, Chakra is a prime energy source that with only a few brush-strokes can be converted to devastating effect. {Gains Scroll: "The Transformative Flow."}
[X] Guerilla Warfare:The strength.of a small unit is its mobility and unpredictability, allowing them to hit larger forces when and where it hurts the most, never giving them a chance to recover
{Gains Scroll: "The Little Man's War"}

Adhoc vote count started by SouvikKundu on Feb 26, 2018 at 8:42 PM, finished with 114 posts and 29 votes.
Does the gamer ability imply an increased growth rate?
I wonder if Kakashi will be able to pull of the complete Rasengan because of this...
What does the Sensei trait do?