[X] Have Autumn pick her up
Interesting. Any thoughts on saving or just bulking out defense?
Raising offense I'd prefer to save for if we actually need it, sudden boosts in offensive power in the field tends to produce Splat
Consuming light probably adds consume/vampire/somesuch to the scepter. Not very useful itself, though if there's something behind it, maybe with overheal... If I'm wrong, it's a gamble. Not low-hanging enough to get yet.
Speed gap is a gamble. Interesting, but not low-hanging enough to get yet.
Radiant shine unbroken sounds great. 1 scepter level, some HP, and then XP. We should probably pick up eva's low-hanging fruit before that, though. It's probably a permanent radiance or something similar.
I'd probably say something like this:
a Veil level or two
1 Rico scepter level (Boosts mm over 10k and lets her survive ~20-30k damage without radiance. May add another level or two depending on veil levels)
radiant conductor, otherworldly radiance, and Shining protector
Possibly mistress of the tide.
The rest of Radiant Shine unbroken.
Of course, we should keep some XP waiting in case we need an offensive boost. We may also want to put some levels into moonlight, but increasing veil levels is probably more efficient in the short-term. (Because an extra level or two in veil will nullify most attacks that pierce the no-sell but don't kill her.)
We might also want to get judgement, because it's cheap and probably has stuff behind it, but not till we have radiant conductor, otherworldly radiance, and Shining protector.
EDIT: of course I also want absolute connection, but I'd probably save that for after radiant shine unless one of the shop abilities is particularly notable.