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Seems like there's already a consensus among the plans that we need to build a military outpost. Hopefully we can get some answers from Poptart before we commit to that.
The reason why the Virmire docks is called a patch is because we'll need more yard space once we expand our fleet further. It solves the problem with the 3rd Quarian but not future expansion.
@PoptartProdigy, how long would the response time of the 3rd Quarian Fleet be to a Rachni attack on Attican Beta be if they were stationed at a military outpost in Sentry Omega in the Assilia system or similar?
This is not relevant and is misleading. The relays are not located in the Oort Could equivalent. They're located near the planets in the system.Shuttles are FTL in Mass Effect regardless. As in, ME drive, not just Relay capable.
And in system travel can be deceptive when you consider how big systems get.
For example, our Earth system is 1.87 light years radius.
It's diameter at 3.74 light years is 85% of the distance to our closest stellar neighbor Alpha Centauri.
They're only saying that it's possible to dock the 3rd Quarian out in the middle of nowhere, not that it's desirable. It's not a trap option if you want to use the 3rd Quarian to patrol the Sentry Omega cluster but if you want to use the Rachni fleet to defend Attican Beta, it's absolutely a mistake.And you are wrong about this.
IC our advisers would not be giving us trap choices; its THEIR necks on the line out there, in those ships. OOC neither is our GM.
There is a reason why the Virmire docks option is called a patch instead of a full solution.
The reason why the Virmire docks is called a patch is because we'll need more yard space once we expand our fleet further. It solves the problem with the 3rd Quarian but not future expansion.
We're talking about using these ships for defence in case the Rachni attack Attican Beta. They aren't going to be all that useful if it takes 5 hours before they can reinforce Attican Beta in response to a Rachni attack.Yes.
Which means a good chunk of our ships are regularly a significant distance away from Hercules System in Attican Beta, to the point where when we forecasted an attack, we had to take special precautions to keep the ships available. That's no different from having ships away in Sentry Omega.
Seriously, you're freaking out to no good cause.
@PoptartProdigy, how long would the response time of the 3rd Quarian Fleet be to a Rachni attack on Attican Beta be if they were stationed at a military outpost in Sentry Omega in the Assilia system or similar?
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