And ok:
No…? At Extreme or Long range a Dreadnought will absolutely slaughter cruisers. Only once you reach medium range does their lack of agility start to tip the balance. Even at that range you need a fair few cruisers to bring down a Dreadnought and you will lose some of them.Don't forget that Dreadnaughts aren't like our Battlecruisers.
They really aren't for slugging it out with multiple cruisers, as their mass means a lower acceleration profile.
Not to mention pricey (for us, anyway).
A Dreadnaught really is only for slugging it out with other Dreadnaughts.
That is a possible result of improving your logistics network.... @PoptartProdigy is it possible to research some "logistic ships"? No, not the standard versions, but serious long-range logistic "hub-ships" that provide far-off fleet/ships with material/fuel/resupply support:
Looking For Sponsors is in the update, but it's an Intrigue option.[X] Juggling Fire
[X]Martial 1: Military Outposts: 40,000: DC 26 - Minister 11 = DC15
-[X]Martial 2: Take Over The Explorer Corps: 20,000: DC16 - Minister 11 = DC5
-[X]Diplomacy 1 : Looking for Sponsors = DC unknown till Poptartprodigy posts it
-[X]Diplomacy 2: Approach The Secessionists: 15,000: DC29 - Minister 11 = DC18
-[X]Stewardship 1: Expand The FDO: -35,000 Income: DC11 - Minister 10 = DC1
-[X]Stewardship 2: Rebalance Food Production: 30,000: DC21 - Minister 10 = DC11
-[X]Intrigue 1: Databanks: 25,000: DC31 - Minister 12= DC19
-[X]Intrigue 2: Digging For Receipts: 32,000: DC56 - Minister 12= DC44
-[X]Learning 1: Emergency Response: 50,000: DC51 - Minister 11= DC40
-[X]Learning 2: Dispense The Fun Coupons
-[X]Personal 1: Personal Attention Military Outposts
-[X]Personal 2: Personal Attention Emergency Response
-[X]Personal 3: Commit Hero: Kurik, Intrigue, Databanks
OK mIlitary option to base 3rd fleet in Omega, and free up MOTS with the Explorer corps. Most likely SO 13 for basing.
Going hard on the Secessionist and finding out what they want and who they are. Waiting to find out the DC on Looking for sponsers.
Stewardship Re-balance food production since it has the highest chance of success. Going with doubling FDO since we need them buiding badly.
Intrigue going with DAta banks since we need any advantage we can get. Digging for receipts since our shitty neighbor is getting desperate.
Finishing Fun coupons since it was a crit and almost done
@PoptartProdigy Did anything ever come of this old idea, back from the first turn? To broadcast over the old FTL transmitters? Quarian space isn't that far away from SO, galactically speaking. And we do have a message of particular interest to the Quarians.[-] Light Into the Void: The comm beacons were the first bit of infrastructure to go, but you still have FTL transmitters. They still transmit without a receiving node. You don't even know how long it takes for those signals to propagate when they're not being bounced from node to node, but they certainly do propagate...and it's the only way you have of contacting anybody. Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: ? Cost: 10,000 credits. Effect: Fire up the old FTL transmitters, budget the energy grid towards them to overcharge them, and send out regular distress calls at random into the galaxy. Pray that somebody is in the way and listening...and that they're not inclined to worsen things.