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When certain rights and liberties that all man are entitled to are denied then to reclaim those rigths no cost is too high to pay to have them and even if The Old Regime itself most be toppled then so be it
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A House Targaryen story set immediately after the Targaryen wars of conquest, focusing on the lives, struggles and accomplishments of Aegon Targaryen and his descendants. This story will take place over several generations and through the viewpoints of a wide variety of characters from Kings and Queens, Kingsguard, and rebels, and everyone in between. The story, while primarily focusing on Westeros, will take place over a large area ranging from the frozen wastes of the North, the deserts...
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When Harry is suddenly whisked away from his life by a man calling himself the 'Keeper', he is confused. However, when he's given an opportunity to obtain power beyond his imagination, he does not even think of refusing. This is just what he'd been waiting for. For his first rodeo, he chooses the world where games are played for the throne. Very minor gamer elements. OC
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An SI enters into Tywin Lannister's body just before the fall of Tarbeck Hall. Who knows what he'll do? I certainly don't.
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The ENE Wards find themselves on the receiving end of one of Bakuda's bombs. Instead of dying gruesomely, however, they find themselves in another world untouched by parahumans. Now, six teenage heroes must find a way to survive in a world where plumbing is a suggestion and the rule of law is a joke.
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A soul destined for the afterlife catches the attention of a creature beyond mortal understanding, which then proceeds to baptize it with Dragonfire. A few days later, a young child with white hair and a kind disposition finds a strange little creature crawling in her garden, and the rest is history.
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When two people from the modern world replace Aerys and Rhaella, one would expect things to get much better. However what no one expected was for them to be even more unhinged than the original Aerys. Chaos ensues.
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The House of Learnea is of Old Blood... The Iron born are dying. The Old Way has been corrupted by decades of poverty, ignorance, and radicalism. The Priests of the Drowning, once a fanatical, fringe group of dogmatic literalists and narrow minded puritans secluded in their sect. Now, they are the entire Priesthood of the The One Beyond the Deep. Now the God of the Deep, has become the Drowned God. Once, so long ago it has been forgotten, those ancient times when Iron Islands were known...
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Roman emperor Lucius Domitius Aurelianus finds himself betrayed and murdered on his way to invade the Persian Empire. But after a series of events that challenge reality as he knows it, he finds himself sitting at the bank of the Blue Fork watching the stars with nothing but a sword to his name. How will the man who earned the moniker "Restorer of the world" fare on this new land?
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What happens when you drop a few hundred to a few thousand Otherselves from Black Rock Shooter into the world of A Song of Ice and Fire? Short answer: The Game of Thrones gets a lot more complicated, and there's a lot more collateral damage.
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A dragon from another world's legends comes to terrorize Westeros. How will the House of the Dragon deal with the arrival of the Wyvern of Destruction?
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For Alarielle, being blessed with God-like powers by a strange entity was the best thing that could have ever happened to her. To the people of Westeros, it was the worst.
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*/ “Showtime (Piano Refrain)” Malcolm Brown Homestuck Vol. 1 (2009) /* FWSC Carefree Victory...
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Waking up in the body of Eddard Stark, you could only want to go back to sleep and never wake up again. I was only about thirty years old, and here I am, preparing for the long Winter and delving into the affairs of Lord Winterfell. The Wall is empty, the future is extremely rosy, and even my wife turned out to be, to put it mildly, weird. And it is difficult to influence older children and a tiny bit late, but I'll still try to save them and get rid of the nonsense in their heads. But the...
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A man wakes up as the heir to the Lord of the Dreadfort during the Coming of the Andals. His arrival surely heralds the beginning of a technological golden age with canals, steam engines and *gasp* seed drills! What could possibly go wrong?!
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Valyria has long endured in legend and myth, consuming the minds of those that yearned for treasure and dragons. Ancient Dragon Lansseax, the greatest of the Dragons that remained in the Lands Between, finds herself thrust into Valyria, into an eternal cataclysm, and must flee, lest fouler beasts catch her scent within the Doomed City.
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An s.i. falls into the world of asoiaf instead of his intended world due to unexpected turbulence in his journey. With luck and bullshitery Oisean will survive long enough for his newfound magic to make a difference, and all the world will know the new Laughing Mage
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"Much blood is spilled in war, and much ink is spilled thereafter." This is the account of the late lamented conflict known as the Dance of the Dragons, as told by a maester who claims honesty and bias in equal measure.
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Gamer SI set in ASOIAF. Will eventually become multi-cross.
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The night is dark and full of terrors.
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No one knows what happened at the Tower of Joy nine years ago amidst the ashes of Robert's Rebellion. Jon Sand, his destiny ordained ten thousand years ago, grows up at a lonely tower by the sea at the world's end, dreaming of swords, souls and stars. After a prophetic encounter with a fragment of a fallen star, Jon is forced on a journey that will take him past a river of ghosts and a sea of demons, through scorching sands and frozen peaks and shining cities, and into the very maw of...
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President Woodrow Wilson wakes up in a new world, in a position of even greater power. Can he accomplish what he failed to do in his own world and bring a lasting peace to these kingdoms?
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So, not only did you wake up in Westeros, you woke up a few years before the most significant conflict they’ve had since the time they had actual dragons. Expect it isn’t you. It’s me, and this is an SI. Shit.
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So, as the title says, I intend to use this thread to post first chapters and one-shots. Maybe I will develop them further, maybe not. Maybe someone else will want to continue them or be inspired by them or just want to criticize/talk about them, we'll see, but hopefully, you guys will get some joy from this. Enjoy.
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Summary: Lord Stark called his banners, and the Wells sent their second son, Matrim. He always knew he'd have to do his duty in whatever form it came, but duty isn't such an easy thing to know when you march against your King in civil war. Half remembered dreams of another world don't help, but by Odin's beard you'll stand tall in defence of your Lord, no matter the odds.
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Sansa Stark begins her career at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the same year as Harry Potter. At the same time that Dark forces are beginning again to grow in power.
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In House Stark's darkest hour, a flash of bright light signals the arrival of an unlikely ally to the lands of Westeros. In another world lost to the walking dead, a cosmic incident shatters the Alexandrians' hard-won peace. A tale of wisdom and valour, the fall of fear and tyranny. Of a father and his son, and the wedding of two worlds. Though darkness may fall, afterwards comes the dawn. Alexandria Safe-Zone and nearby communities (TWD comics) replaces the Isle of Faces on the night of...
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Could Stannis win the Battle of Winterfell? Could Aegon defeat the Lannisters? Could Daenerys survive the Dothraki Sea? So many questions were left unanswered by the end of A Dance with Dragons, and this story seeks to answer them in a continuation of the story: the Winds of Winter.
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King Robert has finally emerged after three months of bulking and prepping. It is now time, for him to properly run his Kingdom!
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